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14968892 No.14968892 [Reply] [Original]

>depression kicks in
>can't focus my attention on books anymore

>> No.14968897

Stop watching anime and start reading

>> No.14968899

Stop reading and start watching anime

>> No.14968903

no such thing, it's called being a loser and knowing it. Stop being a loser and go for a run

>> No.14968908


>> No.14968909

Hahahahahaahhhaha How the fuck is depression real hahahaha nigga just watch anime

>> No.14968920

Old meme, not funny.
This sounds cliché, but honestly has anyone ever heard of a depressed person who spends majority of his days outside and in the sun? I haven't.

>> No.14968931

I go for a run almost every day, but it only lifts my symptoms for 1-2 hours. After the dopamine rush is over I feel depressed again.

>> No.14968937

I'm depressed and work in the sun 9 hours a day 5 days a week

>> No.14968944

meant to reply to >>14968920

>> No.14968948

yeah but are you a loser?

>> No.14968958
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practice virtue

>> No.14968961
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>> No.14968968

Depends on your standards. I participate in society as much as is essential and don't rely on others, so I'm a loser but not the lowest of losers.

>> No.14968985
File: 313 KB, 1200x1813, Aurelius uberchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depression kicks in
>realize my judgment is the source of my frustration with myself
>depression stops kicking

>> No.14969002
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>realize you're a fucking reddit tier philosopher

>> No.14969011

Stop having a completely fucked sleeping schedule

>> No.14969412

You'll come around if you try

>> No.14970839
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Bumping this thread because I've had a similar struggle with OCD, it's been over 7 months since I last read a full book, I've mostly recovered now that I'm back on SSRI's but getting the drive to start reading again is difficult.
Someone have any experience with falling out of the habit of reading then getting back in?

>> No.14970929

I sing the lyrics to Sleigh Bells' "Tell 'Em" (2013), "You can do your best today / You can do your best today" and then go for a run, shower, cook, and try very very hard, and then sometimes I take a piece of paper and write "fuck depression" over and over again until it fills up the entire page first with words then as the words keep overlapping it begins not to look like words but just lines intersecting and overlapping sometimes cursive sometimes big block letters and lots of times the word "depression" falls away so I just write "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" and the ink then makes the paper very heavy and it starts to stain the pages in the notebook underneath or sometimes even rips a little and the entire page becomes blue or black depending on whichever pen was closer to my hand when I started and my hand too where it rests on the page but not rests but really slides across the page my hand too starts to turn black from the ink and wet and then it slides and my eyes lose focus and the coffee gets cold and i forgot to eat what i had cooked and i still hadn't gotten dressed yet from my shower and my skin starts getting prickly from the cold because i don't like to turn on the heat in the house when i could put on a sweater like my mom used to tell me to save money because life is a marathon she said and it just keeps going and going and going and going and

>> No.14971409

Therapy helps

>> No.14971623
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I'm having a real hard problem with information overload rn
I'm already a NEET loser and spend my whole time indoors but now I feel like I'm going crazy when I read news and shit with corona and stuff
normally I would go to the gym but now there is no way to dispose of my excess energy
I haven't read one book this year although I got myself a nice ebook reader and downloaded massive amounts of books
I feel like there is no point in doing anything really
I hate to say it but I think internet was a mistake

>> No.14971629

It's ok

>> No.14971633
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>multiple hobbies
>daily exercises
>stable studies
>still depressed

>> No.14971646
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no it's not

>> No.14971739

just turn off your computer lmao

>> No.14971751

>le middle way fallacy
christ the brainlets on this board.
the patrician choice is either Deficiency or Excess

>> No.14971798

>Borderline kicks in
>no intellectual hobbies, no inner monologue, no narcissism yet no emotions

>> No.14971810

Forgot to say, at least before that i had the best time of my life and made my friend for life

>> No.14973132

no one:
absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
random incel on 4channel: ITALIA!!!!!
[everyone disliked that]
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: slaps roof of car luke did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: is retarded
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: flies past in a spaceship ooooh i dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!
area 51 guards:i bet i can take keanu reeves
keanu reeves: you sure about that
keanu reeves: kills all area 51 guards
area 51:wait thats illegal
Everyone liked that
CIA: am I joke to you?
Alt right incels: there's no way star wars can be good agai....
Baby Yeed: hold my beer
Big chungus joined the chat
Drumpf has left the chat
4channeler: 'Yeah, I'm thinking this is kind of epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment?? Idk think I might post a frog.

>> No.14973658


>> No.14973673

>has anyone ever heard of a depressed person who spends majority of his days outside and in the sun?
Cause and effect question.

>> No.14973706

thanks, im gonna start posting this too.
Pickle Rick!

>> No.14973999

Man imagine being honest on this website and ignored. Sucks to be you bro

>> No.14974419

>reading crime and punishment
>anxiety takes over and can't bare to read any further

>> No.14974426

So I've been having this trouble. I've created a tulpa of a boy (because I like boys, don't ask), he's not my original character, and basically he hates my guts. Initially he was very quiet and observant, very cute, I talked to him and told him many things, but eventually he started making comments of his own: quips and playful insults, which I was not alarmed by since its in character for him. But it's gotten progressively worse. His sarcastic remarks grew more wicked, he pokes fun at me and tells me he hates me for bringing him to this world, for separating him from his family. Makes fun of my body, looks at me when I'm in the bathroom and laughs. Makes fun of everything I do. Even now he's laughing at me for posting on this board and tells me I'm human garbage. I'm not sure what to do. I still like him and don't want him to go away but it's starting to bother me.

>> No.14974432

easy answer, just off yourself already

>> No.14974450

You might have some habits that decrease brain activity. This could be drugs/alcohol, excessive TV watching, improper nutrition, or looking at any amount of porn

>> No.14974481

switch with him and make him suffer by being you. Be loving to him as his tulpa. My tulpa is always super loving, wise and kind to me.

>> No.14974524

Plenty of successful, morning running people still have depression
It certainly helps but saying that depression doesn't exist is so naive that you're essentially debasing yourself. Or you're just trying to bother people, which is also kind of debasing yourself. Whichever one it is you're acting from weakness. Chad roleplay at best

>> No.14974539

tfw when depression kicks in I can't read OR watch anime

>> No.14974555
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>depression fades off
>can't focus my attention on books anymore

>> No.14974565

Running decreases testosterone.

>> No.14974573

>This sounds cliché, but honestly has anyone ever heard of a depressed person who spends majority of his days outside and in the sun? I haven't.
Me, motherfucker. Before quarantine I was outside constantly. I actually moved from southern california to a gloomier area because I found the gloomy weather comforting and refreshing.
But yeah I'm socially active, going to school for a major I really liked. Everyone likes me, I go to a party and people are happy to see me. I'm constantly on my feet.
Meanwhile almost everything I've ever been capable of enjoying expires, I can hardly taste food at this point. My best move is to get drunk and crossfaded. It used to be cigarettes but I lost the enjoyment of those too somehow lmao. And any time I start to feel good from something, the desperation to feel good kicks in and the good feeling gets snuffed out. It's fucking maddening

>> No.14974583

Start a small project, something with your hands that's really uncomplicated, try building something, like a box for keepsakes or a pencil cup, I find that basic tasks such as carpentry really help me clear my mind, keep in mind it doesn't have to be carpentry, just something uncomplicated that you can hammer out in a day

>> No.14974584

I've been a (almost) NEET since December. I'm actually a senior year uni student, but I didn't really go to classes and now quarantined. I exercise at home almost daily with my 8kg dumbbells as well as doing dips on my wall unit. My body just hurts from sitting all day unless I do exercises. I try to spend most of this time reading, and I think it's been one of the most productive reading periods of my life. I too have depressive episodes and sometimes just lie crying, but I try to remind how futile whatever my pursuits and efforts are, and how I would never achive/become anything of significance, and thus I try to concentrate on my inner self, forget about everything, and act like an IMPROOOVER