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File: 25 KB, 376x450, Wealth_of_Nations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14975905 No.14975905 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading Wealth of Nations.

It is good ?

>> No.14975951

you tell us, you supposedly just finished reading it

>> No.14975962

>Just finished reading Wealth of Nations.
>It is good ?

I didn't read it, so I ask to you.
It is good?

>> No.14975973

i dunno

>> No.14976157

It's fucking lame and overrated. Read 'For A New Liberty' instead.

>> No.14976203

that's good, but you shouldn't trust 19 century economy.

would be like getting your physics today from reading newton.
or trying to debunk evolution by critiqueing darwin.

>> No.14976214

Read Marx instead.

>> No.14976220

Nah, marx is good, but is not even real economist, is just a critique of capitalism, but nothing else.

All their solutions have failed and caused mass starvations.

>> No.14976222

>but you shouldn't trust 19 century economy.
>read Marx instead.

>> No.14976223

>would be like getting your physics today from reading newton.
So entirely relevant in 99% percent of situations to anyone using the knowledge rather than researching it?

>> No.14976230

sort of.

free market capitalism is the closest we have to a semi functioning economic system.

It's not perfect, but is way way better than marxism.

At least it works.

>> No.14976244

>free market capitalism is the closest we have to a semi functioning economic system.

Literally doesn’t exist, has never been done and will never be done.

>> No.14976252

well, same as comunism.

both have never existed in pure form.
but there are shitholes closer to pure free market than others.

singapore is closer to free market than venezuela.

>> No.14976272

>free market capitalism is the closest we have to a semi functioning economic system.

market economy*

With or without intervention of the State?
I don't care, the only thing that I'm sure is that the Left can't go or think beyond Keynesianism approach and the planned economy debate it's outdated. Paul Cockshott is the only who tries to bring planned economy to the 21st Century, with big data and supercomputers, but he's is very unknow in marxists circles.

>> No.14976291

I think a market system is simpler to use and the price signal already is simpler to use than trying to make a super planning facebook AI data mining.

Maybe something like the chinese model where the goverment has some goals to reach at certain intervals that the private sector tries to fullfill would be a smarter choice.

I really like some of the ideas of the chinese model, but I'm not fully sold on the idea that more goverment power stepping on the civil liberties is a good idea.

Chinese are going full 1984 social credit system where the goverment knows your position 24/7 and all the comunications are spied to see if you post winnie the poh memes.

So I'm not fully convinced a chinese system is good.

>> No.14976308

I like the chinese model to, a planned indicative working in a market economy. I live in a third world shitty country so, see China rising as the second world economy force, it's kinda inspiring and I like to study how they did it.

But yeah the lake of freedom and the state vigilance sucks

>> No.14976312

I'm more of the idea that you should pick good ideas from every economic school and try to make it somehow.

Going full libertarian or marxist is retarded as fuck.

>> No.14976454


>> No.14976632

>go watch either swoosh or ben shapiro how to feel about things

>> No.14976950
File: 22 KB, 250x344, Dave Chappelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its publication is the greatest thing that happened in 1776.

>> No.14977171

I didn't read that book but I know is not any good

>> No.14977261
File: 1.96 MB, 480x268, 28BB3430-7D99-488A-9DC5-89FB8E3FF5E0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m all about sampling from every type of poison till I die.
>Heathy eating is retarded ass fuck

>> No.14977338

>type of posion

Implying that trying different economic models it's a bad thing.

Deng Xiaoping did this when he was the leader of China.

>> No.14977353

It's good to hear that you consider marxism a poison now and not proper economics, butters.