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14985073 No.14985073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bros, where were you when BAM as eternally BTFOed by Keith Woods?

>> No.14985116

Give me a run down before I decide if I want to give some youtube retard my view

>> No.14985243

He's a far right Irish commentator. Just watch it he's really well read and gives a valid critique

>> No.14985253
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I would say he's surpassed the left-right dichotomy. He's just a dissident thinker that cares about his people. It doesn't make any sense to place him on the spectrum.

>> No.14985257

I don't agree with him politically but the guy seems pretty reasonable and argues in good faith. His long rambling about the death of god was pretty comfy

>> No.14985281
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Spencer, Woods and Dutton nothing but pure kino nectar

>> No.14985311
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BAP is one of the biggest larps out there. There's a 90% he isn't even /fit/. He is just an avenue to self-obsessed inaction and wholesale cringe.
His style is already becoming dated, and the atrophied echo-chamber of his twittersphere offers only lessons in how to avoid self-imposed impotence. BAP is ultimately a nonentity.

>> No.14985313

Twittertards and pseudtubers fuck off now and forever you cancerous letches

>> No.14985326

>He is just an avenue to self-obsessed inaction
Yeah that's a good way to put it

>> No.14985340

What am I looking at here?

>> No.14985354

what do you mean inaction? doesn't he tell his followers to get high ranking in the military and government to enact change?

>> No.14985376

because you are so passionate about hating him, i will check him out and will likely learn something constructive. The Streisand Effect in action

>> No.14985394

makes a 30 minute video about how all great Irish writers are really English and that Joyce is not good.

>> No.14985442

He literally advocates the opposite of inaction

>> No.14985461

No it's about LARPing as a man of action actually leading to nothing. It's all posturing and biding your time until the collapse

It's pathetic LARPing

>> No.14985503

It's not about waiting for collapse, you're in the collapse. There's not going to be some big happening, catabolic collapse is a slow process. LARPing is trying to recreate 20th century mass politics in the 21st century. Taking a realistic approach to the Latin Americanization of the Us is the opposite of LARPing.

>> No.14985531

>hasn't actually read the book
He should have. It's a short and kinda humorous/playful. And that is just as important as some autistic "summary of the main points" or whatever.
(It's still not high quality literature, though, don't expect much.)

I don't think it's advocating inaction, but trying to make people see things in a different way.
What did Richard Spencer's "action" achieve anyway? Or even the good optics nationalists' "action"? Things are more complicated. Moldbug made some relevant remarks towards nationalists as well in his last interview.
I mean, imagine being a white nationalist in America when half of American whites are literally obese lmao.
I think Spencer has a decent understanding of the situation, but he seems a bit sociopathic and cynical.

>> No.14985541

>Moldbug made some relevant remarks

>> No.14985546

In this case pragmatism is actually not pragmatic. There needs to be a grand ideal and a romantic ideal for your race which Spencer realizes. Some sort of civic nationalist epic Bronze Age LARPing is not going to lead to anything

>> No.14985561

One hobo has more power than Jeff Bezos or Mark Fuckerberg

>> No.14985570
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Presencing of antithetical hypermemeplexs contra mundane trajectories. Just enjoy it.

You cannot infiltrate quicksand, even if you ease yourself into it slowly.
Or from a different angle, think how black holes and escape velocity works. BAP is too slow, he doesn't reach escape velocity.

I don't hate ineffectual silhouettes. And you should check him out and will likely learn something constructive. You can learn something constructive by checking out Thomas Cleary's Taoist classics, too. lol@ the idea of trying to keep anyone away from things.

Check out Dugin's idea of eternal Ending rather than ever reaching an end. It is all Ending, but the ending is endless. No collapse, just more inhuman perpetuity.
And You cannot exist within this system, because existence itself is evaporating within the system. ticktickticktok

>> No.14985587

Yes. At least that part about how the "nazis" tend to assume those caricatured villain roles like retards, instead of pushing their own framing. (And I know that a few "good optics" guys tried doing that, but you could tell it wasn't really sincere and it didn't have the aesthetic/ideological appeal.)

>> No.14985606

History is only ended so long as America is hegemonic and the influence of people like Luttwak on BAP I think shows that he sees America's ever-weakening institutions as an eventual opening for regime change.

>> No.14985624
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Recc me lit, based one. I've read Dugin and want more intelligent radicals.

>> No.14985638

Alright so how does this guy think we should go about changing things

>> No.14985658

> And You cannot exist within this system, because existence itself is evaporating within the system. ticktickticktok

What did it mean by this?

>> No.14985699

The IRA thing is pretty much genetically encoded into the Irish at this point.

>> No.14985709

Right, because the best thing to do is grab a tiki torch and march. Retard.

>> No.14985734
File: 81 KB, 639x960, 13180c_6c17e8deee4b4052ba612f0f1b9f423e_mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heidegger is the most important thinker to wrap your head around, which I assume you've done or are doing. Any efficacious contemporary theory and praxis traces back to him and his understanding of being as event rather than mere presence. Unless people really start to grasp his ideas like how stone has no world, animals are poor in world, and people are world, we can say bye-bye to humanity.
Jean Gebser is cool, but not "political". The Ever-present Origin is a very worthwhile tome though. Funnily enough, Gebser disliked Heidegger. For more strictly political radicals, Kai Murros doesn't have much but he's fun.

It's somewhere near the beginning of this earrape: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=64Xln2uuqPg

>> No.14985746

The guy in the youtube video plainly says that if one is in disagreement with the current world views that are presented today, you should have an argument and a refutation ready. Pulling a long march because you can't refute today's way of thinking not only makes you look like a fool to your foes, but to people on the fence. He also makes a point that big stick people (conquerers like Napoleon and Caesar) are irrelevant in this day and age since big thinking people (Like bill gates, george soros, and (((Financiers))) ) pretty much negate using brute force, since big thinking people are more valuable for civilization as a whole, and can prevent big stick people from getting enough power to kill big thinking people. (This is all regurgitation of the video, how about watching it?)

>> No.14985771

I'm watching it and about 1/3 of the way through it seems like he doesn't have any familiarity with BAP beyond his name? Like obviously BAP fetishizes Ancient Greece but he's not literally, unironically telling people to go out there and pretend they're living in Ancient Greece as if that's a viable strategy to accomplish anything.

>> No.14985773

>have an argument and a refutation ready
Lm fucking ao, the man’s Ben Shapiro.

>> No.14985788

Outdebating people wont change anything, most people have no coherent worldview, but good luck changing their minds on anything, wrongthink makes people sperg out. This seems more pie in the sky than BAP

>> No.14985793

Not the guy you replied to, but that only makes sense if civilization keeps existing.

>> No.14985812

Not that guy, but civilization stopped existing a while ago.

>> No.14985816
File: 179 KB, 1174x692, 1584827360607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, Heidegger is required reading before you read Dugin and a wealth of other material. Will give Jean Gebser a go as I've completely missed him. Thanks, based-poster.

>> No.14985823
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IF your point of view relies on the world regressing to a point before the current world view, doesn't that seem a bit cowardly than having a full frontal argument? It's like saying "Yeah, no. I know I can't beat you in a debate, so i'm going to hide in my hole until your little sand castle gets melted away, and THEN i'll be the one who rules."

>> No.14985836

Who’s awarding points for good form?

>> No.14985843

I don't think BAP is against having arguments. You can spend all day schooling retards on Twitter but what are you accomplishing, at best you'll gain a small following of anime avatars. You should have a coherent ideology and not be a limp wristed intellectual

>> No.14985855

What does beating anyone in a debate matter? It's just a word game. Now, if people like BAP, politicians, cartel leaders, and basically everyone really, would realize accruing wealth and power is just a pointless game as well and stop caring for it, we could have utopia. Ah well, at least such people are fully trapped in samsara.

>> No.14985861

>he's really well read
He opens the video by saying he has skim read the first part of the book and lightly touched on Nietzsche in the past. I mean yes BAP has his issues, but at least the guys at Claremont read the damn thing before giving their critique.

>> No.14985874
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Holy fuck. What's at stake is whether or not the common man will accept what you are bringing to the table. And if the common man accepts your point of view, they will implement it over time. The book talks about imposing your point of view by improving yourself so you can be "johnny on the spot" when a Boogaloo occurs. When you're "johnny on the spot" by being the right man at the right time, you're in a position of power so you can impose your point of view. But doesn't that sound dishonest since you cant beat the current way things are unless things get shaken up?

>> No.14985903

Are you retarded or something? Are you suggesting that the "common man" is persuaded by rational argument? Are you going to give out a little pamphlet detailing your views to people on the street? Are you suggesting that you can out argue the system you fucking child

>> No.14985904

The common man doesn’t give a shit about sound reasoning, dweeb.

>> No.14985905

BAP got refuted by God when He smited homosexuals with AIDS.

>> No.14985954
File: 8 KB, 220x229, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you suggesting that you can out argue the system?
We've been doing this since day one. Galileo finds some shiny bits in the sky and presents it to the system. Gets killed because of it but gets accepted into the system. System pre-enlightenment to post enlightenment.And here we are. Why can't you guys present an argument of some sort so that the common man can agree that preserving our traditions and races from days past is a GOOD thing for civilization as a whole?

>> No.14985987

>why can't you be more convincing to Joe schmo than a multi-trillion dollar propaganda machine

>> No.14986033


>> No.14986060

>We've been doing this since day one.
Not really. Viciously and unfairly mocking trannies and urbanites has done so much more than reasoned points. The latter belongs to Sargon of Akkad and the IDW, and they’re fucking embarrassments. Look at what Trump did to the GOP versus what Bernie did to the DNC. Really think about that.

>> No.14986268

Is this guy a holocaust denying nazi sympathesizer? I watched one of his economic videos and he started praising the german economy in the 1930s.

>> No.14986316

Makes me think of a musical keyboard that only produces sighs and Hallmark well-wishes.

>> No.14986340

those arent his words

>> No.14986350

take five minutes to watch the video.
i know its easier to quip but you'll just end up typing all night instead of sitting still and listening for five minutes.

>> No.14986356

>eat all day without farming or hunting
>go to the bank and get money

>> No.14986362


>> No.14986371

in a world where stuttering or pulling a typo is enough for people to shut you off, you have to be the bully.

>> No.14986410

Condescending and effeminate, pick up a weight and get a clue

>> No.14986414

watch the video

>> No.14986522

>What's at stake is whether or not the common man will accept what you are bringing to the table

hahahaha bro, look around you, right at this very moment.
'the common man' just got told they have to stay inside their house indefinitely, that they're not allowed to hang around in groups of 3 or more, that they'll be fined and electronically trace and harassed by drones if they disobey etc. etc.
and all of them are doing exactly what they're told. they're even busy *shaming* anyone who goes outside. things they would have at least caused a stink over only a decade or so ago, they are completely complying with OVERNIGHT.
normies will NEVER wake up. this is something a lot of anons still don't understand so let me repeat it - 95-99% of people in this world will NEVER wake up, until it's too late, or unless people take the initiative to accelerate things.

don't get me wrong here, i'm not advocating some blackpill doomer worldview, but you need to stop worrying about 'the common man', virtually entirely. get him out of your head.
the only thing you need to worry about is yourself, and your family and friends. and any sizable group you can steal and wield authority over. nechayev's 'catechism of a revolutionary', or even that 48 laws of power meme book will unironically be far more useful to this ends than all the logic and philosophy in the world.

>> No.14986552

You're right, but it's because a general premise of morality is accepted most of it sheepish. That is why you never have any actually serious debates, but pedantic issues like abortion, coronavirus, etc. that statistically effects at most 10 percent of the population, who gives a fuck.

>> No.14986687

>Outdebating people wont change anything
Not just outdebating, retard. Actually influencing decisions and acquiring real world power. One right wing version of George Soros is worth millions of nordic bodybuilders posting on twitter
>Condescending and effeminate
That has been your entire modus operandi; making snarky comments that fail to address the points being made. Everything you have previously said has been addressed in the video

>> No.14986709
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Reminder that BAM isn't mesnt to be read by Americans.
If you were born in the USA you're not his target audience (except very few exception). He already knows the USA is doomed: there's no hope for it. It is unironically a good thing that Mexico is invading it.
The bugman in the video will never understand BAM because he's american, so is the mutt in this thread.

>Actually influencing decisions and acquiring real world power. One right wing version of George Soros
You proved that you got filtered and the book wasn't meant for you.
The book talks about this and gives pratctical advice although contained by the medium in how to obtain this, the fact that you didn't notice is proof that you aren't worthy. He gives advice to people who are able to make it, not genetic waste that will fail and make things worse for everyone else

>> No.14986746

>The bugman in the video will never understand BAM because he's american
He's Irish, retard.

>> No.14986751

>The bugman in the video will never understand BAM because he's american
He's Irish and is living in Ireland.

>> No.14986759

lol there is nothing intellectual about your twitter meme book

>> No.14986767

He speaks english so he's american

>> No.14986827

Lmao, so what’re you?

>> No.14986834

I can't speak ebglish ptoperly I only write it out of convenience

>> No.14986849

You’re a hemi-burger is what you are.

>> No.14986922

Wow a mutt of a mutt. What power....

>> No.14986963

>Why can't you guys present an argument of some sort so that the common man can agree that preserving our traditions and races from days past is a GOOD thing for civilization as a whole?

Bacause it's not a good thing.

>> No.14986966

my son you must choose. do you momentarily retvrn to the exact same exhausted late-medieval virtue ethics that spawned modernity & be preached at in church by ugly women and faggots?


do you be a nietzschean pirate?

>> No.14986974

Neitzchean piracy produces facism or your pick of post truth gommuinsm.

>> No.14986988

is there supposed to be something wrong with that?

>> No.14987013

No, if you dont mind subjectivity of the highest order before a mandated truth can be given. I just dislike the excruciating transition phase of nothing meaning anything if it isnt done completely and revolutionarily.

>> No.14987022

Meaning, the interregnum of post truth is aids, and if the revolution does not succeed, it all will dilapitate into semantic games like right now.

>> No.14987057


>> No.14987085

great news friend

>> No.14987107

Sure, let's give fascism another shot. We only tried it once and it was cut short by circumstance. Just because something doesn't work the first time doesn't mean it won't work the second, with some modifications.

>> No.14987118

>he's really well read
What exactly is he well read in?
As the other anon points out he literally says that he hasn't read the book he is reviewing and has not even read Nietzsche, despite calling the book "Neetchee revisited"

>> No.14987120
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based and graphpilled

>> No.14987128

>be a nietzschean pirate
Half of BAP's fans are literal homosexuals and trannies LARPing on twitter about being some vedic text scholar

Also what's so manly about pussying out of political discourse and just letting america become mexico 2.0. You're not gonna live in an ideal overman society when more than half of your population are literal spics

>> No.14987132

Because it is NEETch revisited. WHy don't you watch some of his videos, retard? /lit/fags read one or two meme books like BAM or Harassment Architecture and then they think they're scholars. Just lol

>> No.14987137

What's required reading to understand Heidegger?

>> No.14987161

Lmao I've never read either of those books.
>WHy don't you watch some of his videos, retard?
I just did. Is this really what people who don't read at all (you) think smart commentary sounds like?
This guy is fucking retarded.
At least put up someone like Spencer who is actually well-read

>> No.14987210

Keith Woods regularly talks to Spencer on their podcast.

Just because this guy didn't want to go through the entirety of some meme book made by a twitter homosexual doesn't mean he isn't well read

>> No.14987214

>Hasn't read Neetshe
>Didn't read the book he's critiquing
Well read to a fault!

>> No.14987217
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>the common man
"He who builds on the people, builds on the mud" ~ Machiavelli

>> No.14987279
File: 35 KB, 333x499, 51rEI9fkZ5L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Heidegger Explained' by Graham Harman is a cool, straightforward place to start if you know zilch about Heidegger. Harman also recs a lot of further reading in it as well.

>> No.14987392

he read NEETch just not some meme twitter book

>> No.14987394


>> No.14987423

I hate micks

>> No.14987524


>> No.14988071

Irish people are the niggers of Europe

>> No.14988077

He still hasn't named one thing that we can learn from Islam that Europeans can't learn from their own history.

>> No.14988082

if /lit/ takes morons like this seriously, it's in an even sorrier state than i thought