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15094271 No.15094271 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some LGBT lit

>> No.15094277

The Iliad

>> No.15094303

Jean Genet - A thief’s journal

>> No.15094308

Gideon the Ninth

>> No.15094309

At Swim Two Boys

>> No.15094325

Confessions of a Mask

>> No.15094326

The Last of the Wine

>> No.15094330

Anything by Mary Renault
Maurice by EM Foster

>> No.15094331
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I recommend this book to you and my good pals Donald and Ken.

>> No.15094332

The Charioteer - Mary Renault
Wingmen - Ensan Case
Memoirs of Hadrian - Marguerite Yourcenar
Maurice - E. M. Forster

All about gay/bi men, and all very good.

>> No.15094335


>> No.15094337 [DELETED] 

Romans 1

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1 Corinthians 6

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

>> No.15094340

Fruits are not the only orange

>> No.15094343
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>> No.15094347

>neither the sexually immoral ... nor men who practice homosexuality
So it isn't sexually immoral huh... thanks Paul.

>> No.15094355
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>> No.15094361

Your diary.

>> No.15094364
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>> No.15094367

>sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, swindlers
pretty apt description of the Catholic church desu

>> No.15094412
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Anything by pic related.

Take note. Mishima is peak LGBT literature for both the heterosexual and the LGBT non heterosexual. In the case of some male heterosexuals, Mishima elicits such strong passions among them, such that they may discover they are nonbinaries. I found that I was psychologically attracted to the minds of great men such that I felt like I could only ever love a man, yet I was torn, because I was only physically aroused by women and never felt a need to see a woman for longer than an hour. This was how I discovered that I was in fact nonbinary, and thus part of the LGBT community and that I was deserving of special treatment on behalf of society.

>> No.15094423

homosexuals are 2% of the population but are responsible for 55-60% of all new HIV infections. They have dozens or hundreds of partners per year and no respect for their own dignity or the dignity of others. These people infiltrate all sorts of organizations and try to groom children from a young age, because they can't reproduce and because they are naturally attracted to children.

As much as I disagree with the Catholic church theologically, and recommend Reformed churches instead for biblical christianity, it's horrible what homos have done to them and their image. Essentially infiltrated by satanic homos with no regard for human life or the destiny of their own souls. And it all starts simply be pleasure seeking, but over time God gives them up to their depraved ways....

>> No.15094450

I'm a homosexual who had no exposure to homosexual people or media while growing up, why do I have a boyfriend now? Also, why conflate homosexuality with paedophilia?
Homosexual promiscuity results from decades of homosexual activity being unaccepted by society. Without societal acceptance of same sex couples, homosexual relationships are obviously going to be disordered as their is no monogamous outlet for homosexual desires. Studies on gay promiscuity often are unrepresentative of homo populations as a whole, and there is evidence that younger LGBT people value monogamy more and seek more conventional relationship dynamics.

>> No.15094492

>Also, why conflate homosexuality with paedophilia?
Majority of pedos are homos, statistically the per capita rate is insanely overrepresented by homos.
Once a man debases himself with sodomy his sexual functions become deformed, his tastes begin to degrade, cross-dressing, orgies, furries, pedos, beastiality become quite normal for them.

>Homosexual promiscuity results from decades of homosexual activity being unaccepted by society.
of course they always externalize their problems and blame others for their weakness, degeneracy and being enslaved to lusts.

> LGBT people value monogamy more and seek more conventional relationship dynamics.
even with gay marriage llegalized very few LGBT bother to get married and even when the do they have open marriages and true monogamy is extremely hard for them, they have no moral compass it's crooked, how often do they repent about anything they do?

>> No.15094499

>but are responsible for 55-60% of all new HIV infections
But are they? I'm pretty sure that most new HIV infections are in E. Africa and those are mostly heterosexual.

>> No.15094509

niggers and homos make up the bulk. god's message is clear.

>> No.15094511

I've looked up gov statistics in european countries, USA, Canada, Thailand and a couple others. Trend is basically the same.
Actually some studies find it hard to explain because their "condom use" rate can sometimes match heterosexual condom use, yet their STD and HIV rates are astronomical....there are arguments that homosexual sex is intrinsically more susceptible to transmission due to the .... mechanics of it.

>> No.15094518


>> No.15094531

>I've looked up gov statistics
How are those validated? I've seen good phylogenetic research on HIV transmission, I doubt it's using that.

>> No.15094551

Sex and Character

>> No.15094702

Giovanni's Room

>> No.15094705

>Autobiography of Red
It's beautiful and insanely gay and romantic.

>> No.15094788

The Fall by Camus

>> No.15094808

The problem with your argument is too much generalization. The same argument can be made comparing African Americans and Whites.....all with the subtle goal of showing why one group is superior perhaps with a further extension of proclaiming God’s will.

What you really should seek out is a gay friend....someone to change your worldview. It’s only on the individual level that you’ll realize how uneducated and inexperienced you sound.

>> No.15094826

Mein Kampf

>> No.15094864

Night on the galactic railroad

>> No.15095077

For blacks their problems are incidental to their race, stemming from bad choices, bad culture, bad upbringing, single-parent families, etc. They can redeem themselves without giving up their blackness.

For gays there is no way to begin redeeming themselves until they give up homosexual activities, give up that lifestyle, the pride culture and everything associated with it that sexuality.

>What you really should seek out is a gay friend....someone to change your worldview.
I already know gays, I worked with them and hung out with them through my regular friends.... Let's just say they are not well balanced folk. And even if some exceptions exist, we can always cherry pick, it doesn't change the fact that what they practice is intrinsically deranged and self-destructive. Nothing like simply being African.

>> No.15095338

The Quran

>> No.15095445

The Velvet Rage, Screwball Asses (or anything by Guy)

>> No.15095551

What if I just like oral?

>> No.15095713


>> No.15095738

I doubt even the queers hardly get any sexual enjoyment out of the sodomy anymore. there is no such thing as gay sex. these people don't have sex, they virtue signal and engage in shrill politically correct activities at the behest of george soros' open society foundations the dnc and their marxist professors.

>> No.15095782

Seek help

>> No.15095978

How do we solve the retard question?

>> No.15096216
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>> No.15096602

You're specialty is degeneracy.

>> No.15096626

where in Foucault's History of Sexuality does he say (hom)osexuality is a modern construct?

>> No.15096671

I mean just look at your local lgbtqia leftists, they ceaselessly complain suffering from depression and anxiety. why are literally all of these people mentally ill? why do they think they are better than normal people and lord it over as righteous moral authorities over the rest of us? I mean what have they ever done beyond getting fucked in the ass?

>> No.15096691

This. Plato rebukes sodomy in Laws and exposes it for the perversion it is.
Another good read even if you don't believe in God.

>> No.15098005

Why was this post deleted? I am asking because I already have seen some deleted posts and guessing from replies they might be similar in nature to this one. Did we get ourselves some new janitors?

>> No.15098040

Yes, the janitors are finally taking care of the low iq christcucks who flood this board with their midwit bible thumping. That faggot got the ban he deserved.

>> No.15098051

based jannies btfo'ing christcucks

>> No.15098056

faggots and leftists (AKA cultural marxists) are today's christians

>> No.15098087

Bible thumpers are either very low IQ or extremely high IQ. Faggots however are almost always midwits

>> No.15098091

>le modern X fallacy
Unlike these shitlords we don't force anyone to be straight. The only reason the left wants to eradicate cucktianity is exactly because it wants to impose its shit dogmas on everyone.

>> No.15098100

Confessions of a Mask uwu

>> No.15098120
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>because it wants to impose its dogmas on everyone
I don't see a problem here.

>> No.15098126

And yes, everyone should be straight and everyone should be a Thomast-Marxist-Leninist.

>> No.15098131

Das Kapital

>> No.15098134
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Then you don't see a problem with this too

>> No.15098160

at least christianity has aesthetic and philosophical depth, a history and an ethos, christian dogmas like the trinity make more sense than the dogmas of gender ideology.

>> No.15098186

leftists and lgbt are christian slave moralists, they have merely replaced christ on the cross with a pink haired faggot on a wheelchair. the queer won't grant me eternal life or even forgive me for the sins of my biggoted white male ancestors. I say it would be pretty funny to get together two planks of wood and a bucketful of nails and actually crucify that fucker for real.

>> No.15098206

Typical brainlet disinformation. The dude got 16 years for arson and Iowa habitual offender laws: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/iowa-man-16-years-lgbt-flag/

>> No.15098207

Nope. I don't see a problem at all with burning that flag. In fact, all LGBT flags should be burned. The rainbow is appealing to children. That's why they chose it as their symbol.

>> No.15098214

>the queer won't grant me eternal life
Implying the kike on a stick will

>> No.15098719

Anything by poppy z brite. Or just Harry Potter. It’s pretty fucking gay