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15106433 No.15106433 [Reply] [Original]

Humans are incapable of seeing reality objectively.

Humanity sees everything in starts and finishes, beginnings and ends, openings and closings. We do this because we see our births as the beginning and our deaths as the end. But you existed before your birth, you just weren't "you". Just as when you die your body will return to the earth and fill the soil with nutrients to foster new life, all life before you were "you" contributed to bringing you into existence. Before you were born the constituents of your being already existed. You didn't come out of nothing. The circle of life, no beginnings and no endings. How then, can humanity demand of the universe a beginning? What was before the universe? Why does it all happen the way it does?

It just "is" and it always was. There is no how or why or when, those are all human concepts. We cannot grasp something as always having existed, as having no beginning nor end. Human beings cannot do this, we cannot imagine a state of being that doesn't have a previous state. We cannot see reality for what it is because we are unequipped to and no amount of technological, spiritual or spacial progression will ever change that.

>> No.15106460

Why don't you go grope a woman and claim you're "looking for pluto", Tyson?

>> No.15106473
File: 560 KB, 1039x2679, A6C37B8C-B944-420D-A864-4C1483150D99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15106479

Consciousness is a pathological liar.
Read Graziano

>> No.15106503

Tell us what he says retard. This is an image board for discussion, not a recommendation website.

>> No.15106526

I did twice and jannies delete the threads I do it in.
I don't feel like making a copypaste to post for these threads.

Go youtube Michael Graziano fag.

>> No.15106592

I read his wikipedia and it seems he's saying that we project self awareness/consciousness onto others to better predict what they'll do next and we project it onto ourselves so we can predict what we'll do next.

>> No.15106598

Basically, consciousness is a cartoonist. It simplifies all the data your already limited senses take in and poops out a caricature for you to functionally deal with.
For instance white light is percieved as low color and high intensity. But we know from experiment that it's the muddy combination of all colors.
If consciousness lies to you, why believe it ever?

>> No.15106606

That and
Which his most recent book is about too, Rethinking Consciousness

>> No.15106641

I would never say, "I know conclusively that aliens and ghosts aren't real," even though I've never encountered them myself

>> No.15106681

Why not?

Where do you draw the line? Is Inspector Gadget real? He's realer than ghosts are, there's drawings of him. You can see him in front of you right now if you want.

>> No.15106769

Where do YOU draw the line? I've never seen the surface of Mars but I believe it exists. I've never seen the Great Wall of China but I'm sure it exists.
I just keep an open mind. There are innumerable things left unexplained.

>> No.15106815

Agreed, but a 'just is' base reality doesn't preclude the possibility of evolutionary emergent states (universes?) which are caused and either temporally finite or infinitely extensible (i.e. non-circular).

>> No.15106830
File: 258 KB, 1156x1600, Arthur-Schopenhauer-1855[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True; the question "why" is rooted in the human intellect and therefore cannot be applied to the totality of the universe.

>> No.15106851

babby's first kant

>> No.15106877

People see ghosts and god all the fucking time.

>> No.15106881

No they don't, their mind plays tricks on them.

>> No.15106932

Its kind of ironic you're claiming that humans can't comprehend a static state universe but the concept of a beginning to you seems like it confuses you a lot more.

>> No.15106947
File: 136 KB, 585x777, vorstellung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15106950

Consciousness is the only truth. The only thing we really know is that we are. I think therefore I am.

>> No.15106958

Didn't they confirm a handful of UFO reports last year? So, this beardy-asshole, HE'S the moron.

>> No.15106962

Inspector Gadget is also an illusion, but he is real as such, a real illusion.
We've already established that consciousness is a liar, so why is one illusion better than another? Just personal taste.
Those fucking space pictures are made with false color to illustrate gases &c in order to make them more interesting to look at.
But nothing, nothing you take in is as it is. Consciousness makes a cartoon of it and that cartoon is all you will ever know.

>> No.15106985

Then why does it tell us white light is low color and high brightness? Or that red, yellow, orange, blue, indigo, violet are the only colors?

>> No.15107008

To put it another way, consciousness makes a cartoon for us, a model, from am overabundance of low quality sense data. If it lies about that data to us in this way, then why do you think it won't lie about itself if it turns onto itself?
It will lie about itself to you as well.

>> No.15107724


>> No.15107900

prove it

>> No.15107910

Considering we shouldn't believe consciousness at all, what would be the best approach to life and knowledge?