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15112485 No.15112485 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the humanities at University level constantly being attacked nowadays?

>> No.15112534

Developing anything unrelated to the attainment of monetary wealth is severely looked down in all strata of society, and as such, people mistrust intelectuals and any one dedicated to studies with long-term goals.

Neoliberalism, with a dash of religious ideas and plain old ignorance.

>> No.15112539

The worst thing are stem lords being pop philosophers and getting milion of views while the real ones are doing whatever

>> No.15112543

They're a far sight from what they used to be

>> No.15112558
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In the way people and even accademics themselves say Humanties dont lead to anything but a nothingburger degree and no prospects. The way people despise art degrees and art students is horrible . Makes me pic related . Its like society doesnt support the humanities at all and wants them to fail and wither into nothingness

>> No.15112559

Because it's a useless field (to actually pay money to major in) and half of the credits are made up of shit like "Why white people are bad: hating our oppressors 101" and "watercolor painting with your vaginal smegma for nu-trans reverse queer PoC"

>> No.15112570

You are fucking retarded, get off this board.

>> No.15112574

Pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is considered self-indulgent. One has to go to university to buy into the capitalist death cult of productivity, or you're a waste of resources, oxygen and space. Or so I've been told by stemfags.

>> No.15112597

The only reason you would have that perception is if you went to a trash school where those kind of modules were common. Or you've simply never attended university and are talking out of your ass. So which is it?

>> No.15112603

Because you'll end up like me, shitposting on /lit/ teaching grad school classes, and publishing in obscure journals.

>> No.15112612

>all stem is engineering
>all stem is useful
absolute fucking moron.

>> No.15112627

I believe that most academics are still holding on to that "detached" and "ironic" attitude of most intelectuals from the 60's, but, without the actual talent (or proficiency) that makes the attitude bearable.

I honestly believe that Academia, at least in the way we knew it to the 50's, will never be the same, and that is mostly because the demands of society and the interests of those who invest themselves in academic fields became attained to it, and as such, most "academics" nowaday only take interest in what they can attain for themselves, and therefore treat their respective academic fields as simple career paths and align themselves with the positions acceptable in our current society so they are elegible to work for it.

To me that's the biggest problem with academia at the moment. In the case of humanities (specially in the fields of philosophy and arts, which are actually perceiving the mistake in the current attitude of academia) there's also the fact that by doing so they become troublesome for the state. Never forget that academia is a state institution.

>> No.15112629

I went to one of the top ranked business schools in the world but was forced to take tranny literature courses as a "diversity credit." This was back in '10-'14. I can't imagine how incredibly cucked the "soft degree" coursework is now.

>> No.15112649

I teach film theory and I always have retards asking me to put in more queer cinema. So I put in Hellraiser. Cucks.

>> No.15112657

I didn't say anything about use, midwit. "productivity" can also be grounded in the realisation of testable results, it doesn't have to have use-value to be "productive". You just sound butthurt I lumped your field of study in with engineering lmao

>> No.15112658

Hello based department?
We got him.

>> No.15112668

>top ranked business school is going to have an equally strong humanities/arts department
I'm amazed they "forced" you to take a diversity credit, though. What was the course title specifically?

>> No.15112676
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If you're studying humanities and get picked on by autistic comp sci guys please go to a gym. Or mention that you have friends the are not only girls but also attractive girls. Fuck are you guys all Freshman? Go be a fag drinking coffee with cute girls talking about medieval lit or something like that. How are they even dragging you for this stuff just call them a bug. They're just going to move to California and write code for Bill Gates to rape more kids.

t. guy in a soft stem field that does fun stuff

>> No.15112681 [DELETED] 


Your main public figure in the past 10 years is Mr. Wash-Your-Penis. Step up, your game, losers. Normies can't understand what Zizek says.

>> No.15112697

To be honest, I can't remember the exact tile. It was some bullshit like "Comparative Studies."
We had a bulldyke half native-american professor and she had us read a shit ton of "woke" literature including some graphic novel that revolves around a muslim lady living in america and how brave she is for overcoming micro aggressions like people staring at her in the super market.
The highlight of the class for me is when she got red in the face angry after I challenged her assertion "The Melting Pot theory of America is a lie" as being an opinion. Or maybe it was when she went into a 20 minute diatribe about "any white guy that dates an asian is only fetishizing her and making a commodification her culture"

I had to take multiple courses like this because I actually majored in a humanities subject along with my business degree.

>> No.15112702

Your most prominent public figure in the past 10 years is Mr. Wash-Your-Penis. Step up your game, losers. Normies can't understand what Zizek is saying.

Also, normies are tricked into believing that anything that doesn't bring in wealth is useless.

>> No.15112707

Stem fags shit on it because they are too autistic to understand anything that involves social intelligence

>> No.15112709

I don't think anyone is saying we get "picked on", just that those kinds of people always have an elitist attitude when it comes to the humanities. While in second year I lived with an electrical engineering student who had a big ol stick up his but, but because everyone else in the house were studying things like politics, history, english etc. we just perpetually mogged him for it.

You sound like a cool dude tho I bet you're not a speccy cunt like the others in your field who you're perfectly happy to throw under the bus

>> No.15112714

>Pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is considered self-indulgent
>One has to go to university to buy into the capitalist death cult of productivity, or you're a waste of resources, oxygen and space
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
>"productivity" can also be grounded in the realisation of testable results
mental gymnastics, no one does this.
>implying all of stem is based around testable results

You do realize you're just a dumb person and all the french theory reading, internet pseud terminology and intellectual dishonesty in the world will never remedy that? It'll just make you more annoying.

>> No.15112717
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>any white guy that dates an asian is only fetishizing her and making a commodification her culture"

What else am I supposed to do with them? Teach them to drive?

>> No.15112726

>Also, normies are tricked into believing that anything that doesn't bring in wealth is useless.
Are they wrong though?
In this era we can teach ourselves practically anything online. If you are going to spend tens of thousands of dollars on an education shouldn't you see it as an investment?
Why do you need to pay 50 grand to read Dostoevsky? You can torrent all of his books for free and have in-depth discussions online that will be on-par or even superior to whatever you have in-class with 40+ other plebs.
>b-but you can do that with engineering as well!
True, but no engineering firm will hire you unless you have that shitty overpriced slip of paper. That $40k slip of paper is an absolutely retarded investment if you used it to major in literature or philosophy.

>> No.15112728
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>> No.15112735

Whether people want to admit it or not, the professors of these programs are very often leftists. If you're a left-leaning, you probably have no problem with this, but a large portion of people on 4chan tend to be far right. Therefore, they tend to have bad experiences when they encounter professors like this.

Again, this isn't to say all professors are this way, I had plenty of fine professors at my university. However, to me it seems the powers that be at most American universities want to push things further and further left. I got roped into taking some rather far left courses such as a gender studies class and a class on religion and the environment. The teacher for the gender class was actually kind of based (or as much so as an anthropology professor can be) to my surprise, but the religion/environment professor was a bit of a nutter.

Some of the other professors I had would make comments from time to time that were certainly questionable. I had one professor going on and on about how Hernan Cortes was a lunatic for scuttling his ships when he was threatened with a mutiny, despite the fact that this tactic has been used several times throughout military history with great success to prevent troops from retreating or defecting. He simply didn't know what he was talking about and instead wanted to spend the week talking about how Cortes was a stupid stinky rapist baby-murderer. I generally enjoyed his classes, but sometimes he was an absolute pseud.

>> No.15112737
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>Are they wrong though?


>> No.15112745


I forget people in other countries have to pay for higher education. I guess that sort of mindset can become widespread, if universities are ran like job agencies and networking centers.

>> No.15112749

There's a great book called "Literature Lost" and it explains why. This "hate your own culture" thing isn't anything new.

>> No.15112761

I should admit that my reply was "American-centric"
If you are in Germany or some Norwegian country where college is practically free go and study whatever you feel like. If you live in burgerstan and have to pay 40,000 USD to major in something don't be surprised when people call you a retard for choosing to major in something that is conventionally useless.

>> No.15112766

The humanities became irrelevant the moment the university stopped being the exclusive domain of a small, prestigious elite, and its doors were opened to every common midwit from the lower-middle class and above. It's all pseud mediocrity, just attend any contemporary art exhibit and you will be sure of it.

>> No.15112767

>no arguments, just "you don't know nuffin"
Cool story bro. Its still so obvious from your first reply that you're insecure about being associated with engineering students, you would have no reason to be so butthurt about my reply and would be able to diffuse my point in a calm and collected manner. as I said, the idea that the humanities are self-indulgent is something I have been told by many stem students who have zero aesthetic convictions, and only care about "getting a job". If you have an issue, take it up with them. instead you're just flinging shit at me like you're a chimp in a cage.

>> No.15112772

Also if OP means why do people not on these boards hate humanities, it's because a lit or philosophy major fresh out of school doesn't make what a comp sci major or something does on average. They understand wealth to be proportional to value and therefore look down on fields that make less.

>> No.15112778

>conventionally useless

Yeah man fuck getting educated for the sake of getting educated. Or going to a community college and state school on the cheap. Dilate.

>> No.15112787

>Yeah man fuck getting educated for the sake of getting educated.
Which brings me back to my original point of
>why don't you just teach yourself your desired subject with the infinite free resources online
Do you lack so much discipline that you need to spend 40 grand in order to be motivated to stick with it? If so I pity you because you'll never achieve anything in life.

>> No.15112788

Yeah for sure the best way to judge people is economic value. Lately I've been wondering if I could lead an existence that is a net negative on the economy while still being fulfilling

>> No.15112789

>You sound like a cool dude tho I bet you're not a speccy cunt like the others in your field who you're perfectly happy to throw under the bus
My field is not exactly engineering or comp sci. It's for hicks and girls that want to be veterinarians. Weird that you think there's some gay solidarity between guys who look at birds and guys writing code for a billionaire.

>> No.15112790
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>some Norwegian country

>> No.15112802
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I wouldn't go so far as to call it a lie, but I would suggest that there is a coercive element in the idea towards the establishment of "beige world", which I think both white and black people don't really want, most people regardless of ethnicity would like to preserve their distinc phenotypes.

Also, she didn't go on the diatribe about white and asian relations specifically because you're a weeb who openly admitted to only dating asian women, right?

>> No.15112805

>why don't you just teach yourself your desired subject with the infinite free resources online

Yeah man, why not teach yourself instead of going to a place that's fundamentally designed to educate you? Yeah, you're a bright one aren't you? Your last sentence is fundamentally wrong, given the success of college students compared to diploma holders.

>> No.15112810

I'm just teasing. birdwatching is a based pasttime.

>> No.15112817
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Especially compared to sitting in a room typing on a computer. Birds and nature in general are based.

>> No.15112823


I didn't have any issue with her opinion, I had an issue with her literally stating "The Melting Pot Ideology is a Myth" as if it's some kind of irrevocable fact.
>Also, she didn't go on the diatribe about white and asian relations specifically because you're a weeb who openly admitted to only dating asian women, right?
No, that was another weeb in the class. I completely disagree with her though and could tell she was just seething because some white Chad had probably pumped and dumped her 15 years ago.

>> No.15112827

Damn that kid was beyond based

>> No.15112830

Unless you plan on being in academia for life youre going to have to educate yourself in shit you like, might as well go to school for something that actually has better job prospects first and hopefully its something you like.

>> No.15112834
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>> No.15112843

>starts the comment chain with random shitflinging
>demonstrates you have absolutely zero knowledge about what goes on in these fields, even at the most shallow newspaper headline level

>> No.15112844

Fun fact, >1% of college grads have degrees in the field the end up in 10 years out of college. Life's too short to do anything other than what you want.

>> No.15112851


>> No.15112853

holy based

>> No.15112855
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More of a paid gig at this point.
If only we could avoid data entry, map making, and writing papers entirely.

>> No.15112865

If you think it's worth Fourty Thousand dollars to go into a room and talk about Camus with a bunch of pseuds I won't stop you but I will question your perception on the value of a degree. When we're discussing tuition rates this high degrees should be viewed as an investment, particularly when we're living in "the age of information."
If you're going to a community college for a couple years and spending in total a modest 2 or 3 thousand I think it's reasonable, but if you're spending 40K to read books and not planning on getting a "useful" degree I think you're giant retard.

I didn't learn shit in college I couldn't have learned with free resources online or by going to the library, but majoring in something "useful" ensured that I got a return on the ridiculously overpriced investment.

>> No.15112870

Because the humanities, especially English at university level, is no longer a serious and rigorous study of literature that respects erudition. It is a flaccid appendage of the same corporate mindset in communications departments that perceive humanity to be a set of demographics: black, white, male, female, LGBT, and so on... just demographics waiting to be corralled into soulless collectives, organized for political and economic milkings. Theory has blown the light out of it. Probably you are instantly offended by the idea that anything except capitalism could make it bad... but Theory goes hand in hand with capitalism. A disruptive eternal critique of every bastion left in society, until it becomes only economy. What are trannies if not the angels of capital? A transformation of the self that occurs through spending money.

Heisenberg said this about the sciences:
>The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you
At the bottom of the glass of the humanities, it turns out, is rank politics.

Neoliberalism is maintained by scholars of the humanities. The dominance of Theory and its extraordinary political legacy among major governments, political parties, corporations, banks, etc. has been seamlessly incorporated into neoliberalism because it is completely symbiotic. Proactively advancing minority members with strong loyalty to the system is far better than advancing meritorious individuals, who are more likely to question and rebel. We live in totalitarian markets, and they will not brook masculinities that might decrease economic efficiency on some folly principle or some discordant idea of human dignity or progress!

>> No.15112873
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It's the trend of "Science". "I fucking love science!". People only want to believe what is proved via the "Scientific method", ignoring anything not backed with empiric evidence. Try discussing ideas with pseudointellectuals and they will cry "What are your sources? show me the studies".

>> No.15112877

And what about those who wish to study and not worry about having work hours and then have little time to learn anything.

>> No.15112881

Sounds like you got fucked over by your choice of school and program. I've paid 7k total and have a PhD, grad school was fully funded by research grants, my undergrad was my picking based solely on how cheap the schools were and the availability of grants/scholarships.

>> No.15112895

The best is when they start talking about things and you ask them if they actually performed the experiment and verified it. "Wait, so you've never actually seen endorphins? How do you know they're there? Aren't you just taking someone else's word for it?" They get very flustered.

>> No.15112901

I have never heard of a business school requiring litterature courses and I've read throught the modules of many programs while applying for schools.. Which school was it?

>> No.15112906

Then I think you've done quite well for yourself and should feel proud for having done so. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that your situation is even remotely common for the remaining 99% of humanities majors in America though. The figures on outstanding student debt shows so.

>> No.15112913

I mentioned in a later comment I actually majored in two subjects. My BSBA as well as a BA in a humanities field.

>> No.15112924

>wait so you've never actually seen systematic oppression and colonialism in science?
>yeah i'm just taking someones word for it, but that someone is frickin focault or lacan, a little bit better than peer reviewed natural science articles

>> No.15112925

I wouldn't even go that far to say I've done particularly well. I saw that everyone gets fucked by debt and went out of my way to avoid it. You see the same shit everywhere, there's people I know making 85k and living paycheck to paycheck cause of their inability to not spend money. If people make decisions carefully debt's the easiest thing to avoid.

>> No.15112931
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>wait so you've never actually seen systematic oppression and colonialism in science

Hah nerd I can take a bike ride and be at a native reservation and see that first hand.

>> No.15112932

Honestly though many of the humanities students are lazy or they just study because there is a presssure to study something (at least in my country where education is free).

>> No.15112945

People are retarded. Living paycheck to paycheck on an 85K salary shows you're a retard because you're terrible with budgeting. I would say another clear retard marker is putting yourself into 40K debt for a degree that has extremely limited/poor job prospects. At least more retarded than the retard going 40K into debt for a degree in accounting or mechanical engineering.

>> No.15112958

Yeah if you're being dumb enough to go into debt that's probably a better idea. My advice to undergrads is always to get an internship. Everyone has a degree now, experience is worth more than a bachelor's. If you check job listings you always see "Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience" on the postings. The whole system's a scam if you take it at face value, but if you're not retarded (you don't even have to be smart) you can coast through.

>> No.15112960

Renaissance men need a resurgence
Understanding across several disciplines is what is being called out for
Expert has become a dirty word, this needs to change

>> No.15112968

>implying my post wasn't directly related to the OP topic
>implying your issue with my post isn't an entirely inconsequential butthurt about your personal investment in a stem field
God damn you are one sensitive retard. I don't give a shit about what goes on in your field, the fact of the matter is plenty of stemfags like to posture about humanities, which was my answer to the OP. Your pitiful nit-picking is completely irrelevant to the discussion. Go post on /sci/, you aspie.

>> No.15113026

because they want to charge me $80k a semester to tell me I secretly hate gays and blacks

>> No.15113032

Not really a secret tho, is it

>> No.15113033
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Professors shouldn't have tenure, just like how presidents don't have life-long terms. Tenure radicalizes professors which destroys universities, and the Humanities has the greatest number of radicals in it.

>> No.15113045

The problem is that the lot of you all pretend you’re going to Cambridge or Yale when you’re actually going to your everyday Southwest Valley Tech College, where you pay $25,000 a year to listen to your class full of future housewives, HR managers, and elementary school teachers (because they aren’t smart enough to teach to a 10th grade level) read off the cliff notes to Spenser or whatever. That’s a waste of money. But go ahead pretending you’re a classical scholar because you’re the only one who did today’s reading

>> No.15113046 [SPOILER] 
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Perhaps because they have become the means of ideological indoctrination rather than education...

>> No.15113056


I've studied a STEM field in 2 of the "Norwegian" countries and the Baltics.

I guess, but society need people who are well versed in history, politics, epistemology, logic, and sociology, even if it doesn't directly create profit. While you can learn everything by yourself, a well structured curriculum is definitely useful. You can't expect 18 year old kids to know what they need to know.

Fetishising STEM fields and making fun of humanity students as burger flippers, definitely benefits the ruling class. There's a reason in high-school I had around 8 classes of math per week. The only intelligence worth to them is one that won't ask any inconvenient questions.

>> No.15113067

>t. onions-based testosterone pill salesman

>> No.15113076
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>implying education was never not an ideological state apparatus

>> No.15113077

They’re total and utter garbage now. Even those of us who think the humanities are important or at least have an affinity for them can admit this fact. I don’t just want the humanities in the universities. I want the humanities education to be good. Right now, it’s simply garbage.

>> No.15113096

>the problem is that you lot
Whether or not anons LARP about attending a prestigious school has no bearing on the way the humanities are constantly being belittled in the real world. And the criticism isn't even directed only at the less important colleges, its at the humanities in general. Try to stay on topic

>> No.15113100

because there has never been a less philosophical civilization, and we're starting to feel the consequences (less critical thinking, academies hijacked for ideological propaganda etc.)

>> No.15113112

Are you an American? I think this is something that Americans just have to accept. American culture doesn’t appreciate the humanities. It never has and likely never will. You’re viewed as gay if you like literature in America. The only thing they like more than work and productivity. They judge people’s worth by how they serve the hive and the only thing more important than work and productivity is attacking those who don’t accept that. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true.

>> No.15113123

I think I went to a pretty decent school and those classes were quite common.

>> No.15113139

I think non-humanities majors actually get it worse because they have their humanities requirements largely selected for them as part of the degree requirements. Whereas it would be difficult to force the comparative lit student to take comp lit 204: queer feminist theory since they’re already taking so many comp lit courses. Social Sciences and Business are the absolute worst in my opinion.

>> No.15113143

The replication crisis in psychology made all its derivatives (sociology, etc) truly irrelevant. They were already trash to anyone with some common sense, but now it's proven beyond a doubt. Your average person will hate on humanities not for this reason, but because of the very vocal myrna minkoffs spouting off dogshit all the time.

Do you guys make a distinction between humanities and social sciences?

>> No.15113169

Because to be honest they are of no value it has been corrupted by mad vengeful and spiteful madmen women’s studies is useless so is gender studies. Even the most casual of glances at evolution/evolutionary psychology would completely destroy the concept of the studies previously mentioned. I love art and literature but if it continues to be a slave to the whims of people who are genuinely mad and evil and use it to push their dogma the humanities are of no use. If you want people to respect the humanities again either make the academy male only again or have mandatory evolutionary psychology and biology classes be taken before humanity courses can be taken

>> No.15113178

No one likes cucks, and Western humanities academics are cucks waiting for a Communism that never came and never will.

>> No.15113191

>"Art critic"
>Every single publication is REEEing about lefties and libs

Dude has no interest in art

>> No.15113196

I salute you, based anonymous poster.

>> No.15113221

Partially through ignorance of their importance but also because of the kinds of people that the humanities sometimes produce, SJWs typically study some form of humanities subject, not that they aren’t found in STEM as well but it seems as though humanities have a stronger effect of inducing identity politics, i lived with English literature students at university who whines about straight white males, cultural appropriation, and how “valid” gender fluidity is; conversely one of my biology professors once opened a lecture by saying:
>boys have testes, girls have ovaries
With absolutely no attempt to pander to modern “but muh gender” sensibilities.
I think people have also lost some respect for the humanities because of falling standards in arts and literature at large, however this orginates in falling standards across the entire culture often endorsed by those who complain of humanities.

>> No.15113226

> we have tons of wealth
> the only thing that isn’t useless is brining in more wealth

How does this make sense? I think the last thing the world needs is another fucking programmer.

I think what’s revealing here is your question about seeing education as an investment and why pay 50 grand to read Dostoevsky as if that’s all there was ever supposed to be. Education is not a financial instrument nor are the humanities about merely reading books.

People bitch and moan about America having no culture and things being upside down. Meanwhile they reinforce this narrative that everything is economic and one’s worth is his productivity and income. They reduce people to numbers on a screen and then complain about the state of affairs. It makes no sense to me.

>> No.15113231
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Not a fully fleshed out thought coming from an autodidact stemlord but I think the best, most useful parts of the humanities, are when they are criticizing or at least holding some kind of posture against the status quo. Not just the surface level aesthetics of the status quo but the very intrinsic assumptions and values of the status quo.
Not that all criticism is good, but that good criticism is almost always kind of earthshaking. This is how we get knew perspectives which yield dividends in creative work like art and music, maybe with implications for thinking about ethics or sometimes even STEM type stuff.
But I think that the current cultural critiques from the humanities establishment (meaning, universities and the non-profit complex and their associated publications and conferences) actually servers to support the status quo, an identitarian radical liberal position which legitimizes and expands the power of bureaucratic institutions like corporations, human resources departments, black people and queer networking groups, whatever. "the cathedral" some have clumsily called it.
Follow up: there is still and always will be some value in humanities, but that value may not always come from institutions formally studying the humanities.
Maybe right now the best art and poetry is done somewhere outside of the mainstream humanities and nonprofit machine and is pretty highly suppressed, so obviously some uncool square like me hasn't heard of it, but it's profound and powerful enough that it will have long range effects which will change the face of our culture and will eventually be experienced by everyone. Like that velvet underground album which didn't sell a lot but everyone who did buy it ended up starting their own band.

>> No.15113233

This is so flat out racist again Asian woman while at the same time mockingly 'defending' them.

>> No.15113240

This. I took German Film thinking it would fill the art prereq. It was a junior/senior level course, I got an A, and French and American film both counted. However, since I don't know anything about international dance I am uncultured and unfit for biology.

>> No.15113244

He's the chief editor of The New Criterion, an ongoing monthly catalogue since 1982. It publishes poetry, short stories, and essays on art theory. I'm not a big fan as it's all too conservative for me, but his books on how universities have been corrupted over the years at least have some value on the thread topic.

>> No.15113245

Interrogation of power relations as a power relation, or: If you're so subversive, why do you still have a job?

>> No.15113248

As a white man married to an Asian woman, you don't know the half of it

>> No.15113280

Most professors lead comfortable middle class lives. Most of them come from the upper strata of society. They're the prototypical wine sipping leftists.

>> No.15113283

Sounds honestly based to me. Flush out all the limp dick artsy types. If you are paying large sums of money you should be focused on making it up with something useful. If you want artsy fartsy, just make literature clubs.

>> No.15113288

Yeah, it’s a waste of money but you’re deluding yourself if you think Oxbridge or Ivies are that much better than the average State university. They pay off in terms of network and prestige because anglo culture is perverse. That’s literally all there is to it. Anyone who argues otherwise is simply being dishonest.

>> No.15113304
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>They pay off in terms of network and prestige because anglo culture is perverse


>> No.15113306

you learn the same things more or less, it's all about the name on the degree. it doesn't need to be this way but the name on the degree is a form of signaling.

>> No.15113323

hahahaha exactly
did you come up with that? pretty funny.

>> No.15113327

Because all they teach these days is progressive marxist trash.

>> No.15113333


>> No.15113350

Your analysis is flat, especially the comment about trans people. You could easily say that any pursuit involving modification of the self is a matter that requires pecuniary investment. You have to buy shit to develop, that's just things work when you live within a monetary system. Also man, cool it with the high horse shit. If you really think the scientific community isn't riddled with what you call "rank politics" like everything else, you're either ignorant or purposefully dishonest.

>> No.15113359

sounds comfy desu

>> No.15113366

Yeah that would make sense. I'm a lit grad and I didn't have to pick any of the queer/feminist/race-related studies, but then again, the reading lists for the modules I did pick had to meet a certain standard of diversity anyway, so it wasn't like I could avoid those topics simply by avoiding the specific courses. I will say it was a lot more tolerable experience than what you make them out to be

>> No.15113373

>progressive Marxist trash
literally graduating a humanities degree right now and the trajectory of study was Plato, Augustine, Machiavelli, Luther, Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, Nietzsche and we finished our last seminar with Hegel. People are obsessed with this stupid trope about the humanities but don't even know what Marxism is

>> No.15113389

Pretty much same opinion imo and I’m decently into Humanities as a history major shooting for local government work. I’ve always felt like they have used surface level post modernist theory to justify these things without being intensive like the founders of their movements. I actually had to read a good amount of foundational “woke” works that I hesitate to call it that since they were largely well put together and academically rigorous. Stuf from the 60’s to 90, and they actually had the capacity to go full circle and critique their own general claims as possibly contingent, subjective opinions, and posited alternative hypotheses.

But I have noticed the same, there are types that take a single lense of historical development and run with it like its fact, not an interpretation.

I’d recommend Ko’s essay on foot binding for an actually good example of a non-dykish work. She wares her biases clear on her sleeves, than proceeds to explain different perspectives as well as more or less agreeable facts to derive those perspectives from. I get the feeling these older types actually read shit instead of following a dogma.

>> No.15113419

This. I moved from USA to France after undergrad for an MA, married a cute frog, and now I'm in the most refined country for literature.

>> No.15113420


I just would like the thread to be aware that the OP image is of a little girl who made very tame parodies of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with her parents. And that they had to close their accounts, discontinuing internet presence due to the amount of hate mail and threats of violence they received.

This is the contemporary Progressive Left. Dogmatic, absolutist, and insistent that expression be sublimated to ideology. Leftists from the Beat Generation through the 60s to the 90s should be aghast.

>> No.15113429

Yeah, but that’s exactly my point. It’s a perverse “culture” and the collegiate institution simply institutionalizes, filters, and reaffirms it. The economic view of life is the root of this problem. If you view education as merely a financial tool or means to socioeconomic signal, that’s what you’ll get and increasingly so. Its the natural manifestation of a middle and working class who’s been jealous of the aristocracy for hundreds of years. They want desperately to be like them and in their desperation turn to mimicry of outward appearances and shallow superficialities. If you’re a young person today, you’re existing within this cultural lens so knowing this, why would you buy into it if you don’t agree with it? Education should be about education, not civic training in gdp production and democratic politics. Why give a shit about the difference if the education is the same? It just seems odd to me that people complain and then buy into the narrative against their will. I realize that it’s not see easy to opt out out of education altogether but why accept the objective extreme of a view that you don’t agree with? It makes no sense to me.

>> No.15113446


>> No.15113452

I’m hoping to do this as well even though the odds are against me. Can you tell me about your experiences moving from the US to France regarding language? Challenges? Things you didn’t expect?

>> No.15113472
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The only real downside is when you meet new people and try to explain your research/work. You'll end up sounding like a madman. Especially to women.

>> No.15113475

Tell full story

>> No.15113480



>> No.15113486

Don't know about the UK, but in the US education has been viewed as quasi-sacralized entity because of its role in creating Informed Participants in Our Democracy etc., and there was never an aristocracy here to envy in the first place.

I think the main cause of the economic mindset towards education is largely a result of the expansion of college enrollment with the GI Bill, and Supreme Court cases like Griggs v. Duke Power that made straightforward means of signaling competence illegal to protect blacks.

For example, you could just have employers use your SAT as an intelligence/competence proxy and we could close like 95% of US colleges, and kids and their families would have hundreds of thousands of dollars more money. But that would have a disparate impact on blacks and offer fewer opportunities for indoctrination into the Imperial Cult.

>> No.15113504

Anon, you're seriously wrong >>15113350. >>15112870''s arguments are cogent and also a very interesting parallel between Theory and the process of capitalism.

>> No.15113526

Conservatives fucking disgusting.

>> No.15113542

So far, the points made have been
>There is no clear return of investment
Which I would say it depends, an economist, lawyer or psychologist will get back it's money, but probably we are referring to history or philosophy but this isn't new, a someone in my country said "those who write to eat do not eat nor write" and that was in the XVI century so not much of a threat
>Academia has been politized
Which apparently would seem right, it's people from the humanities that try to politize things like civil engineering but not the other way around, but I would also say that it isn't new either, humanties encompass many fields related to how humans interact with each other, it's not only tempting but also necesary to take a clear political position, if it's left or right seems to go with the times tho
>Failing standards
Would also seem right, from my experience the only people that manage to cleanly pass a year(and even with more credits than they are supossed to have) are those from humanities, yet this is not something you easily see in aeronautical engineering or physics, but I would say that standards overall have been lowered is just that it feels more apparent in the humanities but I bet some private universities still take themselves seriously, so not much of a threat as long as someone is doing it right
>The powers that be do not want a society capable of critical thinking
Although it's tempting to say that there is a great plan behind some big processes or events, I wouldn't say that is really intentional, without going into how do you categorize social value or return of investment and the fact that your average censor doesn't have idea if your work on Aquinas or Bacon is going to mean any kind of social upheaval
>Academia is detached
Yes, to some degree, when you start talking about genderqueer theory to your average Joe he doesn't even know how to respond and it doesn't make sense to him, yet he is unable to do any kind of real argument since he is not informed of the works behind that, so we have somone extremely convinced of being right(the proponent) and someone convinced that it's retarded yet none can really understand each others points so nothing is gained or losed, yet this is not new either it doesn't matter if academia is detached or not to the general population it has to be close enough to the right people to have any effect(people in power of course) so is not really that much of a threat either

My take is that it's not one thing but rather a mix of all, but I would also add that when you talk about the nature of ideas to a scientist or engineer they just so happen to have this physicalist work laid out for them on which they agree to the point of being a central paradigm, so it doesn't matter if you go to a chemist to a biologist they will offer very similar and down to Earth answers, yet do the same with a sociologist and then go to a philosopher or an economist and try to get something clear...

>> No.15113552


Automation and industrialization is increasingly cutting lower IQ people out of society. I grew up in a farming community, where one of our farmhands has some obvious cognitive disabilities, basically a Forrest Gump kind of guy. He was a good worker and really liked animals, had a side business where he'd shovel snow or mow lawns. Always able to pay his own rent and make ends meet, make a life for himself and have a sense of purpose.

60 miles down the road in Burlington, he'd have just been another state service recipient stocking shelves as a tax write-off for a corporation or just doing jackshit. Dumb people are not intrinsically bad, but they indulge their dumb people anger when shiftless and outside of society. Unironically, humanity has created a world where half of humanity can't function.

>> No.15113559

>blames stem people for posturing about humanities
>stem is about productivity and serving capitalism
>I don't give a shit about what goes on in your field
>NOOOO stem bugmen stop shitting on my gender studies nooo
you're really completely able to see how incoherent and self-contradictory you are. you're probably in some pseud shit french leftist garbage where that is celebrated. you should probably dilate or donate some more to bernie before you punch the wall and hurt yourself.

>> No.15113564


>> No.15113567


>> No.15113580

I smell a lot of burgoids in this thread.

>professors are leftists

They're neoliberal, capitalist cucks.

>> No.15113588
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>mfw i found out that my neighbor's rooster is a necrophiliac
Birds are total scum. They trick you into thinking theyre a fellow warm blooded animal, but theyre amoral fucking reptiles.

>> No.15113591

>Automation and industrialization is increasingly cutting lower IQ people out of society.
I think this is true at the lowest end of the spectrum, like a Forrest Gump as you said, but I think that for someone good enough for the military (~90 IQ), there are (at least in theory) job opportunities in spite of automation. Another factor in displacing Forrest Gump types is of course the 60-90m Mexicans we have here now.

>> No.15113614

What tragedy? She was dressed in a ridiculous get up pretending to cry in front of hundreds of cameras in a empty parking lot

>> No.15113617


Yeah, I agree. I'm just using old Dennis as an example of a lower IQ person, but the point stands for any low IQ individual. If we had infrastructure that required an extra 100,000 day laborers, I'd have no issue with anyone coming to fill those excess jobs.

>> No.15113631


>all they did was make light of AOC's reaction.

You sound like an awful person and I am not a conservative. But your ilk has put me into their camp for voting purposes now, so good job.

>> No.15113663

It seems like American colleges and universities are nothing but trade schools. You go to "academia" to get a job. Not very academic.

>> No.15113664


Correct, but what corporate co-opted ideological points are they pushing?

>> No.15113673
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I double majored in French and Classics (Latin) as an undergrad. With my french profs, they got me into contact with a comfy rural university which accepted me into their MA program. If you want to pursue residency in France, you have to go to uni there, which is dirt cheap. If you want to pursue citizenship in France, you have to graduate from there and wife up, which I'd gladly do again. I feel as if I was given another life to live when I moved and it has improved tenfold.

>> No.15113681

>and there was never an aristocracy here to envy in the first place.
You’re right but the psychology is still there because this is just a middle class trait regardless of how wealthy they get.

> I think the main cause of the economic mindset towards education is largely a result of the expansion of college enrollment with the GI Bill, and Supreme Court cases like Griggs v. Duke Power that made straightforward means of signaling competence illegal to protect blacks.
The opening of the doors has accelerated it and certainly decreased the quality of the education that was available but the fact is this is simply how Americans think and thus, what they wanted. They wanted to collect decorative letters and titles along with their ticket to socioeconomic mobility. This is the myth of the American at work. Everyone can have an acronym and title on their name and house with a lawn just like a mini English noble.

My point here is that this is all just the collective manifestation of the American middle class mindset. If you reject that mindset, there’s no reason to continue to buy into this paradigm if you don’t want to. The difference between Harvard and UMass is a filter for varying degrees of bourgeoisie belonging and nothing more.

>> No.15113694


>The difference between Harvard and UMass is a filter for varying degrees of bourgeoisie belonging and nothing more.

I like you.

>> No.15113699

false. Though most humanity types tend to be very cringy due to the territory. There is a decent amount. It’s just that it has that neolib bent more then the rest.

>> No.15113719

I think you underestimate the military’s ability to simplify certain things to absolute most simple level possible. At the same time, very high IQ people seem to also function well within certain areas of the military.

Anyway the other trend here is the fact that industrialization pulls higher IQ people out of areas like farm work, for example.

>> No.15113739

Do you know if there's anything for expat american physicians? I graduate in about two years and have a three to eight year residency after that.
My uncle lives there, spent a few months with him and I really like that country + I want to get away from the US before it goes full retard. He lives in strasburg in alsace.
I could also make 250Kish US doing telepsych but that would be on US hours. I don't speak french.
Wife is an aussie if that helps. Pre-brexit we could have finagled citizenship so it went US-> Australian-> UK-> Euro-> living in france full time

>> No.15113745

it's a cliche to point this out by now but it is not just a funny coincidence that Harvard was founded as a school of Puritan theology

>> No.15113749

>You’re right but the psychology is still there because this is just a middle class trait regardless of how wealthy they get.
Meh, "the aristocracy" has no real reason to exist any more anyway. Who cares? They were probably above-average at best.

> Everyone can have an acronym and title on their name and house with a lawn just like a mini English noble.
Based if true, but I think a large proportion of the population wouldn't bother going to college if it was easier to get a good-paying job without it. You're sacrificing $200k-500k if you're just getting a signaling degree, there's no reason it should be this expensive for the slightly-above-average person to signal competence.

>> No.15113764

>warm blooded
Their blood is warmer than ours. But I don't they're amoral, just dinosaurs. If you spend enough time with some you'll see the smarter ones have very distinct personalities.

They're still evil, but less systematic than us.

>> No.15113786
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Maybe in other countries it’s better, but in the US it’s a tragic racket. There’s almost no DIRECTLY transferable skills from getting an English, history, philosophy, etc. degree besides the possibility to pursue more schooling so that you can yourself now teach these subjects (and the situation for some grad students and PhDs looking for jobs is so fucked up that this discourages enough people from spending at least a decade of their life straddling poverty to look for a job which possibly doesn’t even exist). So, sadly enough, it functions like a racket. This is the fucking literature board, by the way, so even when people wave their dick about how they got a more useful degree than a humanities degree, they’re still clearly interested in the humanities. The sad thing about the academic study of the humanities in the US today is you can’t live with it and you can’t live without it. If we just excised them (which we are, in a sense, already doing by making it so unprofitable and non-prestigious) then the US would become even more of a barbaric, soulless, technocratic nation of corporate-cock-sucking slaves than it already is. However, as these programs are run today, they’re also not the most inspiring things in the world. It’s easy to call people greedy when you yourself are comfy in whatever position you have, but

>why should I accrue debt and probably use my own parents’ money for a 4-year degree that will not itself help me find a job beyond maybe being a high-school teacher of students who don’t even want to be there?

is a valid question to ask.

>> No.15113808

>Education is not a financial instrument nor are the humanities about merely reading books.
Enlighten us on the true meaning, than.

>> No.15113825

>There’s almost no DIRECTLY transferable skills from getting an English, history, philosophy, etc. degree besides the possibility to pursue more schooling so that you can yourself now teach these subjects
So what you're saying is
>There are no directly transferable skills from humanities except for the directly transferable skills.
What's wrong with going to school to become a teacher? I'm graduating with an MA in English Literature, and currently applying for jobs at community colleges and the expected salary range is between 40-95k a year at most places. Which seems abundantly fine for a MA degree.

>> No.15113830

Read Kaczynski.

>> No.15113852
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Is this all any of you people are? Just a bunch of transferable skills that you use to make your boss richer off you? Fuck education for education's sake right? Fuck having passions that can't be commidified, or an existence that isn't dependant on a 9-5.

>> No.15113859

The vast majority of people "studying the humanities" are neither going to understand the things they read all that well nor produce any work of interest in their field. Realistically they shouldn't be in college at all.

>> No.15113860

Based Uncle, beautiful area.
In the EU, for a foreigner to get a job (work visa), they must demonstrate that no one in the EU can do it. This is how protective they are. Since you will be completing your education in the USA, you can't go the uni route in France, unless you can find exchange programs or doctoral programs (which require a fluent level for lectures). Only alternatives I can think of for you would be to excel in your field, shit on everyone, and vacation/do remote work in France for 6 months before you overstay your tourist visa. If you truly want to make this happen, start learning French (they are snobby af with accents)
Here's a link if you want to dive into the specifics.

>> No.15113868
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If you like it, more power to you. I think where some people start complaining is because they like studying the humanities themselves, just don’t like the academic study of it. If you find joy in what you’re doing intrinsically, why should I tell you what you’re doing is wrong? Some people object, though, to the whole idea that you need to be writing inane papers to prove you understood what you read, and come to every boring lecture/class, just so you yourself can become one of the teachers/professors that you possibly resented. “They” (I’m speaking anthropomorphically here for the hell of it) take your passion for literature, philosophy, etc., and suggest to you, “Don’t worry about being practical or anything — if it’s your passion, go for it!” However, this conflates becoming an academic or a teacher with your own passion for literature, history, philosophy, etc. They’re not the same thing. William Faulkner never finished college, for example.

Pic unrelated

>> No.15113869

I know, right? I'm just waiting for my grandaddy to die so I can get his inheritance & spend all the money on a hovel in East Anglia so I can write my 21st century version of Anatomy of Melancholy.

>> No.15113871


You realize that the point of most of these posters is that you can obtain your own self-directed, non-commodified intellectual/spiritually edification absent a five to six figure debt load from a glorified and likely ideologically co-opted daycare, right? You're petulantly repeating a point agreed with.

>> No.15113873
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God forbid they do it because they want to. No, according to your smooth brain the only reason to do something is to hold up to an arbitrary standard.

>> No.15113891


>must demonstrate that no one in the EU can do it.

How xenophobic. God, that is funny. You want to come and work? Fuck off, we're full. Want to come and leech? Pool's open.

>> No.15113894

And what do you do for a living?

>> No.15113896

Just open a book and read it. It's simple really.

>> No.15113899

Oh sick it's the guy using the term ideology incorrectly. Feel free to read Althusser sometime. Oh, and feel free to realize that if your desires involve, oh I don't know, getting a higher education you need to get a higher education. Not to mention self-education is a fucking meme. That's up there with the people who drop-out cause Steve Jobs was a drop out too.

>> No.15113910


I need to get Higher Education©. Thanks for the insight, insect.

>> No.15113920

nice thanks bro. congrats on what sounds like a great living situation.

>> No.15113923

>If you find joy in what you’re doing intrinsically, why should I tell you what you’re doing is wrong?
What an uncommon attitude for someone on this Croatian fly-fish tying forum.
>“Don’t worry about being practical or anything — if it’s your passion, go for it!”
That's exactly how I ended up in this situation. My parents were really supportive of anything I chose (they didn't want to be the "you must get an X degree" type of parents) but that left my kinda out in the cold once I was finishing up my BA in Lit. But then I found out about grad school & found out I could just keep going to school (and get paid for it now), so that was cool.
>William Faulkner never finished college, for example.
Another notable example is Northrop Frye, probably the most important literary theorist of the 20th century (depending on who you ask), and he never got a PhD despite being one of the most widely published & influential academics of his period.

>> No.15113926

And here we have exhibit A): a humanities cuck frantically trying to justify spending 50 thousand dollars on something he could have taught himself for free with a little bit f self discipline and google search.

>> No.15113935

The current education system is fucking worthless in many respects, especially for the humanities. They can’t teach you passion or genius. No one can. In fact, they’re more likely to suck it out of you. And it’s not even the fault of any one specific professor — you could have the most wonderful, sensitive, dedicated, compassionate and intelligent professors in the world. It’s the entire system of being placed onto a conveyor belt like the school is just one big factory processing you and all the other students.

Did Henry Miller complete college? Did Faulkner complete college? Fuck these Americans —- Did Homer go to college? Education is wonderful. Is the only place education can happen, however, in an “official institution” from people with “official degrees”?

>> No.15113936


I am in my senior year of an English degree at a top 10 university and have taken many more English classes than required and have yet to take a single gender studies class and only one class on Black thinkers (which was really good)

>> No.15113941
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>Queer cinema
Kek, you should throw in a Nightmare on Elm Street 2, that movie is gay as shit.

>> No.15113962

Are you looking forward to flipping burgers and talking about Ulysses with Tyrone at McDonald’s for the next 30 years of your life?

>> No.15113969

Actually if you read above I spent 7k total.

Wow great creative writing. Here's an idea for you: Choose a school on the basis of the school itself and the programs it has. Critiquing a system made up for thousands of entities with spurious generalities just shows how wrong you are.

Is it actually queer cinema? Hellraiser was directed by a gay man, and I mainly use it to teach a specific chapter of Deleuze's A Thousand Plateaus.

>> No.15113978

I get what you mean now, but generally productivity doesn't have that exact meaning. I think it's a little unreasonable of you to expect that anon would immediately figure that out from your language.

>> No.15113982

Because it has no practical impact in the world, and as the field as a whole becomes inflated with academics it moves to evermore obscure places distancing itself from reality.

>> No.15113985


I kept a journal freshman year of college and the hatred I had for the English classes killing my desire to read and write is always funny to reread.

>> No.15113995

I graduated 3 years ago with a degree in economics but I think I want to go to graduate school for a humanities field. My grades were total shit. What should I do?

>> No.15113996

I did a history degree, I went to a free school that was less prestigious, even though I could have gone to a top school, because I knew it was a humanities degree and I did not want to pay for it, I did it anyways because I love history and knew I could coast through with little effort and still be successful.

By 3rd year I knew I did not want to continue in academia because everyone said it was shit and I read Lucky Jim.

But that degree got me a good job in a start-up that really only cared if you could think independently and critically and wanted "a four year degree" as the prerequisite. Now I cake money and use the writing skills I learned and continued to teach myself as corporate propaganda is its own art.

Some people have stem brains and some people have arts brains and some people have a mix or no brains. But Ultimately no matter what you do in school you need to have the luck and ability to start a career.

I have passions, I read autistic amounts of thick ass books that I can better appreciate due to school, but if I want to live in a city and pork hot business women passionately and do expensive drugs I need a 9-5.

>> No.15113998


Tell me the school and your three favorite professors and classes.

>> No.15114008

Maybe your expectations are misplaced? Base level of higher education, i.e, BA courses, are supposed to show you the basics of the field. After that youre on your own.

>> No.15114012


Going to t15 law school next year but sure

>> No.15114025

>waiting 5 more years to start making money
You fucked up already.

>> No.15114027

NoES2 is sneaky gay cinema. Like, on the surface it's about Freddy killing teenagers, but it's actually about a gay guy coming to terms with his sexuality if you dig deeper into the films meaning.

>> No.15114044

Ahahahahaha so you’re going to the 15th ranked one right?
It’s T14 you giant pseud.iterally never heard anyone referring it to T15. Imagine not being able to crack 170 on the LSAT *laughing crying Facebook emoji*

>> No.15114045

Enjoy 80hr workweeks in corp law for 160k LMFAO

>> No.15114057

I also think its related to how STEM field got dumbed down so much, specially with the growth of Computer Sciences related courses. These were designed to put out as many code monkeys as possible for the industry. The programmer drones are no more scientists than people in humanities, but they have all superb.

>> No.15114061
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Awesome, I'll check it out. Thanks anon.

>> No.15114069

Completely correct. /lit is infested with 35 year old failures who wasted a decade getting their PhD, being a post-doc making $15k per year, and then being told "lol fuck off whyte boi, we gonna give tenure to this 80-IQ negress because you be raciss."

>> No.15114071

They've become platforms of ideological indoctrination and spineless relativism that teaches contempt for the western canon.

>> No.15114072
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>Developing anything unrelated to the attainment of monetary wealth is severely looked down in all strata of society
What is working out? Something you obviously know nothing about kek

>> No.15114079

legal cucks mad
no but seriously, I'm sorry you are too stupid to get into medical school

>> No.15114080

I don’t want to criticize professors or even students enjoying it, since they can be great people. It’s just annoying when any criticism of getting these degrees is instantly responded to with, “Huh, guess you’re just soulless and only care about making money. I got mine so fuck you!”

>> No.15114084

>being a post-doc making $15k per year, and then being told "lol fuck off whyte boi, we gonna give tenure to this 80-IQ negress because you be raciss."
You wanna know how I know that you've never spent more than an hour on a university campus?

>> No.15114087

>What is working out?

A massive multi-trillion dollar industry composed of equipment, memberships, clothes and trainers?

>> No.15114092

The humanities left the university a while ago and if you didn’t notice I feel bad for you :P

>> No.15114094

Business is the true Chad degree
>don’t need graduate school unless you want to get an MBA as an excuse to snort cocaine every night
>if iou have high EQ you can easily climb the management ladder and make 250k+ salary by 35
>don’t have to be cucked with 80 hour work weeks and hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt
Why didn’t you take the Chad Pill?

>> No.15114098

My honest advice to all undergrads is that unless you really want to go into a specific field, get a bachelor's in something you find interesting and an internship. Now that bachelor's degrees are the new diplomas, people want experience more than a degree.

>> No.15114101
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>Business is the true chad degree

>> No.15114111


>> No.15114113

Those are all engineers or ITcucks.
Business is unarguably the most Chad field because career progression is 95% social skills and 5% hard skills.

>> No.15114123

>So, why did you choose to go into the career you devoted a majority of you life to?
>Some dude on the internet called it Chad.

>> No.15114125

no one respects biz degrees anywhere, they are brainlets that are just taught to make shitty powerpoints

>> No.15114133

Business degrees are even a bigger scam than Humanities.

>> No.15114135

I got some hard skills right here I think would interest you

>> No.15114140

That would be a Chad as fuck response and if you looked the interviewer in the eye while saying it (and are at least 7/10) he’s going to hire you.
Would you rather make 200k at 40 hour weeks to be a PowerPoint cuck and spend your free time doing fun stuff or make 200k at 80hour weeks and devote your entire life to being a wagie?

>> No.15114145

shut up, stop humiliating yourself

>> No.15114146


lmao you are seething, i have already have a comfy job set up at my grandpa's law firm. good luck making it on your own dweebs

>> No.15114148

There are way more students than professor positions in any given field.
Hell, there are PhD students than positions to teach as a professor. Further still, there are more postdocs than positions.
In any given field.
Living a comfortable life as a professor isn't going to happen to 99.99% of grad students.
Hell, tenure is becoming thing of the past, as universities are being run more and more like businesses and more and more professors are on temporary contracts.
Soon enough most professors will be doing two teaching jobs just to pay the bills. The comfy life will be for the 1% of the 1%.

>> No.15114151

>That would be a Chad as fuck response and if you looked the interviewer in the eye while saying it (and are at least 7/10) he’s going to hire you.
Do you unironically act like you're on the internet while you're out & about in the world? You're exactly like those guys in 6th grade that would always make the trollface irl & thought they were so great. But you're not in 6th grade. P embarrassing, dude.

>> No.15114161

sure bud, everybody's seething cause we're all so jealous of you :^) kk

>> No.15114164

>Soon enough most professors will be doing two teaching jobs just to pay the bills.
My Classics professor told me that he was the only tenured professor in his graduating PhD class of 12. About half of his peers hold multiple adjunct jobs & drive around constantly to teach at different schools and half went into something other than teaching. And he's in his mid-40s. It's obviously going to get worse.

>> No.15114174

Stem is a bit of a misnomer.
Society really cares about TE with a small side of M. Ask biofags that aren't doing medicine how it's working for them. Even Math itself isn't very well regarded ("are you going to be a school teacher anon?", "Why not do something useful like engineering?", "How you're taking geometry? I did that on HS haha"). Stats and Econometrics are the true M of steam.

>> No.15114175
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>Do you unironically act like you're on the internet while you're out & about in the world?

>> No.15114177

incel claws scratched this

>> No.15114182

the stem push was propaganda to decrease the power of the artisan class by flooding their field with labor, thus increasing the power of the employer.
they did the same thing in humanities, unskilled, and trade labor.

>> No.15114186

Yikes my dude. A lot to unpack here. Big oof, I think you forgot your red flags.
*edit:Thanks for the gold kind stranger!!!!

>> No.15114190
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I'm good. My family is loaded and all I need to do is read and write. Work is for plebeians.

>> No.15114202

>Heisenberg said this about the sciences:
No he didn’t.

>> No.15114225

Correction : humanities became useless when universities became extended high school with job training

>> No.15114229

personally I’d rather make 40k and not be a stupid nigger than do either of those

>> No.15114255

All these amerifriends decrying that woke has taken over the academy.

>americans who go to for-profit universities are shocked and appalled when for-profit universities cater to the lowest common denominator of the broadest range of consumers (there is no such thing as an american scholar or student)
>americans are shocked and appalled when they realize that their for-profit universities could do this despite being ranked as #1 in the entire fucking universe by for-profit american publications whose entire editorial staff are alumni from aforementioned for-profit universities

I did a literature course in Europe as an elective. We read nothing but the canon, and spent the first few months on the Greek tragedians and the Bible. We ended the course with Thomas Pynchon, and never laid eyes on anything more recent than that.

>> No.15114270

>We ended the course with Thomas Pynchon,
Peak pseud.

>> No.15114275

If you're paying for your PhD you are being scammed. A PhD isn't school, it's basically an apprenticeship.
You're working, researching and producing science in your field. Usually PhD students also teach classes and grade assignments.

>> No.15114285

Wokeness is just part of the state cult, it isn't really inherently profitable. Do you really think companies like to have huge HR departments to interact with the Civil Rights bureaucracy (which is what wokeness is)? I think it's a mistake to view it through a quasi-Marxist lens as a bourgeois effort to distract the proles from class consciousness, because it's hilariously inefficient for profit-turning.

>> No.15114287

Just to chip in a fine art student, I must say it's quite annoying how people will talk over me and ridicule 'modern art' and such to me without having the slight bit of education on art. People wouldn't do such things to a student of anything else, as they would concede their ignorance to a person who studies the subject, at least a bit.

Anyway, the annoyance of such things like that are vastly outweighed by the utter joy of life pursuing a passion.

>> No.15114291

>the average young American born into this system and not given any real education or empowerment by their public education system, news and entertainment media, as well as parents and family is to blame for this
It’s a huge systemic problem. Sure, maybe we’re ineffectually whiny, but most people would whine if they find out at some point that all their idealistic notions of being cultured and getting a good education “don’t matter in the real world” because some much older guys in suits and ties they’ve never met in their life have arranged things to make money for themselves.

>> No.15114296

Having taken sociology for stem majors and sociology for sociology majors (with the same professor even), the impression I have is that professors half ass courses for non-humanities majors.

>> No.15114298

those old men in suits are gonna get what's coming to them, in this life and the next.

>> No.15114299

Sorry it upsets you that a 5 minute clip of you dilating and then spraying paint out of your asshole onto a canvas isn’t art.

>> No.15114303

Thanks for making me smile.

>> No.15114305

imo the issue with that is how people mistake art for entertainment. Watching culture-industry produced films, or tv shows, buying 'artsy' rugs and decor is pure entertainment. Actual engagement with art requires a legitimate background in art. If I showed people the different versions of Gentileschi's Judith and Holofernes, they'd have no idea what it was other than a murder. Fully agree with your last sentence.

>> No.15114306

this man lowkey thinks Bob Ross is a good painter

>> No.15114307

Retard commie dreams.

>> No.15114318

yeah man that's it. Anything that dares to be that bit more than pure entertainment is deemed pretentious, and no effort is made to engage. People have no self criticism when it comes to art and always assume the worst of the piece and artist when they dont immediately understand it.

>> No.15114322

I feel you man, I'm a classical Tenor. Music today is the same. If you get a chance, check out the book The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin.

>> No.15114327

>People wouldn't do such things to a student of anything else
Yes they would (and do) you whiny faggot

>> No.15114344

>>15114322I study fine art, specialising in media arts, which is incredibly broad. Love it. But yeah man, over the last couple years I've read a good few excerpts from it for our seminar classes. real good.

>> No.15114350


>> No.15114380

That sounds pleasant. I'm glad to see they reference that, at least in parts. It's super popular to shit on the arts these days, but all the old, 70+ artists I know are the most content people I know. It might sound a bit over the top, but I'm glad to see someone there's people on /lit/ still engaging with fine art.

>> No.15114384

This is going to sound like a broken record, but the simple answer is that our society no longer values them. Both the average prole and the average PhD student harbor the same anti-art, anti-beauty, anti-history sentiments, the only difference is in the way they express them.
Hack academics are largely to blame, but the problem is much bigger than that. The interest in art, literature, intellectualism in general just doesn't exist in much of the educated population, and bitching about the state of the academy is kind of pointless when it's never been easier to circumvent it entirely. We have everything we need to put together our own academies, but nobody seems interested in doing so.

>> No.15114393
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>> No.15114395

Tragedy of the commons. It became daycare for uppity wymin and minorities too dumb for anything other than a diploma in grievance studies.

>> No.15114412


>> No.15114434

Going to art college has shown me all the avenues and ways of being succesful and being an artist. And people resort to some sorta Andy Warhol, MOMA strawman but most of the artists I know that are doing well are doing so in a v humble way and get by not unlike any other profession. They just love doing it, all parts of it.

Since I started college a few years ago I haven't been on here as much. People just caricature art too much on this website.

>> No.15114438

Reminder that the SAT was already made easier 2-3 times because blacks scored too poorly on it and now they're just abolishing it entirely because they still can't score well enough.

>> No.15114443
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>ridicule 'modern art' and such to me without having the slight bit of education on art

>> No.15114444

I don't know what the purpose of this post was, but that's probably because of the dramatic decrease in applications due to the Covid stuff. I work at a uni & there's been an increasingly frantic series of email about hiring freezes & budget cuts due to record low enrollment for next year. It's not a "lowering of standards", it's just a necessity of the decreased applications. If you make it easier to apply, you'll get more applications.

>> No.15114451

OP, this is a phenomenon that has taken place since the industrial revolution, a point in history from which onwards productivity has been the sole concern of western civilization.

Read The Two Cultures and The Scientific Revolution by C.P Snow.

>> No.15114468

youre the fag who wont stop posting this, get the fuck off /lit/ and go back to /s4s/

>> No.15114474

> Shaw is the first student in Harvard’s history to submit a rap album as a senior thesis in the English Department, the university said. The album, called “Liminal Minds,” has earned the equivalent of an A-minus grade, good enough to guarantee that Shaw will graduate with honors next week.

>> No.15114475


>> No.15114487

If the humanities had ought to be pursued for their own good, absent of financial gain, then 70% of people in bachelor's programs for the liberal arts should not be there. University is sold as a way to attain economic status. A bunch of hipster fags go in for their basket weaving degree and come out the other end with no skills or even any meaningful knowledge in the humanitites. They do bring debt and retarded opinions.

>> No.15114490

To me the fundamental reason why people don't understand art today is because it's a process, the whole point is doing all the parts, not just the end goal. But today everyone is solely focused on the end, rather than truly looking forward to every step.


>> No.15114502

I used to get upset at this sort of thing but now I view it as BASED, if you can get people to overflow with pity for you to that extent, you may as well take advantage of them. Just find your grift.

>> No.15114503


>> No.15114511

The weakness of academia has almost nothing to do with the actual quality of the education, it has everything to do with the fact that there's a labor elite that requires connections and large amounts of investment on the part of your family to access. Accessing this labor elite historically wasn't as big of a deal, because your average factory worker could afford a house, a car, a family, and so forth. But wages have gone down across the board, so the only way to achieve a standard of living that was available to the average laborer 30 or even 20 years ago is to use all of your time in undergrad basically preparing yourself to enter right into the workforce with as little training as possible. Academia now is a massive sieve to filter out the most servile and cowardly folks to reward with them with the scraps. A degree matters a lot less than having multiple internships--hard to acquire, if you're like me, and needed PAID work over summers in order to get through school.

For people complaining about wokeness, you must understand that nobody but the most basic bitch liberal is taken in by the University's projection of "inclusivity" and "diversity." People who want to see real systemic change don't give a fuck about how many black people are in a marvel movie, or how many times sephora puts a gay into one of their ads. All the people I've met that I would consider radical--which is different than woke--desire to put an end to capitalist mode of production, which is aided by analyses that focus on the way capitalism interacts with race and gender. Even if you're utterly convinced of the inherent superiority of white people, if the ultimate reward of that superiority is the opportunity to work until you're 65 and retire, finally getting to do what you want when your body is weak and your dick can't get as hard, then what was it worth? Your enemy isn't the minorities trying to attain that opportunity, it's the ruling class that gets to sit back and laugh while you bend over backwards justifying why they get to fuck everyone to death.

>> No.15114517
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>If you make it easier to apply, you'll get more applications.
Sure, who cares about standards as long as unis get their money, right? /s

>> No.15114531

fuck off dilateposters

>> No.15114541

Exactly. You're just proving how capitalism is detrimental to quality education.

>> No.15114547

>But wages have gone down across the board, so the only way to achieve a standard of living that was available to the average laborer 30 or even 20 years ago is to use all of your time in undergrad basically preparing yourself to enter right into the workforce with as little training as possible.

Hot take: this is because we flooded the workforce with women and shitskins and artificially deflated the value of labor. The labor movement is the biggest meme that only profited Jewish shareholders.

>> No.15114554

Fair enough. It just demonstrates even higher tier universities aren't serious institutions if they ever were that.

>> No.15114557






>> No.15114559

You will never pass.

>> No.15114566

The government is going to be paying those minorities' tuition mate, and the universities are all nonprofits who spend most of said money on growing administrative expenses (and most of that administration involves some form of Civil Rights compliance).

>> No.15114567

Any liberation movement only liberates people to act as consumers and blank screens

>> No.15114579

Do you really think companies like dealing with maternity leave and general female drama, at least those who aren't wholly bought into "equality" already? It's "a" way to increase the size of the work force, but it's far from the only way. Another way would be to have more than 2 kids per person over a sufficiently long time period, for example. But that would require some form of "disempowerment" of women. Oops, can't have that.

>> No.15114583

Ok... what does that have to do with what we were talking about? Also, why're you so *obsessed* with minorities? You seem like the sort that would shit on academia for obsessing over minorities, but you incels obsess over it more than any academic I've ever met.

>> No.15114601

>least those who aren't wholly bought into "equality" already
If you think that there is such a company you already lost buddy

>> No.15114605

This, just try looking up STEM scholarships and read the fine print, it's all about engineering, especially computer science. I'm studying entomology and get shit from other STEM students for "wasting my talents" even though I don't have a mind for engineering and would probably hang myself working on a computer all day. My field is incredibly important but all specific bio studies that aren't bioengineering get the same response. Hyperfocus on applied research has ruined the natural sciences too and is stunting progress as a whole. Everyone is tiptoeing around, sneaking in basic research behind the applied shit that couldn't exist without the basic research in the first place.

>> No.15114606

cos they gay

>> No.15114612

That's far fetched. It's government backing those stupid loans that led to this. Unis will simply charge as much as students are able to pay either way. America has managed to produce the worst of both worlds.

>> No.15114620

You must not have met many academics

>> No.15114625

You’re right, but to be fair I think few companies buy into it organically. State mandated departments were forcibly created to ensure diversity and shame everyone in the company for wrong think in the event that people are mistakenly hired based off of merit and skill as opposed to race and gender.

>> No.15114631

The humanities was never a viable option to the average plebeian. In the past it was the province of elites whose education was secondary to their guaranteed position within the upper class money machine. It was never something you could make money off, and most people have to learn skills that make them money. Studying the classics and such were always considered a kind of induction into the culture of the elite, a kind of ritual that signified one placed among them.

The attempts to democratize the humanities were admirable but it always went counter to the utilitarian necessity of production to which the mass of humanity is involuntary compelled to obey.

>> No.15114633

The guy you replied to was implying that Universities would get poor quality applicants because of universities relaxing coronavirus, since minorities are usually poorer-quality and need more government assistance. You then said that this was a manifestation of the capitalist mode of production in education. I was pointing out that the money those universities make off said lower-quality applicants will come primarily from government subsidies, and that said subsidies will largely go towards expansion of the University administration to comply with government regulations. It's hardly "race to the bottom, churn out as many low-quality students as you can in ruthless competition" - they're just following government incentives.

>> No.15114640

I know, I should have said that companies wouldn't have wanted to deal with things like maternity, Civil Rights bureaucracy, etc. at the time the laws were passed. Obviously the execs are more inculcated into the state religion nowadays.

>> No.15114646

>because of universities relaxing standards due to coronavirus

>> No.15114655

See, the humanities will be inherently left leaning in uni because (at least in America) they are not investments for the acquisition of more wealth. To study the humanities is to reject the fiscally conservative perspective. It's only dumb lefties, as I so often hear, who get art, lit, philosophy degrees. High IQ redpills, they claim, no how to invest wisely and acquire more wealth (generally disregarding any pursuit not culminating in wealth). And if your not a professor at a prestigious uni, your going to be a bit of a pseud.

>> No.15114662
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>government backing loans caused massive student debt
>not the American structure which requires an inordinate amount of money in order to get a basic bachelors degree at a public school
You can't seriously be this ign'it, can you?
>Unis will simply charge as much as students are able to pay either way.
What the fuck are you talking about? If that's the case, why would a majority of students take out massive loans in order to graduate? Is this just a poorly conceived troll or what?

It's stupid to tout your cred on 4chan, but I've worked with dozens of professors and developed very close relationships with 4 throughout my 6 years of schooling. No one cares about race as much as "muh white genocyde!!!" poltards on 4chan. Not even Twitter Id-pol cats.

>> No.15114670

a dumb population is a controllable population

>> No.15114696

This is pretty common knowledge, uni in the US is so expensive because they get guaranteed government loans from students. Otherwise, most students would be priced out and they would have to cut costs and lower the price overall to fill seats.

>> No.15114697

>No one cares about race as much as "muh white genocyde!!!" poltards on 4chan.
They absolutely do. They talk about it every day, they bring it up in any conversation that it even vaguely applies to.

>> No.15114730

>What the fuck are you talking about? If that's the case, why would a majority of students take out massive loans in order to graduate? Is this just a poorly conceived troll or what?
Do you have any idea how innumerate most people are? I know a guy who had 200k+ in student debt. He went out of state for a low-tier school for no reason, which cost him tens of thousands of dollars. He was talking about his debt, I did a quick estimate showing him just how much he'd be paying on interest in that, his mind was blown. He was originally going to be an electrician - he could've had hundreds of thousands more dollars if he had done so.

Also, yes, universities do raise prices because of government subsidies. Why wouldn't they? Students will still take out loans because they're convinced they have to, government will keep subsidizing loans, so why not take the money and hire your friend as a diversity officer or something silly for $600k/yr?

Think about how much easier things would be to just let employers use your SAT as a proxy for IQ. That's what they already do with the name on your degree anyway.

>> No.15114758

There is an interesting theory of the falling rate of intelligence as a byproduct of capitalist imperatives. For example there is an entire economy of waste in the humanities. "Publish or perish" necessitates a depreciation of quality work, because the parameter to be maximized is not quality but quantity of work and a subsequent trend toward generic and derivative scholarship. The humanities has essentially been dumbed down by the forces of production. "The life of the commodity is shortened so as to lengthen the life of capitalism." In order to conform to the dictates of capital education has slimmed down and eliminated all inessential pursuits, which in turn dumbs down the students it educates, effectively rendering them without critical thinking capabilities or intellectual curiosity. "The falling rate of intelligence is grounded in the increasing homogenization of experience, or what Benjamin called “the increasing atrophy of experience.” Experience decays not simply because it is prepackaged and manufactured, but because its living basis, the individual, hardens."

You can read about the theory here.

>> No.15114759

Yeah, so Keynesian doctrines of debt & employment rule over academia just like they rule over every aspect of American life. What's to be done about it? And what do "minorities" (which, notably, whites are soon to become) have to do with it at all? poltards love to shit on black Americans for being stupid and uneducated, but get equally triggered when black Americans try to educate themselves. Like, what the fuck are they supposed to do about it?

lol, I love this amorphous "THEY" that schizo-posters like you love to point to. Who the fuck are you talking about? Give me names, dude. I'm assuming you haven't talked to anyone outside your family for months, but if you had, you'd realize how silly you are.

>> No.15114765

tfw somewhere between mixed and no brains
I belong everywhere and nowhere at the same time

>> No.15114766

>Why wouldn't they?
Education, like pharmaceuticals, ought to be price controlled

>> No.15114783

Isn’t that the problem? We have kids spend 4 years of life only to come out with the basics at most?

>> No.15114787

It IS price controlled right now lel, you can't buy drugs from the country where they're manufactured for a tenth of the cost, or less. Lots of drugs are made in non-US countries and then marked up 100x and sold here.

>> No.15114793

this desu

>> No.15114799

Are you a business graduate? Please say no. If you’re a student, please switch. I’m not joking with you. None of this is true.

>> No.15114805

AOC is a shitty electoralism liberal. I hate American politics and Americans. You cucks are fucking retarded and cucked.

>> No.15114819

In my experience US majors are already more focused than other countries'.
They are even more focused than they were a century ago.
At this point might as well turn undergrad in tradeschool.

>> No.15114821

I wish I could go back in time and not get my degree. I’m considering graduate school in another field but honestly the only reason is because I fucked so bad by getting a major and degree I hate that I feel like I somehow have to “correct” it.

>> No.15114832

prepare to work 80-100 hour weeks if you go into investment banking

>> No.15114841

the reality is 95% of universities should be closed and little work of note is produced outside elite departments. there are simply more workers in the humanities nowadays and the average intelligence of a randomly-chosen academic is lower than it was a century ago or so.

>> No.15114844

Honestly, what makes you say they’re focused? In the US, half of your credits to graduate in nearly any major aren’t related to the major. Of the half that are related to your major they’re pretty all over the place and a good half is extremely basic introductory stuff. 99% of American college is simply jumping through hoops to check boxes and be liked. It’s not very different in graduate school. Everything in the US suffers from corporationism and is completely devoid of real content. I don’t really see how you could see it as anything different.

>> No.15114848

I work in investment banking. This is accurate.

>> No.15114855

it's also how selective the schools are. Employers won't even look at your grades if you got into a high ranking school

>> No.15114872


>use institution's name on your degree to get job
>names you can get on the degree based on SAT score
"Why don't we just have most people submit their SAT to employers?"
>"Disparate impact".
>Oh, good point.

>> No.15114877

I mean the content of the major itself (not unrelated secondary courses you need to take). My (admittedly limited and stem focused) experience is that US majors seen to have less breadth than their European counterparts, and only sometimes more depth.

>> No.15114886

That’s not true. I literally look at grades for job candidates from Ivy League universities all the time.

>> No.15114900

Maybe that can be said for STEM and hard sciences. My experience has that it’s neither more broad nor more deep. My college experience was total garbage to be perfectly honest. I went to large University in the US top 50.

>> No.15114920

normies who despise you for nerdy cuckness can be ignored others will appreciate your brains to a certain extent, I know plenty of chicks who are into me because they think I am smart and actual smart people will appreciate your attempts to understand things if you are curious and ask good questions, just dont be a pozz

>> No.15114939

>What do minorities have to do with it?
I never mentioned minorities, only how the cost of college is so bloated.
What's to be done about it? I don't really know, but it can't continue the way it is. I think that if the government wants to be so involved with public colleges, then college administration should be limited to the same pay band structures as other government employees. I think the diversity hire business is a distraction, those people make very little compared to other useless and or wildly overpaid college administrators. Hopefully the current situation will change the system, especially if colleges can't reopen for in person classes in the fall and students drop out and cut them off from federal funds. My college is moaning about money, but our president makes almost $1M a year with a free mansion. The diversity admin who mostly does generic office work makes $35k, but people will point at her as the main source of the problem.
There other issue is that a bachelor's is practically required for any white collar salaried work, so standards are lowered so anyone who isn't a complete retard can get a degree when they really don't need to go to college.

>> No.15114976

Stop gaslighting

>> No.15115020

Lel just make it up, if they actually read/care about any of your work then they'd understand

>> No.15115133


>> No.15115363

My experience has not been too different. I don’t really care about the social ramifications at all though. I mean I somehow manage to get things but also not get things intellectually, particularly those things which interest me and that leads to feelings of inadequacy and displacement. A bit dramatic but nonetheless true.

>> No.15115452

those feelings are part of the learning process, go from total ignorance to knowing enough to realize the subject is bottomless and you are retarded to think you can ever understand it fully, the point is to pick a smaller part and focus on it to learn more about it. That is the PhD process or just life.

>> No.15115481

>this is the contemporary Progressive Left.
>still conflating bourgeois twitter liberals with leftists

>> No.15115533

Is architecture part of the humanities or stem?
t.arch student

>> No.15115550

Good post

>> No.15115575

Cuckroach come over to my hood and see what happens

>> No.15115597

liberals are leftists
you meant to say they arent communists, common mistake

>> No.15115627

If you think that paying for a fancy degree so you can play around with nicer equipment and read the same books as me makes you some sort of expert the only person you’re fooling is yourself

>> No.15115647

>if the ultimate reward of that superiority is the opportunity to work until you're 65 and retire, finally getting to do what you want when your body is weak and your dick can't get as hard, then what was it worth?
another commie who thinks work is unethical. i bet you thought you were so insightful grinding out your fucking dumbass post about how your mom shouldnt force you to work a summer job

>> No.15115657


>> No.15115728


Why is the go to reaction for worthless tyranny's? Does it come from twitter?

>> No.15115817

I personally have been wondering about the feasibility of living outside of the economy, or at least to what degree that would be possible.

>> No.15115853

I really enjoy 80% of people telling me how much they hate maths and how they never use it in their daily life

>> No.15115893

>genetic affinity for thin framed glasses

>> No.15115949

>multi-trillion dollar industry
>doesn't even mention obesity, pharma or agriculture
You were so close to being redpilled but you're stuck in the mindset of someone who is illiterate in the language of physicality.

>> No.15116146
File: 32 KB, 400x544, 5WR4OES4CJC24P3L6A4UJIJVNI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Architecture can be pretty based.

>> No.15116354

Disgusting taste please kys