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/lit/ - Literature

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15127994 No.15127994 [Reply] [Original]

Let's Pretend We Have Standards Edition
BOOK CLUB Spin - Robert Charles Wilson https://mega.nz/folder/O1cFiKaS#hPf1KFnauX7PSaM5PJE3QA
RECS https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1029811-sffg
CHAT https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m
CHARTS https://mega.nz/folder/JrhSyY6S#7qmTPol52TnmpFOdbag7RQ
THREADS >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
MANAGEMENT https://calibre-ebook.com/download
BOOKS & AUDIOBOOKS https://forum.mobilism.org/viewforum.php?f=120

>> No.15128012

ok autist i'm in your thread

but you let the last one die so what was i supposed to do wait for your slow ass

>> No.15128023

what book are you reading OP?

>> No.15128026
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Why did boomers write their series out of order?

>> No.15128027

19 books into Horus Heresy, does it ever become good again or is it time to drop it?

>> No.15128061
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Dawn - Octavia E. Butler, Xenogenesis trilogy, 1987

Dawn possibly couldn't have been written by anyone else other than its author. That is to say, a black female science fiction author that came of age during the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. I don't know how well it'd understood or fare for those who are outside of the cultural context of the United States.
For me, Dawn was about two things: instructive suffering and autonomy.
Humans have a nuclear war and all but wipe themselves out, which sets up the story for the aliens to salvage them.
I don't think the plot matters nearly as much as the power dynamics between the characters. Many events happen offpage and only a few lines are provided to state that they happened. I would say more about it, but I think the plot is superficial by comparison to the thematic content.
In my discussion and reading of reviews, I was struck by the uncritical acceptance and lack of self-awareness regarding the Oankali, the aliens. I wonder if many enjoyed it as much as they did because of what I assume was a willful lack of self-reflection. I say this because I believe many of them to be what the Oankali represented. The following excerpt shows my thoughts.

Excerpt from Letter from Birmingham Jail
By Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., 16 April 1963
First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season.
Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

There are also modern trends like voluntourism and other forms of the soft bigotry of low expectations endemic to a certain set of "cultural liberals". These are people who have a cultural affiliation with "liberalism" but not the actual politics thereof, similar to a person with a religious upbringing but not sharing their fundamental beliefs. This led to the split of what are now called "progressives" and others.

I saw this posted elsewhere. I agree that Dawn is in "large part a metaphor for the subjugation, breeding, subservience, and generational traumatization of African slaves under the alien culture and command of European colonists who believed their way to be the “right” and “civilized” way."

>> No.15128068

I'm very glad that I didn't read this book in isolation. I discussed it as I was reading and sought out other opinions. Honestly, I found more value overall in the reactions others had to it than to my own and the book in of itself.
Recommended for: African Americans, Feminists, small-l libertarians, those willing to engage in self-reflection
Not Recommended For: sjw, /pol/, and other easily offended groups.
Will Enjoy It For What I Consider Wrong Reasons: Liberal Elite, Cultural Liberals, Paternalists, and various others.

Favorite quote: "The survival of the group should never depend on her --but then it should not depend on any one person."
I don't know how many times and how many places I've told people this, including this thread. Probably basically any time I've ever been involved with anything.

3/5 for the book in of itself
5/5 for the enjoyment from extratextual activities
Overall: 4/5
I'll probably read rest of the trilogy eventually for extratextual reasons.

>> No.15128082

First for old books goods new books bad

>> No.15128098

Only retards would ever read Narnia in chronological order instead of publishing order. The LW&W is written as if the reader has no idea what Narnia even is and half of the adventure is the discovery of the world and all its enchanting qualities. The worst thing one could possibly do is first read two prequel books full of worldbuilding.

>> No.15128188

Ostensibly I'll start reading Spin tomorrow as the Discord reading starts tomorrow and discussion in the thread on the 25th or so as according to the Book Club Leader. Something like that anyway, unless the plans change.

The most recent I finished was this:

>> No.15128204

I thought LWW was second chronologically after the Magician one

>> No.15128257

You are right. For some reason I thought of The Horse and His Boy as a prequel

>> No.15128473

E William Brown a fuck.
Daniel Black a cuck.
Sanderson a hack.

>> No.15128497


>> No.15128512
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I had to read Bloodchild for an English class from this hack. Jesus Christ how pozzed are schools that this tripe qualifies as "literature"? Fucking burn the whole edifice down and start anew.

>> No.15128522

I guess you fall under the /pol/ easily offended.

>> No.15128544

Still not literature. Seethe tranny.

>> No.15128548
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Sanderson is inspirational in him being the only high functioning down syndrome in fantasy

>> No.15128551

Why does this garbage general still exist? I mean science fiction is just not literature.

>> No.15128574

thank you for commenting and bumping the thread :)

>> No.15128575
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they exploit a middle ground where books like the Glass Bees qualify but the vast majority do not.

>> No.15128582

Yep. Found the butthurt pollie.

>> No.15128583

ernst junger is not literature

>> No.15128587

/poltard spotted in the wild

>> No.15128589

Because we are one of the few threads in lit that actually read what we talk about? We aren't larping christcucks or philosofags.

>> No.15128594
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>> No.15128601
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Yes he is. He is engaging in a hermetic dialogue with past and future writers. Your kind will be forgotten.

>> No.15128605

my kind? you mean me and you, two unknowns.
>hermetic dialogue
go larp in a philosophy thread bud

>> No.15128614

Suck my dick, hylic. It's all you're good for.

>> No.15128635

I'm not a homosexual, sorry

Go and read anon, find the wisdom in Ernst Junger and the philosophies of olde, escape this dreary world and grasp the Truth!

>> No.15128688


>> No.15128698

Holy based....

>> No.15129051

Posting is better than reading.

>> No.15129122
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I'm near the end of the whole WHOLE damn bakker fun show. 7 God damn thick big dick books of rape dog-orcs, sad old men, whores and a dude playing 4D chess while everyone else is stuck playing checkers.

What did I think about it all? Was it worth it at the end of the day?

>> No.15129136

yes. Bakker is based even though unholy consult was disappointing and he is overly edgy sometimes

>> No.15129150
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>characters are explicitly mutts
>imagine them as whites anyway

>> No.15129185

Sampled the first 50 pages of Gormenghast and its eh. Does it get better in the following 9000?

>> No.15129250

It changes, hard to say if you'd like it better. Most of the series is amazing, but the last book is meh.

>> No.15129260

How does /sffg/ feel about Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy. I had to read it for an interdisciplinary class about the planet Mars in my first year at liberal arts college and absolutely fucking hated it.

>> No.15129266

>How does /sffg/ feel about Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy
I have not read it.
>I had to read it for an interdisciplinary class about the planet Mars in my first year at liberal arts college and absolutely fucking hated it
10/10 sentence, lmao

>> No.15129328

any good medieval europe setting fantasy books written by females?

>> No.15129455

Only one I know of was part of a series called Swordpoint or something like that. It had an interesting premise (nobles settle their differences with public duels by hiring professional swordfighters), okay prose but the MC was gay and his lover (a decadent noble in hiding) was annoying as fuck.

>> No.15129471

(Or maybe it was set in the Renassaince, idk)

>> No.15129736

cultivation books would be better if there wasn't any going beyond humanity imo

>> No.15130029

Then it wouldn’t be cultivation....

>> No.15130460

To anon who recommended Reverend Insanity, is the main character going to be edgy til the end? I really crave for some cultivation book but I don't want to read another edgy character rn.

>> No.15130579

yes that's the whole gimmick

>> No.15130687

I’d never read anything with that cover

>> No.15130695

You’ll never be a woman

>> No.15130836

I'm so glad I'm not an american, what a country you live you must live in.

>> No.15131045
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213 days until stormlight 4

>> No.15131083

It was ok. Def slow at times. Was hard to find a character that i really liked as the only good one was killed off early in the trilogy

>> No.15131294

Stick to the Sanderson, Jordan, and Rothfuss, the holy trinity of your kind's patron saints.

>> No.15131646

Maybe? When I first started, though I enjoyed the prose, the story seemed pointless and I was tempted to not bother, but as I read on I just sort of got lost in the work and it was so comfy.

>> No.15131667

I read I think the first two I think before I got bored and quit, it's been years and years ago so I don't really remember it. However a couple of years ago I read Aurora based on the hype, and holy fucking shit it was absolute trash, with absolutely no redeeming factors.

>> No.15131676

Jordan was notably better than Sanderson or Rothfuss.
Jordan >>> Sanderson > Rothfuss.

>> No.15131716 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 283x450, 9781400052929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think about reading it soon.
Is it good?

>> No.15131902

Does Pirate fantasy exist? If it does, is any of it good? Doesn't have to be cliche arg eye patch parrot thieves, maybe just lots of boat shenanigans and boat based boat magic.

>> No.15131906

Is that kaladin fighting for the mom fucker, Big D?

>> No.15131914

Of sea and Shadow by Will Wight.

>> No.15131993

Pirate Freedom by Gene Wolfe

>> No.15132059

so is there anything of note recently that isn't some lefty feminazi tranny propaganda shit? Or can I stop reading anything after the 90s

>> No.15132115
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Was Eragon and its continuation really that bad? Why?

>> No.15132177

The beginning after the end.

>> No.15132237

are there any stand alone books anymore or only 10th parts of a 50 part series

>> No.15132242

how do i become a hack and make bucketloads of money in fantasy?

>> No.15132266

also theres a book about the actual formula to successful fantasy novels but i forgot the name. i think its called something like "fantastical formulaic fantasy" or something like that.

>> No.15132295

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
The library at mount char

>> No.15132322

just gotta grow a neckbeard and put on weight to seem legit

soon they'll be saying sander-who?

>> No.15132341

>actual formula to successful fantasy novels
imagine all the faggotry you have to include nowadays

>> No.15132387

>woman author

>> No.15132400

Then fuck off.

>> No.15132443

don't bother answering people who outright tell you they're a retard in the recommendation question, they never read anything given anyway

>> No.15132451

i was thinking about writing a story focused on future neo-native american tribes fighting each other over planets riding electric jet bikes and shit but i can't be bothered

>> No.15132606

>unnecessary convoluted magical systems
>sexually ambigous main characters
>indeterminate sexual preference
>rivalry of some kind
>noble savages, corrupt civilsation
>ancient evils that arent obvious
>prophecies that have TWEEST
>the establishment is bad
>some sort of weird sexual fetish
>school or military setting with political backstabbing
>tragic backstory 1uping where the mcs and the villains will compete for victimhood

we should really get a list going

>> No.15132655

Can you not? Brown wrote himself into a corner, and he lost interest with daniel black, stop spamming this shit every thread. Why do you think book 4 took so long to come out, and when it did it was rushed? It was didn't even have the laid back approach to story telling the previous three had, it felt like the author was trying to end the series.
Just wait for his loli space marine princess II, I heard it's 800 pages.

>> No.15132664

>>the establishment is bad
But it is.

>> No.15132721

Piss was notably better than Poop or Shit.
Piss >>> Poop > Shit

See >>15131993

>> No.15132772

Why are fantasy writers so obsessed with describing bare feet? It's weird

>> No.15132783

"The establishment" is a dumb political term that means "anyone I don't like who's in charge at the moment." It's completely meaningless other than as a scary and intimidating sounding way of saying whoever you don't support is bad.

>> No.15132849

But that's wrong

>> No.15132850


>> No.15133105

it's not wrong tho, its used by those who want to overthrow whoever holds power at that moment just so they can gradually instill themselves with the same power and eventually turn into the next "establishment" that needs overthrowing

>> No.15133112


>> No.15133150
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Very disappointing indeed.
Was the ending really just Kellhus failing and the Ordeal dying butchered, and the No-God walking forever, and the whole world ending?
Or do I have to look deeper into it? I'm so disappointed that the little shit Kelmomas managed to escape and bring ruin to Kellhus. And what happened to Akka and Mimara and the others? What was the point of Cnauir in the end? Honestly the ending seemed too convoluted and brusque for no real good reason other than trying to be edgy and pseud.
First trilogy? Yeah sure, he clearly wanted to write another series. But this?
Unless he really wants to write at least another book, I don't see a point in the Unholy Consult. The Dunyain escaping and being the secret masters of everything I can buy. The whole Inchoroi things being yet just another slave race, like the sranc but older, yeah. I get and completely understand all that he set up and paid in the end. Just that the end is useless. Has no purpose.
The huge battle at the end was dope though. Some of my favorite moments were Serwa vs the dragon, the whole random guys doing awesome things like random ass thanes and warriors just fighting like madmen and shit, and that guy who stood all mighty in front of the dragon, only to be suddenly eaten whole. Honestly, the whole thing was awesome. A really awesome journey, and I must confess that I like Bakker's writing style.
It's just that I am so very disappointed about the ending, even though arguably, I saw it coming.

>> No.15133192

yep, kaladin fighting a fag shardbearer with just a spear

>> No.15133209

I want to get into The Aspect Emperor series but I finished the previous series 8 years ago and I fear I won't remember shit.
Where can I find a quick rundown? I don't want to get a bunch of spoilers from the dedicated wikis.

>> No.15133269
File: 41 KB, 316x475, burning chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I learn to not pick up things that turn out to be depressing?

>> No.15133290

So, where is the dragon sex pdf?

>> No.15133298

Depressing in what way?
The content makes you depressed?
The disappointment of it being bad makes you depressed?

If it's the former, then don't read most sci-fi or most modern genre fiction because happy times mostly aren't there.

If it's the latter, then I guess only read what you know will be good.

>> No.15133306


>> No.15133312

The dirty secret about modern fantasy writers is that 90% first took an interest in the genre because older book covers were basically softcore porn and they were too embarrassed to buy the real thing

>> No.15133319

What a fictitious narrative you've devised.

>> No.15133434
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You get a 50 page recap at the beginning, and throughout the rest of the books things are continuously reminded and recalled. Relax, just get to reading. It's, all in all despite my disappointments, a very good series. One of my favorite fantasy series of all time, in fact.

>> No.15133448


This is a terrible picture becuase it implies that the monk's study is praiseworthy, when it is not.

>> No.15133525

Stop reading scifi, most of it is depressing

>> No.15133558

I've tried to read prince of nothing but the main character is so overpowered it feels like a bad fanfic at some point

>> No.15133568

it's just reverend insanity with more made up words shoved into every paragraph

>> No.15133583

>Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways, Gu are the true refined essences of Heaven and Earth.

Oh boy

>> No.15133593

Doesn't make if less true.

>> No.15133640

Why does pol try to make everything about themselves?
Why do they try to make themselves out to be victims when they put themselves in that situation?
This entire post screams "I'm pol and when people write about establishments they are targeting me personally, because they don't like me".

>> No.15133673

Imagine the smellz. Those fuckers hated to bathe regularly, just like modern Americans.

>> No.15133699

>posting dumb opinions when you know shit about the work and the depicted characters
Imagine being this confident in your own retardation.

>> No.15133708

>the main character
The dunyain shit is the villain. The main character is akka.

>> No.15133723

Confidence is attractive.
Being a chad myself, girls don't care if I'm right, they just care that I show that I'm right.

>> No.15133756
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>larping in /sffg/ of all places

>> No.15133884

>what a country you live you must live in.
why can't europoors create proper sentences?

>> No.15133933

Better than you uneducated Americlaps.

>> No.15134085

Don’t forget distinct and explicit physical & mental differences between races but still the same “don’t discriminate” nonsense

>> No.15134089

I thought most of the shit in that book was funny, not depressing. Like how the mainstream pop culture in Johnny Mnemonic was based on commodified images of Nazi atrocities and Islamic extremists. It's so absurd it becomes hilarious.

>> No.15134099

This. That OP never delivered.

>> No.15134207

And the first 150 pages of Urth of the New Sun

>> No.15134226
File: 16 KB, 967x680, eragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've written so many paragraphs about this that it now bores me to even vent about how obnoxious I find Paolini and his mediocre tripe. So I made this in MS paint in about 2 minutes and will use it to answer all future questions about why Eragon and its author are annoying.

>> No.15134230

Is it still larping if it's thinly veiled irony?

>> No.15134282

im pretty sure he said another book is likely or something, i saw the ending as a cliffhanger that sort of necessitates another book.

>> No.15134332

Faggot elf wizards.

>> No.15134404

You mean this?
Why would you ask that here?

>> No.15134427

...go on

>> No.15134465

just read terms of enlistment, anyone else read this? was recommended it by my brother

>> No.15134472

>no original idea
Doesn't matter when you're a child and it's your first exposure to the genre
>Purple prose
Doesn't matter when you read a translation.

You're not making me regret reading eragon three times.

>> No.15134477

Grandad gave me some books, are any of them good?
>job: a comedy of justice
>the cat who walks through walls
>cloud atlas
>the sorcerer's daughter

>> No.15134502

>has anyone in this thread, whose collective readings number in the thousands, read this regularly recommended book when anyone asks for military sci-fi ?
Why no, anon. We never read it.

>> No.15134531

new to these threads, just picked up reading again sorry. Did you enjoy it?

>> No.15134536

Cloud Atlas is fucking garbage.

>> No.15134572

What is the most engaging fantasy series you've delved into in the past 5 years, /sffg/? Doesn't have to be recent. I'm looking for something lengthy for the quarantine as well as to cute my heartache.

>> No.15134611

Decent portal fantasy.

>> No.15135166

The Licanius Trilogy

>> No.15135167

Two people in the /sffg/ group have rated it.
1 3 stars and 1 2 stars. I tried reading it but I didn't like it. Kloos is mentioned from time to time. I might try reading "Aftershocks" by him though sometime.

>> No.15135243

Why are you so obsessed with /pol/?

>> No.15135268
File: 10 KB, 196x293, PoulAnderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Poul Anderson fans? Right now I'm reading this.

>> No.15135375

I read the Broken Sword, but wasn’t a huge fan. I’m open to reading other stuff that don’t read like a proverb or fairy tale.

>> No.15135400
File: 30 KB, 500x598, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished The Three Stigmata as my first exposure to pic related´s works, and I was interested in reading VALIS next as it seems to cover similar themes. Is there any other of his works I should read before delving into VALIS?

>> No.15135440
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Ughhhhhhh... Just... why. Why is it so fucking tropey?

I don't think I can continue this series. It hit two major negatives for me.
1. The protagonist was inexplicably spared, when her adversary had no reason to. I supposed I'm supposed to assume that the adversary is chaotic, and thus prone to act in unconventional ways. But I'm sorry, that doesn't cut it. You can't just have a character arbitrarily decide to spare another character. I need reason. I need logic.

2. There's the fucking stereotypical edgelord character, who is hyper competent, but also childish and whimsical. So they utterly decimate everyone else without even trying, and they don't even seem to care that much, and treat every situation like they're playing with dolls or some such. I HATE this so much.

And because it's a parallel trilogy, or whatever the fuck they're calling it, I know I'll be getting even more of that character in the other book. And fuck that bullshit.

Guys, I need something else to read. I'm sorry, but this series became too anime for me. Are there any recommendations. Please don't give me more of this anime crap.

>> No.15135461

Being spoonfed like this is only going to cause you more problems.

>> No.15135487

If it sucks, I can just blame you guys.

>> No.15135514

alright gay boys, we can all admit:
dark fantasy > science fiction > everything else > human shit > high fantasy

>> No.15135626

dark fantasy is for fags and you should kill yourself

>> No.15135627

>reading anything from a Goodreads author™ best known for writing YA
What the fuck were you expecting? I learned my lesson ages ago thanks to Prince of Thorns.

>> No.15135645

>dark fantasy
Other than Abercrombie, GRRM, The Black Company, MalazZzZzzzZzZzan what would you recommend?

>> No.15135647

What do people mean when they describe a book as "anime"? How can a book be anime? It seems like a very visual thing. Is it a lack of nuance in how people behave?

>> No.15135653

will wight writes schlocky fantasy full of cliches and tropes. its kinda his thing. this isnt something new in his books. people enjoy it though since everything nowadays has to "subvert expectations".

>> No.15135663

people mean ridiculous plots and powerlevels that keep on rising and rising cliche anime tropes like incompetent males and competent females.
youll get a feel for it eventually since a lot of things fall into the definition.

>> No.15135665
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> reads Ken Liu's bio
> lawyer programmer writer translator with two children

How can I be like him?

>> No.15135706

First, you need to find a sci-fi series that Obama likes

>> No.15135718

Anime has a plethora of tropes and cliches that are common throughout the whole industry. Once you watch enough anime, you begin to pick up on them. And then you see it in other things. The book reads like how anime is written.

I liked his other book full of cliches. Cradle. That one manages to dodge my triggers for the most part. Which is probably due to the fact that I like the main cast so much, that I'm willing to overlook a lot of things. Though the latter books are starting to pile on more casually edgy characters. So I might get sick of that one too.

>> No.15135751

Yeah, I agree it's not a masterpiece but the uppity elitism shit about fucking fantasy adventure is more boring than anything else.

>> No.15135767

Dogfight is fucking kino and unironically the best video game story ever told.

>> No.15135827

any advice for writing a scifi story?

>> No.15135914

Don't fuck around, make the story go as fast as possible.

>> No.15136029

First half of it is decent milscifi, second half pivots away to the real focus of the series and lost me a bit.
It's a decent read even if I didn't stick with the series. His new series shows that Kloos is a decent energetic writer, I just think it's the specific scenario of the Frontline series that lost my interest.

>> No.15136166
File: 567 KB, 1321x964, Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lovecraft was a greco-roman occultist
Why didn't anyone tell me he was this based?

>> No.15136369

is algernon worth a read
what are some sci fi books that are either barely sci fi or just use a sci fi backdrop to discuss philosophy or psychology?

>> No.15136643

Because they don't want me to feed them whoremoans, even though they know they are in the closet.

>> No.15136668

Well the anon who read them in the general did say that the female's books read like an anime. Should have stuck with the pirates, instead of the ninjas.

>> No.15136673

Fuck around, make the story go as slow as possible.

>> No.15136686


>> No.15136977

Stranger in a Strange Land
The Dispossessed

>> No.15137239

anybody read Senlin Ascends from the Books of Babel series?

>> No.15137385


I would read VALIS later on. The first book is good, actually hilarious at points because it is half insanity, half humorous self-reflection about the process of going insane and how other people are reacting to him. Books two and three of the trilogy are garbage - he was just too far gone. I would read Ubik, A Scanner Darkly, and The Man in The High Castle first. VALIS is best if you're more familiar with him because it's much more personal, at least the half that is sane.

>> No.15137465


Try Stanislaw Lem - the Cyberiad is a great intro. Robot fairy tales with a bunch of philosophy integrated into them.

>> No.15137562

What was that fantasy series where the first novel had a long and drawn out succubus bdsm torture slave arc?

>> No.15137674

Good intentions?

>> No.15137777

It must be 3 years but I still hate the mother fucker that sold that shit to me in one of these threads

>> No.15137781

Ursula and Steugatski books

>> No.15137941
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Lovecraft was incredibly based, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.15138058

yes algernon is quite a good book.
i honestly wouldn't even call it sci-fi though, it's more a drama and a look into why the mentally challenged should be treated with the same respect as normal people, even if they cannot comprehend what is happening.

>> No.15138091
File: 72 KB, 768x1152, 6495-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the illustrated man is a book filled with short sci fi stories focussed entirely on the psychology of the humans in them, its well worth a read.
stuff like stranded astronauts having their final conversations, kids using virtual reality to feed their psychotic urges and men trying to survive on a planet where it constantly rains gradually being driven to insanity.
would recommend.

>> No.15138334

He was a shut-in who hated brown people. /lit/ would love him

>> No.15138441

can you name this faggot so i can blacklist him?
Not only browns,he hated everyone who was not anglo eg. niggers,wogs and slavs. Yes lit loves him except small minority of tranny lovers

>> No.15138460

William Gibson believed his stories were not depressing compared to those of his contemporaries. Because they didn't begin/end in nuclear winter.

>> No.15138463

Ubik is good.

>> No.15138549

Same for all books.

>> No.15138558

>the cat who walks through walls
Heinlein at his worst but it's still pretty cool

>> No.15138562

recommend me something close similar to Wolffe's books of the Sun

>> No.15138565

Ubik is the best, also A Scanner Darkly is very cool

>> No.15138617
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>> No.15138628
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I may have just experienced the saddest case of false memory. I had one of these vague nothingburger dreams featuring sporadic imagery of spaceships, wormwholes, an entire planet encased in tentacle mass. Upon waking up, I decided that the dream must've been related to the science fiction novel I read as a teen, some story about a small crew going on strange metaphysical adventures in a dimension-jumping ship to prevent a cataclysm. I wanted to read it again..but 30 minutes of rummaging tons "best of" sci-fi lists proved that there's no such novel, nothing would jog the memory further. This was so surreal because I could practically recall myself flipping the pages, remember entire scenes

>> No.15138662

You'll just have to write it bro

>> No.15138737
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I have a theory about the Solar Cycle.

Three points.
Firstly, we know the voyage on The Whorl from Urth to Green/Blue did NOT take 300 years as experienced from within the Whorl because of things had changed on Urth: namely the time period between Typhon's reign and Severian's childhood had elapsed (assuming Horn-Silk was purely travelling through space, not time).
Secondly, the very last pages of Return to the Whorl reveal that the sea goddess from On Blue's Waters is Scylla, no? And given the time it took her to grow to the size she has reached in modern day Urth (the time since Typhon's rule) we can assume she's been on Blue for some time.
Thirdly, from Urth of the New Sun we know that spaceships in this universe travel through time as they reach FTL (??? maybe I misunderstood this, but there's certainly some time travel involvement during space travel, no?)

I'm going to try and connect this to the ultimate mystery of Short Sun: the secret of the inhumi (given the red herring of Jahlee's final words to Nettle). From my three points, does anyone think it's feasible that The Whorl was NOT the first ship at the Blue/Green system given how Scylla had clearly gotten there first, long before The Whorl arrived. Perhaps another ship dispatched around the same time as The Whorl carrying a proto-Scylla travelling faster/not through time would explain the greater elapsed period of time experienced from within The Whorl. Here's my suggestion: did this ship arrive around the time The Neighbors went extinct? (They did seem to know about sea goddess Scylla) Perhaps this first ship carried the inhumi FROM URTH which then wiped out the natives of Blue, maybe in preparation for the human colonists. This would explain how Imhumi were within The Whorl the entire time, they had been present since departure from Urth. The secret of the inhumi is that they are not native to green, but instead to Urth.

I still don't know how the inhumi being on Green and sea goddess Scylla on Blue, and I can't think of anything from New Sun to connect the inhumi too. Also I don't see how this secret would spell their doom, which was heavily reinforced within the text.

Anyway. let me know what you guys think

>> No.15138797

Ok I will read the best page-turner debut book released within the last five years

>> No.15138820

No you won't

>> No.15138837

The guy gets cucked by losing his wife, at least from what I read from the first book. And he turns into a pirate in the 2nd but I haven't read that one yet.

>> No.15138850

I just want something else to read after Rage of Dragons.

>> No.15138858

Are there any book websites that don't cost a shitload to ship to New Zealand?

>> No.15138888

Redpill me on YA

>> No.15138902

Only if that pill contains ricin

>> No.15138922
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Can someone recommend me some fantasy books with likeable characters that carry the story?
Note, the characters don't have to be "le charismatic brown skinned merchant" type, just a bunch of very likeable characters and villains that basically carry the whole book even if the plot is trash.

I don't remember the last time I read a book with likeable characters. Everyone in every book seems to be insufferable as hell. Perhaps the last character that I liked was Sorweel from Aspect Emperor.

This thing seems to be a modern fantasy thing. Characters from older books are usually wholesome and likeable, like for example Elric.

>> No.15138924
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>"Death! Ride, ride to ruin and the world's ending!"

>> No.15138926

The Curse of Chalion and its sequel Paladin of Souls.

>Characters from older books are usually wholesome and likeable, like for example Elric.
Elric is literally the opposite of wholesome and likeable, he's an anti-hero at best and a borderline villain protagonist at worst.

>> No.15138991
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Yes but he's likeable. Doesn't need to be liked in the universe of the book, only likeable for the reader (myself). A lot of the characters from modern fantasy are insufferable little cuck bitches which I thoroughly hate, even if they are portrayed as loveable in their respective universes. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Tywin Lannister in Asoiaf is a downright real villain in the book but he's undoubtedly a likeable character. Leto II from God Emperor is the villain of many characters in the book and is HATED with every ounce of their being, but he's still likeable for the reader because you know where he's coming from, know his motivations and he is not a bitchy little shit.

>> No.15139032

Book of the Long Sun

>> No.15139066

It was the wizards first rule

>> No.15139191

>Yes lit loves him except small minority of tranny lovers
You mean the pol illegal aliens who pretend that they are natural /lit/ citizens. They like anybody who is racist.

>> No.15139204


>> No.15139229

Inhumi are from Earth

>> No.15139314

What's the state of the nebula and hugo awards? Did the sjw ruin them too? I've been out of the loop for most of my adult life.

>> No.15139330

Don't fill it with fags and other degenerates.

>> No.15139333

Do yourself a favor and pretend they don't exist.

>> No.15139368

They're decent, the autists mad at them are still ruining their own case by forcing utter dogshit baen novels into the nebula noms and hugos still are too cliquey (two of this years noms for best novel aren't very good but are by authors with a lot of industry friends).

Overall they're decent lists and they did both manage to nominate the clear best book of the year so there's competence present.
If the "sjw" charge was actually valid one would expect to see more black authors nominated, for instance both awards totally ignored Marlon James and Rosewater only got in via the Hugos series category. As I mentioned before I think the reality is more a case of a friendly group of con circuit authors mainly reading and nominating each other.

>> No.15139424
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>They like anybody who is racist.
and that's a good thing tranny,also stop using pol boogeyman
I mean look at this cast lmao,it mainly consist of women,minority,trannies and emasculate "men" or all of them combined

>> No.15139453
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meant for >>15139314

>> No.15139479

Terrible. Completely worthless, and the retards who assume that anyone who doesn't like the Hugo's is racist or sexist should get a tripcode so I can filter out their worthless opinions.

This guy >>15139368 is probably the same faggot who keeps shillinh Jordan, Lawrence, Sanderson, and other cliche-riddled escapists; the sort who sometimes try their unskilled hands at dumbed-down, didactic social commentary and pretend their books have literary value (the travesty that is Hugo's beloved Jemisin personifies this)

Neither did Mieville, K.J. Parker, or any other respectable contemporary fantasy/scifi writer.

>> No.15139521

That was N.K. jemisin

>> No.15139585

>those teeth
I imagine someone who is super backed up would probably fuck that.

>> No.15139617

Can you link these paragraphs? Thanks!

>> No.15139626

what a shitshow

>> No.15139687
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"she" is lesbian,aka man who pretends that hes a woman but still fucks women
heres his gf who or whatever the fuck they use,so I dont know which one of ITs does the fukcing
>Newitz changed personal pronouns from "she" to "they" in 2019

>> No.15139933

Then you should really read the Liveship Trader trilogy. Its about pirates, merchants, and living talking ships. Pretty kino trilogy.

>> No.15139971

>Don't read those authors that are well known and received rewards who actually have a story to tell
>Read these obscure literal-who's that's stories meander for 500 pages before abruptly ending on a completely unsatisfactory manner

If you're going to read SFF then you should at least read the popular shit so you can discuss it with people, rather than being such an autistic fuck that you only read super obscure shit that no one has ever read or can relate to, and then acting like it's fine and high literature, looking down on those that dare read the classics and the modern greats with such pretentious animosity.

>> No.15139982

So I just bought Mistborne. What am In for?

>> No.15139994

First book is ok, second book is mediocre, third book is great with a fantastic ending.

Wax/Wayne trilogy (4th one coming...????) has much better character moments and dialog but the overall plot and story arc is trash.

>> No.15140028

What does /lit/ think about Ted Chiang? I enjoyed his short stories, especially The Lifecycle of Software Objects. I'm going to read his new book tonight.

>> No.15140064

So buying all 3 books was not a mistake I take it.

>> No.15140090

It's a fun adventure if nothing else

>> No.15140291

This is /sffg/, we don't know what /lit/ thinks of any topic.

>> No.15140539

of course

>> No.15140753

Fuck off

>> No.15140762

no u

>> No.15140770

>hard sci fi book
>depicts AI/nanotech developments that are effectively magic

I notice Watts never uses "molecular nanotechnology" in his books despite being exactly the kind of writer you'd expect to do so. That's probably from the biology PhD. But with anything involving cognitive science he shits the bed and his AIs, posthumans and aliens all default to lovecraftian keikaku masters who break the laws of physics by thinking really hard. In general I think there's very few hard sci fi writers who can think more than a few decades ahead without devolving into AI/nanotech singularity autism. Any books that take a tamer view of those things without dismissing them completely?

>> No.15140803
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Ah yes, why would I seek intellectual rigor, aesthetic value, and books that closely resemble my personal artistic sensibilities if I can just read such "modern greats" as Sanderson to "discuss" it with your fellow 14 year olds. Why would I ever read such unrelatable, boring obscurities such as Hodgson or Dunsany if I can just inject myself with morphine?

>super obscure shit
So obscure! A person who the most cited literary critic of the 20th century placed into his list of all-time most significant novels, whose magnum opus Disch hailed as the best fantasy ever written, and which was continuously praised by Ursula le Guin as groundbreaking.
Or is it the most popular living non-Russian speculative fiction writer in all of Europe?

You stand for everything which disgusts me in modern consumerist society. You can not conceive of the hatred I feel towards you. You are less than human.

>> No.15140870

>Crowley is best known as the author of Little, Big (1981), a work which received World Fantasy Award for Best Novel and has been called "a neglected masterpiece" by Harold Bloom
Jesus how does this not get memed to death in /lit/?

>> No.15140875

But we are moving towards a singularity. Now more than ever with people not being able to touch each other physically. VR is getting more study.

>> No.15140891

Jesus fuck. I can imagine you, with a look of disgust on your face, and your nose in the air sniffing slightly while typing all of that.

>> No.15140962

Do yourself a favour and read this. I am only that contemptuous of the concept because I used to drink the kool aid as well


This pdf doesn't even touch on the truly looney tunes bits of the transhumanist subculture like accelerationism, which happened after Nick Land fried his brain with amphetamines, or Silicon Valley talking heads like Thiel who unironically dream of becoming the ruling class of an authoritarian technocracy after democracy fails

>> No.15140971

Because it's not that good, Ka is his only novel that really works as a complete thing

>> No.15141004

He’s right.

>> No.15141016

To the guy being a pretentious asshole AND the guy who thinks obscure stuff is "autistic" and people should read popular authors for social value,

I think you're both very, very wrong. I'm sure one of you is being more aggressive and nasty here, but I don't care to follow your argument back to where I can see who's in the wrong.

You should read good authors who are to your taste. There's nothing wrong with reading popular authors or obscure experiments, but over time your taste should develop to highlight quality.

There are amazing authors who are obscure and boundary-pushing, and there are amazing authors who are best sellers that are even popular with teenagers.

There's no value to being a snobby purist, but it's just as bad if not worse to reject things just because they're obscure.

You won't have good taste until it becomes obvious that your favorites are defined by their high quality as the common factor. If all of your "favorites" are nigh incomprehensible, "challenging" avant-garde works, then you're a tryhard pseudo-intellectual. But if you only like the most popular, well-known novels in the genre, then it's obvious that your knowledge and involvement are pretty shallow.

>> No.15141017

Books with a similar level of rich prose to Titus Groan/ Gormenghast?

>> No.15141028

For the same reason The Prague Cemetery doesn't even though it ticks all the memeability checkboxes. Most people here don't actually read.

>> No.15141058

>This guy >>15139368(You) is probably the same faggot who keeps shillinh Jordan, Lawrence, Sanderson, and other cliche-riddled escapists; the sort who sometimes try their unskilled hands at dumbed-down, didactic social commentary and pretend their books have literary value (the travesty that is Hugo's beloved Jemisin personifies this)
btw this is a total incorrect assessment of my reading habits lol but this
>he sort who sometimes try their unskilled hands at dumbed-down, didactic social commentary and pretend their books have literary value
isn't even true of the fucking authors you listed, if anything the defining characteristic of Jordan and Sanderson is writing fantasy that's so vanilla that it doesn't even dare attempt anything as unexciting as social commentary.

>> No.15141178

>doesn't bother to understand nor even read what I wrote
>states that I am wrong while not even bothering to mention what I am wrong about
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, buddy.

>unironically using the word "pretentious" as a defense mechanism to justify your tiny brain and penis.

We were just arguing about John Crowley...

Learn to read, you dyslexic child. Or perhaps it's an introductory course in logic you are lacking.

Anyway, thank you, internet, for teaching me that anything that doesn't have at least 100k ratings on goodreads is obscure and pretentious and that you should not attempt any personal judgements of quality and just read what's popular. I will be rereading the bible today and will continue on with Harry Potter and Twilight.

>> No.15141192

This is the most year 1 of undergrad poster we've had in a while

>> No.15141218

What does a postdoc poster look like?

>> No.15141228

Meant for >>15141192 fug

>> No.15141253

I am fine with you throwing sarcastic remarks to, as I said earlier, justify your small brain and penis. Yes, yes, I am very pretentious, and very stupid, and I just had lit 101 and now I think I am very big brain and very cultured.
But could you please get a tripcode?

>> No.15141307

>robot insists the humans stop misgendering it

>> No.15141346

Like I get the essence of what you're saying. But holy fuck you come off as a pretentious fag with the whole first paragraph.

>> No.15141373

This guy gets it

>> No.15141391

2D cardboard cutout YA bullshit. If you have the literacy of a 7 year old you may well enjoy it.

>> No.15141407

Yes especially now more than ever. Any day now™ we'll have the singularity™ and technocracy™. It really is right at our doorstep, especially these days.

>> No.15141494



>> No.15141498

Anon you've been called out by 3 others anons now. Time to stop posting for a while, go outside for a bit.

>> No.15141560

Has anyone here read the new Osten Ard books? I always liked Tad Williams but then the angel noir books made me think he completely lost his mind. I don't want to read something that will forever ruin Memory Sorrow and Thorn.

>> No.15141610

Based and correct.

Here's another anon telling you to get a tripcode. Please. Like the elf guy did. If you want to talk about that shit, make yourself filterable.

>> No.15141625

>Wax/Wayne trilogy (4th one coming...????) has much better character moments and dialog
Untrue. The whole thing is aged down to mid-grade

>> No.15141626

achkually rebbit spacing is two break lines.

>> No.15141635

You seem upset.

>> No.15141757

That anon's post is obnoxiously formatted but at some point the reddit spacing meme was defaced to the point that you sometimes get called a reddit spacer for using paragraphs. I can't wait until all whitespace is reddit and vowels are reddit as well so chanspeak becomes something akin to a Middle Eastern abjad

>> No.15141809

>robots have been given rights

>> No.15141855


Says the guy using Reddit spacing himself.Learn to post properly newfag.So tired of this shit coming here.Here's your upvote.

>> No.15141939

Fuck this meme. This guy organized his post I to easily readable paragraphs, would you rather he just post a wall of text? Everyone who posts this meme immediately outs them self as a faggot and a newfag, because everyone used to write posts like this in the old days

>> No.15141981



>> No.15142057

I actually read all that in one go.

>> No.15142120






>> No.15142157


>> No.15142490

I'm gonna reread Ringworld.

>> No.15142507

Any sci-fi or fantasy where metallic hydrogen is used to make swords or armour or anything at all that explores this concept?


Good for you.

>> No.15142724

>reddit spacing

>> No.15142729


>> No.15142765

Watts is just a writer, not a genius, so he's not doing to be able to accurately depict super-intelligence. As a writer he depicts it through the only real means he has at his disposable, literary technique.

I thought the reveal in Echopraxia that the entirety of Blindsight is actually a work of fiction designed by the antagonist to have influence over Moore's character was pretty meta and impressive, and really captured a sense of awe I imagine one would feel when dealing with real super-intelligence.

Also, technobabble is just technobabble. Unless it's got some thematic or plot purple who needs it? Real speculative science belongs in the final paragraph of review articles, not my nerdy alien invasion novels.

>> No.15142782

Is calling people out for clearly presenting text the new hip thing? I've been used this site since the mid-10s and I've always seen text format like this, it's easier to digest than blocks of text.

>> No.15142794

spaces make sense in paragraphs. not after every single sentence or statement. thats a purely reddit thing.

>> No.15142878

go look at usenet forums and you'll see it being used there lol

>> No.15143032

The samefagging here, EW

>> No.15143473

Do you like Kim Stanley Robinson?

>> No.15143621

got ian graham's monument recommended here a week ago. 6/10, liked the selfish main character and parts of the buildup, but the plot and ending was pretty bad. don't want to move on with path of the hawk. any recommendations?

>> No.15143638

cmon guys let's show the others

>> No.15143813

if you know it's insanely obvious if you don't know you'll never get it lol

>> No.15143816
File: 465 KB, 547x824, An Echo of Things to Come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, I'm on book 2 of the Licanius trilogy. I've been doing a mix of reading on my Kindle and listening on Audible, and it's not really working out. I'm pretty much exactly 50% through this one and I have no fucking clue what's going on. I think I've consumed the story too slowly, or just not paid enough attention. Right now, some faggot with mind control is causing trouble and I have no idea who he is, where he came from, or what the deal is. The same is generally true for the rest of the story in the second book.

Also, what in the everloving FUCK is it with this author and having names with 'ae' in them?
>Aarkein Devaed
>Ashalia Chaedris
>Taeris Sarr

Final point: isn't it lazy writing that every single character, regardless of their intelligence, experience, or political and social acumen have their emotions painted on their face and particularly in the eyes? I cannot describe how often some important emotion is conveyed via the eyes and it's getting tiresome.

>> No.15144020

>They like anybody who is racist.
Well that is a prerequisite for quality writing.

>> No.15144049

She looks like that actress that also jumped on the gender train, the one in the latest John Wick.
Same buzzcut, same fuckboy clothing.
It's like they clone them in some NJ warehouse and then let them loose on twatter.

>> No.15144382

KSR is a retarded faggot hack.

>> No.15144422

Is Children of Time worth reading?

>> No.15144442

>isn't it lazy writing that every single character, regardless of their intelligence, experience, or political and social acumen have their emotions painted on their face and particularly in the eyes?

yes it very much is but hacks keep doing it

>> No.15144445

people seem to like it, depends on how much "worth" you want out of space opera
I'm gonna read him soon and find out, right now the main poster who talks about KSR hates him because he had to read the mars trilogy in school

>> No.15144460

Hello /lit/.
Can you guys tell me some of your favourite fantasy books? Specifically high fantasy. Dragons and elves and that type of thing.

>> No.15144583

Important Reminder:

The Hugo Awards remain perfectly legitimate. They are voted on by thousands of people. There is no conspiracy of SJW's controlling the awards. All the vote totals for Hugos are publicly available and we can all go look at them any time we want to.

The field of science fiction and fantasy writers and books is, right now, better than it's ever been.

Stop reading boomer dad SFF from the 80's and 90's and read what's relevant now. Because it's great.

Don't listen to the dumb sheep on here who whine about SJW's in modern SFF. They literally have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.15144628

Good, good. Just don't read the sequels. Unless you have a thing for giantesses.

>> No.15144661

Red Mars was readable, the sequels weren't. Yet it felt like a miss -- something about Frank and the Arabs, a profundity reduced to a banality. I thought I'd caught his vibe with Aurora, which I really liked, but then I read 40 Signs of Rain, which was absolutely dreadful. I don't think I'll try again.

>> No.15144686

Update, just finished book 22 and I think I'm tapping out for now

>> No.15144716

I liked Icehenge more than Red Mars, mainly for its structure.
Each tale makes you question the veracity of the previous one.

>> No.15144727

Just finished the Crimson Empire trilogy.
First book was pretty good, after the third the whole experience is on a barely serviceable side. I've noticed the copious amounts of
sj cancer only after I was too deep to care about it. It could have been an issue in a setting that had any effort put into it's details but here it was more of a backdrop for characters to be wacky in so it's not that big of a deal. Still I don't quite get how everyone could read a woman in an approximately fifty year old man "with a female soul inside of him".
Anyway the whole thing is about characters and their adventures and the first book works as an adventure of old timey psychopaths and degenerates. Unfortunately second book is a baffling example of barely anything at all happening and the third one leaned heavily in the lore which didn't do either story or lore itself any favors. Tons of things happened in a quick succession and they weren't that interesting, battles fell flat for me. they consisted mostly of characters being smartasses to themselves and having all kinds of surface level observations and, shocks and reveals.
Also you have to leave it to progressive crowd to be overtly focused on sex. Most of the characters couldn't stop being snarky and quirky and think about tits, assess and smoking while being in mortal danger.
Anyway it's definitely not a required reading, I struggle to come up with something interesting or true the books had to say but i believe the author just wanted a platform to play around with the characters in the way that he found amusing, so i believe he succeeded with that. If the novel's description will sound interesting to you I recommend checking out any one of maroto's and zosia's chapters, if you will like their vibe there is a whole lot of that, if you want an adventure the first book is serviceable for that, if you want a "story" then don't bother.

>> No.15144870

see >>15128082

>> No.15145121

>has a female hatian physicist as a main character
>has an afterward criticizing unrealistic sci-fi as "fantasy"
No thank you to modern SF

>> No.15145140

Aw man. I might rent the sequels from a library to see how I like it. I was hoping to find out about Teela's adventures with noble barbarian guy, if the sequels go back to them. She and Nessus were my favorites.

>> No.15145224


Books with a similar vibe to this short? Feel free to bully but give some recs

>> No.15145236


>> No.15145286

What have you read already?

>> No.15145336
File: 423 KB, 700x700, png_kofi_889602c7-50cb-4d8e-96af-5ef579ce8705ko-fi-700-700-1t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15145338
File: 129 KB, 700x700, png_kofi_c6b5e5b7-de8a-4d6d-9816-8e6e4b8bbd39ko-fi-700-700-1p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15145349

Read Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality instead

>> No.15145371 [SPOILER] 
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>quick rundown

>> No.15145386


come discuss the first 10 chapters

>> No.15145456

Wait, I'm confused, aren't you the one who's seething? It seems like you're seething. You're first post is literally seething out of nowhere with a seething cat biting a fucking power cord for fucks sake why are you /pol/ fucks all so hypocritical all the time it makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

Great, now you've made me seethe.

>> No.15145502


They are objectively garbage. You think John Scalzi is a good writer? He shits his books out in a week and brags about it and then wins Hugos for it. None of these writers are particularly intelligent. It's been ten years at least of people voting for the book equivalent of cartoons. Scalzi vs Dick or Lem or Niven or Heinlein is just a joke.

>> No.15145530

Octavia E Butler was a completely random discovery for me. I found a used copy of Dawn somewhere and sat down to read it.

It was such an interesting experience. I felt pretty uncomfortable reading stuff from a perspective so different from my own. Really eye opening stuff. Her writing feels very personal and emotional. I loved it.

Several years ago I (randomly) walked into a museum exhibit about her in Pasadena California while I was wandering around a park. . I guess she was born there. I remember a picture of her as a young woman, a tall ugly black girl, posing with her white male pimply neckbeard classmmates in a science fiction writing class in the late 60's. That must have sucked. She wrote motivational letters to herself throughout her life, mostly in thick red pen, which spoke about her doubts in her abilities. I guess she was constantly told she couldn't be a science fiction writer, etc.

She moved to the neighborhood in Seattle where I was born, and lived there until her death. I would have really liked to meet her. I honestly might have done so. Crazy shit.

>> No.15145600

But the character I hate is even more prominent on the pirate's side of the story. I could list off a bunch of anime tropes for the pirates too.

>> No.15145623

oh and I'm the same anon from the previous general. Despite it reading like an anime, I still did the pirate side, then moved back to the ninja side for part two.
I think reading the pirate side second was the better choice, because it outright states what is treated like a mystery on the ninja side. So if you go pirates first, then you're pretty much spoiling any suspense on the Ninja's side.

>> No.15145640

Red Seas Under Red Skies has some pretty kino segments.

>> No.15145776

Im almost certain the point is a meta point where you are left shocked and void after realizing, holy shit, Kellhus was just a man, and flawed.

Also, that the Logos is wrong, and flawed. The Dunyain Consult fell to the Inverse Fire and are no more masters of their paths than the Mangaeca was. I've read a lot of fan discussions, the chapters with Kellhus' full Dunyain son almost spell all this out if you chew on them enough. Look into IRL Gnostic teachings and Sacred Geometry basic, it actually helps understand a lot of what Bakker's Zero-god shit is.

>> No.15145787

I was sure that you could abbreviate spoiler tags. Guess im retarded.

>> No.15145792
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Anyone ever read this autism?

>> No.15145834

There was no need for those paragraphs.

>> No.15145842

No, but It's on my TBR pile

>> No.15145848

What? I thought it was near-immaculate. Tell me what you thought was bad

>> No.15145891

Fantasy novels are worthless now that chink web novels are there file easy gratification. I haven't read a fantasy novel in years

>> No.15145906

Drudging through Fall of Hyperion so I can start Dune....

>> No.15145936

>Muh fantasy oil
>Muh Jihad
Dune is cringe. I hate allegory

>> No.15145956
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Jessica is pretty cool tho

>> No.15146807

I don't you understand what allegory is.

>> No.15146812

Congrats on self-admitting your fall and being happy with it.

>> No.15146815

What a bad "game" that's too often spammed.

>> No.15146860

>Niven or Heinlein

>> No.15146872

Of the 100 or so active posters in this general, you are the dumbest one.
Diversity writers getting way too many awards (all 6 nominees last year were women (seriously 1/2^6 chance assuming 50-50 odds of writing best-of-the-year, and men have historically written much more *serious* (as in, non-escapist) genre fiction than women)) is not even the main point. It's that those writers are shit, and as soon anyone challenges you on this point you dissappear.
There are some very good scifi and fantasy authors, but they are not getting these two awards (Hugo and Nebula) and it is not THE best it has ever been (though it is still pretty good). Horror, though, might be the best it has ever been.

The Calculating Stars - haven't read, sounds like a nightmare burger imperialism exporting NPC American social values.
Jemisin - 0/10, a nightmare.
The Three-Body Problem - I have probably read more Asian scifi than anyone in this thread, and this doesn't even come close to the best it has to offer. Dumbed down historic commentary with reiteration of concepts previously seen in the genre.
2015 - Jim Butcher got nominated, jesus christ.
2014 - Wheel of Time got nominated, you dumb fuck
2013 - Scalzie won over 2312 you dumb fuck
2012 - Jo Walton won over Embassytown, and that is a terrible decision even if I acually somewhat like Walton. She is NOT on the same level as Mieville though.

>> No.15146904

"Diversity" is the covert way to say "minority" to obscure racism.

>> No.15146916

>all 6 nominees last year were women
and how many years were all men?

>> No.15146940

They were biased against women back then, what's your point?

Minority is the covert way to say "being in a group constituting over 50% of the world's people (women) makes you more likely to win a Hugo". How are you even on 4chan, jfc? We have to deal with right wing fascists all the time, but now left-wing SJW's as well?

>> No.15146945

Are they biased for women now?

>> No.15146964

Absolutely not it’s such shit

>> No.15146972

Opinion discarded.

>> No.15146986

Well, judging by the previous 4 or so years, they are not just emrely "biased" for them, it has become difficult to win an award if you have a penis, no matter how well you write. Such masterpieces completely ignored... Borne, Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr, 16 ways to defend a walled city, A Brightness Long Ago... Even from a purely objective, statistical point of view, you must admit that at either least 75% of great speculative fiction is written by women, or, believe that it is just a a 1 in a million coincidence.

>> No.15146994

Maybe the avid readers are just tired of the same old male perspective and tropes and find the women refreshing. Eventually it should balance out.

>> No.15147015

Here's a better explanation: most Hugo voters are either women, or white knights, and they ignore literary greatness and originality in favor of some imaginary "perspective".
There's no such thing as "old male perspective" in the works I listed. Why would you merge so deep into the school of hatred as to state that writing is indistinguishable from the author's demographic? Do you think if I am an old male, I must write only about issues that concern old males, as opposed to seeking general aesthetic pleasure and delving deep into the human condition, the fundamental buildings blocks which all humans possess, regardless of their gender or race?

>> No.15147025

Yes, yes, #allwritersmatter

>> No.15147050

No, good writers matter, and I would suggest you don't use that symbol on 4channel, it is used to propagate a culture of simplicity, where witty, cool-sounding one-sentence memes dominate the social conscious. It doesn't matter how thoroughly you articulate your views, how solidly you build your arguments, a retard comes back and slams a sarcastic sentence which completely misrepresents and oversimplifies your ideas...
See how you refuse to engage in an intelligent discourse and instead opt to communicate in this post-twitter manner?

>> No.15147053

It's School of Resentment.

>> No.15147058

>it is used to propagate a culture of simplicity, where witty, cool-sounding one-sentence memes dominate the social conscious.
As opposed to images, greentext, and similar here?

>> No.15147068

>actually trying to seriously argue here
come on bruh

>> No.15147072

I thought hatred was the the better word choice, given the intensity of their emotion; the push-back so strong that they are now discriminating against men harder than they were ever discriminating against women.

bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

intense dislike; hate

>> No.15147080


>> No.15147118

You know what, you are right.

greentext is at least entertaining, though I do dislike most of you faggots for similar reasons.

See >>15147050

Anyway I am done arguing over this, as that faggot is clearly not interested in arguing, he is just interested in believing himself to be in the right.
I might write up an anti-Hugo copypasta to respond to his nonsense later on. If he continues this behavior them up.
I will just end with this 21/24 women over the last 4 years. It's a binomial probability cumulative density function, and gives:
- 0.000017941 with 50-50 (actual great books by women-men)
- 0.000661793 with 60-40
- 0.039801187 with 75-25
- 0.114517387 with 80-20
I accidentally took the strict more than probabilities, but you get the point.

>> No.15147130

>thinking statistics matter
Ha ha, no.

>thinking that the hugos matter and wanting to prove how bad they are
Wew lad

>> No.15147168

Why do good things happen to people I don't like?

>> No.15147246
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Just started reading this shit.If author wanted me to hate that limp dick faggot MC then he succeeded

>> No.15147476


>> No.15147527

is that severian from botns ?
pretty gud anon