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/lit/ - Literature

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1516825 No.1516825 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1516835
File: 75 KB, 852x480, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And not a single shitpost to my name.

>> No.1516843

Do you ever just think about blowing your brains out for wasting that much time here.

>> No.1516855

i'm sorry

>> No.1516872
File: 34 KB, 376x490, akoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As life goes on I'm starting to learn more
and more about responsibility
And I realize that everything I do is
affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to
apologize for things that I've done
And things that have not occurred yet
And things they don't want
to take responsibility for

>> No.1516887

Holy shit that Anonymous fucker has a lot of posts

>> No.1516894


I am here alot lololol

>> No.1516895

just to point out, when you combine his multiple trips, Tybrax actually has 5400 (or so) posts making him the most prolific tripfag. also the most annoying one who needs to be banned.

I don't remember seeing Arcueid Brunestud around much lately, has he left? would be a pity.

best tripfag

>> No.1516898
File: 6 KB, 268x188, Moliereindrag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutting me off by just one trip
shit's a conspiracy

i'd be on top if the report was qualitative

>> No.1516900


Isabelle Huppert has quite a few too, under a few different names.


Regardless of the truth of that statement, I contribute quite a lot, but don't try to attention-whore while I do it.

>> No.1516905


Back to this are we?

OK bro

>> No.1516904 [DELETED] 

No I think Stagolee is still #1 at about 4800

>> No.1516907

>but don't try to attention whore while i do it
that's your problem my companion

not all of us can be as altruistic as I

>> No.1516908

Hey guys it's attention-whoring if you happen to post things people take notice of and can put a name to.

Why do the pathetic masses resent those of us who are either talented or charactered enough to attract fame?
Probably because it is easier for the degenerate modern subhuman, en masse, to resent, and wallow in guilt and his own filth, than to better himself and aspire.

>> No.1516910
File: 13 KB, 225x225, Romanticbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem happens to lie in the level of intelligence of today's world

that is to say it has risen to a point of extreme drabness

>> No.1516914


you think it's because we envy how well-read you are or how bright you are or how opinionated you are. but the truth is it's because you're just kind of a dick. there is no mystery here.

>> No.1516920

I aspire to be on /lit/ all day. Please tell me how I can accomplish something so impressive.

>> No.1516923
File: 19 KB, 470x313, Al Green-JKZ-001137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck..

I'm on /lit/ as well as the /mu/ one of these..

Fuck sake Mogwai, get a grip with yo self mo fukeer

>> No.1516925
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>you're just kind of a dick
in other words
>we envy how well-read you are or how bright you are or how opinionated you are

>> No.1516928

sorry but people don't dislike you because you're ubermenschen, they dislike you D&E because you're kind of a dick sometimes and they dislike you Faboo because you're an annoying attention whore sometimes

yall make good posts and i would hate to see you leave but cut the weird arrogance

>> No.1516933
File: 29 KB, 617x480, amazing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys want to see how many posts Taiga has made on /a/

it's more than the amount of times anonymous has posted on /lit/

>> No.1516934

it's not because you're bright or opinionated or well-read, it's because your first move in any discussion or argument is "lol, i'm right, guess you haven't read [author], you subhuman uneducated scum, D&E OUT"

like, if you would engage in discussion without IMMEDIATELY insulting anyone who challenges you and claiming that they're entirely ignorant, i don't think anyone would have a problem with you. or if you ended all your statements with DEEP & EDGY OUT. that would also be acceptable.

>> No.1516936

everyone know those animes weirdos have no life lol

>> No.1516944


>anime weirdos

Yes, lol.
>Implying I don't have a life.

>> No.1516946

tripfag is just another word for fag


>> No.1516949
File: 23 KB, 836x354, TFIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that crazy bitch

fuck you all for making these past hours such dry series of events, i will continue to drift and proclaim until you cater to my needs, threads i can have some fun with

>> No.1516950


your ego wont allow the possibility, will it? allow me put it in simple terms: instead being relaxed and contributing to this board in a constructive and all-inclusive way, you rely on aggression, condescension, arrogance and pomposity to carry you. there is no magnetism of personality here, only repulsion.

and you wonder why oh why do these people dislike me?

>> No.1516952
File: 32 KB, 330x330, 1290709529842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Tripfags complement themselves for being cancer.

>> No.1516956

>you wonder why oh why do these people dislike me?

I really doubt that he wonders that. Just sayin.

>> No.1516960

i do not think any one person here would mind the company of such a vermin

it is not as if the regulars of this board don't deserve to die slow, painful deaths

>> No.1516962

On this board, yeah.

Seems like all our tripfags are single homosexuals without jobs who desperately need attention.

>> No.1516965
File: 227 KB, 1021x663, 1295835477159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. I think it's funny that this shit receives recognition, but beyond that I don't really give a damn. D&E's a dick, Fabulous is just weird, ty's fucking annoying, I'm stupid, onionring's obnoxious, Stag's retarded, and anonymous is pathetic. Welcome to 4chan!

>> No.1516970
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>> No.1516971
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there he is, ladies and gentlemen! the first man to successfully square the circle.

>> No.1516976

Actuually, Stag is cool and funny

>> No.1516979

tbh the only one that i would actually wish physical harm upon / wish would stop posting is Ty. all the others are annoying sometimes, but net positives for the board

otoh i hate ty with a dull, deadening hate that fills my soul

>> No.1516993


stagolee is an adolescent still splashing around in the porcelain bowl that is high school. and yet he pipes up with his poorly formed and underdeveloped observations on literature like a child who just discovered the growth of his first pubic hair

>> No.1516994
File: 127 KB, 424x470, 1296418439094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ seriously has the most annoying tripfags.

>> No.1517001
File: 15 KB, 430x320, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my total posts

>> No.1517008

were you even here a week ago when that weaboo cunt was actively working to literally bring down the board?

it seems like she's completely gone now so i should think that was her last act in office

it was a joke

>> No.1517009

A lot of his posts make me laugh

>> No.1517018

You're really annoying

>> No.1517027
File: 6 KB, 256x197, JackWSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's simply false

>> No.1517039
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>> No.1517193
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>> No.1518764
File: 31 KB, 404x302, buzz lightspaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and i'm perfect

>> No.1518770

>ITT: Tripfags complement themselves for being cancer.

Let's everyone take turns at this:

Thank you, Brownbear, for being the cancer.

>> No.1518771


Why did you dredge this shit up from the depths?

Too many meta-threads on this board in general.

>> No.1518781


And then Brownbear was the cancer.

>> No.1518795

Because what's the use of being a tripfag if you can't revel in the 14 going threads about you and your fellow tripfags?

Duh, silly.
Total fucking sage.

>> No.1518826
File: 27 KB, 455x344, pretentious hipster bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks D&E, for being so cancerous.
some of the cancerous activities you indulge in include:
posting knowledgeably in threads concerning philosophy
posting with a clear opinion easily accessed by others
sharing with /lit/ collections of assorted essays primarily concerning philosophy but also literature and critical theory.

>> No.1519418


>> No.1519422

i remember that episode

>> No.1519444
File: 21 KB, 250x350, kanye west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m livin’ in the 21st century
Doin’ something mean to it
Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it
Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it
I guess every superhero need his theme music

No one man should have all that power
The clock’s tickin’, I just count the hours
Stop trippin’, I’m trippin’ off the power

>> No.1519463

the great thing is i can post in this thread and i won't derail it because this thread was shit to begin with

>> No.1521227

Saved from page 14!

>> No.1521230

The great thing about me is that I can post in a thread and still derail it even though it was shit to begin with

>> No.1521239

Still sore about that thread man? nothing personal but imo it was well deserved... Gotta say man. I've seen you around and tried to be nice, supported you a little, said I wanted to read your MW2 fanfic, felt sorry for you when you said your life is sad and lonely and you just sit at home playing videogames and getting high.But you're also a fucking dick sometimes. I don't feel so sorry for you anymore. And I no longer want to read your stories. (I originally thought they were stories involving modern warfare... not Modern Warfare as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare).

>> No.1521254


Fuck yeah King Crimson!