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15182468 No.15182468 [Reply] [Original]

Why'd he neck himself?

>> No.15182471

He realised Nick Land was right

>> No.15182479

I would too if i looked like that
I do

>> No.15182642

if you read his second book you kinda get why I suppose

shame he necked himself though

>> No.15183249

Neoliberal workload and atomization gave him depression. No new good music for nearly 2 decades. A Spinozist determinist. Easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. Haunted by lost futures. All while becoming an aging academic.

What do you think?

>> No.15183454

I really envy those who do it so effortlessly.
I'm sure I'd fuck it up badly (I'm in fucking europe too and can't just buy a shotgun)

>> No.15183479

they dont make jungle anymore :(

>> No.15183509

because clinical depression is real and it can be lethal

>> No.15183523

choked on his blackpill

>> No.15183583

sounds like me in a couple of decades, and that would best case scenario. fuck!

>> No.15183623

why does anyone kill themselves?

>> No.15183664

too much pain

>> No.15183685

to reroll the dice

>> No.15183687

Lifelong depression and he wouldn't fucking take his meds

>> No.15183689

sweet psychward cunny if you fail, never have to think about your lack of cunny if you succeed

>> No.15183699

>what is a rhetorical question

>> No.15184163

>Haunted by lost futures.

What does this mean?

>> No.15184172

hauntology, look it up

>> No.15184198

>Hauntology (a portmanteau of haunting and ontology[1]) is a neologism introduced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in his 1993 book Spectres of Marx. As a philosophical concept, it refers to the return or persistence of elements from the past, as in the manner of a ghost. It has since been invoked in fields such as visual arts, philosophy, electronic music, politics, fiction and literary criticism.

>> No.15184209

watch this vid by cuck


>> No.15184219

Not listening to some antifa fag

>> No.15184257
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>> No.15184546

this plus depression
recipe for disaster

>> No.15184608

because he was a verbose cunt

>> No.15184617

we all moved to japanese breakcore

>> No.15184626

For being a hack

>> No.15184634

he read TOO much

>> No.15184658

can you read yourself into suicide?

>> No.15184667


>> No.15184701

because he understood that human existence is MALIGNANTLY USELESS

>> No.15184760

i dont know, i'm glad i'm stupid. i've accepted it, but when i didn't accept it and read too much i felt something like this:
over readining for the sake of reading and undertsanding everything put too many other voices, info, ideas, that completely isolated myself from others, but more damagingly, isolated myself from myself. throw in a job/work that isolates to double its strength and have contempt for the given society which increased with more reading also.
i had grandious political ideas that would in theory probably work, but will never be actualized which was depressing, came up with something like what fixes all of it is if you exhaust and go all in full nihilist to come out somewhere in the possitive. that was a disaster.
i'm not him, but to KNOW THYSELF is something that reading helped but too much reading did not permit.
atlantis never had any quiet towards its peak and then was destroyed.

>> No.15184767

This is similar to my field (please check out my PHD) skeletonology. It is a combination of historical dialectic and archeology. It examines how the bare bones of so called "events" are unearthed and studied, as in the manner of a skeleton.

>> No.15184806

pretty close to the truth.

>> No.15184813

probably a pedo, that's usually why people do it

>> No.15184817

He actually dug a lot of new music, that's like 30% of the k-punk blog.

>> No.15185724

>He actually dug a lot of new music
like what?

>> No.15185819


>> No.15185999
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>> No.15186061

you can easily buy medicine that will painlessly knock you out permanently from chemical suppliers

>> No.15186077

only if you skip cioran

>> No.15186141

what causes such depression?

>> No.15186477

poor guy

>> No.15186495
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Jokes on you, that's (kind of) already a thing, and its pretty interesting, too.

>> No.15186746

without prescription ?