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15191563 No.15191563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn't cyberpunk make more sense if the megacorp names were in Hebrew?

>> No.15191568

>implying chinese isn't the Hebrew of the east asians
>also /lit/ board

>> No.15191571

they control the money, not the corporations directly

>> No.15191575

You can't say that anon.

>> No.15191576

Are they today?

>> No.15191585

It is fiction

>> No.15191600

haha jews amirite

>> No.15191611

Do you get the original context of cyberpunk? Stupid zoomer

>> No.15191637

we live in a cyberpunk world right now. do you see hebrew signs plastered everywhere?

>> No.15191643

no, why would it be anything other than american english

>> No.15191688

Seethe and dilate.

>> No.15191698

Yes, I see Jewish companies everywhere.

>> No.15191782

No, because Jewish overlords operate from the shadows

>i.e. they don't even exist, stop using Jews as a scapegoat

>> No.15191793

>Wouldn't Plato's Allegory of the Cave make more sense if instead of the sun, it was knowledge, and instead of a cave it was our collective models of the world?
>Wouldn't Aesop fables make more sense if they were people?
>Wouldn't greentexts make more sense if they weren't sarcastic?

>> No.15191821

with hebrew advertisement?

>> No.15191844

Ah yes, the traditional Hebrew names of Doritos, FedEx, Geico, Disney, Sony, Hisense, Lenovo and Hugo Boss.

>> No.15191859

White People:
>rule the world for several centuries
>explicit philosophy of racial superiority where it is there moral obligation to oppress the lower races
>genecide everywhere
>erase entire cuktures from the face of the earth (mesoamericans)
>disturb the thousand year autonomy of entire continents
>overthrow the democratically elected governments of nations just because it interferes with the profit margin
>racially based slavery
>exploitation of third world countries

>makes money
>supports disenfranchised communities and their concerns
>makes the most innovative art and philosophy for the last century and a half
>wants to get rid of whitey and their fantasy of racial superiorty

Idk about you guys, but I know who I support in this race.

>> No.15191868

10/10 typo

Nice bait but it doesn't even make sense from a "Jews control everything" standpoint.

>> No.15191881
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>anon just happens to arrive at the opinion he's allowed to state in public instead of the one he may get in trouble for
imagine that

>> No.15191889

This post says nothing

>> No.15191899
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, Shut_It_Down.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story goes like this: Genesis is captured by a ziocapital Jerusoularity as balabusta neorationalitization and farblondjet navigation lock into shekelization take-off. Logistically exodizing bummerkeh-economic interactivity kosherizes social neocockamamy in auto-kitschicating mechutanista runaway. As shtetls learn to manufacture Yiddisher kop, Pardes modernizes, upgrades kvetchoplexy, and tries to gematrize Eruvstition.

Quantoshekels manufacture Ziotelligence. The Jerusolarity is at hand.

>> No.15191904

what was the very first thing Jews did once they got a country again? Something about killing brown children
Also I seem to recall something about a 'chosen people' for whom everyone else is cattle. But yes 'white people' are the racial supremacists

>> No.15191907

Yeah, just like newsmedia and Hollywood are in Hebrew... Retard

>> No.15191909


>> No.15191912

How could i forget the most sacred prophets from the Torah Mitsubishi, American Airlines, Huawei, Tata Communications.
Oh how the songs from Huawei's writings sends shivers up my spine, I can almost hear the chattering of Yahweh... sounds a lot like Chinese spies.

>> No.15191914

>But yes 'white people' are the racial supremacists
Yes, they are. Go to /pol/ and come back and tell who’s calling who subhuman.

>> No.15191916

No, the goyim can't know.

>> No.15191918

The killing was muttual for the start.
Your comment about cattle is unspecific and unsubstantiated. if a Jewish woman has children with a goy those children will be Jewish as per talmudic laws. How would that be possible if the father was cattle? You're not making any sense.

>> No.15191919

Nice Freudian slip, cuck.

>> No.15191922

Shall we do a proper survey and see if your average white or Jew is more ethnocentric?

>> No.15191928

>The killing was muttual for the start.
right and the Mesoamericans mentioned above were just cuddly

>> No.15191932

oy vey delete this anti-semitic post

>> No.15191945

Yes, read Columbus’ diary.

>> No.15191950

This would be a great time to post one of those /pol/ info graphics where all the post-minority and anti-white articles are written by bergs and steins.

>> No.15191953

>an entire two continents of warring tribes and empires reacted with open arms to a foreign group of humans
Yes im sure this is what happened. The human sacrificing warlords would never do anything violent

>> No.15191963

Well our dear gefilte fish specialist friends have a tendency of infiltrating themselves where they can expand their influence, very intelligent people I mean, not denying that, who can in 3000 years being the most disgusting bastards on the earth and still being alive is quite impressive, the Canaanites in the ancient testament would agree with me, they weren't spared though, even the babies. Open and intelligent people! Our dear Jewish friends, holy and delightful until the end...

>> No.15191973

Stop conjecturing and actually read, anon. There are two dominating narratives when it comes to it. The Taino indians literally recieved the Spanish as Gods and where prompty enslaved and forcibly converted to Christianity. There is a famous log by a bishop from the time about it... you might’ve heard about it.

>> No.15191990

Man, white people really are the jews of the non-jewish races

>> No.15192149

So japanese megacorp in cyberpunk were just a metaphor for kikes?

>> No.15192219

Go back to /pol/

>> No.15192244
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>makes the most innovative art and philosophy for the last century and a half

>> No.15192474

>Yikes incels have sex.

>> No.15192531

I feel personally offended reading this. Maybe in CIA land.

>> No.15192542

And among them Anglos are the jewsiest.

>> No.15192574

You're missing the point. Cyberpunk started out during Japan's economical boom, where "Japan will rule the world" was an actual fear people had on economic think-tanks.
Of course the US government just bent them over a barrel and ruined their economy forever with the Plaza Accords, and Japan's economy never recovered.

>> No.15192589

Have you considered that you might be actually living on Israel?

>> No.15192993
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Cool it with the Anti-Semitic remarks

>> No.15193086

No. As it turns out, even up and coming superpowers like China, Russia, and India like to appropriate western European words for aesthetic reasons. So the cyberpunk writers were wrong, we aren't going to live in a world with neon signs with Chinese names, they're just going to be Chinese companies with English sounding names.