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15239868 No.15239868 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes the penis is just a tobacco.

>> No.15239909

I MEANT CIGARETTE. Damn Freudian slips.

>> No.15239910

i love me some tobacco

>> No.15239933

Does his footnote about the discovery of fire in Civilization and its Discontents ever get posted around here? It's one of the most memeworthy things I've ever read.

>> No.15239937

are there any modern psychoanalysts I should listen to

>> No.15239949

hi i’m new to lit do we pronounce pseud like freud here? thanks in advance.

>> No.15239953

I bet the ppl shitting on Freud think CBT cures depression or harbor other retarded beliefs about psychology.

>> No.15239974

>call someone a soid in real life
>they laugh at me

>> No.15240037

CBT and a rogerian approach by a therapist is 10000000x better than whatever retarded shit Freud evee came up with

>> No.15240103

If we're analysing that parapraxis, you could probably say that the phallic shape of the cigarette (and the fact it goes in the mouth) might have led you to slip.

>> No.15240106


>> No.15240202

Everyone believes in one or two stupid things. One may see Freud as a fraud but believes in NLP, it doesn't make psychoanalysis any better than homeopathy. CBT is curently shown as superior to psychoanalysis for curing depression - how is that a retarded belief - you will need to provide solid proofs of the contrary rather than calling names.

>> No.15241230

Okay, damn it, I'll go ahead and post this classic.
>Psycho-analytic material, incomplete as it is and not susceptible to clear interpretation, nevertheless admits of a conjecture--a fantastic sounding one--about the origin of this human feat. It is as though primal man had the habit, when he came in contact with fire, of satisfying the infantile desire connected with it, by putting it out with a stream of his urine. The legends that we possess leave no doubt about the originally phallic view taken of tongues of flame as they shoot upwards. Putting out fire by micturating--a theme to which modern giants, Gulliver in Lilliput and Rabelais' Gargantua, still hark back--was therefore a kind of sexual act with a male, an enjoyment of sexual potency in a homosexual competition. The first person to renounce this desire and spare the fire was able to carry it off with him and subdue it to his own use. By damping down the fire of his own sexual excitation, he had tamed the natural force of fire. This great cultural conquest was thus the reward for his renunciation of instinct. Further, it is as though woman had been appointed guardian of the fire which was held captive on the domestic hearth, because her anatomy made it impossible for her to yield to the temptation of this desire. It is remarkable, too, how regularly analytic experience testifies to the connection between ambition, fire and urethral erotism.

>> No.15241250


>> No.15241305

the proof is it doesn’t work you fucking retard, you can’t tell since all you have is an appeal to stats and numbers. you don’t understand the psyche, and Freud shits on you dumb faggot. the unconscious exists.

>> No.15241345

This sounds pants crappingly retarded and only affirms my decision to avoid this ultra-jew.

>> No.15241548

>Reading translations

>> No.15242636

>all you have is an appeal to statistics
>if you look at my anecdote, you'll see it's not 100% perfect
>you and/or practitioners of CBT dont believe in the unconscious
>the unconscious rules me and you cant see mine so NEUGH

>> No.15242732

I used to be one of the CBT cucks until I realized what that's all about. You are literally just suppressing negative thought patterns like a little bitch.

Now I'm not a huge believer in the idea that suppressed emotion builds up and becomes dangerous or anything. Nor do I believe that CBT is ineffective in 'curing' depression.

But wanting to be cured in such a way is very demeaning. You're going to stop being depressed so what - you can forget about who you are and why you're upset and go be a productive little wagie working in a cubicle? At least psychoanalysis seeks to enrich one's understanding of themselves and potentially help them realize what they really want.

Since STEMfags are typically the ones against CBT, let me try to appeal to them. Imagine your well-being as the function y =-3x^6 +x^5 +4x^4

You're currently at x = -0.5. CBT will take you down to the local maximum but it won't take you up to the global maximum. Psychoanalysis can.

>> No.15242757

I like his theories but that's being retarded. Analysts suffer from the compulsion to explain everything so they end up with this stupid shit

>> No.15242786

Well no, not quite, on a lot of those points.

Cognitive-behaviorism reshapes cognitions. By definition of hierarchy, negative thoughts will receive less energy, but they are not suppressed in the way you think. And theres no reason to believe that it's all to serve some boogeyman like corporate America or whoever you're afraid of.

Traditional psychoanalysis, on the other hand, is built entirely on the notion of giving power over to the person in charge. Freud believed the doctor-patient relationship was so sterile, so free of influence, that all information exchanged was pure client ailment and pure doctor analysis. He should have known better, or at least acted better; psychoanalysts today recognize the myriad influences that affect the relationship and any subsequent analysis.

The third major problem has two parts. 1. Psychoanalysis is far from the only therapeutic school to utilize insight. It's so common a component of therapy, it has a standardized term ("insight"). Believe me when I say each of the thousands of theoretical frameworks has their own understanding of insight. 2. The school I subscribe to views insight as mediated by the therapist but truly resting only within the client. No expert on the planet is going to unlock some magical ass treasure trove to understand the Self better than the Self themselves. We're only here to give some guidance.

>> No.15242829


But insofar as CBT focuses on cognitive distortions and the problematic behaviours they cause, it seems to me that it would implicitly deprioritize insight apart from at a superficial level for the purposes of filling a thought-pattern framework

I might be wrong because most of my knowledge of psychiatry is from the Sopranos. But it certainly seems that CBT is very symptom focused while psychoanalysis takes on a much richer dimensionality that ties together childhood development, psychoses, aspirations, etc.

>And theres no reason to believe that it's all to serve some boogeyman like corporate America or whoever you're afraid of.

So I'm supposed to just ignore the fact that CBT took off exactly at the same time and place neoliberalism did?

>> No.15242878
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cbt posits that you can reason yourself out of a pathological emotional state.

it works only in mild cases and usually leads to the client coming back to therapy later on because the bandaid of cbt didn't address the root of the problem, "core beliefs" notwithstanding.

it is popular for 2 reasons:

1. It claims to solve the problem in about 6-12 sessions, so HMOs love that they don't have to pay for long term care.

2. Its relatively simple and straight forward technique is easy to teach and so professional psychology schools can churn out new therapists every year, about half of whom are bored housewives and wouldn't want to undertake rigorous, nebulous psychoanalytical training anyway.

basically, it appeals to 2 very american instincts: the quick, easy fix, and that man is an automaton.

And statistically, cbt seems to be losing some of its efficacy, just like psych meds have over the last decade or so.

Freud is ok, but if you really want to study man, move on to Jung and then Rogers

>> No.15242925

Some of it also comes from the realization that negative thoughts aren't actually magical or mysterious inner truths. That's an unfortunate spillover from Freud. In terms of the symptom-focus, you're absolutely right: CBT helps reduce symptoms so that clients may do as they please, even if that means being used by the capitalist machine. However, if one wants to work on insight, development, existential stuff, then they're more than welcome to, and a lot of us want to integrate many theories into our approach.

Try also to imagine what all happens in, say, 8 one hour long sessions. Childhood, aspirations, and everything under the sun will come up. Hell, asking about childhood is a technique to immediately start recognizing life patterns.

>just supposed to ignore
More like have faith. Theories don't harm people, people who misuse techniques derived from theories or pump out their own egos harm people. Again, think realistically. There wasn't a wave of tortured geniuses receiving CBT and turning into mindless zombies in the 1970s or whenever you think this happened

>> No.15242931

Don't forget the third American ideal: "we can control ourselves"

>> No.15242955
File: 54 KB, 640x520, meanwhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self control
don't make me guffaw

>> No.15243221

>Happy thoughts happy thoughts if I do it 10k times and think it through it will be solved! Oh, what's that? My anxiety manifests in a different symptom now?! Back to the drawing board ingnore ignore happy thoughts happy thoughts

>> No.15243259

reminder that most worthwhile psychoanalysis after Freud is from Americans, granted minor Lacanian flare-ups in France and South American

>> No.15243335

>you can’t tell since all you have is an appeal to stats and numbers.

how the fuck are you this retarded?

Maybe because CBT has EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that is extremely efficient. But no, lets take the word of an old coodge just because he looks very epic in his photo xDDDD

kill yourself

>> No.15243361

>You're going to stop being depressed so what - you can forget about who you are and why you're upset and go be a productive little wagie working in a cubicle?

Found the Amerimutt

>> No.15243372

He was a self proclaimed atheist

>> No.15243381

i mean modern psychoanalysis does have an incredibly similar success rate to that of modern clinical psychology