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15279742 No.15279742 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15279753

>but worse
based retard

>> No.15279769

the whole response to corona was artificial. it was a designed attack to destroy small businesses and community bonds. now we're seeing meat shortages, so i'm expecting them to push vegetarianism and veganism, and they will probably try to get us to eat bugs or at least grasshopper protein paste or something. it's just like 9/11, they're just going to use it as a justification to take more control of our daily lives.
i think its hilarious how they're saying "we're all in this together." all of a sudden we're on the same side? fuck you.

>> No.15279778

vegetarianism is healthier, I guess the elites want us to have better skin and cleaner arteries

>> No.15279793

An American aren't you?

>> No.15279841

>it's just like 9/11, they're just going to use it as a justification to take more control of our daily lives.

This is the only thing you're right about. The rest is just shallow conjecture.

>> No.15279858

NPC comment.

>> No.15279860

>"banal" virus

Made me kek, thats actually a brilliant statement.

>> No.15279862

>t. had meat just yesterday.

>> No.15279863
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libertarians are insufferable

>> No.15279891

>What I think, fundamentally, is that you can’t do anything about major societal changes. It may be regrettable that the family unit is disappearing. You could argue that it increases human suffering. But regrettable or not, there’s nothing we can do. That’s the difference between me and a reactionary. I don’t have any interest in turning back the clock because I don’t believe it can be done. You can only observe and describe. I’ve always liked Balzac’s very insulting statement that the only purpose of the novel is to show the disasters produced by the changing of values. He’s exaggerating in an amusing way. But that’s what I do: I show the disasters produced by the liberalization of values.

>> No.15279892

t. low test, three times the rates of depression, slower reaction times, no muscular definition, higher rates of mental illnesses
>b-but I will live 3 months more of a 80 years pathetic existence

>> No.15279899


>> No.15279906

vegetarianism is not natural

>> No.15279912

Lad should've killed himself ages age

>> No.15279913

>clicks link
>it's real
But what does Ja Rule think?

>> No.15279917

This guy is 4chan personified.

>> No.15279920
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>all the retards going "he's literally me!"

>> No.15279926

Sitting on your arse all day and using a computer isn't "natural" either.

There is zero moral justification for the consumption of animals. If you see yourself as a civilized man or woman there is no reason for you to consume animals.

>> No.15279927

>He described COVID-19 as a "banal virus" with "no redeeming qualities... It's not even sexually transmitted."

>> No.15279931

>He described COVID-19 as a "banal virus" with "no redeeming qualities... It's not even sexually transmitted."
coomer imbecile

>> No.15279932

he gets pussy though, idk why he's so bitter, maybe his asian wife is withholding the pussy or something.

>> No.15279935

I have read serotonin and I think it is weak. I am not interested in this guy and dont get the praise. It was fun to read but really shallow.

>> No.15279955

More like the opposite.

>> No.15279987

kek. only china could have produced it

>> No.15279998

>He described COVID-19 as a "banal virus" with "no redeeming qualities... It's not even sexually transmitted."
I think he's wrong on that point. Here are some of its redeeming qualities:
1) targets more gregarious people
2) targets rich and powerful people who can't function without numerous servants and assistants around
3) targets old people
4) targets obese people
5) targets dumb people who don't believe in germ theory (trump supporters etc)
6) targets useless people in taxpayer-dependent institutions like prisons and nursing homes

I could go on. All told, Covid-19 is quite a salutary virus.

>> No.15280002

Please anhero anon.

>> No.15280020
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>> No.15280021

I've read him in French.

He's not a very good writer. Bad? No, but not very good. He only got famous because of the material he writes about, but the writing itself, well, let us say that there are at least 100 forgotten 19th century novelists who wrote better prose. Houellebecq is second-hand interesting: we care about the social issues, and this makes us care about his books.

If not for the social issues, it would be stale, New Yorker-tier prose. Imagine someone with his prose style describing a day in the life of a random Dubliner. It would bore us to death, unlike Joyce.

>> No.15280040

if you want to be a vegetarian for your moral reasons that’s fine but please don’t pretend it’s healthier because of vegan gains... you aren’t going to win over people like that

>> No.15280065

You don’t have a moral justification for eating or not eating animals, all you have are rationalizations that your mind created to please your ego. I assume you became a vegetarian because somebody else pitched an argument that you lacked the faculties to understand is just as baseless as the meat eaters argument, but you like the thought of being morally fashionable.

>> No.15280067

>There is zero moral justification for the consumption of animals
animals consume other animals. why should they get a pass?

>> No.15280085

Because sex doesn’t make you content, only virgins and mouth-breathers think it does.

>> No.15280099

Perhaps you value prose a lot. I don’t think the purpose of a social critic is their writing style or prose, it’s the ideas they present

>> No.15280136

>have better skin
quite literally the fucking opposite you retard

>> No.15280206

Ask me how I know you're a pseud. Imagine considering that subject matter isn't part of writing. Your hero Joyce is the opposite. Perhaps exemplary prose, but his topics of focus were so mundane and drawl I couldn't motivate myself to finish more than 1 story of Dubliners.

Its been a while since I read Houellebecq but I remember his prose being good, but just as importantly he focused on actually interesting things.

Now go sniff Nora's farts you Joyce-fag.

>> No.15280397

Based. Ever since I went vegetarian I can hear the animals talking to me wherever I go.

>> No.15280480
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Based schizo poster

>> No.15280674

I agree, his prose isn't awful but it's unremarkable.

I only read the one about tourism expecting it to be a blackpill, but it's just one white old dude who justifies his going to Thailand to fuck teenage prostitutes with shit like 'at least I'm a gentle lover unlike the russian and japanese tourists'. The bits with the actual fucking are complete fantasy with the hookers complimenting him and loving spending their time with him. Then he makes himself pass as a marketing genius with two-bits dissertations on society. i tried to focus on the commentary but it's just like his prose: unremarkable

Come to France and befriend upper middle class people, get them drunk and you'll hear the same level of thinking

>> No.15280684

This dude quickly went from being one of my favorite authors to someone whose death I anticipate weekly.

>> No.15280687

lmao, why?

>> No.15280713
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The American does not think, yet he is. He is doubt as sovereign law.

>> No.15280719


I am of the view that it's "morally permissible" to consume animals if you're part of the ecosystem, as in living out in the wilderness. As a civilized individual you have the ability to get your sustenance from non-animal products, which is why the consumption of animals is immoral for any civilized person. When you choose to consume animals when there exists an alternative what you're doing is placing your appetite above that of another living thing's existence.

>> No.15280727

He repeats himself and it’s only the French media that tries to sell it for shock value. He can be a serious thinker if he wants, I think he’s just getting lazy and will write it off as inevitable decadence. If he ever has a deathbed he will regret his period after Submission until who knows when this morose clown act will stop and he’ll devout himself to literature again.

>> No.15280737

Based post, really got the NPCs fuming

>> No.15280986

i mean, hes not the only person thinking/saying this, and it will almost certainly be the case

>> No.15281007

he's talking about the long term. He misses the most important stuff, though, which is covering economic crisis without anyone asking questions (about the fiat scam), forcing all companies to get into more debt (to make the snowball of shit bigger an bigger), get slaves to be familiar with what will be the "new normal" once they finish implementing agenda 2020/2030 (googlish communist), fear mongering in order to push global patriot act, biometric passport on chip and so.
It's a play to shape people into demanding and imploring nwo communism.
In Spain and Italy we had martial law used to pass a lot of stuff (for instance, chemtrails went from conspiracy to the law in 1 day)... and the people acted much better than the best of cattle, since they were all clapping for the regime, their forced imprison, and welcoming another 10 years of even bitter economic crisis.

>> No.15282309

based anon, hello

>> No.15282369

Absolutely based and truthpilled.
The NPCs will seethe and call you schizo, but you're in the end telling the truth.

>> No.15282382

Celine is light years ahead of this untalented sperg and yet gets little to no credit for his contributions to literature. Houllebecq's novels are notoriously vapid to the point of being watery industrial products that will be forgotten by everyone besides incels who fawn over him ten years from now.

>> No.15282401
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Based, globalists NEVER waste an opportunity to impose their agenda. Amazon is making a killing right now while small businesses are closing by the thousands.

>> No.15282404

hes not wrong

hes right. nothing will change after this. corporations will rush to get everything back to normal and governments will acquiesce by providing bailouts and rolling back public spending once again. austerity 2

>> No.15282425

no its because asian gfs are literally the easiest to get as a white man and he knows it. bottom of the barrel

>> No.15282432

Man people only care about Journey anyway so only partially right.

>> No.15282497

Unless you raise and kill the animal yourself, eating meat isn't natural either.

>> No.15282509

>4) targets obese people
based coronachan

>> No.15282524

No one believes his prose is something else. He's read because he writes novels of ideas about our times.

>> No.15282528
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alright, time for me to unplug my router for a couple days and take a break from the internet before I end up like this guy

>> No.15282719

He's such an ugly fucker. How he managed to get married before he was rich and famous is beyond me.

>> No.15282732

>factory farming is natural
dumb nigger

>> No.15282739
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holy KEK

>> No.15282740

That's quite funny, he's a funny man

>> No.15282839

>/lit/ doesn't like ayn rand
>but likes this self-victimized weak bitch


>> No.15282863
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Well he used to be younger, you know

>> No.15282866


>> No.15282902

>they're saying "we're all in this together." all of a sudden we're on the same side? fuck you.
they hated anon because he told them the truth.

>> No.15282923

So in other words it's ok that animals eat other animals, but if you live in a society than it automatically becomes immoral?

>> No.15282954

what do you think the word unnatural means?

>> No.15283039

what are they saying?

>> No.15283787

One reads prose for the subject matter, as Pound said.

>> No.15283800

>complete fantasy with the hookers complimenting him and loving spending their time with him

There's nothing unrealistic about hookers lying and stroking your ego so that you come back sometime.

>> No.15283824

>guyse, the vegans will make us schizophrenic!!! 1!

>> No.15283836

fucking amerimutts man

>> No.15283850

Really love how there are tons of replies talking shit about this post but none of them even attempted to argue against it

>> No.15283869

not bad; quality post
you can especially tell how good this is by all the seething NPCs who are enjoying spending their summer on mommys couch, afraid of the fucking flu

>> No.15283875

>'at least I'm a gentle lover unlike the russian and japanese tourists'.
That's the funniest shit I ever heard, gotta read it

>> No.15283879

>le american meme
honestly more overused and meaningless than calling someone a rabbi at this point

>> No.15283882


>> No.15283887

No one is stopping you from going outside, big guy

>> No.15283927

what the hell does that even mean?
are you seriously going to deny the calamitous reaction happening all over the globe in response to this shit just because I get to go outside?
honestly, care to try that again?

>> No.15283992

that's bullshit but i believe it, fuck the seething redditors

>> No.15284004

lol try owning a small business right now.

>> No.15284069

I believe a push for surveillance is much more likely than a push for veganism/bugs. I don't agree that the virus was an intentional attack. It's much more likely that they are simply going to seize the opportunities that it presents.

The worst part about all this is how the NPCs are reacting. Not only are they giving the governments free reign to do as they please, they are actively trying to shame and control the people who dare question the narrative and the measures taken.

>> No.15284188

>I don't agree that the virus was an intentional attack. It's much more likely that they are simply going to seize the opportunities that it presents.
reread the first sentence. also, you're right about the surveillance thing sort of. they're pushing for biological ID databases, either by microships in the skin or by logging everyone's DNA, facial structure, or iris pattern. i don't necessarily think that this will be implemented across the board, but i think they'll start logging younger children so that in 10-20 years, they'll have a shitload of adults in the system. they already don't let you go to public schools if you don't have certain vaccines, so this is doable.