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15281894 No.15281894 [Reply] [Original]

Literature that explains why people believe in pseudosciences?

>> No.15281905
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>> No.15281932
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The Third Policeman

>> No.15281937

The people representing mainstream science are smug status quo-worshipping faggots who want you to put a thousand pills in every child's brain to make them "normal" while also encouraging them to change their gender and mutilate themselves surgically, plus an army of day-jobber women who think that because they read the DSM-V in college and got a B+ average they are qualified to tell you how the mind works, plus a government that systematically lies to its own people and subsidizes industries that poison its own citizens.

Sometimes things are so obviously wrong and bad that all you can do is run in the opposite direction and hope the polar opposite of wrong/bad will eventually be good/correct.

>> No.15281942

Glad you got your blogpost rant off your chest?

>> No.15281950
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According to my philosophy of science prof all pseudoscience is caused by inductive reasoning and Karl Marx got preemptively BTFO by David Hume.

I'm thinking it's bullshit but now I've read a little about it I'm not sure I can refute him.

>> No.15281951

David Harvey "Neoliberalism"

>> No.15281958
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There are also "rational" people who don't believe in morality, don't have any real values beyond "science" and who think cutting childrens cocks off and pumping them full of hormones is sane and moral. If I were on trial I'd rather be judged by a Christian who believes in ghosts and bigfoot than be judged by a "RATIONAL SKEPTICAL ENLIGHTENED FEDORA-WEARING ATHEIST"

>> No.15281968

lmao your professor is a midwit, he'd feel at home on this board

>> No.15281975

Answering a question thoughtfully is its own reward. It comes after learning to read thoughtfully. You'll see.

>> No.15281987


>> No.15281989

>According to my philosophy of science prof
there's your problem, you're taking advice from a zombie.

>> No.15281990

>implying he’s wrong
I don’t give a fuck about “muh science”

>> No.15282008

>my rant about things tenously related to the subject matter of the OP is "answering a question"
>OP's question is "literature on the subject?"
You didn't even read the OP thoughtfully.

>> No.15282057

Its explained by the thought 'but what if its true?'

>> No.15282066

Yeah man, FUCK all the scientific advances that created the conditions through which we're having this conversation, am I right?

Also, if its true, who the hell is "encouraging" you to change your gender? Did they offer you a coupon or something?

>> No.15282082

>cutting childrens cocks off
Yeah, I’m against circumcision, schizo-pepe.
Stop promoting your own posts, schizo-pepe

>> No.15282084

The biggest blackpill there is is that demons exist and that they walk among us, disguised as humans.

>> No.15282087

The OP is phrased a bit antagonistically and I considered recommending stuff like Charles Fort or Colin Wilson but figured I would wait to see if discussion developed. My main fear was the possibility that the OP was like you, a low-effort phoneposter. I don't really want to talk to people like that unless it's charity, like this post.

If you aren't OP or OP isn't like you, then I hope a good discussion does develop, and that you eventually learn to use 4chan other than as "social media."

>> No.15282098

Demons are made by systemic failures.
Break the systems, replace them, and you wake them up

>> No.15282099
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kill yourself discord tranny

>> No.15282118

Makes you feel good or righteous/correct . Most social science and psychology could be thrown out the window but well always take that shit seriously

>> No.15282160

The concept of pseudoscience was invented by a certain circle of a certain philosophic bent that had epistemic grievances with certain methodologies and wanted a buzzword/ad hominem to pass on those different methdologies. The best example concerns psychoanalysis and marxism. Both of these are rooted in 19th century modes of scientific thinking and pedadology. The same kind of thinking that gave us all kinds of advancements in the natural sciences and other disciplines. They are rightfully scientific, even if not experimental. The goalpost shifting of what qualifies as "science" was an idealogical move.

>> No.15282168

>wriggle wriggle wriggle
>irrelevant phoneposter accusation
>more cope
The OP wasn't phrased "antagonistically", you are simply incapable of translating neutral statements without a heavy ideological filter. Admit it, you skim read the OP, saw "pseudoscience" and decided you were gonna have a good ol' vent. literally half of it was just inane anecdotal rambling about "day-jobber" women. What the fuck does that have to do with pseduosciences?

Not a tranny but seriously, I want to know who is "encouraging" to cut your dick off, as opposed to merely "accommodating" the bizarre habit. Do you get a 2 for 1 deal on each testicle?

>> No.15282192

All women are day-jobbers. That's why they encourage self-indulgent cults like the tranny bullshit.

>> No.15282201

>X % of Americans still believe in ghosts, the devil, , pseudoscience, etc
>we need to believe there is no race, no sex, no borders, and we need to believe in aliens and AI singularities
If they don't believe in it, they'll make it real

>> No.15282205

>All women are day-jobbers.
You got a (non-pseudo)scientific study that justifies that claim?

>> No.15282225
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>> No.15282239

Do you want it produced by the 'accredited' psychology industry, 80% of whose graduates are women, which currently has a humiliating study replication crisis because its epistemology is bankrupt? Or do you want it produced by the APA that said it's 'scientifically proven' that video games cause violence in the mid-90s, the same APA that says it's 'scientifically proven' that trannies are a real thing, while idiot whore psychologist prescribe brain-altering chemicals to children and suicidal, deluded gay men?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes, phoneposting tranny faggot.


>> No.15282266

>more blogposting
You just can't help but let all your ressentiment spill out everywhere, can you? All I'm doing is pointing out the hypocrisy in denouncing mainstream scientific opinion for being pseudoscientific, but then you're openly making sweeping claims like "all women are X" without the slightest bit of evidence to demonstrate it. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.15282282

You won't get much book discussion out of 'SOURCE? SOURCE ON TRANNIES ARE BAD?'

People are trying to engage with you, tranny. You have limited time before you commit suicide. Why not spend it well?

>> No.15282307

Holy shit I'm not a tranny. Is this how you deal with everyone who disagrees with you? Just fling shit at them and hope it sticks? Is that literally the best you can do?

Acknowledge your hypocrisy. Do it, no more squirming, now. You know it in your heart to be true.

>> No.15282313

Haven’t looked at the link yet?

>> No.15282326
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>You won't get much book discussion out of 'SOURCE? SOURCE ON TRANNIES ARE BAD?'
>People are trying to engage with you, tranny. You have limited time before you commit suicide. Why not spend it well?

>> No.15282338


>> No.15282340
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Not a samefag, try again you fucking subhuman transsexual freak. I can't god damned wait for the day we line you cultist trans monstrosities up against a wall and gun you down like the predatory, pedophilic kikes you god damned are. Fucking gargle bleach you cunt.

>> No.15282344
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>tranny tourist successfully enraged

Try posting about books next time, champ. I'll give you one thing, you post very effeminately. How's your voice training coming along?

>> No.15282349
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forgot to attach this.

>> No.15282361

>You have limited time before you commit suicide. Why not spend it well?
Holy shit.

>> No.15282371
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>>tranny tourist successfully enraged
>Try posting about books next time, champ. I'll give you one thing, you post very effeminately. How's your voice training coming along?

>> No.15282385

Surely you don't mean to suggest the atomic theory in regards to bicycles is pseudo-scientific? Based taste anon.
Now there's a psuedoscientific term

>> No.15282400

>he's still avoiding it
wrigglin like a fish out of water, ain't ya?

And you reply like a coward, STILL running away from acknowledging your own retarded hypocrisy. If you weren't so certain of it, you wouldn't be desperately clawing at whatever you have to hand to refute me with. The most you can manage is >shut up tranny :'(

wicked smahrts bro. real smahrt

>> No.15282438
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This post is too fucking gay for me man, I'm out

>> No.15282450

That pic reeks of the academic midwit who will readily condescend the irrational beliefs of bronze souls but will never seriously examine their own preconceived notions of society. He will criticize the voting power and ability to drive of the UFO believer (someone who likely doesn't have much real control over society) but what about the class of actual money and power in the world? As if they don't have their own dogmatic convictions.

>> No.15282456

Of course not, there's a little bit of bicycle in all of us. I do think however some of the ideas are really interesting critiques of the weird and wonderful developments of modernity, almost always slightly off the mark, but can still tell us something about the society at the time. The idea we sleep at night is because we're all suffocating on the "darkness" of industrial pollution is a great example

>> No.15282460
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>wicked smahrts bro. real smahrt.

>> No.15282477
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Just as I thought– you're more of a pussy than my axe wound will ever be.

>> No.15282504

>They are rightfully scientific, even if not experimental

>> No.15282542

Read Leviathan and the Air Pump.

Post feet.

>> No.15282544

>bronze souls
Try watching some of his videos or reading his books

>> No.15282659

Absolutely. The novel ideas presented strike the perfect balance between ludicrous and thought provoking, the bit about houses being necessary evils I found particularly charming. That the worsening of the human race can be ascribed to their liking of interiors, and no longer going outside and staying there, is a critique of industrial society that could fit quite easily in Kaczynski's manifesto.