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/lit/ - Literature

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1528484 No.1528484 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/, could u help me out a little?

Ive been looking for a certain quote from Nietzsche's "Thus spoke Zarathustra" - ive got it in my native language, which is not english, and wanted to find the english version of it.

It was around page 36, the part "About reading and writing", and its something like:

"Truth is, we love the life not because to the life, but to loving we are used to."

Could you guys find that part and give me the original quote?

In return, +5 internets

>> No.1528516

bump, cmon, ill even make it +10 internets

>> No.1528523

We love life not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving.

>> No.1528526
File: 165 KB, 482x352, DavidMitchell27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't read Nietzsche because I'm not a hipster.

>> No.1528534

Don't you fucking dare.

>> No.1528542

>sorry I didn't read Nietzsche because I'm going to ride the 'durr hurr ur a hipster' fad even though Nietzsche's work is timeless and was written before 'hipsters' even existed (I'm just a fucking retard I might as well be saying I don't listen to Beethoven because I'm not a band geek)

fixed for you, retard

>> No.1528544

brilliant book with absolutely stunning language

>> No.1528550
File: 102 KB, 278x273, DavidMitchell18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually rather like Beethoven.
I started reading Beyond Good and Evil and it's a pile of shit

>> No.1528567
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>> No.1528575

lol dude how do u even know its for hipsters if you havent even read it

>> No.1528584


>> No.1528585
File: 12 KB, 400x296, CountDuckula2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry I don't read Nietzsche because I'm not a hipster.
>Don't read Nietzsche
But that's exactly what a hipster would do. Reading Nietzche is so passe, it's cooler to hate on semi-popular philosophers now.

>> No.1528586
File: 104 KB, 301x294, DavidMitchell54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You appear to be upset.

>> No.1528590

>cognitive abilities too far below that of an intellectual to be able to comprehend a piece of entry level philosophy
>call it a piece of shit instead

>> No.1528596
File: 44 KB, 446x400, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cognitive ability

>> No.1528615
File: 64 KB, 233x242, DavidMitchell35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys arguing over little old me? :3

>> No.1528616


>> No.1528612

>implying 'comprehend' = reading
>retard detected

>> No.1528671

>fail troll fails
>asks if he's doing it right to pretend
>obvious and predictably a faggot

>> No.1528685
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>> No.1528689
File: 138 KB, 368x355, DavidMitchell1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Trubrax. How're things?

>> No.1528694
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circle jerk status

>> No.1528700

I'm sorry Fabulous my dear.
Did I upset or annoy you? ;_;

>> No.1528704
File: 41 KB, 560x432, whywhyohwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good grief

and I thought some of mine were bad

>> No.1528710

actually you have

mentioning Tybrax' name, even one similar, strikes fear into my heart

>> No.1528718

I'm sorry can you ever forgive me? ;_;

>> No.1528727

yah mang

forgive and forget, just like the good book tells me to

>> No.1528733

Thank you :3

>> No.1528762

I like how tripfags don't realize how retarded they are

>> No.1528789 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 544x648, SALE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me /lit/, how does J. B. Priestly use the Inspector in The Inspector Calls for dramatic effect and as a political mouthpiece?

Yes, this is school work. No, I don't want you to write an essay. Just 5 or so people giving one liners which I can then develop into A* material.

>> No.1528796

oh god how did this happen. Ignore, please

>> No.1528798


i like how you don't realise you're gutter scum