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/lit/ - Literature

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15304975 No.15304975 [Reply] [Original]

Blank Slate Edition

Previous >>15290943

The next thread can settle for OP info

>> No.15304981

first for i poop my pants

>> No.15304998

BOOK CLUB The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow
Discord Read-Along starts May 18th


>> No.15305006

Here's the link to the new sffg discord: https://discord.gg/AUK3Rrx

Be nice guys.

>> No.15305015

Has there literally been any truly great high fantasy books to come out in the past 10-15 years?

Haven't touched that genre since high-school.

>> No.15305021

There is illegal porn in this Discord, don't go unless you want to get your account banned.

>> No.15305027

Transsexual rights are human rights

>> No.15305035

Hey thanks for posting it. For all I know, it'll be a failed venture, but I figure if the opportunity is easy to create, and it's no big loss if people want to stay in the old one.
>Discord trannies seething and making shit up already.
Dilate and consider a rope, fiend.

>> No.15305046

well this thread is off to a great start

>> No.15305047

fuck off reddit tranny

>> No.15305068

I doubt it. Dunno, haven't bothered.

>> No.15305069

Are you implying they aren't human? Because if they were you wouldn't had to say this.
Now I'm even more convinced they don't need human rights

>> No.15305080

Discord is cringe, also they dox people to antifa and the SPLC.

>> No.15305091

Read Bakker.

>> No.15305093

Antifa and the SPLC can lick my nuts. They can come find me if they don't like it :^)

>> No.15305099

truly great? not even for about 40 years

decently great? well le guins the other wind is actually pretty good for an earthsea not in the trilogy. apocalyptic themes properly managed in a fantasy setting.

>> No.15305148 [DELETED] 

Plus, I'm a minority (spic), so I can easily turn around and play the same dirty game they play and take a dump all over their bullshit.

>> No.15305161

What do you define as high fantasy?

>> No.15305274
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>> No.15305278

Just shit that doesn't take place or involve the modern world really I guess.

Not that strict on what I would call high fantasy, just wanna read some good fantasy books that came out in the 21st century.

>> No.15305309

Stop shilling your amateur crap mate. You trying to get the general overrun with garbage shills?

>> No.15305330
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>> No.15305391

Nvm disregard that I actually checked it out and I love this book

>> No.15305404

This post isn't me. Nobody should buy a shilled fantasy series with such a dishonest author-come-salesman.

>> No.15305423

I just finished Dying Earth and am craving more weird early....whatever the fuck you would call this genre. Any suggestions? Already have Book of the New Sun and plan to start it soon.

>> No.15305433

What the fuck? Why are you pretending to be me

>> No.15305556

It's normally referred to as the Dying Earth genre, so you're in luck.
I recently read City at the End of Time by Greg Bear and it was a nice time.

>> No.15305592

Glad to know there's a genre made after this because i fucking loved it. I'll check that out, thanks.

>> No.15306270
File: 1.41 MB, 968x2600, dyingearthcorechart2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres an entire chart i made for you people. it WAS in the mega link in the OP, but i guess you cant go there now

>> No.15306286

How do I spice up travel segments in my book? I want to spend enough time on the road to give the reader a good sense of time passing rather than just "they rode for a week and reached City X". But I feel like it could easily get boring.

>> No.15306319

Use exposition about local flora and wildlife. People underrate how important describing the type of trees and animals in an area is for giving the reader a good mental picture of the setting, you can convey a whole lot of information in a single paragraph because people will naturally associate things you describe with other things related to them. For example if you tell the reader there are lots of Pine trees they're going to subconsciously assume the area is colder and probably snows during some part of the year.

>> No.15306524

Just finished The Ziggurat by Gene Wolfe. Jesus Christ. Did he really?
Thanks to the anon who named it a couple threads ago.

>> No.15306557


>> No.15306871

>truly great? not even for about 40 years
Madouc was published in 1989

>> No.15307013
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I honestly think anyone who writes or reads LitRPG garbage should be set on fire.

>> No.15307056

>stop liking what i don't like

>> No.15307084


>> No.15307100


>> No.15307279


Cease the reddit insecurity, retard, it's not OK to like heroin and it is not OK to like garbage dopamine injections in the form of numbers-go-up escapism.
Fuck off, you reperesent everything which is wrong with contemporary consoomer culture.
What about delayed gratification? What about intellectual satisfaction? What about the joy which comes from constructive discussions and careful dissection?

>> No.15307285

And you know what, even if reading LitRPG was the surest path to a thorough satisfaction for you, it wouldn't change the fact that you are an idiot.
I am not interested in bonoboes visiting this general, why would I not try to keep the general clean of subhumans like you?

>> No.15307327
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The ass in the background could be better but kudos for slipping it in OP.

>> No.15307370

What are your thoughts on Long and Short Sun?

>> No.15307439

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.15307444

omg i love those pepper robots

>slipping it in
in my experience there's a lot of pushing involved unless you use heroic amounts of lube

>> No.15307511
File: 20 KB, 259x400, 14654789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... so... books.

Decide what I read next, i'm just about finished with pic related.

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34938142-void-star https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24611819-the-peripheral

>> No.15307547

Read Memory Called

>> No.15307554

That book keeps popping up everywhere I look for some reason. Might go with it actually.

>> No.15307630

>nooooooooooo don't criticize me for sperging out about people liking things I don't like

>> No.15307634

It's pretty good, still not sure if it's gonna fall off in rep a bit or become a contemporary classic but it's probably got some staying power.

>> No.15307730

It wasn't me, faggot
Also you clearly are only interested in memes, and not the pursuit of the truth. Neck yourself.

>> No.15307735

I see no actual criticism, just coping

>> No.15307851

The discord bullshit drama is poison to this board. And the faggots engaging in it probably don't even read. GTFO of my general

>> No.15307861

Anyone read William D Arand new book? It dropped yesterday.

>> No.15307875

Just from the cover it looks very cheap and meh

>> No.15307914
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I've read it. Kind disappointed. I expected more and its increasingly more obvious that Darren books are bleeding int Arand books in terms of narrative and style. I blame that on the discord and his patreons though that all unilaterally want more sex instead of story and character development. Back to the book i expected more story development. There was literally no reason for the whole group to stay in the sect instead of just fucking off and going to a new one or making their own sect. The way Jias brother Tai has been dealt with was kinda underwhelming though he getting together with the dark elf in the ring was kinda funny since i expected them to kill each other. Sect lead being a bad guy all along was obvious.
If you want something that is cultivation related and written by westerners there is better books around. Try the Dao of Magic, Aethers Revival and A Thousand Li. Arands books are hit or miss in my opinion the only ongoing series that i like currently are Right of Retribution, Monsters Mercy and Swing Shift. And the last Darren Series i liked was Fostering Faust. I don't like Remnant or Incubus Inc. They feel like they don't have as much effort put into them as his previous series and at this point im only reading them to keep up with the Multiverse lore hes building since it all seams to lead to a very predictable final confrontation where all the mcs are gonna band together in some way to fight the evil ai.

>> No.15307920

Man everybody is doing a connected universe/multiverse nowadays.

>> No.15307929

>a book released in the current year
This is what you fans get up to in these threads? Reading literal garbage? Hilarious

>> No.15307995

I think the series is a collab with the delver llc faggot. He probably pushed arand to use that cover. I see arand has gone into hyper-realistic covers for his books, and not that shitty oil paint art that CC2 has. The cover is utter shit and doesn't tell me much.

>> No.15308023

>I don't like Remnant
Me too kinda tbqh. I liked the farming simulator it started out as, but it just spiraled into mc-angry-all-the-time. I did like that short stack taking off a dick too big for her. That was a fetish I didn't know I had.

I read a bunch of books years ago looking to fill the void cultivating chaos and cradle left. The only book I didn't read on your list was Aethers Revival, and that is because I don't trust the author. I will wait till it drops on audio so it can drone on in the background.

>> No.15308029

>This is what you fags get up to in these threads? Actually reading instead of shitposting? Hilarious

>> No.15308049

>Try the Dao of Magic, Aethers Revival and A Thousand Li
Brightest Shadow's the actual best option for a western take on the xianxia conventions, even street cultivation by the same author is interesting because it tells the story of someone who isn't soaring through the tiers and becoming a god but rather just living in a cultivation world, which is what I felt like A Thousand Li tries to do but fails at

>> No.15308060

I've read Street Cultivation but not Brightest Shadow. Seems pretty alright actually. And i agree. There's far too little books about the little guy in a world of monsters. But im pretty sure most people read these books because of the power fantasy which would not be present in someone who is not powerful.

>> No.15308270

>street cultivation
>muh little sister
>muh check phone every chapter for stats
>muh evil corporation
>muh granny loves young dick
>muh family a shit and they steal muh shit
Fuck you and fuck that book. Also fuck that author. If street shitting was so bad I'm not touching anything else by the author.
You should feel bad for having such shit tastes.

>> No.15308337

Why do you have BotSS starting from Whorl?

>> No.15308512

Because like most pseuds making shitty charts, he didn't actually read what he put on it.

>> No.15308645

>muh little sister
you're just saying "muh" here this doesn't mean anything or work as a criticism
>muh check phone every chapter
yeah this didn't need to be every chapter but it still was a decent way to put the genre concepts into the modern world
>muh evil corporation
in the two books they aggressively threaten someone who accidentally got hold of their ip and then use said prototype to carry out microloans. That's consistent with real world corporate behaviour and isn't "muh evil"
>muh granny loves young dick
literally one throwaway line that fits the character (rich degenerate)
>muh muh

All you've done is desribe random plot details and put "muh" in front of them, only one of these works as even a slight criticism

>> No.15308955


>> No.15309095


>> No.15309150

Because he is the 13th best living fantasy writer.

>> No.15309244

Okay, then where do I start?

>> No.15309338

The Prince of Nothing, of course
His standalones are worse, but if you want something short, I would recommend Disciple of the Dog.

>> No.15309359
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A DEFINITIVE review of The Darkness That Comes Before btw.
And almost the entire western canon as well.

>> No.15309417

>>muh little sister
>you're just saying "muh" here this doesn't mean anything or work as a criticism
I'm fed up of the MC having to care for his little sister trope in these fucking litrpg shits. The whole book revolved around the sick sister, and him getting stronger to save her/ treat her. Fed up of that shit.
I know for a fact I read more shitrpg than you, so you can excuse me when I reach my saturation levels.

>in the two books they aggressively threaten someone who accidentally got hold of their ip and then use said prototype to carry out microloans. That's consistent with real world corporate behaviour and isn't "muh evil"
I'm talking about how at the end of book one they made that corp out be some Illuminati NWO shit that will get everyone in the end.

>muh granny loves young dick
literally one throwaway line that fits the character (rich degenerate)
I'm a degenerate too, I'm just fed the guy didn't fuck the granny, he was willing to do anything for his sister, right?

>> No.15309555

what would stop this also apply to Wolfey-boy?

>> No.15309622

Nothing, it applies
Proust: 1 star
Joyce: 1 star
Sterne: 1 star
Woolf: 1 star
Wolfe: 1 star
Peake: 1 star

>> No.15309652

well, wolfey-boy's fans know how to speak english, for one

>> No.15309663

why do Bakker fags confuse complicated prose for good prose?
do they really think that pasty maple nigger writes as well as wolfe?

>> No.15309698

Pretty sure Bakker fags don't list prose stylistics as one of Bakker's strong points.
It's generally about his ideas in cognitive philosophy and the way his worlds interact with his characters.
His prose is OKish, I don't love it, but it is better than most.

>> No.15309768

What are some good books that have interesting new fantasy races, or just interesting takes on the common fantasy races(like Goblin Emperor)?

>> No.15310325

30 days of night

>> No.15310335

Best way to do it is to make something happen, good time for character development.

>> No.15310444

Just once again proves that women can’t handle Bakker’s wild ride.

>> No.15310573

Not him, but they're super comfy, specially Short Sun.
Long Sun is brilliant in its own way. It has a little bit of everything, cloak and dagger action, war, multiple PoVs. The setting feels very much alive.
Short Sun was more like BotNS in a sense.
I read both series one summer and I was getting sadder because the whole Solar cycle was coming to an end, and by the end I felt like I was listening to Wolfe himself speak and I never felt that kind of connection with another writer.

>> No.15310595

I've read Autonomous and Memory. Neither was very good, but Memory was better.

>> No.15310608
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Has a book ever caused you to appreciate something in real life significantly more?

For me, it's Mars and Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy.

>> No.15310664
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Pretty barebones but a decent start. I'd like to see one just with more /dyingearth/ stories, like "As The Curtain Falls", "Hothouse", "Dancers At The End of Time", "The Wanderer" (the one by Timothy Jarvis", etc

The last one in particular is enjoyably poetic and really conjures the feeling of an immortal who's lived too long and is now living through the death of the world.

>"...tonight the sunset is violet and bile."

>> No.15310712

> After the first soft beard war on his cheeks, he got much heed from the elf women. Without awe of gods, and with few children, the elves knew not wedlock; but their nature was such that their women had more wish for lovemaking and their men less than among humans. Thus Skafloc found himself in great favour, and many a good time did he have.
Tolkien could never.

>> No.15310717

Sadly I don't but I know dozens for sci fi if you're interested?

>> No.15310777

>After the first soft beard war on his cheeks
>war on his cheeks
That's a typo, right?

>> No.15310810

Yes lol. was*

>> No.15310868
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can some kind anon paraphrase that got quote about peasants being called to war, i cant exactly remember what book it was on but it was a really good comment on why peasants basically don't care about who their fighting for

>> No.15311256
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I'm fed up of you no talent sons of a bishop shitake mushrooms-talking me. Say something nice about my books or I darned to heck on space jesus will fiddlesticks you up. You son of a biscuit-eater think I'm playing? Try me.

>> No.15311385

Why are all these books filled with furry lovers these days?

>> No.15311439

How prepared are you guys in case you were isekai’d today

Would you want it to be by truck-kun or just in your sleep ?

>> No.15311452

> paraphrase
> peasants don't care who's on the throne
yw anon

>> No.15311492

I’ve read and enjoyed a few, particularly corona litrpg stuff so it’s not that bad
Like I just read Reincarnator and I enjoyed it except the ending was pretty abrupt

>> No.15311506
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>Why are all these books filled with furry lovers these days?
>these days?

>> No.15311510

How about being isekai'd by corona chan? You are struggling to breath and black out, when you come to, you are in a different world. Or it could be the lack of oxygen to your brain that fucked you up.

>> No.15311712


I love fantasy. But the answer to your question is no.

>> No.15312065

I’m prepared to introduce high quality steel, gunpowder, crop rotations a printing press and double end bookkeeping. My body is ready

>> No.15312202

R Scott Bakker - The Second Apocalypse series: helped me get over a thing.

Did you know that furry conventions grew out of sci-fi conventions in the eighties, where they were a sub-subculture for a while?

>> No.15312364

The degeneracy runs deep then

>> No.15312464

this is basically the concept of the merchant princes series lol

>> No.15312473

>Did you know that furry conventions grew out of sci-fi conventions in the eighties, where they were a sub-subculture for a while?

prove it with a reputable study. sounds more like a dipshit pagan or fantasy sub culture. animals are barely relevant in sf

>> No.15312520

>Go to secondhand store
>They have a nice shelf of mass market paperbacks
>Seeing a lot of stuff I'm interested in
>Take down Ringworld, turn it around to open it
>Single mouse turd wedged between the pages
>Leave without buying anything
What are /sffg/'s plans for the weekend?

>> No.15312657

Try to finish Sword of the Lictor so I can begin Citadel of the Autarch. Also, try to grow this Discord and see if we can get some book discussions flowing.
Speaking of, would anyone be interested in a read-along of "Interlibrary Loan"? I'm trying to get reading on "A Borrowed Man", likely after I finish BotNS, so I can hopefully get that started.

>> No.15312693

how many people are in it rn?

>> No.15312784

It's only 8 of us at the moment.

>> No.15312785
File: 598 KB, 2880x1920, Vampire Blood Bath - 2 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadness envelopes me /sffgay.
I have just seen the new trailer for VtMB2 and it is painfully clear who ever is developing this train wreck has absolutely no idea what source material is about.
I am sad, so very, very sad.

>> No.15312904

you can see the server stats by clicking the invite link (without having to join)

> /sffg/'s Book Club for Dumdums (No Soliciting)
1 online, 8 members

> /sffg/
72 online, 231 members

>> No.15312956

At least the mouse gave it an honest review

>> No.15313008

Basically this. If all goes well, it'll become sizeable enough to displace the larger one run by a ledditor and his tranny friends. Or it won't. Who knows? At least the attempt will be made.

>> No.15313019

Drama for drama's sake.

>> No.15313035

I didn't start it, but I'm not above participating in it if it can lead to a better outcome in the end.

>> No.15313163

>Dalinar burns an entire city to the ground including his wife, also spends 20 years slaughtering thousands of soldiers and civilians
>Szeth kills half the world's nobility, also Dalinar's brother
>Amaram kills five low level guys for shards
>Dalinar lets szeth get away with everything he's done and faces no consequences for his own war crimes because "lol I'm a better guy now"
>No other main characters seem to care about szeth joining them
>Dalinar has the gall to treat Amaram like a despicable villain for killing five guys and on top of that offers him forgiveness despite being the guy who burned tens of thousands of civilians and slaughtered thousands more
Why is Sanderson like this? Why does he seem to focus so heavily on redemption and then those characters never actually suffer the consequences of their actions?

>> No.15313172

>231 members
>few informative post on sff
>its actually a shitty pol server

>8 members
okay maybe its new, but the admin doesnt seem that bright and i dont think itll lead to much

can you fags keep the drama on discord at this point? sffg is shitty enough on its own

>> No.15313325
File: 22 KB, 245x405, blackcompany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I just read the first one and get enough out of it? do I have to read all the other books?

>> No.15313330

I've read the first one twice and still not read the rest, it works fine as a standalone

>> No.15313331
File: 8 KB, 200x200, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

venture out into the wastelands for thai food
play COD Warzone
listening to heavy metal
reading a book on Catholicism and maybe finally starting Three Body Problem

>> No.15313337

no it has a loose end and has to be read as a trilogy.

>> No.15313341

Yes absolutely. The first book works well as a standalone but frankly I was so hungry for more that I ripped through the entire Books of the North.

Sadly the Books of the South haven't been doing it for me. They have their charms but I can honestly say I had to start MAKING myself read it with the second one, where previously I had been spacing it out to make it last longer because I wanted to read every book in a single day.

>> No.15313485

What makes me seem not so bright to you, anon?

>> No.15314253

That you're engaging in this conversation.

>> No.15314273

Trannies need to die

>> No.15314387

So I read the Iron Dragon’s Mother. I’m surprised to find basically zero online discussion about it. 7332 might be one of my favorite dragon characters of all time

>> No.15314993
File: 50 KB, 347x266, goh-robert-forward.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to whoever recommended Dragon's Egg by Bob Forward. It was fantastic, like a 6 course meal after eating nothing but coffee and donuts all week. I can't think of anything to compare it to except maybe a cross between Arthur C. Clarke and Ulilillia.

>> No.15315015
File: 47 KB, 309x475, 30169100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the final Lightbringer book. I haven't read much in the past few years but decided to return to the series because I remember liking it when I was younger.

My thoughts haven't entirely settled on the series yet (in part because it's been a while since I read the other parts) but I'd say that all in all it's a pretty good set of fiction books. Lots of plot lines get all tied together in the end, almost too perfectly. In fact, it seems ridiculous how many different threads the author ties together, it left me feeling almost too good, like a cheesy feel good movie. I found myself much preferring some characters to others. Some parts of the climax were poorly written or didn't make full sense to the reader (e.g. as interesting as the light-magic theme was, it was pretty hard to understand how the network of mirrors and lighwells all joined together with one man on an island drafting white light at night to another man on another island controlling an array of mirrors with different light all just to illuminate a battlefield to empower fighters against specific "color bane" who can cancel out their respective colors, what I'm trying to get across was that, despite an interesting magic system, it was a lot to comprehend and difficult to envision as it was so abstract)

Meaningful Spoilers:
I found some characters far more enjoyable to read than others, but some parts were just long and irritating. For example Dazen / Gavin was an enjoyable character to read but the whole part about him repeatedly using black luxin magic to change his memory was just sloppy, his dialogues with Gunner were enjoyable, but when he was making his pilgrimage, talking to who he thinks is Lucidonious (actually Sevastion) and then talking with Slave rower / prophet who is actually Orholam (The God of the universe) etc., the whole thing got very longwinded. I get that we were meant to be unsure of whether he was hallucinating, fighting pagan gods who are deceiving, ascendant to heaven or actually just on top of a big mountain with really big mirror, but with so much shit going on being unsure of what is happening gets pretty tiresome.

I liked the twist about the grandfather (Andross Guile) being the Messiah, not the main character. In fact I wish that we got much more character development from the grandfather in earlier books (perhaps in the form of flashbacks) as it seems to me that the Andross / Felia plot-line may have been planned from the start, but needed more structure to make sense. Far too many happy endings, not enough people dying, good people not being redeemed. Of the roughly ten most important characters (Kip, Tisis, Karris, Gavin/Dazen, Teia, Ironfist, Andross, Liv, Corvan, Koios, Grinwoody (Old man of the desert)) only the bad ones died aside from the main character who dies and is then resurrected (by god in the form of a liquor merchant who also saved Karris some 20 odd years ago, like I said everything seems to perfect).

>> No.15315028

>reading Weeks
Anon, you're beyond redemption. I don't like Sanderfag fags but I can maybe understand them.
Weeks is just pure shit though. In every fucking way.

>> No.15315031

What did you think about literal god showing up after the entire series going in the more interesting direction of agnosticism up until that point?
Weeks is a fucking hack

>> No.15315090

IF you're going to read my rambling review read this:

On themes: Faith is obviously an important theme, here is why: ultimately everything in the book seems to be preordained. Every small detail fits together perfectly in the end, and I'm willing to give examples if any of you have read this far and are interested. Everything is so perfect that the reader begins to doubt the agency of the characters in the book: it feels as though what I've read doesn't matter, that every twist and turn was ultimately part of gods plan, which of course minimizes the 15 hours of dense reading that you have to do to get through the book. I feel robbed of the epic final battle sequence, because it turns out that god and the immortals end up stealing the show away from the main characters by performing copious amounts of miracles. I haven't read much of high fiction, but i hope that the author performing such miraculous feats and overcoming such overwhelming odds is not a feature of the genre, as all of the character effort for 70% of the book feels futile.

So faith. The characters are faced with the same problem as the reader: was all of the suffering worth it if in the end it all worked out and didn't even matter. In this regard the characters' faith in the god (Orholam) is heavily tested throughout the book and ultimately those who choose to believe are rewarded. Having though about this a bit more it is definitely interesting and I appreciate what the author has done, but, simultaneously, modern challenges to god also emerge as one reads: why subjugate the entire world to hundreds of years of injustice? why not reveal truth to the world? why allow all of the faithful to continue in their erroneous ways? why allow such widespread corruption of the faith? it all boils down to an inescapable question: if god is so good and ultimate, why is there suffering? I could right more on this topic but the book forces the reader to ask this question, and the answer given by the book is far from adequate (it's a fucking metaphor about a tapestry being all white (color of god) as opposed to colored in rainbow (colors of man) by the mistakes and suffering of mankind which translates to eat shit it makes the story better, which I agree with, but it leaves me greatly unsatisfied with the themes of the book)

Verdict: Interesting themes, not resolved

I haven't read that much fantasy beyond entry level so I'm not sure if I'll recommend it or not 7/10, good but not great. I'd love for somebody who has read the series to comment on my thoughts

>> No.15315114

Why does /lit/ have such a raging hateboner for Weeks such that the mere mention of his name sends anons into an autistic fit?

>> No.15315158

changed my mind 6/10

Sorry I posted on lit years ago when I was reading political philosophy and the greeks, during quarantine I picked up my kindle and pirated some series that i never finished when I was reading more. Compared to the author I've read the most of (Alistair Reynolds) I don't think that Weeks compares in any way, but maybe you'll think Reynolds is shit too. Like I said, I haven't read much fiction, but I've definitely read better. I outlined a lot of problems that I found with Weeks in my massive blogposts above

>>15315031 see >>15315090 also
I fucking hated it. Just felt shit as a reader. Maybe it could've been developed better but it felt like complete bullshit. Kip getting saved my Orholam served no fucking purpose what so ever and only made the reader feel better. He could've died and the good guys would've still won. I hate that Dazen is a militant atheist throughout the series and then when god appears they're suddenly friends; he quickly forgets all of his grievances about the vast injustices in the world.

On agnosticism / ultimacy of god. I think that a genuine struggle between two similarly powerful beings, with mankind having their own agency, would be an interesting read. this series isn't that, what else is there to say but that god saves the day and it's a boring fucking read in that regard. there is almost a biblical feeling to the book after he swoops in and at that point Weeks really lost me; the ending was by far the worst part of the book. I would've much preferred if he stuck to the original themes

>> No.15315214

Because most of /lit/ only read a few select old books from select authors. Mention anything outside of their limited range and they don't like it.

>> No.15315215
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The movement originated earlier and had many influences including underground explicit comics, Kimba the White Lion, Watership Down and Disney's animated Robin Hood, but sci-fi conventions hosted early discussion groups.
>Allegorical novels, including works of both science fiction and fantasy, and cartoons featuring anthropomorphic animals are often cited as the earliest inspiration for the fandom.[7
>According to fandom historian Fred Patten, the concept of furry originated at a science fiction convention in 1980,[7] when a character drawing from Steve Gallacci's Albedo Anthropomorphics started a discussion of anthropomorphic characters in science fiction novels. This led to the formation of a discussion group that met at science fiction conventions and comics conventions.
>The large furry presence at the BayCon science fiction conventions instigated Mark Merlino and Rod O'Riley to throw "furry parties" at Westercon, Baycon, and other west coast sci-fi conventions in the late 80's. This led to the test gathering in 1989, ConFurence Zero.[2]
Wikipedia is a reputable enough source for the academic discourse we have here. From the articles on Furry Fandom and ConFurence. Now for a real surreal experience you can track down footage from that first convention.

>> No.15315265

Cope more, retards.
I think that /lit/ is constantly wrong: I hate Pynchon and Wallace, and many omissions that are made in the Top 100 chart show just how fucking stupid the average il/lit/erate is. /sffg/ is no better - I look at the Top 20 chart, and while some of the entries are fine, others are fucking stupid.
I hate Weeks because I read him and he is objectively a bad writer: terrible prose, his characters are based on tropes instead of being real people, and his worlds are autistic exercises in directionless creation. That assasin book is genuinely the worst thing I have read in a dozen or so years: I thought he was writing a parody for a while because of the pointless, irrational edginess which pervades the whole work.
He has nothing to say, he has nothing to show. He crafts a story to be sold, instead of writing something which has meaning. He is not a good writer from a technical point of view.
I read widely, I read old and I read new; I read literature and I read popcorn; I read simple books and I read complex ones. But Weeks fails literally everywhere, even where the mediocre writers he is emulating manage to make something potentially fun. The only thing he leaves me with is a burning desire to murder all of his characters and rip his dream-of-a-10-year-old world apart.

>> No.15315284
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Seriously, why would you trust him to write your fantasy? Just look at this retard.

>Reddit r/Fantasy "Stabby" Award, 2012 (for The Blinding Knife)[21]
>Radical christian fundamentalist which he channels didactically in his books
>https://twitter.com/BrentWeeks?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor just read this shit

>> No.15315317
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As writers go, Paolini is much, much more likeable than Weeks

>> No.15315323

For some reason the skinny little dweeb who wrote Eragon getting jacked cracks me the fuck up.

>> No.15315341

I can't believe I am saying this, but Paolini is Cervantes compared to Weeks.

ikr I always imagined him weighing like 50kg, being pale as fuck, and having nerd glasses

>> No.15315391

This is how autistic you faggots are. You are literally basing your decision of books based on how likable an author is and what he looks like.

>> No.15315401

Speaking of Paolini, he's releasing his next major book in a couple of months. Will he redeem himself or will Eragon still haunt his legacy?

>> No.15315409

>inmplying Paolini does not look like a basedboy
>implying anyone like Eragon

>> No.15315469

Alagaesia has a soft spot in my heart for some reason, something about the setting is just so comfy even if he did start out writing it as a literal teenager

>> No.15315479

It's called nostalgia, anon

>> No.15315584
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r8 my old good reads account, nearly joined the group, would've been so cringe if I did

>> No.15315593

sea of trolls fucking rips, one of the best books I read when I was like 10

>> No.15315598

>Skulduggery Pleasant
Is that series still good? I see new books out every so often

>> No.15315624

I probably read it in between 2010-2014 and I can barely remember the plotline, but I do have fond memories of it

I stopped paying attention once I moved past my teen fiction phase. I guess if Derek Landy is still pumping out books its good enough to be profitable. I'd hope that the writing has evolved a bit in the newest 3 books, maybe I'll put it on the list; it could be an enjoyable stroll back down memory lane

>> No.15315627

>Artemis Fowl
>The Motherfucking Secrets of Nicholas Flamel
Fuck, this is my whole childhood. These were some of my favourite books back when I was 10 or 11. I still remember waiting for new Flamel books to come out

>> No.15315632

I don't think a book you wrote as a teenager should haunt anyone's legacy. Eragon was nice to read as a kid. I'm interested in the next book.

>> No.15315644
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>it's 2004 again

>> No.15315675

Can anyone else remember being 12, going on rule34 and being mad that all the eragon rule34 was eragon x saphira? That was a strange time in my life

>> No.15315694

thanks, I was feeling self conscious of my books, but I'm glad to hear that you liked them

>> No.15315704
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Paheal didn't exist when I was 12

>> No.15315712

my first fap was "kim kardashian naked lady" on google, but I can appreciate the importance of that moment, for you

>> No.15315713

>"Comfy" litrpg "humour" judging by the title and the cover
Women can't do this

Can't relate but you sound based, anon

>> No.15315748


I have a /d/-style transformation fetish which originated by me trying to find team fortress 2 videos on YouTube so I typed "TF transformation" and subsequently stumbled upon lots of transformation videos which twisted my young brain. To stay on topic in the vein of fantasy I narrowly avoided reading The Metamorphosis in school which would have been very awkward seeing as that shit makes my dick diamonds.

>> No.15315757

Jesus christ anon
Anything to do with humanoid animals/especially crittermen horrifies me

>> No.15315847
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Had a good laugh at that, but I'll explain my fetish as well since it's similar and we're being honest. Here we go.

I want to become a penis and have sex with a woman. I want my entire body to be transformed into a man sized erection and then to be used to stimulate a woman. When I masturbate I envision that my head is the tip of the cock and that my chest and legs are the shaft. I make my body as rigid as possible and then imagine that my face (the head) is being repeatedly shoved in some orifice of a woman. I try to imagine every possible aspect of my body partaking in this transformation, head to toe. I have attached an image to demonstrate the similarity between a human body and an erect penis. Note: I do try to emulate this shape in the illustration to achieve full effect of the believed transformation. I like to masturbate with dim lighting of in darkness as this replicates the decreased light levels inside a vagina, and I also like to be damp. I can feel the walls of the through, vagina or anal cavity squeeze and release around me as I move repeatedly in and out, stimulating them.

I'm not sure what else there is to say. I think that my most intensely sexual experience was when I first lay as an erect penis on the shower floor it rained down on me. I had already penetrated her several times, but now I pretended that the shower head was a woman's urethra and that she was urinating on me, humiliating me. I can no longer lie fully on the shower floor so I must now either prop myself up against the wall to maintain my rigidity, or I must concede that I am not really a penis and make do by just imagining it.

>> No.15315857

actual zoomer

>> No.15315869
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thanks for sharing

>> No.15315888
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>these are the people that I spend my day posting with

>> No.15315902

Sanderson writes the exact same type of shit. Get a grip. Apply yourself.

>> No.15315912

>Sanderson writes the exact same type of shit
Yes, and I hate it, but Sanderson doesn't make you cringe every 3 sentences or so.

>> No.15315922

To be fair insect tf doesn't tickle me that much, like you say there's a definite dislike of insects ingrained into us that my warped sexuality can't overcome.

Ah a fellow patrician! I've got down to penis-tf before but it's not usually me being transformed so that must be interesting for you. Quite jealous you're able to really "live" your fetish, mine is much more abstract and harder to integrate into real sexual behaviour. Your diagram cracked my up, appreciated that lad.

now I think about it, when I was (initially) somewhat into transgender (tg) transformation I was worried my parents would realise all the "tg" searching on Google would lead them to my tastes so I instead started going on the /tg/ board hoping to throw them off. Then I started hanging out in worldbuilding threads and that got me back into reading fantasy so wow! I guess that's why I'm here.

>> No.15316109

Looking for some Horror Fantasy or Horror Sci-fi.

Any recommendations?

>> No.15316119

You read the Transformation series by Neal Asher? I've read two and they're ok. Some nice grotesque sci-fi body horror on top of a decent adventure.

Uhh... Fevre Dream?

>> No.15316129
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Now with the cover.

>> No.15316134

I wanna fuck a bunny girl, with long nubile ears and thick thighs so bad. What has sffg done to me. Reading has turned me into a fucking degenerate furry.

>> No.15316148

>Fevre Dream
Not really a GRRM fan, but if you tell me it's worth reading, I'll look into it.

>> No.15316157

Try saying that face to face with me or Paolini and you'll get 1000lb of fantasy chad force up dat ass

>> No.15316198

It's really atmospheric. The only big thing it shares with ASOIAF and other GRRM books, is the gratuitous descriptions of food.

>> No.15316222
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I am kind of conflicted right now.
I have been thoroughly enjoying the new Gears: Tactics and wanted to immerse myself further in the universe. So why not see if there are any novels or comics?
And lo and behold there are six of them. And five of those six novels were by one Karen Travis. I think she's the only author that even Star Wars fans don't like and I mean really don't like.
Her writing must be beyond bad.
I am still not sure why developers don't hire some mid-list Thor authors, like they did with Peter Watts who wrote the Crysis novel. Or Microsoft did with Greg bear and Gaylo.
I know it's a video game novel but some quality wouldn't hurt.

Eh you could have done a lot worse. You could have wanted to fuck horrifically insecure young men pretending to be women.
Now that is degeneracy.

>> No.15316242

I've not read any Asher, I'll have a look. Thanks for the recc

>> No.15316253
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Should I read Outlander? or is it just 'Cuckoldry: A Novel'?

Maureen is best catgirl

>> No.15316271
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>Dank Intelligence
Not that anon but I gave up on Gridlinked halfway through and I barely started the first book of the Prador War before giving up.
His works are generic word salad soft sci-fi with nothing to grab your attention.
He's like a toothless version of Richard Morgan who writes about similar themes.

I have no idea who that is.

>> No.15316336

>read first book in a series and enjoy it a lot
>second book introduces a bunch of whiny characters who do nothing but hold the main characters back
every time

>> No.15316342
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Is Empire of Silence and associated books any good? I need a meaty quarentine read.

>> No.15316347

>the cover has epic mentioned twice
It's dogshit.

>> No.15316361

who are the 12 better than him?

>> No.15316395

Why does Eddings put the same exact items and casts in different universes with new names? I've really noticed it with Elenium/Belgariad

>> No.15316414

Nice bait.

>> No.15316433

>The Bible
ikr, worst fantasy out there

>> No.15316466

>He crafts a story to be sold, instead of writing something which has meaning.
This is sffg faggot, not lit. We read here for entertainment, a story. Not a fucking deep look into what it means to be human. You fucking philosofags really do shit up everything. Why couldn't you faggots stay in /his/?

>> No.15316481

Speak for yourself you self deprecating defeatist faggot.

>> No.15316484

>Not a fucking deep look into what it means to be human
what do you think the fundamental question of scifi is lol

>> No.15316505
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Well that and hot girl in latex.

>> No.15316535

Mormons don't use guns.

>> No.15316538

imagine the smell

>> No.15316542

Don't be THAT guy anon.

>> No.15316558
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I hate philosocucks so damn much. You don't add nothing to sffg. I bet you're one of the faggots that recommended buried giant among other books.

>> No.15316566

I don't understand why are you getting mad at me for you inadequacies (whether real or imagined)?

>> No.15316573

>not questioning life on the fucking fantasy general makes you inadequate

>> No.15316576

Can anyone recommend me a scifi novel so hard, so devoid of typical character and plot tropes, and so full of technical language, that it's like reading a science textbook. Pls.

>> No.15316579

fucking small IQ and small penis anon detected.
Philosophy and sci-fi go together like cheese and wine or my cock and your mum's cunt.
Recommendations for philospho-scifi fans: Blindsight by Watts; The Thing Itself by Roberts; Too Like the Lightning by Palmer

>> No.15316587


>> No.15316595
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gotchu, senpai,

>> No.15316605

I've read mixed reviews about this book. Do you need to have read his other books before reading this?

I've had the book for a couple of years but have been put off from reading it due to people saying their are characters and places from his previous books in it.

I don't mind characters from the books being in it so long as I don't have to read the other books to understand their role in this one.

>> No.15316619

Try the quantum series by Douglas Phillips. Has lots of hard science as well as characters and a plot. The books are mainly about the science though.

>> No.15316643
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Unlike you, I have an IQ of above 70 and, for me, entertainment is inseparable from thought. "meaning" does not imply philosophy, it implies something new, something which provokes thought, something which is not just a hero's journey template printed and then filled out. SOMETHING at all.
I already told you to stop replying to my posts, though.

Based chads.

>imagine reading a genre you disrespect this hard

I mean the genre literally started as a free style exploration of political philosophy and sociological impact of human progress.
But small IQ and small penis anon just won't listen to me.

But, anon, Medium Yud told me scifi has to be internally consistent (i.e. it needs to make sense under some set of axioms).

>> No.15316670
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Not him but what are some books that are just hero's journey template printed and then filled out?

>> No.15316676

Great thread today lads I'm having a blast

Greg Egan's Orthogonal series is a disgusting trilogy about a world where light has no fixed speed or some bollocks. There's a tiny bit of social commentary but the rest is just physics and graphs and assorted shit. I loved and hated it, but I lack a physics background so maybe you'll understand it more.

careful you'll get >>15315847 and >>15315748 all horny

>> No.15316699

Mistborn by Sanderfagson Branson, read it in parallel with "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" and you will realize how much of a hack Branderhack Sanderfag is.
Also pretty much the entire genres of Wuxia, Xianxia, and LitRPG

>> No.15316720
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Thanks for the suggestions, anon.

>> No.15316749

I remember reading a while back someone talking about a book series that was basically 4chan, in a matter of speaking, in book form.
Was a fantasy series, super edgy, and had shit like cat-girls, dick-girls, pedophiles, torture, gore, etc.
Basically pure and unapologetic smut.
Anyone know the name?

>> No.15316764

Never mind, ignore my previous post, think I found it

>> No.15316797

If, let's say, we were to determine who's the most talked author in this general, would you guys be surprised if it was Sanderson?

>> No.15316810

No, it is Wolfe, faggot

>> No.15316867

Clark Ashton Smith.
Honestly though Vance was a CAS fan at first.

>> No.15316916
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>> No.15317018

>implying anyone here reads Cherryh
>implying Heinlein is any good
>who the fuck is Leigh Brackett

>> No.15317171

Should I not bother with the rest of The Black Company if I was bored with the first 2 books?

>> No.15317176

Thank you for posting something new in /dying earth general/ i mean /sffg/. Bonus points for being sci-fi! Will read and report back.

>> No.15317199

Why did you read them in the first place if they were boring? I couldn't even finish the first book. On the other hand, i liked Malazan very much. Opinions, you know... Everybody has one.

>> No.15317227

Faggot. I was recommending Bv Larson and Neal Asher for years, only anons recommended it, not our fault you don't pay attention, or you need pictures to grab your attention.

>> No.15317243

I'm not that frequent here since this thread has become quite boring, repeatable and decadent. HOWEVER, i did discover BV Larson here a few years ago. So if you were the one who shilled him, THANK YOU!

>> No.15317257

Well I didn't know they were boring until I read them. The writing sometimes makes no sense too.

>> No.15317295

This was randomly the first book of the author I read and I didn't have any trouble with it. It (re)introduces stuff enough. It could very well be a more self-contained cycle in the larger framework of the books.
Bear in mind that I happily read Shipstar and was amazed at how In Media Res the book was, how it skipped the whole journey to and the first landing on the Big Dumb Object. It took me a while to realize that the book was a direct sequel to Bowl of Heaven and that I was missing a books worth of buildup getting right to the answers.
So I have the opinion that you don't always need to read every book in a series or a shared universe.

>> No.15317522

To add on to what this anon said: the Orthogonal trilogy involves Egan changing one value in long complex equation to have a (-) instead of a (+). There are more details on his website. This modifies time dilation to be reversed, i.e., the faster you travel, your subjective time is increased while objective time travels slower.
The plot revolves around the planet sending out a spaceship to live through many many many generations in order to develop advanced enough technology to save their planet from an apocalyptic event.
I read the first book and stopped at that because it all went so above my head.

>> No.15317532

Thanks anon, i've been wanting to read it for a long time. If you had no problems with it then I doubt I will either, guess i'll make it my next book to read.

>> No.15318045

Could somebody rec me an editor on fiverr? There are a fuckton of people.

>> No.15318153

So someone who has read western-made Xianxia can you tell me if it's as terribly "modern western liberal" westernized as i'd expect it to be?
I remember touching one of the early ones before Qidian's english site came about that people were shilling and it amounted to a pseudo-chinese one but with lots of "woe is me and my morals -> turn page -> act like the genocidal type of chinese protagonist -> woe is me my superior morals" nonsense.
Is there a noteable difference in essence and viewpoint from the chink ones?

>> No.15318189

all of the western stuff I've read so far focuses on super low power levels so you don't get the protag killing thousands
Brightest shadow is the exception which has the typical protagonist style character capable of murdering everyone present in the story as a terrifying threat rather than as a primary character.

Those are all stuff published as books/ebooks tho, haven't read any western webnovels in the genre.

>> No.15318317

So is killing thousands something usual in chinkshit?
Fucking bugmen.

>> No.15318454

Ostensibly scifi but hilarious, neil gaiman's not taking his breakup well:

>> No.15318482


>> No.15318524

My hate for paolini only exists because his fame is the sole product of nepotism. His rich parents published his book and made a publishing house just to do it

>> No.15318562
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The cover of mine looks a lot less gay. Haven’t started the other books because he hadn’t finished them yet but it was decent. The MC basically gets fucked over repeatedly by life and has to salvage something without Mary Sue powers which was refreshing. There’s a lot of space fascism aesthetic if you’re into that

>> No.15318613
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Recently read The Man Who Folded Himself and I'm wondering.
Like I know when fucks his male selves it counts as selfcest but what exactly is the definition for when he does it with his female version?

>> No.15318756
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>On the wrong planet, at the right time, for the best reasons, Hadrian Marlowe
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.15318806

There they go with the epic again.
That novel must be horrible.

>> No.15318912

Mormons aren't feminist gaywads shoving in LGTB stuff everywhere either, doesn't seem to stop Sanderson.

>> No.15318944

Warlock in the Magus World
Mother of Learning
Renegade Immortal
City on Sin

The only wuxia/xianxan/litrpg I wasn't compelled to drop eventually, ranked in order. Hope some anon will give them a try.

>> No.15318951


>> No.15318957

Nobody reads books anymore

>> No.15319009

sanderson puts in lgbt in his books? examples?

>> No.15319011

This nigga knows he's in /sffg/, right? It's literally like a sewer rat being disgusted by a cockroach.

>> No.15319033

One of the rock crabs that pinch Kaladin's dick was trans

>> No.15319034

Way of Kings has multiple afaik.
He boasts about it a bit in his writing lectures. (along with claims that stories without "strong women" are bad stories that shouldn't be written or some shit like that)

>> No.15319098

if it wasnt bad enough he looked like a faggot he had to act like one


>> No.15319135

>He hasn't at least read Cuckoo's Egg

I'm not a huge Cherryhfag but you're missing out if you like sci fi and haven't read this.

>> No.15319414

His publishing company made him do it.
I don't think you cucks understand what it means to work for a publishing house. Being self published means you have 100% control.

>> No.15319422

I started reading Knightmare Arcanist by shami stoval, in the middle of the second book it turned into some faggot love story, it is my own fault falling for a dumb woman author

can I have a recommendation of some fantasy where main character is a magician apprentice or something like that, no gay relationships, also no harry potter stuff but something more serious, just some easy fantasy with nice magic system, thanks

>> No.15319520

Friendly reminder that SF died with the 20th century.

>> No.15319543

Nobody needed reminding of that.

>> No.15319555

Brackett is based.
Only good woman writer next to Hope Mirlees.

>> No.15319564

I'm not bothered by brutality or whatever (though it's obviously overdone in shitty webnovels), just the infusion of western liberalism into chinkfiction-style settings.

>> No.15319573

He pretends in his lectures that they never ask for anything and that they're soooo great to work with.
Of course his whole feminist schtick is almost a seethrough attempt to pander to his publishers.

>> No.15319630

>can I have a recommendation of some fantasy where main character is a magician apprentice or something like that, no gay relationships, also no harry potter stuff but something more serious, just some easy fantasy with nice magic system, thanks
Lord of the Mysteries sort of scratches the same itch. Pseudo-victorian age with occult mysteries that unveil with the story progression.
As does lots of Sect-based Xianxia with their unique cultivation methods and stuff. (I Shall Seal the Heavens, World of Cultivation, Gate of Revelation, A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality, Demon’s Diary etc)
Actually part of the fun of those stories is the cultivation systems AKA the magic and the worldbuilding.

>> No.15319752

By "western liberalism" do you mean rpogressive politics or, like, basic empathy and opposition to genocide?

>> No.15319780

Putting the character in chinese situations and then waxing poetic about american-anglo sensibilities mainly.

>> No.15319817

In that case I'd recommend sticking with Chinese books. The author's culture and morals are probably gonna slip in somehow, so it'd be hard to find a western book without western morality. Though one or two has to exist.

>> No.15320704
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*sips* Ah, yes. Chronicles of Amber, Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, Xanth, Incarnations of Immortality, Elric, Earthsea, Memory Sorrow and Thorn, Otherland... now, THOSE were some fantasy series...

>> No.15320725
File: 17 KB, 474x316, np.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying that western liberals possess basic empathy or oppose genocide?

>> No.15320752

incredibly based

>> No.15320757
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>synopsis at the start of the two towers says that theh fellowship, at the very end of the first book, was scattered by an attack of orcs after frodo and sam disappeared
>look in the very end of fellowship again
>this isn't true

>> No.15320785 [DELETED] 

I'm a hardcore Malazanfag so I say yes but plenty of people hate that series. Just read some fantasy series and figure it out yourself asshole. Do you also ask /v/ which videogames you should play? Or /tv/ what shows to watch?

>> No.15320816

Just finished book 2 of wheel of time. I kind of like it but I'm really frustrated by the mind boggling stupidity of the main characters. I get they are supposed to be adolescents but show a small spark of intelligence in some decision making some of the time. Other than their stupid decisions its pretty predictable. Do they mature soon?

>> No.15320826 [DELETED] 

I'm a hardcore Malazanfag so I say yes but plenty of people hate that series. Just read some fantasy series and figure it out yourself. Do you also ask /v/ which videogames you should play? Or /tv/ what shows to watch?

>> No.15320954

Book of the New Sun

>> No.15320962


New to /sffg/
I've recently read Solaris, Left Hand of Darkness, Roadside Picnic and that collection that Arrival was based off. I liked all a lot except for the last (Tower of Babel was the only good one)
What do you suggest next? More classic stuff? The rest of Lem? More Le Guin?
Any reccs appreciated

>> No.15320965

You're up for 8-9 more books where the characters don't talk to each other and hold grudges over nothing before brandosando takes over and fixes it
Enjoy the ride anon

>> No.15321161


Mat is the only one who really improves and that happens in book 3

>> No.15321195

That would almost be better that they are separated. I really have a hard time believing they are friends now. They all just seem really pissy or paranoid whenever they are together. For real though they are dumb.
>Aes Sedai says to four girls...
>don't tell anyone including the leadership and mentors you have that I am taking you away into the woods to save your friend
>the old candy in the van trick
>they all know she is lying but go anyway
>after they have been tricked Nynaeve says something like "okay gang now lets be smart here not like those dumb men"
Can't remember the actual line but I actually started laughing.

>> No.15321224

Okay yeah. My friend who recommended me the series really liked Mat but I've just finished book 2 and he doesn't seem to have any sort of personality. The characters refer to him as a trickster and wisecrack but nothing he says really stood out as such. But I guess he's been sorta half possessed by a dagger this whole time. I'll start Dragon Reborn soon. I'm liking the series so far to my surprise but I'm not seeing anything I love really. But I'm autistic enough to where I'll go five books deep before I decide if I don't want to finish the series.

>> No.15321238

Yeah, out by their roots. Remove the entire line.

>> No.15321278

Book of the New Sun

>> No.15321534

as the other anon said, book of the new sun (aka shadow and claw)
also Lud in the Mist
Borges's short stories
Lovecraft's short stories
Kafka's short stories

>> No.15321549

Why is Egwene such a fucking bitch? I can't explain why myself but I somehow dislike her more than any other character in the entire series

>> No.15321578

Yeah I'm the dude that just finished book 2 and totally agree.

>> No.15321773

>Lud in the Mist
I checked Goodreads and it only has a 3.9...

>> No.15321782

this is bait

>> No.15321891

but those shitty chinese cultivation books suck

>> No.15322132

Rand becomes dangerously pragmatic, Mat doesn't really get ant characterization until book 3, Perrin is kind of a simp the entire way through.

>> No.15322146
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>> No.15322252

>Point out subpar rating on the largest community of readers on the net

>"This is bait!!!!!"

Why not defend your book instead?

Usually, a """""good""""" book has a rating like that because problematic traits in an otherwise good story make it so.

>> No.15322346
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>> No.15322383

Retarded faggot detected.

>> No.15322402

I couldn't get into Chronicles of Amber. Think I gave up halfway through the first book. Does it get any better, or is it more of the same?

>> No.15322418

New thread

>> No.15322462

>Subpar rating
Define subpar.

Moby Dick is 3.5, the same score Twilight has.
Ulysses: 3.7
The Odyssey: 3.8
The Fault in our Stars' rating is 0.8 points better than Heart of Darkness'.
Dickens' major works average below 4 stars.
Macbeth rates below even the worse rated of the Harry Potter spinoffs.

>> No.15322547

>277 posts
>makes a new thread
I see you want the mods to ban you.

>> No.15322577

How new are you faggot?

>> No.15322585

>Dickens' major works average below 4 stars.
This is accurate

>> No.15322593

Mat only becomes a character when the dagger thing gets resolved, in book 3 I think? Trust me you'll be able to tell when it happens, it's like night and day.

There's not much to explain, she's just a massive bitch.

>> No.15322656

S e e t h e

>> No.15322663

Get your bitch ass back to plebbit kike. Jannies let butterdyke threads fly multiple times daily and you're here bitching about a new thread.

>> No.15322679

>Moby Dick is 3.5, the same score Twilight has.
>somehow this indicates that it isn't trash

>Ulysses: 3.7
>meme trash

>The Odyssey: 3.8
>boomer trash

>The Fault in our Stars' rating is 0.8 points better than Heart of Darkness'.
>for good reason

>Dickens' major works average below 4 stars.
>as they should

>Macbeth rates below even the worse rated of the Harry Potter spinoffs.
>more boomer shit vs one of the most influential YA fantasy series ever created

>> No.15322803


>> No.15322825

boomers did not read literature, you're thinking of the boomers of the boomers youth

>> No.15322850

I accept your defeat, tranny

>> No.15322914

idk tranny looks like people are making their choice with the new thread and it doesnt include you

>> No.15323295

Cope. New thread is filled with a bunch of newfag redditors tranny lovers.

>> No.15323298

Just report him

>> No.15323332

Sffg is dead. We have a bunch of invader do-you-even-reads trying to turn the general to even more shit.

>> No.15323506
File: 379 KB, 1200x800, HugoTranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based

Why not more Strugatsky books? Snail on the Slope and Doomed City are are as good or even better than Roadside Picnic.
For Le Guin, I think The Lathe of Heavens is her best.
Take a look at Thomas M. Disch, and PKD as well.
You seem inclined towards scifi but you may enjoy fantasy or at least science fantasy as well. Gene Wolfe, Jack Vance, and M. John Harrison are the obvious next steps.

Stop responding to the troll claiming that goodreads ratings are indicative of anything. There's no way this is not a bait

>> No.15324294

I posted this in the other thread, and I guess I should post this here too. Because I want everyone to get this message.

I don't know what's going on. Been away from /sffg/ for a couple weeks, and you guys devolved into discord drama.

I will say this though... As just a principle: Delete the discord. Discords always become about the personalities of the users, and not the subject of discussion. You don't have that much to say about the books you're reading. And anything worth saying should be said in the thread. As that is the entire point of the thread existing in the first place.

Discord will only invite drama.

>> No.15324414
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I'm well into the Vorkosigan Saga now. And it's pretty fun. I'm glad I read in publication order rather than the recommended order. Because while each book can stand on its own, each new book references the previous books in some manner. So it's nice to have a working knowledge of the world starting the the cornerstone.

The first book, Shards of Honor, isn't the best one. Amateurish for sure. But you can already tell from the start that Lois McMaster Bujold has some kind of talent. Which probably comes from the fact that she was already in her mid thirties when she wrote it. Her characters come across as authentic..

I will say this though: One thing she's not getting better at, is character exposition.(or whatever it's called, I don't know the term) Basically, she'll do this thing where characters are talking one on one. One character will ask about another, and then the other character answers with what feels like a biography. Rattling off need-to-know facts about themselves. That part feels very forced. And she always does this. But that is also kind of helpful at pushing the story along at a quick pace. You endure a short biography, and then you get back to the story.

Also, it's pretty funny how this lusty broad's first book was pretty much just her romantic fantasies, tamed. It hit all of her fetishes: An experienced older affluent man, who is as smart as he is dangerous, and he's very dangerous. The man coming from a breed of essentially alpha supermen who still have royalty and lords and vassals. The woman, coming from a breed of betas, nerd and technocrats. But she herself has an alpha like demeanor, as she's not weak herself. The only man who can handle a girl like her is of course the ultimate alpha male from the alpha planet.

The second book is a lot better. There was a big step up in quality.

>> No.15324457

Did that idiot really make a new thread 40 posts early just to shill their discord

>> No.15324469

it's nothing to do with the old discord that literally nobody used and everything to do with one poster trying to derail every fucking thread into offtopic fights

This thread was actually decent and ontopic so they had to respond by making a new one insanely early to start shit there.

>> No.15324476

Everything you say is invalidated by


>> No.15324485

how does spacing on reddit work? Never used it so you'll have to explain to me

>> No.15324562

You JUST said that some guy is trying to derail every thread with offtopic fights. Don't take the old reddit spacing bait.

>> No.15324957

What's everyone reading?
Any of your books you wanted released in May?

>> No.15325010

There's a bunch of good scifi out this/last week, of course I'm putting all of that off and reading more chinese stuff instead. (Way of Choices which is actually good and Desolate Era which was throwaway brisk fun but I'm pretty sure it just got to it's first serious bit of adversity for the protagonist so the pace has cratered)

>> No.15325069

Don't you get fed up of the bugman mentality?
I'm burnt out by that faceshit. It's like the Chinese version of nobles in fantasy book.

>> No.15325230

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed.
I am so inundated in technical documentation that finding something good to read, particularly sci-fi is getting harder and harder. I gave up on fantasy altogether.

>> No.15325484

Yes, he even left out the usual stuff just so he can shill it exclusively.

>> No.15325501

I don't know why you're vindicating that bait with a serious reply

>> No.15325547

you're the same retard, just one digit away

>> No.15325653

you have the mentality of a woman

>> No.15325942

Our doom is upon us.

>> No.15325949

All is takes is single dedicated individual to destroy all there is.

>> No.15325960

requiescat in pace

>> No.15326111

>make a few posts yesterday and start a new thread
>go to bed
>come back today to a bunch of trannies sperging and saying one guy is literally tearing the general apart
either you clowns are giving me too much power to live in your heads rent-free like this, or you really can't accept that multiple people think you're humongous faggots and are calling you out for it. And I'm lmao'ing the entire time

>> No.15326275

Kill yourself retard. Stop pretending to be different posters, we know it is just you.

>> No.15326892

Cry more faggot, please. It's hilarious knowing you'll go into full paranoia posting over me while I sleep, and then go wild accusing me while you dilate.