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File: 3.65 MB, 368x368, B2BFBCFC-8031-4E4F-AEF0-F003CCFD6252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15310100 No.15310100 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on eco fascism? Any good books about it?

>> No.15310174

Any interesting works on deep ecology have been so heavily co-opted by wignats who couldn't pass an ecol 101 course that it's not even worth discussing at the time.
The fact that people actually tried to make it a new alt-right "movement" did nothing but give lefties another boogeyman to dismiss you as when you suggest that maybe uninhibited consumerism and population growth are going to cause problems.

>> No.15310187

Damn. Guess I’ll just wait for the end times, assuming they’re not already here.

>> No.15310198

Kaczynski - Industrial Society and its Future
Linkola - Can Life Prevail?

>> No.15310211

How did they teach that cat to do that?

>> No.15310213

Lol wtf? Is that real?

>> No.15310257


>> No.15310266

It's like an equally insufferable kind of gen x.

>> No.15310288

Yeah- it's a shame thinkers like Ted K and Linkola (as batshit as he is) have been turned into memes
Ultimately "eco fascism" is a dumb concept from the getgo since basically none of the deep/fringe/anti-liberal authors you see recommended are connected to actual political fascism (aside from Devi who was entirely on the esoteric side of Nazism).
Lumping together thinkers as disparate as Kaczynski and Monbiont just makes the "movement" seem like it's grasping for anything environmentalism-related that's not feel-good PETA tier stuff, regardless of the ideologies actually informing those authors.

>> No.15310291
File: 45 KB, 378x378, 928349085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eco fascism

>> No.15310513

is OPs gif real ?

>> No.15310558

LMAO ecofash making trannyniggers SEETH your retarded ideology abandoned environmentalism to promote globohomo it's up to the basedboys to SAVE THE TREES SHOOT REFUGEES

>> No.15310643

Mena's retarded children.

>> No.15310663

Nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about old man.

>> No.15310675

How did they train a cat to dance WTF?

>> No.15310677
File: 13 KB, 251x242, 1549824165859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eco fascism

>> No.15310689

is that a real cat or is it a cgi cat, pls i need to know

>> No.15310690

Is that their cat? How did they train it to do that?

>> No.15310692

Hey seriously is this real??

>> No.15310694
File: 1.92 MB, 2484x3784, Beginner's Ecotheology Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a dork

>> No.15310720

fucking kekkk

>> No.15310732

>eco fascism
take the technopill

>> No.15311481

Thats so crazy how can a cat do those moves?

>> No.15311524

/pol/ larping as slightly intelligent

>> No.15311557

Hold up what's going on in that gif, very confused

>> No.15311648

Deep ecology=/=eco fascism

The only major prerequisites for being a "deep ecologist" are seeing inherent worth in nonhuman life, believing that human population reduction could be good, and believing that, if you agree with these precepts (among others) you have an obligation to "make things better".

>> No.15311720

pretty obvious it's a puppet... open your eyes guys

>> No.15311820

it that reael?