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15338440 No.15338440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me today
>woke up at 8.45 am, feeling tired
>browsed internet on phone in bed instead of sleeping more
>started work at 10 am
>went through the motions, in slow motion
>was really low energy
>was browsing internet on phone during an internet meeting
>randomly googled "linkedin princeton new york investment" and felt sad at seeing tonnes of people my own age who probably controlled millions in capital; felt like an ant moving tiny stones (or maybe some other bug with a lower strength to weight ratio; comparing myself to an ant seems too favourable)
>have lunch
>have a call with a few senior employees and was at my post-lunch, carbed up, lowest energy level
>felt like an ugly low energy joyless charismaless slug who brings down the energy of everyone he interacts with
>work more
>stop working
>immediately go to play vidya
>play for a few hours, then go to store to buy binge food
>yesterday was supposed to be the last binge ever but I felt demoralised today
>go for a short jog
>have had the small binge
>now writing this shitpost at near midnight
>plan to post this shitpost and then play vidya for around an hour

Why am I so reserved and charismaless? Mostly because I am. But all this social crap feels like a game people invite me to play (not through explicit invites, more like criticism for being reserved / not sociable) so they can beat me. I refuse to play it.

The sense of progress and escapism I have with this particular vidya is like finding freshwater in a desert.

I'm currently listening to entry level synthwave level stuff.

>> No.15338468

>woke up at 8
>procrastinated until 7
>reprocrastinated 9-now
Every day.

>> No.15338489

Your writing's gotten good, unironically.

>> No.15338620

decrushianalisingly based

>> No.15338928
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You're killing my vibe man

>> No.15338976
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dont feel down anon.
have a beer.
it will make you feel better.
fapping to PH feels much better after you've had a few beers and and delicious food.
you can start your diet tomorrow.
there's plenty of time.

>> No.15338983

Cumbrains should kill themselves.

>> No.15338990

Masturbation just makes everything worse.

>> No.15339004


>> No.15339006
File: 126 KB, 960x960, 43CA1593-062A-405B-B18D-2302A25B0723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop obsessing over your fucking pecker

>> No.15339010

that means you're not doing it enough.
you should do it at least 3 times to completion during your sessions. beer and make make you happy and you fall asleep content.

>> No.15339015

You've been casually refering to this apparently amazing game for like a week or longer and won't even tell us what it is?

I need something to play, this lockdown is AIDS

>> No.15339053

That's not what's affected by it. It's your brain.

>> No.15339071
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>obsession doesn’t come from the brain

>> No.15339084
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>be me today
>wake up at 1PM, feeling tired
>browse internet, feel dissatisfied
>go outside, feel dissatisfied
>read a book, feel dissatisfied
>browse the catalogue, find londonfrog thread
>feel satisfied

>> No.15339808

I punched my moniter and didn't eat for a couple days. Now I'm reading shitty genre fiction. Wish I still had my moniter. Fucking autism

>> No.15340317

Do some drugs. You need to have a different outlook on life. Perhaps you could read some based /lit. The Way of Superior Men is a good place to start.

>> No.15341922

I really enjoyed this one, LF. This part:
>went through the motions, in slow motion
could put any white boy rapper to shame, and the more personal stuff to end your post was touching. Myself, I finished Dragon Age: Origins, will play Awakening later this week. Sometimes it feels good to get lost in another world, especially if you can have sex with Morrigan.

>> No.15341958

>Be me scroll through catalog see londonfag thread
>My day is ruined

>> No.15342076

No it hasn't and I'm the guy who compiled his posts. He literally repeats 80% of the same things, and often literally uses the same exact wording too.

I like LF, but he needs to update his originality.

>> No.15342165
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>created linkedin a few years ago and set up my profile
>haven't done anything with it ever since because still completing my studies and not looking for job
>a few days ago a guy contacts me with a proposal
>didn't tell me what it was over text, set up a video meeting for next Friday
>wonder how he even came across my profile which is barely even set up
Is it possible to get raped over zoom? His major has nothing to do with mine either.
I feel like this might be some bullshit ponzi sales scheme but I still need to know

>> No.15342189

They really should work on a vaccine to cure autism

>> No.15342234

You're skipping 2?
It's not that bad

>> No.15342244

either ponzi or his company immediately needs to hire for something and reached out to 100 other people. but if it's set up for next friday rather than this week then idk

>> No.15342289

No I'm not, Awakening was the expansion for Origins. I actually got 2 and Inquisition for cheap (5 euros for 2 and 13 for Inquisition + its dlc.) I had torrented 2 when it first came out and it threw me off so I deleted it after 1 hour, but this time I'll play it to keep up with the story.

>> No.15342480

Remember when Guenon's granny punched his monitor so he killed her?

>> No.15342674

I hope londonfrog never ever lives us bros, he's my solace

>> No.15342898

Instead fo playing vdieo games use that time to make something useful or do more productive things for your mind

>> No.15342919

Oh, sorry yeah I got confused, last time I played DA was when Inquisition released
Never played Awakening, or any of the DLCs for any of the games

2 is a bit of a drag in parts, the gampeplay and level design is dull as hell at times, but honestly DA:Os gameplay looks dated as fuck now as well.

>> No.15342951

Awakening wasn't the great in terms of characterisation but you get introduced to a keeper and Anders, and honestly I think that the keper was supposed to be part of 2 instead of Anders who seems kinda rushed, from what I've read. Still, it's a nice expansion with story and some mechanics for your keep etc, even if the characters leave a lot to be desired. The rest of the dlc are nice as well, particularly Leliana's song and the Witch Hunt.
I agree about the gameplay but I like it because I was a big fan of this type of games like Icewind Dale etc since I was young. 2 felt more like an action game in comparison, which isn't a bad approach but it threw me off.

>> No.15342956

Do some shrooms and MDMA and work through the experiences in therapy.

I know it sounds like "dude drugs lmao" but honestly that did the trick in making me more open, more charismatic, and really just giving me confidence to work on myself.

>> No.15342991

Ok, screw it
I'm starting up a new playthrough later, I've certainly got the time for it right now. I'll buy Awakening as well

>> No.15343121

Nice, have fun anon

>> No.15343239

This, MDMA unironically got me out of a bad rut. You have to do it with people you feel you can open up to though

>> No.15343788

i read that as mother at first.