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/lit/ - Literature

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15358375 No.15358375 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Be writing a novel
>Have a bunch of really good "scenes" and fleshed out characters, but a only a weak overarching story to coherently connect them

How do I remedy this.

>> No.15358383

If I think an author fucked up the story like that i read it ironically and champion it

>> No.15358394

can't decent characters and good pivotal scenes drive a story? just make the book about the interaction of the characters in the setting you've created

>> No.15358398

I've been dealing with this too, so far I have 15k words of vignettes and I need to interweave them. So my thought is a spread sheet of the time line, list of the characters, and figure out where different characters could overlap.

>> No.15358408

>So my thought is a spread sheet of the time line, list of the characters, and figure out where different characters could overlap.
How the fuck did authors keep track of story lines and details before the personal computer? Did they just have....a more resolute and clear vision?

>> No.15358412

No. I could do this on a whiteboard or a piece of paper.

>> No.15358418

What literary movement is it in? Just take from some in the same movement

>> No.15358427

I have to question if your characters really are that fleshed out. Characters, especially protagonists, don't exist in a kind of stasis. They make choices, react to things beyond their control, and are shaped by the experiences that make the scenes in your book.
If you have a weak overarching story then you have to wonder if your character has 'changed' at all through the experiences. What has conflicted their beliefs or views on the world? What trauma have they suffered? What victories did they have? These don't even have to be big epic events, their obsessions can be seemingly trivial to the outside by through your presentation be made to be matters of life and death.

>> No.15358434
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Yea, but I'd argue it's also about intertwining all the arcs of the characters. Whenever I try, I just end up writing storylines that isolate each character further from the main narrative. It's maddening.

>> No.15358447
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>What literary movement is it in?
Grit Lit with paranormal elements, if I had to classify it.

>> No.15358454

This was helpful. Thanks anon.

>> No.15358481

I literally touched him when they were filming this

>> No.15358509

Calm down Refn. But no, seriously, they're actors, not gods. I will admit that Goose seems like a down to earth, likeable, and cool guy. However, celebrity worship is a symptom of a sick culture.