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15370555 No.15370555[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature about modern dating trends?

>> No.15370607

she looks like someone copy-pasted boobs onto a yaoi protagonist

>> No.15370667
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>> No.15371742

based incel

>> No.15371841

Japanese salarymen are so overworked, they spend so much time in the office they sleep their, then they have to go to the karaoke bar with their boss and pretend they have a good time while getting drunk on sake and footing the bill for the night. Meanwhile their wives which they rarely see anymore have become frigid and won't fuck them after having one child who they also never see. So the logical solution is enjo kosai (compensated dating for you baka gaijin) where these middle aged salarymen pay highschool girls to date them and invariably fuck them in a love hotel. Japanese live in a society too

>> No.15371852
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This. Unironically a modern classic.
also pic related for a quick summary

>> No.15371855


>> No.15371863
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What is love?

>> No.15371871
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It's not a book but I suggest you listen to the podcast "Call her daddy"

>> No.15371872

What does this mean

>> No.15371878

I don't get it. There is a correlation with looks and personality?

>> No.15371882
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Halo effect. People subconsciously associate good looks with a good personality. You could have the best personality in the world but if you're ugly nobody cares.

>> No.15371894
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>> No.15371896

It could mean—and I think most people would take this perspective, even if that's not apparent from the data—that your physical appearance influences how people see your personality. Essentially, being attractive is a personality. Of course, there're quite a few competing potential interpretations, but those likely don't support incel arguments.

>> No.15371903

3 possibilties

1. goodlooking people assumed to have better personalities, appraisal biased
2. goodlooking people are treated better, develop better personalities
3. genes that cause attractiveness also correlate with those that cause good personalities

probably all 3

>> No.15371906
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>> No.15371912

This seems like a spurious correlation. Who even reads profiles? I judge everyone by their looks on dating apps; they're designed for that.

>> No.15371914
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>> No.15371919

Holy shit it's over

>> No.15371922

lmao at the smiley

>> No.15371926
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Women read profiles to see if the man is 6'.

>> No.15371937
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Guess the gender

>> No.15371943

He's a PhD holder, an actor, and an entrepreneur? Sounds like he's good at spinning yarns. "Entrepreneur" is one of those red flag words on dating apps.

>> No.15371947
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Most men have very little idea of how they're actually perceived by women.

>> No.15371950

Shit, that's fair.

>> No.15371953

The numbers don't match up. If 565 unmatched/deleted that would still leave 193 matches. It says only 2 of them ended up as dates so what about the other 191? One night stands? friends with benefits? In that case this guy wins a lot

>> No.15371960

If she’s not attracted to him, she’s not attracted to him

>> No.15371970
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A lot of the time when people match they just ghost each other. Since that doesn't count as unmatching or deletion, it's not shown any further. They're not one night stands: that would count as a date.

>> No.15371978
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You're missing the point.

>> No.15371986
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>> No.15371996

Yeah, people only care about appearances. What do you think complaining about it solves?

>> No.15372009

Probably the thing that kept me from becoming a full blown weeb was reading a post on Something Awful when I was way too young to be on the Internet about some guy that learned Japanese, moved to Japan, worked for a Japanese company, married a Japanese woman, and then after they had a kid she stopped having sex with him. Everybody he spoke to including, iirc, his in-laws told him "if you're that horny then get a mistress, you make enough money for it" and then treated him like a "space alien" (I remember this term specifically) when he said he thought it would be wrong. He was venting and trying to figure out if it was possible for him to somehow abduct his kid and run off back to the US.

>> No.15372014
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I'm not complaining lmao

>> No.15372031
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>> No.15372037

This feels like a false flag. I doubt anyone would truly say, "This is the person of my dreams, but." If there's a but, they're not the person of your dreams. That's how it works.

>> No.15372046

>If there's a but, they're not the person of your dreams. That's how it works.
Lol. Have you never heard women say "I wish I had a boyfriend like you". Women are not logical.

>> No.15372060

I assume anything I see in those reddit caps is a larp, but there's nothing unusual about what is being said there. Pretty common sentiment really

>> No.15372068
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This is similar but not on reddit.

>> No.15372075
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>> No.15372083
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>> No.15372089

No, but I also suspect that's more something women do when they want whatever it is you're providing for them. In short, they're stringing you along.

This has got to be a larp too.

>> No.15372098
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>> No.15372108
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>> No.15372118
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>> No.15372133

Darconville's Cat

>> No.15372190
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>> No.15372207
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>> No.15372215

22 year old zoomer here. I feel like my generation is completely low key blackpilled in looking and the modern dating game. We guys don’t even try we just focus our attention on pone video games and anime

>> No.15372230

do your generation still go to bars and meet girls that way?

>> No.15372233

21 year old zoomer here. Same.

>> No.15372242


>> No.15372299

These one's have started to crack me up while also a bit sad. They used to be suicide fuel and only strengthen my "hatred" for women, however over time and to the present, I no longer care. I think it's because I wouldn't want to fuck or date retarded women who fall for that. Clearly the pics and bio are fake so immediately the women are dumb as fuck. I feel the same way about men who get tricked by e-whoring and fake tinder profiles.

Does this make anyone else mad, why or why not?

>> No.15372302

Sounds based, where can I sign up?

>> No.15372311

A hidden matchmaking rating or elo in dating apps and websites is kind of old news, although if anyone reading this doesn't already know, google IAC and their subsidiaries.

>> No.15372387

Millennials didn't even meet people at bars.

>> No.15372426

I posted all of them and I'm not at all angry at these women. It's just amusing to watch. Many people (my past self included) have a very mythical/idolized view of women. It's healthy to see how a lot of them really are.

>> No.15372428
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>> No.15372442
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>> No.15372450

was it really that high in what, 2002?

>> No.15372462

Who were the brave souls daring to try online dating in the 80s?

>> No.15372464
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This. Seems susp

>> No.15372501
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>> No.15372509

18 yo zoomie here, in my country you are literally viewed as an outcast if you don't go to bars, clubs and such places. I am from the Balkans though, so stuff's pretty different from the west here. Basically everyone plays vidya and a lot of people watch anime as well, but most of them are also socially active. I generally dislike zoomer culture and I feel like it hasn't gotten as cancerous here as in some more developed areas.

>> No.15372513
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>> No.15372520

I'm trying to imagine the US military using the internet in the 80's trying to find hot milfs in their area.

>> No.15372581

Based anon blackpilling the uninitiated normalfaggot coronatourists

>> No.15372592

Get a caring, thoughful gf

>> No.15372596


>> No.15372620

It's not trying to. Are you a woman?

>> No.15372623
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20. I tried going to bars, etc. Maybe it's because I got molested as a child that sex isn't this 'goal of all things' for me and I'm missing that thing everyone have. And when I watch my friends desperately trying to get laid buying girls drinks and whatever it just looks silly. I get drunk, I talk, some people even take a liking to me but I get nothing out of it, I just feel like everyone are on a stage.
wtf am I missing, I really only want my best friend back from when I was 7 years old but my parents moved away with me to another country.
I looked to philosophy for help, ended up here but I'm getting really tired of it and don't want to end up as some philosophy schizo.

>> No.15372625

We have subjected all matter into idealized forms via the wills of consumer mass-consumption, yet within our generation persists an unending disruption. A tremor within the soul. The last frontier of the unsynthetic world remains unconquered- the human body. Not as it is for the individual, but in its capacity for consumption. Paternally. Visually. Sexually. We put on plays. We put on masks and titillate. We are the last ugly things in the world and we can no longer hide ourselves.

>> No.15372637

Don't lose hope, you can find someone who values you and isn't just in it for the sex.

>> No.15372733

She ought to stop decieving him.

>> No.15372736

ahahaha holy fuck

>> No.15372753

It's amazing how easily people are frightened by the sight of numbers

>> No.15372760

What do you mean?

>> No.15372772

I used to be like this but I met a lot of people mostly by forcing myself to socialize, I used to dislike going to bars, I still do when I'm not in the mood for it or not with the right people. My advice for you is to just put yourself out there and get to know more people, and whenever you get invited somewhere, just force yourself to go. I view the bar as sort of a socializing tool, whether or not you're gonna enjoy your time there depends entirely on the people you are with. If you go there alone or with shitty people then you're most likely not going to have a good time. Still, I might not be the best person to give this kind of advice, I usually just go to bars and clubs with friends for the purpose of getting shitfaced, and to have no recollection of it. It does make for good memories that you don't actually remember yourself. I'm also absolute shite with girls, I think I've only bought one a drink a single time in my life.

>> No.15372910
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I more importantly want to value myself more and am slowly learning how to do that instead of some low-key self destruction, treating myself well.
I have not been in love with a girl since 2013/14? but I know at least 2 have been in love with me since, but I don't want sex so I just say no.
I went to a school therapist, he just gave me a calendar.
I'm reaching schizo territory here (which I'm not and am not pretending to be, my brain feels healthy enough) but I swear I have a memory before I was born where I was on a different plane and somehow got lost and ended up here. I've felt that since I was a kid, I looked at other kids and wondered why they were playing with toys, etc.
I just feel bad for most people, looking for a self in all these things, ideologies, superstitions and making memories to remember. And when I talk to them I often feel like I'm ultimately manipulating them into liking and remembering me.
most recent things I went to was a small house party before this lockdown started, but I just ended up playing with the house cat with some weird loud girl who was there.
And like I'm not even unhappy, I just don't feel like any person is alive anymore like they used to be when I was younger.

>> No.15372993

If you don't lift then you should highly consider doing so. People are fucking shallow, and they will treat you differently if you are jacked. From your post I gather that you tend to overanalyze stuff a lot. The gym is just some primal shit. You lift heavy object, you get strong. It doesn't get simpler than that. I've had and still to some extent have confidence and self-esteem issues, but lifting heavy objects and reading have certainly made them better, or maybe I've just developed some sort of superiority complex, I don't know.

>> No.15372998

yeah no shit women are humans and not everyone of them has an oh-my-fair-lady-how-art-thy-soul-this-beautiful tier personality just because she's attractive to you. Women can be immoral degenerates just like men, doesn't mean that all of them are, although dating apps are probably highly populated with them. It speaks in favour of women that you can't find the good ones on dating apps. The incel mindset is the most brainlet thing ever. Make the same fake profiles with a woman for coomer bait and watch millions of guys crawl up your ass for pussy.

>> No.15373162

yeah probably, honestly. Not really a lifting weights person but when I felt the most alive I was also in a pretty good shape, Swimming long distances, climbing up ropes without legs and able to do like 30 normal pull ups without some lame speed technique, etc.

>> No.15373229

i don't even think it's assumed good looking people have better interpersonal skills, they always just do from years of positive reinforcement and acceptance.
good looks correlating with a presumed good personality aren't exactly based on nothing, most of the best looking guys from school and college were also the funniest and most confident ones.
uggo's like myself tend to be quiet, especially when meeting new people, hence a presumption that uglies have bad personalities (which is somewhat true in terms of confidence)

>> No.15373275

this hurts anons, it reminds me of being that guy also but i knew deep down inside the girl wasn't attracted to me.
this guy should just bounce, it's not good for your feelings of self worth to strive after someone who doesn't share mutual feelings for you.
even if yoy get on well with her, it simply makes you feel to pathetic to stick around her.

>> No.15373325

At this point I reject girls attracted to me just so I can feel the pleasure of seeing their faces confused

>> No.15373373

>luv drink, luv music, big lols down' gym simple as
The perfect woman

>> No.15373377

literally the best thing in this thread is that rat bathing himself