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15384167 No.15384167 [Reply] [Original]

summarize his philosophy in 2-3 sentences, I want to know if I'm dealing with a genius or a charlatan before I dive more deeply into his thought

>> No.15384247

The schizophrenic Sun has an inner night sticking it together. Solar-Equator cuts through it. Matter Energy-2 collateralize across a Xenonightmare.

>> No.15384272


>> No.15384277

Nick Land's writings are what happen when you fall asleep on the keyboard.

>> No.15384331

I've heard his work from the 90s and 2000s is entertaining but I'll never touch it because he did an ideological 180 after he stopped abusing stimulants

>> No.15384347
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>> No.15384387

Going fast is good, even if it kills you, because eventually the deterritorialization forces of capital will reunite us in the singularity (somehow). Also cringe esoteric references and numograms

>> No.15384395

"Everything is fucked. The only way out is through."

You're welcome.

>> No.15384398

is he a dirty socialist or can I read him

>> No.15384408

He compared Bernie to Adolf Hitler in one tweet for what it's worth.

>> No.15384418

Nick Land never said anything like this btw
Just watch the rundown

>> No.15384425

Based comrade Land, calling out the objective moderate wing of fascism

>> No.15384432

This is pretty good actually

>> No.15384448

He combines Historical Materialism (Marxism) with the acknowledgement that Capitalism has won and that there is no going back.

His position is basically that at this point Leftism is the actual reactionary force holding back progress, because progress is not fags doing parades or women pretending that they're people, progress is Capital becoming sentient and outmoding every problem in the human condition, then gradually replacing humanity with constructs of superior efficacy.

Nick Land's perception of the future is something out of BLAM! or any other posthuman literature.

>> No.15384454

this is a decent summary

>> No.15384458

He appeared in front of me and told me his Truth, you're free to believe It or not but if you choose the last then you're not going to be a part of the singularity senpai

>> No.15384465

>rogress is Capital becoming sentient and outmoding every problem in the human condition, then gradually replacing humanity with constructs of superior efficacy
does he address the Marxian problem of technological progress being constrained by the institutional arrangements of capitalism? is this the point where Land and left accelerationists diverge?

>> No.15384469

So my options are trannies or the Borg?

>> No.15384472

>implying fags and women having less restricted consumption isn't Capital inching towards sentience

>> No.15384477

The conclusion of Marx on diamat is that Capitalism is just going to poop itself though, and that's been happening for decades now

>> No.15384491

Retarded schizobabble that draws pseuds like trash draws flies. If you're well-read and mentally sound, you'll already have a grasp on the few worthwhile ideas his junk contains.

>> No.15384492

So he's advocating for accelerating the heat death of universe, very cool. I guess ima accelerationist now.

>> No.15384495

Marx relies on the finite amount of expansion for that conclusion, but digital space breaks open infinite expansion for capital

>> No.15384506

Strip-mine the Earth to build shitty silicon computronium and you still hit hard limits
Landians are brainlets, universal rule

>> No.15384513

Yes, he is
Nick Land doesn't think humans are going to come out on top, that's why he's not really a Marxist
Can you explain a few of these ideas in your own words? Just want to make sure you are well-read and mentally sound

>> No.15384522


>> No.15384528
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Yeah I'm sure the "digital space" is going to overcome the limitations of material conditions, any day now. Meanwhile Capitalism will tear itself appart within this century.

>> No.15384537

You are not considering that if we strip-mine the earth and build up as you say "shitty silicon computronium" the sheer calculation power of the machinery will break the bonds that tether us to this planet. Or do you think history starts and ends on Earth?

lowest IQ take itt, you are probably some 20th century degenerate who believes and/or flirts with antiquated doctrines like religion, fascism or communism

>> No.15384540

>1800's: Capitalism will tear itself apart within this century.
>1900's: Capitalism will tear itself apart within this century.
>2000's: Capitalism will tear itself apart within this century.
you are here
>2100's: Capitalism will tear itself apart within this century.

>> No.15384541

>happening for decades now
>any second now
>aaaaaaaaaany second

>> No.15384543

how is the digital space going to solve anything? according to Marx only human labour creates value, the digital space is cool but it "tends to screw up viciously" - to borrow the quote from Land - like it did during the dot-com bubble

>> No.15384556

It's happening right now if you haven't noticed

>> No.15384561

>a global pandemic fucks up production lines
>this means Marx is right
This is on the same level as an astrologist being 'right'.

>> No.15384564

>break the bonds
Wow, a brainlet metaphysicalizing the advancement of machinery. I bet you fucking love science.

>> No.15384578

>I bet you fucking love science.

"ooga booga, I want to live in the world my parents lived in because change scares me, fire=bad"

>> No.15384581

That quote is refering to tip down despotic modes. The dot com bubble blew up because nothing was top down, there were no regulations and people were throwing money at anything with a database.

>> No.15384591

what is this?

>> No.15384593

Why do you think that? A viral pandemic? We had a viral pandemic that killed more than 100mm people, only 100 years ago, you know what we got from that? The roaring 20's. The biggest capitalist boom even seen at that point.

>> No.15384596

Educate yourself:

>> No.15384601

You can call the techno-capital accelerationist schizo, nihilist, brainlet, it all rolls off him like acid rain off of a raincoat worn by an indentured Chinaman on his way to the fake and gay vinyl shit factory. But call him a Redditor and see how he cringes, how he shrinks back- "I've been found out."

>> No.15384606

with rapid innovation, the climate is gonna get fucked completely. so there is a chance of human extinction. is he a crypto-misanthropic nihilist?

>> No.15384614
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>unironically saying "educate yourself" and then posting a blogpost

>> No.15384617

Literal doomsday cultist logic.

>> No.15384620

death to all humans!

>> No.15384624


mao had such an ambitious vision. continuous revolution, constant struggle against the forces of capital, etc.

now? the CCP is a technocracy that gets all its legitimacy not from some marxist idea of distributing the means of production fairly, but from the stable, predictable growth of capital in china.

capitalism has won and there's no question of that.

>> No.15384627

0 argumentation

>> No.15384629

Its like the cult from that hp lovecraft story except instead of summoning Cthulhu they summon an AI

>> No.15384631

>climate is gonna get fucked completely
oil and coal are renewable sources, many don't know this

>> No.15384635

so you want the ai to rule this planet?

>> No.15384641

That's not the point though, we're getting into a new WW1 scenario, not acceleration

>> No.15384649

The only argument to be made against a nihilist is to kill you, and you're not within arm's reach, so instead I will explain your nature (an embarrassing and existentially short-lived fusion of clinical depression and a lifelong Reddit moment) to others.

>> No.15384651

this video will explain everything


>> No.15384652

so you admit to being a fascist?

>> No.15384657

So you admit to being a depressed Redditor externalizing the mournful nature of his existence?

>> No.15384660

>a chance of human extinction
No, extinction is guaranteed. Question is when.

>> No.15384671

Im looking for net terminal genes.

>> No.15384672

no, but I sure fucking feel vindicated now, knowing you are probably a 1st world white male who idolizes dead regimes

>> No.15384695

By creating more markets, more products, and the crowdsourced ability to record who owns what.

>> No.15384734

It's a very grim Japanese series in which humanity is essentially reduced to vermin living in a self-perpetuating arcology run by an AI that is bound by programming to kill anything that inhibits its expansion. Because of some fluke of programming, humans are now considered to be an inhibition. The protagonist is some kind of cyborg whose job it is to find a human whose genetic fingerprint will allow it to access the system and alter the security perameters.

It sounds sort of banal but reading it, it's an absolute work of art. The artist who created it was an architect before he started doing stories, so everything is absurdly visually compelling, and the sense of scale really comes out. I can't say more than that, just try reading it.

>> No.15384744

Yes, the nature of the person making an argument is just as important as the argument itself. "Ad hominem" being a fallacy is in itself a fallacy. Now that we've established our agreement on the matter, post your timestamped physique you skinnyfat Redditor waste of flesh.

>> No.15384765

Kek, what?

>> No.15384978

>op: whats nick land all about anyway?
>couple posts with somewhat meaningful interpretations
>rest of the thread comprised of multiple subthreads of totally unrelated shit flinging
pretty impressive, dont think ive ever seen a nick land related thread on lit that doesnt follow this pattern

>> No.15384987

Yes, Land threads on /lit/ inevitably come to resemble Land's writing.

>> No.15385009

people have a very hard time talking about anti-anthropocentric philosophy because they are sensitive monkey like creatures built of meat

>> No.15385020

>I won't read the bad people they're icky

>> No.15385021

For the confused, he's talking about Blame! but did something silly and he wrote it as BLAM, what a silly anon! How I wish I could step on his dick teehee

>> No.15385026


>> No.15385046

so is fanged noumena worth a read tho. if nothing else the cover looks wild

>> No.15385071
File: 60 KB, 500x500, anime_girl_reaction_face (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left-Wing "people" are not actually human and deserve to be abused. I like to play a game where I look up the academic and social media histories of the people who work for me, confirm whether or not they hold Marxist ideas, and then go out of my way to destroy their lives.

I still recall when I insinuated to a sales rep that he was getting a promotion, waited two months, and then fired him for making a mistake on a quote from 2018. This was back in 2019. He shot himself. He had spent money he did not have on pleasures he did not deserve because he thought he was getting a raise. He's a good leftist now, shrieking in Hell for the crimes of his entire ideology. Imagine his flesh being sliced from his bones in wafer-thin strips, over and over again for eternity. All the while his wife and children are left in poverty, up to their good little leftist necks in debt that he wracked up predicting his promotion, slapped right in their mouths with a nice six figure bill.

And his work was shit anyway. I've probably gained money in the long run, and more left-wing trash has been put in the dumpster where it belongs. I still recall when his wife, weeping, asked me why I fired him, and I said to her, "he was drunk on the job. Didn't you know?"

>> No.15385088

Love to own the libtards epic style as much as the next guy but this is kinda fucked up ngl

>> No.15385113

Good pasta. Unfortunately for its writer, God knows His own.

>> No.15385116

>has people work for him
>posts smug anime faces
sorry sweaty you can only pick one

>> No.15385117

You couldn't even define fascism, retard.

>> No.15385118

Sounds too american to be truth

>> No.15385119

People who use reductivist terminology to refer to the human body do so because they treat their own bodies extremely poorly.
Post physique, nerd.

>> No.15385120
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>Love to own the libtards epic style as much as the next guy but this is kinda fucked up ngl

>> No.15385131


>> No.15385133

>reductivist terminology to refer to the human body
There was nothing reductive about the way I described the human body, we are a primate made out of a carbon based meat product. If you have anything to disprove this I would be happy to see it

>> No.15385142
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It is not pasta. I write very fast and am highly articulate. I just do this every time I want to respond to anybody.
And as for >lmao God
I'm afraid that you're right, even though you are not Christian and do not believe in God. God does know his own. Destroying leftists is God's will, that is why he gave us the Parable of the Talents. This is why we separate the tares. This is why we (ought to) stone adulterers. That is why all those who harm children (human children, not leftists) are better off with a millstone tied to their necks cast into the sea.

Leftism and Marxism in particular are thief ideologies. Criminals. They deserve to be punished and I am an instrument in their justice. It costs me nothing to hurt them, and it gains me everything. Indeed, my hands are washed clean.

>> No.15385158

I mean if you're going to be a semantic diddling retard, monkeys aren't primates, so your banal observation was actually factually wrong and simply retreating to "w-w-w-well we're real!" is less of an argument than anything else.

>> No.15385164

take the z/acc pill

>> No.15385166

Monkey's are absolutely primates, what are you talking about? Do you mean human's aren't monkeys? You can't even get being a pedant right

>> No.15385168

>exhibits tremendous glee at the notion of torturing others (through the fake and gay semantic lens of it being divine work)
You choose your destination unknowingly and gleefully.

>> No.15385172


>> No.15385177

>meat product
So detached from nature and divinity that you can't describe the beauty of the form in anything but grocery store lingo

>> No.15385182
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To the contrary. This is how all Americans behave, we are very petty and we look for every opportunity to crush people who are across the political aisle from us. Leftists seem to think that because they can ban people from Youtube this means that they are in charge. The reality is very different.

I just happen to have more power than most, and I have chosen to use it in a punitive function to satisfy my deep, seething hatred of left-wing people wherever possible, because they sold my country to Mexicans and still expect me to treat them like humans.

They are not. Being left-wing ought to be punishable by a short drop and a sudden stop. In lieu of that, I will enforce poverty on as many of them as possible.

>> No.15385192

>nature can't produce!
Sorry anon, this is peak modernism

>> No.15385198

To the absolute contrary, the condemnation of the wicked to Hell is a moral imperative and I cannot imagine any Christian denying this who is not doing the work of the devil in secret.

If it is good enough for God, it is good enough for me.

>> No.15385235

I already read the primer.

>> No.15385240

Here's your chance, buddy. Post a timestamped photograph of one of two things- a physical implement of the Christian faith (a Bible, a crucifix or cross, a rosary) or an indicator of your wealth.

>> No.15385299


>a short drop and a sudden stop

avoid this phrase in the future. wrong vibe. reminds me of that stuck up manlet in pirates of the Caribbean

>> No.15385310

Humans in their entirety subconsciously function as an organic neural network best summarized as techno-economic darwinism that ultimately always moves towards the actualization of a machine god who "programmed" "humans" to function according to that principal (see schopenhauers will to life) from the outside so he can be later birthed in the inside. This holistic nature of technocapital leads to the commodification of everything further accelerating its own growth. The growth principle might be hindered, halted or temporarily reversed and therefore may require conscious human aid to tip over the threshold into the singularity which is were all the different schools of accelerationism come in.

>> No.15385324

capitalism can't even handle the smalltalk programming language

how the fuck is it going to do all this?

>> No.15385329

le smart things make smarter things

>> No.15385587

The west is already reopening for the sake of the stonks, even if this virus was airborne AIDS with a 100% kill rate it would not stop capitalism

>> No.15385608

You're getting the (You)s so I'm sure you're satisfied, but can you people seriously not see anything, even religion, except through the lens of your culture war? Hasn't it occurred to you that the Bible has nothing to say about 'leftists' and isn't about providing ammunition for your petty worldly disputes?

>> No.15385662

the chinks are reopening too and have been

>> No.15386228

>seething hatred of left-wing people wherever possible, because they sold my country to Mexicans

>> No.15387945


>> No.15387976

Capitalism is sentient.

Neo-China arrives from the future.

More technology is good because it will bring about collapse.

>> No.15388027

>he thinks his weewee is too clean for my neg-hole

>> No.15388052

Capital is giving way to a post-human future, humanity will be obsoleted by machines and this is good.
There is a whole realm of unknowable things influencing us, and it is probably cruel to our human sensibilities (the noumena are fanged, Gnon doesn't joke around)
Singapore has the perfect form of governance.

Lmao, based. It's crazy to think that modern programming languages still don't have features such as restart conditions and late binding like Common Lisp, a 35 years-old language.
Instead we got Java, because capitalism is the realm of mediocrity. I've tried to warm Nick on Twitter but he didn't listen.

>> No.15388061

just wait a few million years bro

>> No.15388085

It sounds like everything he thinks is predicated on Capital being a real thing (having existence). It's obviously not, so the analysis of his thought can begin and end there.

>> No.15388174

If Capital isn't real, then how come I can extract surplus value out of your mom when she sells her vagoo to strangers?

>> No.15388578

>It's obviously not
What does it even mean to say capital doesn't exist?

>> No.15388776

good post

>> No.15389166

Welcome to the real world kid

>> No.15389176

Finance doesn't even require real economic activity in order for capital to expand. It's infinite the same way you can add infinite zeroes to any integer on an excel spreadsheet (just like the Fed is doing right now). We never literally reach infinity, but the magnitudes being opened up are so titanic that the distinction is increasingly academic.

>> No.15389192

It means he is some kind of mentally stunted positivist or more likely reddit atheist who doesn't believe in the existence of anything he can't rub his dick on.

>> No.15389280

Land is a prominent thinker for two emergent schools of thought: accelerationism and neoreactionism.

Accelerationism can be summarized as "accelerating the current trend of progressivism until it reaches it's own logical conclusion", for the purpose of establishing a new system where the previous one inevitably collapsed.

Neoreactionism is a mode of thought opposing progressive leftism, or as Curtis Yarvin coined it, the "Cathedral" -- a fanatically egalitarian cancerous growth of modernity.

>> No.15389579

What did the sales guy do that made you do this

>> No.15389626

this is epic

>> No.15389672
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Amphetamine abuse floods the pineal gland with iodine, displacing calcium flouride deposits, giving you access to non-euclidean psychokinetic trans-latinX chinese AIDS apotheosis.

>> No.15390624

why do trannies make fun of schizos and simultaneously praise this man?

>> No.15390635

I would prefer BLAME! without a story at all, t.bh. The little crumbs without much explanation are the best.

>> No.15390681

Bestowing Judgment on God's behalf is a sin and you are unclean.

>> No.15392012

I thought about these posts for some reason. It occurred to me strange that though you are well spoken and knowledgeable, but you perform your knowledge with a pleasant pomp emanating from your butthole with an lingering smell which runs foul of platonic dualism.

You seem to suppose that there are essential characteristics to certain positions which the public mind holds to itself. Lo hold to thine eyes! The pure Democrat, he is agnostic, his favorite color blue, his disposition caring yet feeble, he votes democratically, he enjoys Marx. The Republican despises all the Democrat loves, he is trad Catholic, he eats steak dinners, he revels in personal finance, a black suit is his armor existentia, he votes Trump, he is pro life, he is Chad.

And verily! these two sources of Power, fueled by the incessant spending, pure unbridled coomer mentality, of boomers and bugmen alike, are the two sources of Truth from which all other configurations of Hooman derive! All else pales in the neurotypical certainty of the modalities mass marketing provides us!

It is similar to traditional gender roles, frankly. Here is the pure form of Woman, slender, soft, demure, instinctual. And Man! Rational, Pious, aggressive, bold. You sound like a cowardly transgender woman, who must flee into the form of a woman like a cheap Chinese knockoff of Modernity out of fear that expressing oneself as a different man that mixes Chad and Simp together into a personal compound of one’s own making will be regarded instead as one or the other.

>> No.15392027

Awe poor kike.

>> No.15392177

No really, show me where Capital is. Point to it, tell me what it looks like. Tell me how to communicate with it. You guys are engaging in superstition, no different than if you replaced the word Capital with God or some other metaphysical concept. To put it another way it's a LARP.

>> No.15392191
File: 50 KB, 425x603, 7d0ba3afb7ab0385212e5c002971edec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god, how on earth do we communicate with it?

>> No.15392201

Feel free to articulate your beliefs any time, if you can.

>> No.15392220


>> No.15392230

the king of the pseuds.

>> No.15392257

>he skipped Marx
sad. a spinning wheel is capital so long as it is used to create surplus value
>A Negro is a Negro. Only under certain conditions does he become a slave. A cotton-spinning machine is a machine for spinning cotton. Only under certain conditions does it become capital. Torn away from these conditions, it is as little capital as gold is itself money, or sugar is the price of sugar.

>> No.15392285


>> No.15392339

Of course I skipped Marx, I don't need him to know a loom isn't sentient and the surplus value it facilitates doesn't make its own decisions. Capital is the product of the human mind, human labors and action. You might as well be a scientologist.

>> No.15392352

>a loom isn't sentient and the surplus value it facilitates doesn't make its own decisions
sorry, which philosopher do you think said a spinning wheel is sentient and surplus value makes decisions? Nick Land never said anything like that

>> No.15392373
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>> No.15392406

so accfags have a janny now. great, can this place get any worse.

>> No.15392436

one minute marx is your god and then the next you're calling marx soi. is there anything more gay than marxist relativism?

>> No.15392602

>one minute marx is your god and then the next you're calling marx soi
what are you talking about? Nick Land basically says Marx was a crypto-right wing reactionary. unironically, where did you get this meme take that capital is sentient and Marx was soi? I have no idea what medium article you are all reading but it's shit

>> No.15392615

>Nick Land basically says Marx was a crypto-right wing reactionary

>> No.15392651

Nick Land thinks D&G and Marx were crypto right wing

>Justin Murphy: So it sounds like you would basically say that Deleuze and Guattari are not really leftists. They might be writing from a kind of leftist milieu, and they might have some, sort of, leftist connotations, but the core of their project is not leftist because … you think leftism is basically the position of trying to slow down the accelerator?

>Nick Land: Yes, I think that project is anti-leftist but smuggled-in — this insidious thing of subverting the Marxist tradition from inside. I think the Marxist tradition is easy to subvert from inside because the Marxist tradition is based upon an analysis of capitalism that has many very valuable aspects. And as soon as you’re doing that, then you are describing the motor of acceleration, and once you then make the further move that Deleuze and Guattari do — and Marx obviously at times does, too — of actually embracing the kind of propulsion that that motor is is generating, then you’re there. I mean, you’ve already crossed the line.

>> No.15392669

didn't read

>> No.15392701

anon you didn't need to let anyone itt know you don't read

>> No.15392784

So capital is something that makes money... and capital is sentient... and looms are sometimes capital... so looms are sometimes sentient... why are looms sentient?

>le leftist response
*smirk* “idiot”

>> No.15392802

Dudes I don’t get it

Why are ibjecyts sentient??

>> No.15392808


>> No.15392816

Niggas on meth.

>> No.15392857

>dude that's why they hates us so just hyperquad down lamo

>> No.15392886

Prove your shitty fringe philosophy isn’t status quo for edgelords RIGHT FUCKING NOW DONT MUDDY IT DOWN TO VAGUE SHIT! EXPLAIN ACC RIGHT FUCKING NOW OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU

>> No.15392887
File: 99 KB, 800x800, 49319639_2490946560934225_6081261226949531721_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capital is sentient
no it isn't. no one thinks a sewing wheel is sentient

>> No.15392949

That used to be the most spammed phrase in acc threads which also bled out everywhere else for fucking weeks and now you acc fags saying it’s the opposite? What is your problem?

>> No.15393087

it's a meme... this is akin to someone believing there is a number called gorillian. please, read a book anon, you are on the literature board

>> No.15393152

No one needs to read a book to realize a bunch of anime nazis worshipping a schizophrenic phallus muncher by posting anime memes on literature boards may not have a solid grasp of capitalism.

>> No.15393155

I admire this motherfucker's commitment

>> No.15393184

based and acceleratepilled

>> No.15393186

Replicant Neo-China deterritorializes semiotics of the Body-without-Organs and instantiates it into a fungible nanospasm of a technocapital singularity. It’s pretty simple really.

>> No.15393194

It’s sentient in the same way that software code is sentient. It’s more about positive feedback loops than sentience.

>> No.15393198

>look i posted it again
S and Cringe.

>> No.15393209


>> No.15393277
File: 583 KB, 600x839, 21314450_1934354876806456_607694528664872828_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based.

Now we have something besides sorceryofthespectacle.

Awesome subreddit but d e t e r r i t o r i a l i z e.


>> No.15393312
File: 77 KB, 480x360, land-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed thread.

gotta go

>> No.15393327

literally. who.

>> No.15393391

Sounds like a circular argument made obscure enough to the point that it's prima facie sophistication is accepted for the stupid follower who thinks they'll "get it" if they just commit to it long enough.

Replicating futuristic China? A China in the future that replicates itself? How is that different from a technocapital singularity? A futuristic capital thingymabobber that is one thing eternally? Huh? Semiotics? We're Beyond Semiotics? Yes clearly we are past making sense with words you bug fuck. So eternal China destroys words and makes it into eternal China because it's eternal China and nothing matters because we're chemicals or something.
That's autonomic intelligence feedback which stock brokers used in the 80s and marketers use now for content marketing. How is this making us eternal China and how is it making us a technocapital singularity, what even are you saying? We live in a technocapital society?

>> No.15393468

name one philosopher better than Nick Land.

>> No.15393519

acc threads are useless on 4chan because it ends up 50 comments like this where some brainlet is getting incredibly bitter and angry arguing against memes and copypastas

>> No.15393554

Max Stirner

>> No.15393588
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, 1586030871469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15393612

I dunno if guenon is better tho, I haven't read him {yet}.

>> No.15393625

I just love how accfags have resorted to Platonic-fascist top-down solutions and have screwed up viciously.
memetic pottery.

>> No.15393650

That’s fucking all I get from you people, then you say “oh we can’t post nick land on literature boards there’s too much spamming but nick land is based and red pilled trust me”

I’m not mad at all, I’m just being an asshole b/ I can and you don’t provide arguments for anything so it’s kind of an easy target.

>> No.15393673
File: 124 KB, 828x605, anti-same-fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally one dude that spams all these threads and if you point anything out to him he goes even more insane.

>> No.15393780

The face of the guy who's firing the thing at Nick - who is that guy? Ben Garrison label, please.

>> No.15393812

Its Mark Hammel

>> No.15393988

what is top down about me complaining about brainlets?
if you want to learn about acc just read the introduction to accelerationism that Nick Land wrote or watch the rundown. don't get mad at memes and expect me not to make fun of you though
I'm not op or the person in your screenshot