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15439889 No.15439889 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to be rich ASAP. I'll have time to read about existentialism, philosophy, religion... whatever. First I want to get rich and let my parents retire.

>just graduated from top uni + top bachelors

Would you recommend me stuff to read in order to, at least, head the right direction?

Have a good day anons

>> No.15439928

What, all that schooling and you need to ask us how to get rich? Haven't you figured out that you have to figure most of it out yourself? No, that would require figuring out that your need to figure out how to figure things out for yourself, which incidentally, you haven't figured out that you need to figure out yet.

>> No.15439944

taleb, rich dad, biographies, dalio, social skills, economics, seduction manuals

>> No.15439961

No, I haven't. I just want recs man. I'm always willing to learn from others. "All that schooling" is just useful to get you *access* to well paid jobs.

If you have any recs, I will note them down. Thanks

>> No.15439967


>> No.15439972
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where did you go to school, anon? might be able to help here, depending.

>> No.15439979

Who UChicago here?

>> No.15439988

Just start reading /biz/ threads

>> No.15439998

Somewhere in EU :)

>> No.15440010

I've visited a few times but I fear it's mostly investing bait ("advice"). People tend to give trading advice on the internet very lightly, even tough it can totally ruin someone's economy

>> No.15440030

There are a lot of shitcoin threads by pajeets that you need to ignore (the only crypto worth buying is obviously bitcoin and probably LINK and ETH), but I've made good money off of carefully monitoring biz threads, getting in on the pnds when they just start to rise, and getting out quickly with my 10-20% gains.

>> No.15440064

>lotta shitcoin threads

yep exactly. i guess i will give it a go see if i can be successful like you, thanks :)

>> No.15440074

chainlink plus ray dalio

>> No.15440084

imo crypto is a scam. governments dont want to use a currency that cant be manipulated with or regulated. eventually it will disappear

>> No.15440105


>> No.15440115

Ray Dalio's Principles - learn about the philosophy of a billionaire.
Maybe even read his book on historical deleveraging too.
How to Get Rich by Felix Dennis - successful magazine publisher/software millionaire lays out practical advice on getting rich
IFFRS Reporting Standards Manuals, or GAAP reporting standard manuals.
The Innovators Dilemna - Clayton Christensen. Basically he explains how plucky young outsider companies can consume and overtake market incumbents by first fighting against "non consumption" that is creating a product affordable or accessible to people who can't buy the products already on the market.
Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria - It's all about how to write and give speeches. Want to make killer pitch decks? Want to sound intelligent? Want to be able to write clear memos to your employees so everyone is on the same page. Read this guy
And don't forget to read up as much as you can about the industry you want to get into, subscribe to the industry magazines. Look through the archives too. Learn the historic patterns, learn the terminology
>Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.15440122

you have no idea what you are talking about do u

>> No.15440185


>> No.15440189

maybe Finnegans Wake to help you realize even your strongest efforts are mere afterthoughts of chance.

>> No.15440192

Thanks a lot for your reply. It was really interesting and I will certainly keep it in mind

>> No.15440196

This is so cringe.
Every time this kind of post comes up it still hurts the same (not really).
Carry on.

>> No.15440218

do it better then

>> No.15440224


>> No.15440240


>> No.15440247

its just cringe bro cringe so crngy cringe

>> No.15440248

You probably don't understand..
If I find ballet cringe, I'm not gonna bother with creating a better one.
Do the adding up yourself.

Because it's wishful thinking. Nonsense.
There is no correlation at all between the mentioned books and being rich.
The books are written purely to be consumed. Now, if you are dissatisfied with that, what do you start doing? You start preaching about them and saying how great they are for achieving X in life. Except, like anon who recommended the books, none of the substance from the books was achieved by him.

>> No.15440266

Silly bugman. Material possessions are meaningless.

>> No.15440269

>trillion IQ
Man, we know these books do not literally show you how to get rich. However they can show you the general mindset or direction.

>> No.15440276

My parents work their asses off so much it's sad to see. I just want to let them retire. Provide for them

>> No.15440298

There is no general mindset.
Being rich doesn't require some specific Burgerman mindset.
Let's paraphrase Leo - Rich people are all alike; every poor man is poor in its own way. Except it isn't true.

>> No.15440305

There is no guide to becoming rich you retard. Either you have a good idea and you manage to find investors/have the capital yourself, or you get lucky.

>> No.15440307

Not asking for a "guide to get rich". Thanks for your comment though

>> No.15440319

I hope cringers become cringe soon.

>> No.15440322

They can retire without you being wealthy.

>> No.15440335

Dont think so

>> No.15440353

You are literally asking for books that will "lead you in the right direction" also known as guides. There is no philosophy behind getting rich. Ive seen people lose millions with idiot proof business ideas and they didnt even do anything wrong. I also know a half a retard who has no business sense whatsoever, dude runs a successful supermarket chain now. Point being, a large part comes down to luck, there is no bulletproof gameplan/philosophy that will lead you there.

Good luck either way.

>> No.15440382


>> No.15440391

I disagree with you but thanks for your opinion. For example: how to make friends... by dale carnegie shows you pretty well the right (general) directions. I've seen it myself, as a former socially-retarded person. Just because of that book I've managed to arrange casual meetings with really important people, and of course made many acquaintances. So you have to agree with me that reading that book pushed me for the least very slightly to a higher income, much better than just playing videogames and watching anime like always.

>> No.15440398

Rich dad poor dad

>> No.15440408

I don't understand why people want to be rich.

I've become close with hedge fund managers throughout my time in college and all of them were unbelievably stressed. Once you reach a certain level of wealthy, you become obsessed. Past a certain point, nothing matters. It is like grinding for gold in Runescape irl

just get enough money to be stable with bills and hobbies, and then be done with it.
I don't get the mentality of people that are endlessly chasing something that very clearly will make them miserable.

>> No.15440419

Wow, you passed the retard test. Do you any real degrees?

>> No.15440425

I've already said I want to let my parents retire. They work so much it's sad to see. One of them has had serious health problems.

>> No.15440435

I don't really know what you're talking about. Why are you so pressed?

>> No.15440453

What kind of shit country doesn't let him retire with gibbs?

>> No.15440467

t. academic bug wasting his life enslaved to a university.

>> No.15440474

Serious question: are you homeschooled?

>> No.15440606

>no studies

>> No.15440826

Very interested in funds. Big pays

>> No.15440862


>> No.15440919

Idk man. I think some people are hardwired to just work till they drop. My whole family is like this. Despite being able to retire, my grandparents, uncle, and my own parents just keep working. It’s so weird. They work and work and work and buy stupid shit and work and work and buy more stupid shit and non of them have any hobbies or interests outside of working. I don’t get it at all and I see this behaviour everywhere. I hope you get to provide for them but in a way it seems to me that some people just work and do shit they hate for no reason at all.

>> No.15440957


>> No.15440962

It's the lack of hobby, if they would stop they would not be able to imagine what to do, they would be bored to death.

>> No.15441042

agreed, also socially frowned upon to just live free

>> No.15441050

ETH-based coins can be regulated.

>> No.15441084


>> No.15441109

>RM fan

>> No.15441117


>> No.15441125

Okay, thanks. Some examples would be appreciated

>> No.15441127
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>> No.15441145

Really? I don't mean to offend but it's kind of boring both the contents and the style

>> No.15441152

Hey anon,

I just graduated from an Ivy League university and have similar ambitions. Leave your email if you want to talk.

>> No.15441157

It’s so sad to me. I never want to end up like this. What scares me is I can’t even see how it could possibly happen to me, so maybe it somehow creeps up on you until it’s too late to go back. Stay vigilant I guess.

>> No.15441162

*if* it does actually help

>> No.15441214

Sorry, all my emails are corporate. I really appreciate it anyways :) thanks

>> No.15441268

>ivy league
bro he jus tryna scam you LMGAOOO

>> No.15441318

I-I’m not
Could make a burner email fren, but your call :)

>> No.15441323


>> No.15441410

Let's do it :)

>> No.15441456

Messaged :)

>> No.15441552

I don't care about being rich I just want a job that's low effort where I can sustain myself financially, I hate working and I just want a job that doesn't require too much effort.

>> No.15441588

Yes awareness is key but you have to act according to how you value your time. Events like parenthood, buying a house can mold you in some unexpected way.

>> No.15441785

mortgages ma fren

>> No.15441963

>Would you recommend me stuff to read in order to, at least, head the right direction?
get a job in your field and play the options market

>> No.15441970

honestly same. I just want to save enough money to FIRE and live a simple life with books and maybe occasional travel.

>> No.15442015

>tfw not archangel michael has helped me and i’m not even christain

>> No.15442160
File: 199 KB, 743x1000, 4dec7872e2ab4b305f92be20ff8b575f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, what a good choice. Becoming wealthy is the best way to achieve happyness.

>> No.15442165

Being wealthy would be great since then I could get away from everybody.

>> No.15442172

No, I literally never said that. That will come later.

>> No.15442184

actually based

>> No.15442226

Tell me friend, as an investing brainlet, what is a pnd? And any tips to get started?

>> No.15442408


>> No.15442419

Literally no one has no idea about bitcoin. It's extremely volatile. It really is just about betting when is it going to rise

>> No.15442426
File: 47 KB, 298x448, devilmademedoit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh of course! Your parents will be so thankfull. And all the time you will have to whatever you want. It will be wonderfull. Just get there as fast as you can.

>> No.15442458


>> No.15442514

absolute lack of argumentative skills. smell like low iq

>> No.15442524


>> No.15442532


>> No.15442543


>> No.15442591


>> No.15442618


>> No.15442699

Ray Dalio

>> No.15442875

that books for retards

>> No.15442986

Based & qccurate

>> No.15444265


>> No.15444272


Stop asking for advice on 4chan.

>> No.15444282

Literally the only reliable way to do it is to start putting 50+% of your income into index mutual funds, the sooner the better.

>> No.15444303


>> No.15444307

Hedge fund managers are actually wagecucks, so that's why they're stressed. Being wealthy just means not having to work at all, as well as having at least a normal level of economic freedom.

>> No.15444470

I want freedom.

I don't want to work a boring job for the rest of my life.

And no, that doesn't mean I want to live in the woods. I want the money to pursue my hobbies IN society, with my OWN time.

>> No.15444481

Could you give some examples of what you found helpful in the text for becoming wealthy?

>> No.15444495

You know it's actually kind of a mystery what exact formula makes people "happy"? Like, psychologists can't agree on it, and philosophers have debated about it for thousands of years?

>> No.15444503

O Sage, please tell us the TRUE way to achieve happiness.

>> No.15444511

If you don't have a great network, where else are you going to get advice from living people?