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15474591 No.15474591 [Reply] [Original]

ive been reading about dharmic religions and have learned that buddhists/hindus/dharmists believe in reincarnation.
but whats the point of reincarnation if you cant remember any of your past lives?
from what i understand we are supposed to learn from our mistakes, achieve nivana, samhadi, moksha or whatever in an effort to finally break the birth-death-reincarnation cycle and go back to the Godhead.
but if we dont remember anything from our past lives wont we keep making the same mistakes over and over again - possibly even incurring more negative karma in the process?

>> No.15474612


you won't consciously remember the past lives unless you are sufficiently spiritually advanced, but you still carry all of the past impressions with you, the cultural imprint on you, humanity's past knowledge. and you also need to generate 'bad' karma in a way, to know that it is is bad

>> No.15474647

Fear of stop to exist and a law enforcing religion.
If you fear death is the end, you now know you will reincarnate.
But you dont know any previous live, that is why it exists without evidence.
If you die, life means nothing to you, who cares you kill people or make their life miserable, just reincarnete. So they say, if you are bad, make civilisation impossible, your next life will be worse than yours now. This prevents people to fuck everything up.

>> No.15474653
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There is no "point", that would defeat the spiritual point of awareness present within Hinduism and Buddhism.

>> No.15474659

>what's the point if you can't remember
it's to work off a debt, a karmic debt. Astrology helps explain this, even eastern religions believed in astrology, it's not just a western thing. For example, your past life gets represented (in western astrology, at least) by the Southern Node. Your current trajectory (i.e. things you have to work on in this lifetime) is represented by the Northern Node.
while you don't actively remember, you do inherit personalities and other attributes from your past life. You inherit the karmic debt.

so when your "charts" say you have bad stuff happening in your not-so-distant future, it's usually because of stuff you did in a past life. How you react determines the debt you will take into your next incarnation.

>> No.15474693

Incarnation is essentially just a game we're playing, it's like a really deep larp that lasts about 80 years. If you want to escape you have to self realize, every different incarnation is you learning something new and steering reality with your accumulated karma

>> No.15474704

>but if we dont remember anything from our past lives wont we keep making the same mistakes over and over again - possibly even incurring more negative karma in the process?
ah but you see in both Hinduism and Buddhism being spiritual, virtuous etc can make you be born into more auspicious circumstances where you are perhaps born into a spiritual family or born with a high intelligence or a knack for metaphysics/spirituality etc. Even if you don't make it all the way in one life you can build momentum over multiple goods lives with each birth marking some progress in the path and positioning you a little closer to success each time.

>On this path no effort is wasted, nor is there any danger of adverse effects.
- Bhagavad Gita 2:40

>> No.15474735

>it's to work off a debt, a karmic debt. Astrology helps explain this, even eastern religions believed in astrology, it's not just a western thing. For example, your past life gets represented (in western astrology, at least) by the Southern Node. Your current trajectory (i.e. things you have to work on in this lifetime) is represented by the Northern Node.
this is interesting. ive never read about this before. what can i read or search for to learn more.

>> No.15474773

just type "astrology lunar nodes" theres a BUNCH of links. heres one: https://www.bustle.com/p/what-do-north-nodes-south-nodes-mean-in-astrology-they-show-you-how-to-embrace-your-destiny-12577188

>> No.15474839

how do i escape the cycle

>> No.15474845

also how am i even in a cycle in the first place. why am i even here. why make everyone level-up when Krishna, God or whoever can just take us to the top?

>> No.15475012

>why am i even in a cycle in the first place
probably because humanity is the fallen third of angels (represented in the story of adam and eve leaving the Garden/Heaven) and we don't get back into heaven until we learn our lesson(s).
>why make everyone level-up when Krishna, God or whoever can just take us to the top?
because if we don't learn our lesson, we'll just do it all over again.

>> No.15475578

Read the Bhagavad Gita, anon. You must cultivate an indifference to the fruits of your actions in order to separate yourself from their karma. This attachment is what glues you to the worldly realm of samsara. You must destroy the ego and its selfish desires. You must open yourself to the call of the eternal Self, through stilling and controlling the mind.

>> No.15475606

It's impossible to remember your past life unless you make some daemon tell you about it. But it won't be memory.

>> No.15475881

by big attachment is women.
i like women.
i like to fuck.
i like to fuck women.
how do i build indifference to this, destroy this desire?
hugh hefner had all the pussy he could ever want. he could satisfy any sexual appetite and was still chasing tail up until he died at 91. if he was like this, what hope do i have?

>> No.15475918

there are different levels of non-attachment and renunciation, one way would be to give it up entirely, and for some this is best, others can engage is actions while renouncing any desire for the fruits of those actions, thus remaining untouched and untainted by them as a lotus leaf floats on water without sinking or becoming soaked (the gita uses this metaphor), others still pursue tantra and use sex as one of many means to spiritual pursuits and higher states of conciousness

>> No.15477264

There isn't a point, it is simply the way the universe works.