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15556798 No.15556798 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on virtue signalling?

Just asking because I noticed that tons of male feminist authors turn out to be sexual predators and that tons of communist authors are actually leeches who don't care about the cause at all.

Sam Kriss is the most prominent example: spends his whole life attacking the right and men, but ended up losing his career over raping girls using his parent's wealth. Surely he couldn't have been the Marxist feminist he claimed to be?

>> No.15556827

Gurus too and whatever else. The world is full of people like that, anon. I think you should look for sociopaths or psychopaths.

>> No.15556847
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>> No.15556862
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Sounds like an evolutionary strategy. Some eco-devo would be a good start.

>> No.15556865

I just read this on REDDIT:

>18 years old Tolstoy's Rules For Life
>Be good, but try to let no one know it


The opposite of today's constant virtue signalling.

>> No.15556877

I don't know, this sound stupid. How people are going to gather with other like minded people and make anything that is impossible to a single person do?

>> No.15556893

This is the reason why I don't really like reddit. People just stick to the first thing they find cool and that is it.

>> No.15556985

These comments are so awful, man. And to be honest they're not dumb, but these people doesn't understand what real life is. Is it common for all Peterson's fans?

>> No.15557005

>only hypocrites go about the public square trumpeting their good deeds

>acts of charity ought to be like their divine source: hidden.

>> No.15557042

There is a reason for that. This isn't completely retarded, but I just hate aphorisms. It is so easy to misunderstand them and do a bunch of shit thinking that you got it right.

Vanity isn't that nice, but being able to gather with other people is good.

>> No.15557078

where did you hear about this book? it's oddly specific. only 1 review on gr.

>> No.15557091

kek I wonder how many anons could regonize this face. I used to read his blog back in the early/mid 2010s. he was a funny satirist but these days I just use him as a insult towards any bonganons
BTW, the term normal people use for this stuff is hypocrisy

>> No.15557124

this article from Quillette will help you understand what virtue signaling is: https://quillette.com/2019/11/16/thorstein-veblens-theory-of-the-leisure-class-a-status-update/

also the book Political Ponerology, which describes how the world is ruled by sociopaths

finally, top it all off with this article to understand how sociopaths work in every day life, read this series of articles (also makes the Office seem a lot more interesting, so watch it simultaneously to cheer yourself up)((supplement with 48 laws of power)): https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/

don't forget to buy a small, self-sufficient property out in the wilderness when you're done, anon

>> No.15557167

The well-known biologist Geoffrey Miller wrote a book called "Virtue Signalling". I haven't read it.

>> No.15557219

Robin Hanson and Kevin Simler's book 'The Elephant in the Brain' is all about signalling. Covers virtue signalling in a lot of detail as well as everything else. tl;dr: no behaviour is about what people claim and everything is signalling

>> No.15557398

He isn't funny though. All his writing is just whining dripped in resentment. And yes this dude takes hypocrisy to uncharted levels.

>> No.15557432

Interesting that a Cambridge PhD student is writing a balanced article on Quillette. Usually I see this site referred to as a far right hate group. Maybe it's the association with Ben Shapiro...

>> No.15557453

by seeing what they do. if your coworker never brags about completing his work on time, but you notice you never have to bug him to finish something and he's ready to take on a share of the extra work when something comes up, you'll know he's a good worker and you and him can work together. sane thing when it comes to charity, if you notice someone from your neighborhood volunteering a lot but he never talks about volunteering, you'll know he's a generous man who you could work with to better the community.

>> No.15557463

Rob Henderson is a pretty interesting conserative with a lot of character, and I think he would fit in pretty well with the more intelligent posters here. IIRC, he's an adopted child whose biological parents were drug addicts. he almost failed out of high school, joined the military, got accepted to Yale, and eventually got a Gates scholarship for graduate study at Cambridge. I really hope that he has a bright future ahead of him.

>> No.15557486

>if your coworker never brags about completing his work on time, but you notice you never have to bug him to finish something and he's ready to take on a share of the extra work when something comes up, you'll know he's a good worker and you and him can work together.
>sane thing when it comes to charity, if you notice someone from your neighborhood volunteering a lot but he never talks about volunteering, you'll know he's a generous man who you could work with to better the community.
these are good examples, but you forget that a lot of people are just too pre-occupied, prejudiced, dumb, ignorant, selfish, and/or ungrateful to recognize when a person consistently practices virtue without advertising them. while great people will always recognize other great people, the vast majority of people are not great. I think it's a matter of social survival to, at least subtly, bring attention to one's accomplishments if you're trying to build a reputation. I wish it weren't, but it wouldn't be the first time I got burnt because I wasn't on top of my reputation game when I was the new guy, and it's not a lesson I will forget any time soon.

>> No.15557528

You are being simplistic. People with different areas of expertise can work together to achieve more than they would by themselves. Does that make sense now? And this is only possible if you are not anonymous about your goals.

>> No.15557553

It's the premier book on eco-devo and niche construction. It's a science textbook, not for kindle vampire erotica goodreads users.

>> No.15557566
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The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

There's a chapter on virtue signalling where he goes to the USA and claims membership in a German-only church so he can avoid the US religious freakshow.

The key insight is that virtue signalling arises in a culture based on debt; it's a way of showing your credit worthiness.

>> No.15557626

Interesting article and guy. I think the term "luxury belief" is a lot more useful than "virtue signalling" because the latter is now associated with the alt-right.

>> No.15557689

Great point, I agree entirely.

I think it would be more effective to divide the vague concept of "virtue signaling" into how humans perform social signaling in general, how social signalizing contributes to the stratification of people (especially with an analysis of modern-day trends, but there needs to be an abstract, "timeless" system described), and the politicization of capitalism (i.e., "woke capitalism"). We all can recognize virtue-signaling when we can see it, but we don't know *exactly* why people do it, nor do we understand how it is moving society at large or the historicity of the action (i.e., if it has gained a certain prominence due to the prevalence of social media).

Further exploring this idea could result in much more effective social critiques that would also have the advantage of shielding the critic, as one cannot be branded as an "alt-righter" if they avoid buzzwords, use plain language, and describe a concept that is immediately recognizable to, and is performed by, all humans across many innocuous contexts.

>> No.15557701

Fucking Freud dude. It's all projection and manipulation, smokescreens and secret agendas out there.

>> No.15557776

I totally forgot about this loser
Did he ever try to make a comeback?

>> No.15557819

>as one cannot be branded as an "alt-righter" if they avoid buzzwords, use plain language, and describe a concept that is immediately recognizable to, and is performed by, all humans across many innocuous contexts.
More generally still, it's the buzzwords that make the brand what it is: They double as signals of one's brand affiliation, and their lack of any firm definition provides a handy way of equivocating about anything mentioned in the utterance or text. This is also to say that being an idiot and playing one tend to converge in crowds almost no matter what else you enjoy doing while the time is free.

>> No.15557839

>someone with a face like that turns out to be a sex predator

>> No.15557853

Quillete is where many "cancelled" people go to after getting cancelled. This means that a lot of authors there arent really far right, but theyve had one wrong opinion which now has them branded as far right, so they have to post in journals like Quillette.

>> No.15557879

Not a book, but this article is interesting:

>> No.15557899

It doesn't exist. It's just an alt-right term for solidarity.

>> No.15557927

Read up on the moral culture of the Victorian period. Today's bourgeois political correctness is similar in a lot of ways.

>> No.15557929

>Meekness is a virtue
Fuck off Christfag

>> No.15557963

Hey you seem to know this subject (the psychology of political views) quite well and can articulate yourself adequately. Any books, websites, or people to read/follow? I'm interested in this topic and would like the vocabulary to talk about it.

>> No.15557967

No problem. I suggest watching this vid for a good primer, it has a small literature list in description as well:

>> No.15557970

Ted wrote about it well before the phrase even existed.

>> No.15557980
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OP here I actually remember that. It's in the psychology of the left chapter. But he thinks it's cope, not signalling. They are coping with the reality that these people MIGHT be inferior.

>> No.15557983

Being an ultra-reactionary retard I wonder why he would get triggered by things like that.

>> No.15557996 [DELETED] 

>but ended up losing his career over raping girls using his parent's wealth
Sam Kriss was basically rude to a bitch and tried to get her to drink more, the post is basically a whole lot of nothing. He wasn't canceled because he was an evil predator, but because he was a victim of the same shitty environemnt of purity and paranoia that he helped create (reminder: he was one of the people who attacked Mark Fisher non-stop over the Vampire Castle article)

>> No.15558028

Hi Sam. Telling girls to come back to your parents "massive house" that you will "inherit when they die" so you can "hit that pussy" isn't just a pick up line, it shows that the entirety of the Marxist feminist ideology that you pushed was pure posturing and you care about neither women nor the poor you bourgeoisie rapist.

>> No.15558046

He's talking about himself.

>> No.15558103

> the world is ruled by sociopaths

>> No.15558113

>Hi Sam.
Hi virgin

>Telling girls to come back to your parents "massive house" that you will "inherit when they die" so you can "hit that pussy" isn't just a pick up line
Yes it is, saying something rude isn't rape. And why are you even mentioning him flexing his background to make that point? If you think having money reflects immorality then you're acting exactly like the retarded Marxist feminist strawman in your head, I don't know if that irony occured to you :^)

>it shows that the entirety of the Marxist feminist ideology that you pushed was pure posturing and you care about neither women nor the poor you bourgeoisie rapist.
You're obsessed with him because you want to believe Sam is a paradigmatic case in order to tell yourself that everyone on the other side is just "pretending". You want to own the Left and debunk its ideas but every time you try to read a book you can't focus for more than five minutes and you have to check the dictionary all the time, so you turned to gossip like a teenage girl instead. Please just have sex.

>> No.15558154

> no behaviour is about what people claim and everything is signalling
i think there is a small percent of truth seeking autists that break this rule

>> No.15558231

>why are you even mentioning him flexing his background to make that point
You haven't read Marx have you?

>you want to believe Sam is a paradigmatic case in order to tell yourself that everyone on the other side is just "pretending"
There is certainly a lot going on in the subconscious that they're unaware of. I'd talk about this in a less inflammatory manner but I don't for two reasons. The first is that you don't get any (You)s on 4chan for sensible, neutral posts. The second is that you're arguing in bad faith. In fact, you're guilty of the same sin that I am (while I'm playing devil's advocate) - you can't accept that some of these people are indeed pretending, so you assert that all the ones that are are just outliers.

>> No.15558253

Autists are the most extreme example of coping. They have a developmental disorder but act like it's a blessing. It makes them "rational" apparently not like the dumb social neurotypicals. Honestly go to wrongplanet and see the for yourself.

>> No.15558255

lmao Sam Kriss, what a dweeb

>> No.15558279

Sam Kriss here, just wanted to say you're retarded m8

and fuck you too

>> No.15560021


>> No.15560683

I hate when you guys post men and i have to go fap once again, please only post pepes or shit like that
Men makes my peepee hard

>> No.15560910

Virtue doesn't need social approval to be virtuous or sustain itself. If everyone and everything thinks it does then it won't come about, only posturing for resource gain.

Even more pertinent, lack of virtue is promoted and socially approved (very strongly enforced by mass media), so if you go by that then you will very easily lose virtue as you try and fail to make the social acknowledge and encourage it. Seething and debasing yourself.

It is a guard against the aggressive pressure to degenerate that surrounds us. If everyone practices virtue for its own sake we will find virtuous social conditions, and most likely markets will adapt to this new sensibility (assuming there's not a malicious actor behind its present course).

>> No.15560960

But it actually does. Chimpanzees achieve nash equilibrium in prisoner dilemma games while (non-autist) humans struggle due to ideas of social reciprocity and so on. Rational isn't the same as effective.

>> No.15561024

one of the biggest revelations about life that i've had is that physiognomy is very real. i would not trust this guys opinion on anything and would probably think he's into bizarre shit

>> No.15561035

You're getting a warped view of autistics by going to WrongPlanet and just focusing on those.

>> No.15561044

>Sam Kriss
Just typical Khazar behavior. Disgusting kike.

>> No.15562094

I'm autistic myself though and I know from all sorts of interaction and also because I used to be like that. I'm just saying if you want a source, that forum is pretty representative.

>> No.15562189

Ignoring the fart-poster >>15557967 the straightforward answer is that I haven't read much in the way of books specific to that subject, and that my thinking about the psychology of politics is influenced mostly by writers who stick to my bones for one reason or another, and who treat it to varying degrees of directness: Plutarch, Montaigne, Bacon, Milton, Shelley, Hazlitt, Johnson, Boswell, Goethe, Emerson, Wilde, Mencken, Vidal. And god only knows how many documentaries & assorted essays having to do with modern art, fashion, marketing, advertising and propaganda I've taken in since 1980. Shelly & Wilde aren't such odd inclusions, since to the degree they're all about art, they're also all about about perception in the most strenuous possible sense, and register awareness of utterly commonplace delusions with rare acuteness. Another thing that constantly comes to mind whenever I run across equivocation or false equivalences in political rhetoric is the play Macbeth, the way the promises of the witches come exactly as true as they come false, and are projected from the "equivocating fiend" of his own overwhelming wish to interpret favorably, signs that because they could mean almost anything, signify nothing. Some of Frost's poems treat that theme too.

>> No.15562221
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>> No.15562931

gotta be a bit of cherry picking here...

>> No.15562973

>Virtue doesn't need social approval to be virtuous
true, I 100% agree with you in principle.
>or sustain itself.
that's where you're wrong though. losing social approval and not having demonstrable results that can be clearly traced back to you can result in the destruction of whatever project you're engaged in, or at least your removal from it. we often can't do things by ourselves, so not managing impressions (to as minimum of a degree as possible, of course, and as honest and tasteful as possible) could end up destroying everything you've worked for.

>> No.15563036

If you'd read Freud you'd know it's called a reaction formation.

>> No.15563565

>reading freud
more like
reading fraud

>> No.15564590
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does he have down's syndrome?