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/lit/ - Literature

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15563030 No.15563030 [Reply] [Original]

>Number of books read last year
>Reading now

>> No.15563038
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OP here
>The Blind Owl, by Sadegh Hedayat

>> No.15563040

don quixote but i havent read in a week, im at the part with the shepherds

>> No.15563042

Never been tested, I did the free one on mensa and I think it was like 110 or 120, so I'm a midwit
More than 20 and less than 50
The Broom of the System

>> No.15563052

>6 or 7
>A Thousand Plateaus (postponed)

>> No.15563055

Socrates was right

>> No.15563057

nice, are you liking it? why did you drop it for a week?
that's a lot, how often do you read? any discipline behind it?

>> No.15563064

desu I was skeptical of my old reading habits, since I forgot almost everything I read. Now I have kind of a journal.
postponed for what?

>> No.15563067

>120 ish
I start a lot of books and end up giving half way. So maybe like a dozen that I haven't finished

>> No.15563070
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On The Origin Of Species & V.

>> No.15563074

why though?

>> No.15563075

youre so fucking gay if you count how many books you read

>> No.15563077

>The Screwtape Letters

>> No.15563083
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>On The Origin Of Species
It's actualy a very interesting book.I found it amazing how he discovered evolution by comparing household animals to wild ones without any knowledge of DNA and mutations and such. Did you like it?

>> No.15563089

>postponed for what?
it's too difficult at times desu

>> No.15563095

Who is this woman

>> No.15563103

I to get unmotivated. I think we should only read when we feel like it. But it's important to seek motivation with things that generally will have more impact in your life, like adquiring culture.

>> No.15563110

Jeez I don’t know, not too many on my own list, I was in my last semester of school, but I read a lot of nonfiction on Greek pederasty and Aristophanes
Just one rn: gravity’s rainbow

>> No.15563115

>113 or 117 (I did two different tests)
>maybe 20 or 30?
>The Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti (it's not very good)

>> No.15563118

140 -/+ 5
war and peace

>> No.15563128

>who cares
>who cares
Against Method - Paul Feyerabend

>> No.15563132

Is there some serious free IQ test on the internet?

>> No.15563154

didn't count
also, sophie rose

>> No.15563172

2 (Phantastes and then some forgettable fantasy hack shit that involved time travelling and Byron)
not reading anything now

>> No.15563187

Yes I do like it. Darwin’s writing is clear and often very beautiful as well. I was pleased to see that even he recognised the flaws of the concept of species a century and a half ago, though I suppose the fact we’ve failed to properly address those even now is shameful.

>> No.15563192

I think the internet ones aren't as bad as everyone says. I took them a few different ones maxing out at 130, then I took a real life IQ test and got 15 points higher than that

>> No.15563201

Had to take care of some things so I postponed reading and other interests to a later date.

>> No.15563202

the only difference between my real one and the internet ones is in real life half of it was verbal while online they are always just the nonverbal shape shit

>> No.15563214

Okok do you recommend one in particular?

>> No.15563222
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I don't know
"The White People and Other Weird Stories" and "The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol.4"

>> No.15563234

Ion know
Eroticism by Bataille
Beyond goood and evil by nietzsche
songs of a dead dreamer and grimscribe by ligotti

>> No.15563239

>I’d probably assume around 115
>Bhagavad Gita and the Book of Genesis.

>> No.15563244

I never did one online that was like a real one, like I said in real life half of it was verbal reasoning and i've never seen that online

>> No.15563262

I try to read every day but I dont always. It averages out to like 30 pages a day. Not a lot of discipline to it since I only read books that I enjoy and I've gotten to the point where more often than not I prefer reading to vidya and tv.
The biggest thing is that you should always read for fun. That doesn't mean you don't read difficult or challenging works, because the difficulty can be part of the fun.

>> No.15563269

Is it making you suicidal, anon?

>> No.15563273

>Plato's Republic

>> No.15563278

Who cares
Who cares
Who's the chick

>> No.15563290

Only based post in this thread

>> No.15563297


>> No.15563312

There's a girl like this on every club-run sportsball program

>> No.15563326

A meme.
>Number of books read last year
Like 20-25, idk.
>Reading now
Wayfarers by Hamsun.

>> No.15563329
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130 something
40 something
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.15563334
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>> No.15563340
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>sas handbook

>> No.15563354

>I don't remember
>Whatever catches my eye that morning as I head out the door to work

>> No.15563367


>> No.15563377

>Not reading anything

>> No.15563410
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Whjo are you quoting?

>> No.15563420

back to your containment board, retard

>> No.15563427

>around 50
>book of disquiet by pessoa

>> No.15563443

>muh IQ is 24

>> No.15563454
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>no fucking clue, whatever amount that gives you mild autism and severe depression
>at least 7 novels, don't know how much non-fiction
>The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie, and The Templars by Dan Jones

>> No.15563460


>> No.15563464
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Here's your (You)

>> No.15563475

>probably around 12
>20ish, I only started reading in August tho
>Plato's Gorgias, only got 10pgs left

>> No.15563579

>30 or so
>Non fiction: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff
>Fiction: Forever Peace by Joe Haldeman

IQ isn't all that relevant to most reading in my opinion.

>> No.15563587

>fucking minimum wage worker! Why can’t they get my order of crap stuffed with preservatives right?

>> No.15563771
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like 115
>Number of books read last year
3-6 depending on how you rank some collections
>Reading now
Hamilton's Mythology
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
The Misfortunes of Arthur by Sir Thomas Hughes

>> No.15563862

Fuck off butterdyke.

>> No.15563938
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>Was 137 last time when I was assessed in psychiatric ward. Could be incorrect - I was under the influence of strong anti-psychotic drugs
>Being and Nothingness (pic related) but it's tough and takes much more time to comprehend. Les grands inities by Eduard Schure in the meantime.

>> No.15563972
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>idk, like 8-something i hope
>a few, sk, murakami, and some random novel

>> No.15563998

Confessions of a mask

>> No.15564113

the republic

>> No.15564350

The Revolt of the Masses by Ortega y Gasset

>> No.15564453

no idea
Esthétiques sur Carpaccio by Michel Serres, it's mostly shit stay away from Michel Serres

>> No.15564676

130-something according to IQ-count.biz/free-giveaway-monster-drink

Didn't count, but not enough, life was nutty, though I did manage to reread Gravity's Rainbow, confirmed kino

Reading Brothers Karamazov and the non-Theban plays of Aeschylus right now

>> No.15564682

Haven't read Republic since undergrad, thinking of going back to it. How are you liking it?

>> No.15564703


>> No.15564716

Oh im reading the day lasts more than 100 years, read 5 books this year though. Hopefully it’ll increase due to quarantine.

>> No.15564792
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>135 (apparently)
> 8
>Dune, Sun and Steel.

The shapes don't bother me, it's the number patterns that pickle my noggin.

>> No.15564808
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>Experiment in Autobiography- HG Wells
>tfw 60 point difference in low and high individual scores
The individual verbal score is probably most important when it comes to reading.

>> No.15564818

Why is everyone around 130 IQ? Are those internet test giving good results so people can brag about being intelligent?

>> No.15564823

>120 IQ (average college graduate)
>Idk for sure but likely 25 desu (but I've surpassed 40 this year because I've tried a lot harder)
>Fox 8

>> No.15564824
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>1 big book, memorized
> William Carlos Williams and the American Poem

>> No.15564844

The internet tests are made to reward speed, so even if you answer a lot of them wrong (yet fast), you're gonna get a higher score than if you did it carefully and slowly.

>> No.15564875
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How accurate do you guys think 123test is?
The classical I scored 125+ and culturally-balanced one I scored 133-145+
I personally think they were kinda bullshit, the hardest part of the classical was the damn cube with number faces orientation; if I hadn't taken a Physics class I might have missed the water::pipe as ?::wire question too. Vocabulary was piss easy as was the math.
The cultural test is literally all pattern matching
I swear I took a longer internet IQ test near the end of my college years and scored sub-120; that was before I got heavily into /lit/ though

>> No.15564887

never tested
>Number of books read last year
>Reading now
some book on the fall of Europe

>> No.15564931

>A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, Freud

>> No.15565103

It's alright. In some sections (such as the now-famous allegory of the cave) it is a masterpiece. in many others, it is less impressive. I think the ideas themselves are less worthwhile than the foundations they lay for future thinkers. Plato was a brilliant man, but his republic will never come to be and he has a tendency to oversimplify things a little. I enjoy it more as an insight into a vastly different time and place from my own more than I do as a work of pure philosophy. worth a read if you're interested but not particularly relevant to the modern day on its own.

>> No.15565128


>> No.15565138

cat in the hat

>> No.15565481

I got 133 on the last IQ test I took, about a decade ago. Got 105-120 on the classical one here, so clearly it is broken, my brain cannot possibly be getting dubmer.

>> No.15565541

All I remember from my polisci class where we studied it was my prof really leaned on how much of an ironist troll Socrates/Plato were, but I forget which parts this applied to, the allegory of the cave seemed pretty straightforward, hence it being the most famous part. I'm guessing the mandatory naked co-ed wrestling iirc might not be so sincere.

>> No.15565560

>Number of books read last year
0. I don't read books, I derive my knowledge on my own from real world by walking and looking around.
>Reading now
Your faggot post

>> No.15565633

probably 2
currently reading A Rebours and The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World.

>> No.15565674


>> No.15565725

yikes tanning should be banned

>> No.15565733

142 (and IQ is a meme)
Infinite Jest

>> No.15565774

>Man’s Search for Meaning and A Mind for Numbers

>> No.15565799

I don't know
I don't know although I can safely say I read more than a thousand of real literature pages a month and have done so for 5 years now.
On writing, by Stephen King.

>> No.15565810

>Groundwork on the metaphysics of morals

>> No.15565867



>> No.15565880
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>Pic related

>> No.15565912

>No idea
>Beowulf, but I forgot to bring it with me on this work trip, so I'm reading the Gideon bible in my hotel room.

>> No.15565946
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>Number of books read last year
>Reading now
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15565952

20 books
Thinking slow and fast

>> No.15565967


>> No.15565976

>Number of books read last year
>Reading now
I don't read

>> No.15566055

>As I Lay Dying

>> No.15566069

ITT: people who have never taken an IQ test lie about their IQs

>> No.15566072

Didn't keep count, I'd say about 15
Introduction to Iconography

>> No.15566073

Never taken a real test, I think I’ve gotten like 120 on a fake one.
Probably 25 or so.
Lolita and Molloy.

>> No.15566120

>Around 80-90 if I count what I read for my philosophy studies.
>Ulrich Beck's Risk Society, and Death in Venice by Thomas Mann.

>> No.15566230
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>Idk about a dozen
>Here I Stand, Martin Luther biography

>> No.15566277

>Carmilla, the Illiad

>> No.15566290

>Georges Bataille, A Critical Introduction

>> No.15566318

None, I don’t have any books in my cabin.

>> No.15566333

398 IQ
I'm currently reading 87 books at the same time

>> No.15566339

bout 8

>> No.15566341

the ego and it’s own

>> No.15566383

>200 according to online IQ test that I cheated on
>technically hundreds, downloaded off libgen and gone through fast or dropped
>book on modal logic

>> No.15566384

3 or maybe 4
A Thousand Plateaus in french

>> No.15566389

>/lit/ IQ thread
>Filled with insanely high numbers

You are all liars and complete faggots.

>> No.15566483

>zero or one, can't remember (negative iq)

>> No.15566502

probably they did a test online that gives everyone at least 100
also, people who tested in those and got more than 120 are more prone to posting it here since they think they can make literal anons jelly
4chan is internet's underworld of sad coping

>> No.15566504

>the literature board on the most autistic forum on the web wouldn't filled with significantly above average minds


>> No.15566514

I've given up on reading and now I'm just a degenerate gambler

>> No.15566537

>Higher than yours
>More than you did
>More than you are

>> No.15566560
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>I derive my knowledge on my own from real world by walking and looking around.
brainlet. I'm so hungry I want to eat those cats.

>> No.15566565
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>from 115 to 130
>like 14
>The Savage Detectives, On The Heights of Despair, Aristotle's Metaphysics

>> No.15566585

140 Verbal IQ here....
Everyone should go read Saunders' Lincoln in the Bardo

>> No.15566592

i don't read
will edge to this later

>> No.15567226

>participating in spook threads
Against the Galilaeans - Julian the Apostate

>> No.15567236

Moby dick

>> No.15567258
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The little prince.

>> No.15567260

>didn't count
>dfw's oblivion

>> No.15567267

System of Objects, Jean Baudrillard
The Doctrine of Awakening, Julius Evola
Abridged Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas

>> No.15567339

> 149 (tested)
> 8
> Foundation - Isaac Asimov

>> No.15567363

>The Atlas by William T Vollmann and Libra by Don DeLillo

>> No.15567367

The Quran since I already read The Bible

>> No.15567373

I think you were trying to say your iq was infinite but you've literally said your iq is the proposition "f(0)=1/x" which is meaningless in the absence of definitions and cannot possibly be equivalent to a number.

>> No.15567394

>which is meaningless in the absence of definition cannot possibly be equivalent to a number.
That was the intention. My iq cannot be quantified. Is something abstract, beyond human comprehension, wait... AAAAAAAA I AM GOING INSANEEEEE

>> No.15567425

High 120s
Culture of Critique

>> No.15567453
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Don't care
Don't know
Pale fire and Anna Karenina, about to start war and peace, then Demons when I finish PF

>> No.15567548

Somewhere between 105 and 135
Five or so
Severin's journey into the dark

>> No.15567575

>123 (at least it was according to some website one time)

>> No.15567590


Clifford the Big Red Dog

>> No.15567592

the difficult third testament

>> No.15567657

There is no way in hell you have so many people with 2sd+ in here

How many of you just took a shitty free internet test?

>> No.15567742

>The woman in the dunes

>> No.15567819

> 142
> 7
> The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

>> No.15568899

>higher than yours
>pick up a football faggot

>> No.15568929

Christopher Langen - CTMU theory

>> No.15569048

>various snippets before I get bored
>a page from Confessions

>> No.15569147

Not him but why finish if you dont enjoy it? Seems like a waste of time.

>> No.15569174


>Never been tested
>The Tunnel by Gass

>> No.15569230
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35- primarily genre fiction
The Worm Ouroboros

>> No.15569241

>And the Ass Saw the Angel, by Nick Cave

>> No.15569435

>IQ is bullshit
>Don't remember
>Understanding Philosophy of Science

>> No.15569908

>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

>> No.15570095

> 55 books
> Reading Stoner by Williams and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce

>> No.15570168


>> No.15570215

>No idea. The only IQ test I took was in HS for a psychology class, I went out of my way to get so low that it couldn't adequately be scored.
>Roughly 12, but I don't keep a list
>Euthyphro, the Hobbit, and some weebshit

>> No.15570218


>> No.15570255

128, but I have ADHD and wasn't medicated when taking the test.
If one legitimately has ADHD amphetamines genuinely raise IQ by a few points. So maybe I'm really 132. Wow!

>Number of books read last year
3, but I listen to on average more than one audiobook per week.

>Reading now
History of the Peloponnesian War

>> No.15570281


vaya tetorras

>> No.15570307

>A meme
Sure, if you see general intelligence, adaptability, performance on cognitive tasks, job performance, memory, deduction, and average wage and whatever are memes then yes, it's a meme.

Fun fact, if you are a boss or work in HR the single best thing you can do is give an IQ test for your applicants and hire the most intelligent one. Your hires will have way better aptitude and be more productive, on average than any other single method you used to single out applicants.

>> No.15570444

The only actual IQ test containing a spoken part with a psychologist said "140 or more".
Quite a bit. Lost count.
Kenny's A New History of Western Philosophy #1. Read vol. 4 previously without reading the others and decided to read the whole series.

>> No.15570592

>don't care enough about being intelligent to take a test
>The World As Will And Representation, Schopenhauer.

>> No.15570686

just read math and phil papters desu,

>> No.15571294

which phil?

>> No.15571313

that's beyond based anon

>> No.15571324

>dunno probably half a dozen
>society of the spectacle

>> No.15571428
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post em
queendom com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=3108
feeling like this is bullshit, i got filtered by The Republic

>> No.15571442

same anon as
I got >125 from the 123 classical test and on the culture fair one, >145
seems like horseshit, i am literal midwit moron

>> No.15571650

> 15 books
> currently reading l'etranger to practice french, siddharta by hesse to practice german, La Idea construida by alberto campo (architecture book), discipline and punish by foucault, The sopha: a moral tale by crebillon, twilight of the idols nietzsche, essay on man by alexander pope. usually just keep going with whatever I feel like reading that day, i'm like halfway through all of these