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/lit/ - Literature

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15584766 No.15584766 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I'm enjing this more than I'm supposed to, /lit/.
Am I just a capeshitter in denial?

>> No.15584888

it's a great intro into greek mythology but don't expect the shit that follows to be as enjoyable

>> No.15584916
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Reminder that Edith Hamilton is the QUEEN of Greek->English translations. Not that Emily Wilson skank.

>> No.15584926

that's what I'm worried about desu

>> No.15584931

Did she do any actual translations though? A quick googling just shows she did some overviews of Greek and Roman literature.

>> No.15584962

Her translation of Aeschylus' Agamemnon was quoted by RFK during his famous Indianapolis speech:


>> No.15585124

you really fell for the meme

>> No.15585135

I liked it as well. The sticky did good

>> No.15585699


>> No.15586496

Why did she hate Ovid so much? Every time she mentions him she mentions how Ovid is dry, boring, I think she even call him "pathetic" at one point. She accuses him of things Virgil and Apollodorus are guilty of too, yet she never really says anything bad about them either.

>> No.15586575

Based Chad Ovid, making roasties like Corinna seethe nearly 2 millennia later.

>> No.15587694

because she's a woman and retarded, she makes many stupid claims.

>> No.15587772

The one she shots on constantly for being boring is Apollodorus even though she continuously uses him. Ovid she views as inaccurate and prone to embellishment and invention.