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15593166 No.15593166 [Reply] [Original]

Books about woman being heartless lying manipulators?

>> No.15593174

Shut up incel

>> No.15593180
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>> No.15593182

Real intellectuals read books that disagree with their opinions. Sage

>> No.15593189

Madame Bovary, one of my all-time favorites, Flaubert was the great misanthropist

>> No.15593191

east of eden, i suppose

>> No.15593195

Thanks bros.

>> No.15593201


Are they all?

>> No.15593212


>> No.15593241

What can you tell me about it without spoilers?

>> No.15593245


>> No.15593253

My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh

I didn't really care for it, tbqh.

>> No.15593353

Who are these?

>> No.15593428

Constantine IX Monomachos and his favorite twink.

>> No.15593447

So, fiction?

>> No.15593559

I need to finish that one, desu. It's comfy in a sort of watching a depressed (bourgeoisie) woman way.

Anybody here read Thérèse Racquin by Émile Zola? I'm halfway through but that seems to fit OP's request.

>> No.15593562

Dom Casmurro

>> No.15593566

Dom Casmurro

>> No.15593616

>Dom Casmurro

>> No.15593637

A couple short stories from Men Without Women

>> No.15593902

Love the cat motif in that one; Nana would work as well. Max Beerbohm's Zuleika Dobson for a Rabelaisian take on the theme..

>> No.15593952

toasty roastie

>> No.15593975

That one book

>> No.15593987

Hemingway or Murakami?

>> No.15594013

>Madame Bovary
Which English translation should I read?

>> No.15594725


>> No.15594793

Humbert is the liar.
You best be memeing

>> No.15594800

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.15594801

Unironically the Bible KEK

>> No.15594868
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All the pretty horses

>> No.15594889


The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas.

>> No.15594925

Edith Wharton -- Custom of the Country

>> No.15595122

>the narrator is unreliable, thus another character is not lying
how many non-sequiturs rule your brain per day, butts? gimme a ballpark number here

>> No.15596090
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My diary desu

>> No.15596108

The Francis Steegmuller translation. It's a work of art in itself.

>> No.15596115 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15596262
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>> No.15596283

Beat me to it

>> No.15596294

Venus in furs, just finished and highly recommend

>> No.15596301

Emma is chronically unsatisfied no matter the kind of man she's with; she's entirely self-centered with little to no regard to her child and none at all to her loving husband, who puts her in a pedestal and is a rather simple and naive man who thinks is living in a happy marriage. There's only one instance in which Emma starts liking him and it ends fast. At the same time, it's not like she lives a happy life herself; she really shouldn't have married Charles.

>> No.15596369

That's not a woman in that picture

>> No.15596673

>any books that will support my belief that I base on my already existing hatred towards women because I believe that they owe me sex, even though I'm a huge piece of shit

>> No.15596718

That's quite a lot to impute onto one short sentence, don't you think?

>> No.15596728


>> No.15596735

The book of Genesis

>> No.15596743

Lmfao, this is the woman's take. Of course butterfly would have this take.

>> No.15596990
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trust me on this one
multiple pills served in this title
this title can almost cause a bit of unease, as you will def see some of yourself in joji

>> No.15597165

We're on 4chan, it's implied, especially thanks to the wording of it.

>> No.15597196

That’s the point, men are better at being a woman than woman.

>> No.15597202
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>> No.15597489

>we don't owe you
Goes both ways then. The ho so big bad incels/chads/whatever don't owe women any sort of consideration or positive affection either.

>> No.15597514

just go outside

>> No.15597559

Honestly, if woman didn’t have a hole I wouldn’t even attempt to give them a above average value level to that of a stinky man.

>> No.15597574

Thinking of Emma only negatively is naïve. What makes her such a powerful character, and Flaubert such a great novelist, is that even though she's insufferable we can all relate to her escapism on a very fundamental level.

>> No.15597596

>she's insufferable we can all relate
Apparently we ALL can't, at least that anon couldn't. Stop projecting your subjective experience on everyone, thank you very much, you snobbish cunt

>> No.15597775
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>we can all relate to her escapism on a very fundamental level.
Besides, 'relating' is the lowest form of use of characters. Flaubert is good but not because of this.

>> No.15597827

This is the best recommendation so far. Non-fiction, written by a self-aware woman, has made generations of feminists angry because they couldn't refute it.

>> No.15597848

of human bondage

>> No.15597905

Nobody expects you to lick their boots, the point is not to be a dick, especially by generalizing an entire gender by your terrible experience caused by your terrible personality.

>> No.15597913

>Nobody expects you to lick their boots
they literally do though

>> No.15598030

This is a bad path to go down, anon. I'm not sure that you'll be willing to fuck another man in the ass to ultimately prove your position.

>> No.15598038

I've always found it absurd how females like to use this argument that 'nobody owes you anything' whenever a guy dares to complain about his need for companionship and the loneliness that comes with it.

Think about it: here we have a person who expects you to approach her, to make the first move, to be respectful and entertaining, to pay for the dates, while all she does is say 'yes' or 'no' at each step of the interaction, judging your performance based on the unrealistic standards she got from tv and movies. She thinks guys owe all this to her, just because she's a female.

Guys, on the other hand, never expect females to do anything or to put any effort into the courting process. And yet it's always females who accuse guys of feeling like the world owes them something...

Isn't this just absurd?

>> No.15598046

books about unself aware men?

>> No.15598305

And that's the (mentality) problem with (most of) 4chan's community. You are looking at the worst examples of humanity, examples you see on the internet. People aren't really like that, they often don't care. Sure, there are and always will be pieces of shit, but you're seeing only that.

>> No.15598422

Read Roman history

>> No.15598955

Nabokov is the liar

>> No.15598972

How the hell do you even translate something like Madame Bovary? Seems self evidently impossible.

>> No.15599136
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Adam Thorpe or Steegmuller

>> No.15599262
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Can you boy-fuckers fuck off from the Middle Ages and stick to the antiquity? The Middle Ages was the period were boy-fucking was BTFO’d off Europe, being replaced by teenage-girl fucking. People also stopped acting like obnoxious bears. You scum aren’t welcome in medieval-studies, it isn’t your era. Seriously, fuck off we don’t you.

Please stop dirtying my favourite time period with your disgusting bullshit, thank god medieval people were not degenerates like you.

I got nothing against homos, but boy-fuckers aren’t even human and shouldn’t be treated as such.

>> No.15599365

>mfw Tacitus again
>every woman even close to power is manipulating men around them (including becoming their mistresses) to assassinate everyone so their sons get the throne or a higher position
>even Augustus falls for Livia that massacres his three sons/grandsons while giving him zero and elevates her own from her previous marriage while sleeping with randoms
>even fucking Augustus, founder of the Roman Empire, was my-wifes-son turbo cucked
Is there just no limit to whoredom? You can make a woman literal empress over half the world and she just cucks you like that.

>> No.15599373

My diary desu.

>> No.15599404

>>I got nothing against homos, but boy-fuckers aren’t even human and shouldn’t be treated as such.
The opposite desu, Greeks had it right.
Homosex is tolerable provided one of the guys is between 12 and 16. Sex between adult men gets you the rope.
Read Straton of Sardis.

>> No.15599426

Nah, they are just massive pussies that went for the easy option. If you are gay then you should take it up the arse like a man.

>> No.15599439

>should take it up the arse
>like a man
This is what happens when you don't start with the Greeks.

>> No.15599441

KEK some anons deserve the Greeks and nothing else.

>> No.15599466

The Geeks were massive nerds with massive self-esteem issues, the utter overcompensation in Spartan culture, their hyper-masculinity and the obsession with small penises is a testament to this - their opinion is really not worth hearing.

Either you are man enough to deal with women, or you are man enough to take it up the arse - no compromises

>> No.15599476

Are there any books specifically about dealing with a self-destructive BPD woman who is both a shitty person yet still sweet and captivating? Asking for a friend

>> No.15599496


You can't handle their test levels. You admit they are hyper-masculine.

>> No.15599530

taming of the shrew

>> No.15599539

>You can't handle their test levels. You admit they are hyper-masculine.
People who are hyper-masculine are hyper-masculine because they like to hide their insecurities, 9/10 they are closet transsexuals

>> No.15599553

Spoken like a true cuck unable to conceive someone just spontaneously being as manly as a Greek BVLL.

>> No.15599560

Ok, small peepee

>> No.15599565

OP's bitch ass, self deprecating incel diary

>> No.15599599

>mentions dick size
>tries to shame opposition with small dick size
I'm sure it's us compensating.

>> No.15599658

I have a smaller-average dick, I don’t tried to compensate for it.
Ok, small peepee

>> No.15599665

Quit the offtopic banter, you are ruining the thread.

>> No.15599672

Ok, but the fact that he said
Has me slightly worried that he is unironically sexually abusing minors.

>> No.15600642

Alraune, Hamlet, Infinite Jest.

>> No.15600650

Got an epub of it?

>> No.15601423
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Just read this one, there are many stories in it about this subject.

>> No.15601458

Romeo & Juliet