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15606163 No.15606163 [Reply] [Original]

Good female right-wing authors?

>> No.15606194

Renata Adler

>> No.15606211

I wanna fuck BAP both as a male and as a female

>> No.15606214

Ayn Rand is actually decent

>> No.15606230

No woman is genuinely right wing, the entire right wing paradigm is focused on relegating females and maintaining the supremacy of the male ego

>> No.15606242

What about girls (male)?

>> No.15606284

>Good right-wing authors
no such thing
>Good female authors
no such thing

>> No.15606304

Heidegger's cumdump

>> No.15606319

Actually like 99.9% of women are conservative and liberality to them is basically a consequence of churches not being big and pretty anymore. They would all prefer to wear dresses and have obscure complex social systems that do not welcome outsiders

>> No.15606367


>> No.15606395

Diotima of Mantinea

>> No.15606431

Jay Macpherson. A great poet who worked with Northrop Frye.

>> No.15606458
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>Actually like 99.9% of women are conservative if they have a religious system that teaches them to be cautious of infidels

>> No.15606498


>> No.15606510

The first part of this makes zero sense but I think the second part is more true than people would like to think

>> No.15606522

that’s a man

>> No.15606528

Its quite simple. Women need to be oppressed, its in their nature. You cant provide that, theyll look elsewhere for it.

>> No.15606539


>> No.15606549

I went into Atlas Shrugged in an optimistic mood. It was a terrible book sadly.

>> No.15606578

You don't know shit about nature, most of these ideas you have about female nature are the result of an early agricultural paradigm

>> No.15606583
File: 295 KB, 1301x1600, Gertrude-Stein-Carl-Van-Vechten-1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one.

>> No.15606589

women actually want this

>> No.15606591

>Good female authors
>no such thing
are there any left-wing books about this?

>> No.15606603

>Actually like 99.9% of women are conservative
women adopt anything that tv tells them, and currently we don't have hitler speaches on it unfortunately

>> No.15606618

Fuck of nigger, might makes right rules all.

>> No.15606623

The unhinged male ego has become detrimental to everyone at this point, men will adapt to the lunar age and so will women

>> No.15606635

The male ego is not the mightiest force though, it's an ignorance which declares "only I am god, there are no others before me".

>> No.15606641

but if might makes right and the majority is stronger than the rules imposed by them that force you do give an equal treatement to women are correct O_o

>> No.15606652

>"only I am god, there are no others before me".
that's the mindset of any non-brainwashed person tbqh

>> No.15606654

So basically, the opposite of feminism?

>> No.15606655

Jesus proved the same point when he allowed himself to be hung on a cross, the lunar age is upon us

>> No.15606662

Never said that, just that I can crack your skull and because of that you would have to parrot after me when I declare that the sun circulates around the earth.

>> No.15606663

Unironically Andrea dworkin

>> No.15606668

A lot of feminism is women trying to adopt a male ego, it's not real feminism. Penis is not stronger than vagina, the lunar age is upon us

>> No.15606682

That's a hot take, unload it on me, anon.

>> No.15606690

well jesus was kind of a sissy homosexual indeed
barabbas was the real deal

>> No.15606694 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 857x1046, 1582136791411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As they should be. The brutality is equivalent to the malice they exude. They get what they fucking deserve.

>> No.15606706

but what if he can shot you? what then?

>> No.15606711

A lot of women have trauma induced by the imbalanced culture which plays itself out as self abuse.

>> No.15606718

So. We're going to b living in grass huts? Because 90% of women literally can't innovate. Their existence is base more on sensation than introspection.
Look at modern academia if you want to see where the future of the west is headed.

>> No.15606734

tell me about the innovations that you have made or about those that your male friends made

>> No.15606737

Males have lower inhibition in my experience, and if she has a gun why dont I have one ? Where I am from we dont have guns in the civilian world so the great equalizer is removed.

>> No.15606739

We don't want to destroy what men have created, but rather to give the feminine the drivers seat. Too much introspection is a bad thing, violence will only beget violence moving forward. Humanity is bottlenecked by the male ego, all the great thinkers of our time have come to understand this

>> No.15606749

Interestingly enough we dont have any great thinkers lol

>> No.15606754

Thank you

>> No.15606795

Lol. The entirety of female sexuality is based on the worship of power and violence. The entire Muslim immigration scheme going on is a manipulation of female biological impulses by the elites.
Violence is the language of history, you stupid ahistorical retard. We live in a darwinian reality.
Giving the "feminine" the driver's seat gave us psuedo science, magical thinking, and the destruction of academia, the birth date, the rise of an underclass due to female attraction to violence (see the black community), and the overall decline of the west. Look around you, retard. Look at the riots. Look at the Muslim rape gangs. Look at the hysteria, the censorship. All of that is because the elites are using the "feminine" for social control.

>> No.15606816

I'm talking about men per capita vs. women per capita.

>> No.15606851

do you have the text in digital for of her takedown of pauline kael by any chance?

>> No.15606852

what if he/she has 10 frens or more frens than you anyway?

yeah most innovation is done by very few men, obviously you wonna identify with them to feel better about yourself even though you dindu nuthing

blah blah blah
incel talk
stop being obsessed by potential sexual competition, you have a fucking massive inferiority complex do something better with your life and have sex

>> No.15606855

Why couldn't BAP be a cute romanian woman who lusts for Authoritarian Criollo Cock? Why?!

>> No.15606960
File: 256 KB, 1395x1395, IMG_20200218_124233_427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just basedboy/female cope.
Post you gains, faggot.

>> No.15606962

STEM is overwhelmingly male, while women prefer going into the humanities. Even the ones going into scientific disciplines mostly choose biology and psychology (if you can even count that nonsense as a science). Overall the technological development of mankind is driven almost exclusively by males. And yes the ones with groundbreaking innovations will by definition be few, but the pool they are being drawn from is very much a sausage party.

>> No.15606981

Like I said, it's just cope. The wheels of progress are greased by male sweat and blood.

>> No.15607016

wtf you are brown

you will be replaced by AI anyway so shut the fuck up

>> No.15607077

Nah you will need males to develop and maintain the AI, cause women will be busy drawing pretty pictures and taking selfies for their social media, so male existence is a prerequisite for your future. Artificial wombs on the other hand don't require female existence. Hmm...

>> No.15607137

look at how salty the incel is cause women don't wonna have sex with him
the average man spends most of his time masturbating in front of a computer and shit posting online
there are unironically more indian and chinese women in STEM than white men and they are going to create what is needed

also, have sex oh wait you can't lol

>> No.15607220

Calling others salty when you're clearly the one seething. Yeah women are so amazing that they need diversity quotas to be hired. Also what a pointless comparison between races. Did you assume I'm white? What about the indian/chinese men? So many bizarre choices to go about insulting me while building a pseudo argumentation for yourself. In conclusion take your meds.

>> No.15607248

>they need diversity quotas to be hired
because it's a male dominated society and men have biases against women?
post timestamp of hands

>> No.15607255

HR departments are almost exclusively female everywhere in the world. Also no need to post anything I'm turkish.

>> No.15607259

Yes, but this applies to you and not the other anon.
Patriarchy and monogamy aome before the invention of agriculture. They actually came before mankind

>> No.15607310

>a disgusting roach
opinion discarted

>> No.15607341

paglia is a libertarian if that counts

anti-porn sex negative feminism is right wing

literally a centrist liberal

>tfw no bap bf gf

>> No.15607393

no not the cart

>> No.15607474

>focused on relegating females and maintaining the supremacy of the male ego
The biological woman craves this treatment.

>> No.15607499


This is highly correct and based

>> No.15607513

This is entirely correct, and history supports this narrative.

>> No.15607641

Marine le Pen, Alice Weidel, Margherita Sarfatti, Savitri Devi, Renata Adler(?),

>> No.15608074


>> No.15608130

I hear the Bible is a good read. Wouldn't know though, I'm full auth right.

>> No.15608309
File: 1.21 MB, 888x665, 715F1ABA-547A-4E60-B6AB-37C9B79830CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you word your post in a non-retarded way? No seriously, I know that women cannot write a grammatically correct sentence to save their lives, but could you just try? You're not making any sense, sweetie. I literally cannot discern what you're saying because you just jam words together in a schizo string. Lay off the xanax and the Sutter Home, pick up a book or two. Embarrassing that you're going for an English degree at <liberal arts college> when you cannot speak English properly.

>> No.15608413

cosima wagner
elisabeth förster-nietzsche
juliane von krüdener
nancy mitford
frances stonor-saunders

>> No.15608586

I think it's trying to say that whoever is leading the fight at the moment is mightier.

>> No.15608802

+1 for Hannah Arendt

>> No.15608817

wtf, i love women now?

>> No.15608854

Anne Frank makes for some decent reading desu

>> No.15608858

Frankie Edgar was really cute as a kid

>> No.15609125
File: 22 KB, 540x445, IMG_20200518_194452_961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you

>> No.15609214
File: 298 KB, 996x717, IMG_20200606_161841_679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

98.5% of woman are complete retards and everyone knows it. The only reason there are humans to begin with is because of the truly heroic dedication of countless men. Because men create civilization, women merely multiply its members.

Theres a show where they put a group of men and a group of women on an island and they have to survive on their own. Guess which group gets shit done and which group sunbathes bitching at the beach all day having the producers intervene..

>> No.15609699
File: 111 KB, 424x553, 1538857968295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayn Rand is actually decent

>> No.15610103


>> No.15610757

Who is this?

>> No.15611006

Kek I don't understand this image at all but I can't stop laughing, enlighten me please

>> No.15611035

The Fountainhead had its merits, not great but I enjoyed it

>> No.15611219

desu I don't understand it myself I just think it's funny as fuck lol

>> No.15611262

even the physiological research refutes this.

>> No.15611270
File: 252 KB, 780x1034, Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good right-wing authors
>no such thing
>*blocks your path*

>> No.15611279
File: 777 KB, 640x640, 1592135630825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get banned for being off-topic on every other board the moment i reply to an off-topic post, but then i come here and every post is just political shitflinging that has nothing to do with literature. hello?? jannies??

>> No.15611300

he said right wing not libertarians

>> No.15611305


>> No.15611311
File: 764 KB, 600x750, FE16F8AE-A205-441F-8E7B-ACE9D4B521B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15611343

how many sassy images do you have saved? do you think they do anything but make you look sad? do you even find them funny?

>> No.15611733

Right wing women are busy washing the dishes and being illiterate peasants

>> No.15611747

Shit tier Hobbes' copycat

>> No.15611960

In stark contrast to the literate and highly educated left wing women, who are busy producing art with their menstrual blood.

>> No.15612367 [DELETED] 

They are more educated than right wing women for sure. Apolitical women are also probably more educated than right wing women.

>> No.15612388

That's much better than washing dishes

>> No.15612398

Ayn Rand is only right wing if your idea of leftwing is idpol

>> No.15612404

I think it is related to Heidegger's "ready to hand" and "present at hand" concepts. Although I am not too familiar to decipher this meme :/

>> No.15612406

It was gay the first time you posted this

>> No.15612931

Savitri Devi

>> No.15613817

lionel shriver.

>> No.15613930
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I dig horse-face bitches

>> No.15613969
File: 2.98 MB, 1518x2748, Martha_Nussbaum_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will still never not be shocked that Martha Nussbaum isn't transgender.

>> No.15614032

Women can only be right-wing via the religious-obsessive route, I think. Some examples:

>Savitri Devi
A weird mixture of Hinduism and National Socialism (!), but definitely religious.

>Laura Riding
Had some views that might be considered right-wing. Mostly she was just mad, though. (Even madder than Savitri, if that's possible.)

>Flannery O'Connor
She has a characteristically right-wing lack of sentimentality, but she isn't very political.

There are also some women with very masculine brainsm (usually lesbians) who also count, but that's sort of cheating.

>Camilla Paglia
is a good example.

>Ayn Rand
perhaps goes here (masculine temperament, although not lesbian). But she isn't really right-wing. Respect for hierarchy is essential to right-wing thought, and her brand of lunatic individualism isn't really compatible with that.

>> No.15614078

court eunuch

>> No.15614086


>> No.15614155
File: 242 KB, 1070x1592, Right-Wing Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.15614169

based femanon

>> No.15614200

>"woman stupid"
ok retard

>> No.15614214

based tranny

>> No.15614225

I presume that Phylis Schafley wrote some books and she was pretty right wing.

>> No.15614231

We know that's BAP? Where's the original?

>> No.15614287

Prove to me that you are sentient