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File: 923 KB, 1066x1500, NIGGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15718354 No.15718354 [Reply] [Original]

>Sex is everything

>> No.15718367

holy shit, the gravel in my driveway is sex!

>> No.15718379

You don't pave your driveway cuz you think the gravel is more masculine.

>> No.15718386

...if you're a kike. Freudian psychoanalysis is literally jewish neurosis projected unto everyone.

>> No.15718403

...if you're a fascist. Nazian analysis is literally jewish-supremist conspiracies projected unto everything.

>> No.15718432

More that the cultural neurosis used to be sexual in Freud's time. Now it's probably narcissim or something close.

>> No.15718622

>entire psychological theory is telling people to have sex
pretty ahead of his time ngl

>> No.15718628


>> No.15719138

unironically based and redpilled

>> No.15719205


>> No.15719230


When I was a young teenager and started getting into art history, I read various interpretations of works which constantly related them to sex, sex sex sex. "This sculpture looks like a penis, that part of the photograph clearly looks like a vagina", etc. Initially I was repulsed, not by sex as-such (I was going through puberty at the time), but on an intellectual level, at the idea that one sometimes-boring thing was supposed to have such over-arching explanatory power. That humans should be so one-dimensional. Initially I rejected such interpretations. But then time passed, I grew up and I realized that it was true.

>> No.15719261

is this the thread where we post things Freud never wrote, said, or argued?

>> No.15719281

Reich and Marcuse are better than Freud tho

>> No.15719296
File: 168 KB, 1461x1463, sex make happy no sex make angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology solved in one meme

>> No.15719300

Important for bringing to light the existence/importance of the unconscious

>> No.15719310

>picrelated is titled "NIGGER.jpg"
Looks like you have unconscious homoerotic desires for black men. Pretty common for white people, don't worry about it. Realizing it removes your symptoms.

>> No.15719319

What was true? That we as humans beings are simple creatures?

>> No.15719328

Can homophobes stop desiring the dick too?

>> No.15719331

racism/antiracism is the contemporary cultural neurosis

>> No.15719337
File: 85 KB, 629x275, EFUFCbSX4AAWHUv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coom conquers all.

>> No.15719350

Everyone desires a dick, you faggot. Men strive for bigger dicks, women strive for dicks. That's all you need to know

>> No.15719383

Just masturbate bro

>> No.15719448
File: 41 KB, 476x583, 1588808742545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already mastrubated 7 times today, gotta stop somewhere.

>> No.15719451


That it is usually legitimate to read a sexual aspect in an artwork, for the simple reason that artists, humans, are constantly thinking about sex.

>> No.15719597

So you're saying the gravel in my driveway is making me want to fuck dudes? Fuck, I should go get rid of it

>> No.15719848

I want a smaller dick because those are cuter, what does that say about me?

>> No.15719928

You desire to be castrated

>> No.15720016

Freud: *snorts line of coke* Wot if I created a whole new science based solely on calling people motherfuckers?

Freud's buddy: Lmao - no way bro! that's going too far! *snorts line of coke*

Freud: Watch me! *snorts line of coke*

>> No.15720097

Strong and original rebuttal, will Freud ever recover?

>> No.15720290

That you're neither a woman nor a man.

>> No.15720303

I wonder when the movement to legalize coke will start. Now that weed is legal in non-corrupt states where organized crime blocked it, and LSD and shrooms are currently being legalized, it seems to only be a matter of time.

>> No.15720322

>Everyone I don't like is Jewish!

Please, follow the example of your heroes and swallow a fucking cyanide pill.

>> No.15720367

If you can chop off your penis with impunity, why can't you enjoy a few minutes of espresso-plus-plus time?

>> No.15721003

yep. have you seen porn star with any psychic disorder? lol.

>> No.15721322
File: 73 KB, 397x277, 751046d5fd0c6acb2698f88258b6cb76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15721755

we are all cooks

>> No.15721777

I mean he isn't wrong, sex entails reproduction, reproduction entails existence, existence entails phenomena of reality ie everything

>> No.15721792

Not really. Racism is a basic defense/tribal mechanism, it's not a neurosis. The anti racism itself is not a neurosis but a symptom

>> No.15721833

More like affection and companionship than sex itself