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File: 185 KB, 2000x1339, 4398524519_58b27676c4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1578085 No.1578085 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1578091

It's not free if I have to trade in anything.

>> No.1578099

I'm seriously fucking sick of the LOL SO EDGY atheism that's popular right now. Will people start considering themselves rebels for knowing how to tie their shoelaces next?

>> No.1578106

I'm pretty sick of all of the pushing too. Why can't we just keep our fucking beliefs to ourselves.

>> No.1578107

yeah i guess people think of themselves as cool now that they know how to treat religion the right way. which is fine by me. id rather put up with a bunch of edgy kids than fundamentalist brainwashed zombies enslaved by any kind of religion.

>> No.1578110

>fundamentalist brainwashed zombies enslaved by any kind of religion
Including militant atheism.

>> No.1578114

yeah except atheism isnt a religion. also militant atheism is the only atheism.

>> No.1578117

Ah, youth. Every kid thinks they're the first one to think of atheism. Got news for you guys. It's been done

>> No.1578120

inb4 militant atheism doesn't exist

>> No.1578121

If militant atheism is the only atheism, atheism is a religion.

>> No.1578122

Looking down on children is a sure sign of youth.

I am absolutely not militant with my Atheism, but I understand peoples need to be. Defying convention is difficult for every decent person, and not believing in God is a large deviation from the norm. Sometimes you have to be a bit aggressive to defend yourself, if you're still not quite confident in your thoughts.

>> No.1578124



>> No.1578125

Well non-douche atheists push for secularism. Religious people don't bother me. What bothers me is when religious folks try to push political policies on the basis of their religion.

>> No.1578127
File: 88 KB, 459x459, youmaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I noticed theism is a result of logical reasoning

>> No.1578130
File: 14 KB, 319x243, 1407196-u_mad1_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever dude, more porn for me.

>> No.1578136

>Defying convention is difficult for every decent person, and not believing in God is a large deviation from the norm.

No it isn't, and it hasn't been anywhere in the western world (yes, including America) for over 100 years.

>> No.1578167

[citation needed]

riiiight. atheists have been the majority for over 100 years. particularly in america. in other news, sun rises in west. pope is jewish. gore vidal is straight.

>> No.1578168
File: 87 KB, 344x615, gorevidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gore Vidal

>> No.1578180

Can't speak about America, but anywhere in western Europe, no one gives a damn about whether you're an Atheist, even though the majority in most countries is still at least nominally religious.
"Defying convention" sounds way too strong for something as minor as your religious views.

Besides that, if you think having a different opinion from the majority makes you a scorned deviant by default, you don't know shit about pluralism.

>> No.1578195

Can we all agree that we don't care?

>> No.1578196

Only if you stop bumping this third trimester abortion of a thread.

>> No.1578197


oops, it was on the front page already.

>> No.1578198
File: 122 KB, 484x700, 1285890931617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool, dude, don't worry about it

>> No.1578249

>not believing in God is a large deviation from the norm


You americans are living in the fucking middle ages.

>> No.1578499

Yeah but how many of those that claim belief really believe? There's evidence that religious belief in the American middle classes is seen as culturally necessary in much the same way that one would answer yes to 'do you believe you are a good person', you wouldn't say 'no' to that.

>> No.1578522

My atheist friends

My Christian friends
>Haven't mentioned religion in 4 years. Wouldn't even know

I'm agnostic but i'm starting to sway toward christianity. Lifes a real empty boring grey husk and at least christians have a better social life, not to mention all dem christian girls who won't look at guys outside their youth clubs. In my patch of earth anyway.
As far as personal belief goes I'm too young and inexperienced to say whether or not there's a god and no one is old or wise enough to unequivocally say that there isn't.
OPs pic is funny tho

>> No.1578542

>I'm agnostic

When will you self-identified Agnostics just own up to being Atheists. Agnosticism isn't some middle-ground between Atheism and Theism, it doesn't even belong in those realms.

>> No.1578541

Why is it the atheist agenda to collect Bibles, and to reward those carrying Bibles with free porn?

>> No.1578546

If they really wanted to be so edgy they would burn the holy texts when they were done.

>> No.1578549

Edgy is a shitty insult, you aren't a badass when you say it.

>> No.1578555

It is impossible to know whether God exists.

To abstain from a decision is a decision.

>> No.1578556
File: 44 KB, 722x1020, bored nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neitzsche facepalms at your faggotry

>> No.1578558

What Nietzsche said is of a certain sophistication such that you cannot understand it, even if you believe you do.

Why is it always Nietzsche that the stupid tween emo death metal faggots latch onto?

>> No.1578566

That guy seems to have understood the part of Nietzsche he's talked about pretty well.

>> No.1578573

I doubt Nietzsche thought it was possible to know whether a God existed or not (hint: it's not).

All he said was that humans have killed God or the idea of God.

>> No.1578578

Oh, herp derp, I mixed up
The first one seems to understand Nietzsche. The second one does sound like a teenage faggot.