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15887016 No.15887016 [Reply] [Original]

The Left is fundamentally a cult of death and Negro worship.
The right (see Christianity) is fundamentally a cult of fertility and Virginity worship.
Whereas the dominant religion of American society was once Christianity, it is now being dominated by a growing cult of negro worship, primarily spearheaded by sexually promiscuous women and homosexuals who have been liberated from the guilt of sin by outsourcing this guilt onto their whiteness. Whereby they once felt guilt for sexual sin and repented of this sin, they now feel guilt for their whiteness and repent of this whiteness.
The left is fundamentally a death cult driven by infertility, infanticide, a hatred of life, sexual promiscuity, and an aversion to adulthood.

>> No.15887184

So how do we fix it?

>> No.15887204

> Whereas the dominant religion of American society was once Christianity, it is now being dominated by a growing cult of negro worship, primarily spearheaded by sexually promiscuous women and homosexuals who have been liberated from the guilt of sin by outsourcing this guilt onto their whiteness.
Congratulations, this is perhaps the dumbest sentence I’ve read in a while.

>> No.15887213

it's true though.

>> No.15887214

What part do you disagree with, retard?

>> No.15887223

You forgo to add "book for this feel" so that this counts as a literature thread

>> No.15887229

If the right was smart, they'd take what's useful from Freud and use to their own advantage. Luckily, they're mostly dumb proles who will always stay irrelevant because they hate Realpolitik.

>> No.15887245

the majority of rightist use freudian concepts i.e. the idea of "projection", without even realizing it.

>> No.15887253

good defense of the argument

>> No.15887258

To be fair, everyone does that. It's babby's first rhetorical trick.

>> No.15887260

I'm discussing literature, though.
The America First crowd utilizes Freud.
Traditional right-wingers are too anti-intellectual/retarded to actually read anything. They just do what corporations tell them.

>> No.15887264

They certainly do a lot of projection, that’s for sure.

>> No.15887266
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>They just do what corporations tell them.
lol, no. Do you mean nu-conservatives, perhaps?

>> No.15887269

You still haven't told me what you disagree with.

>> No.15887271

You are also currently projecting without realizing it.

>> No.15887290

The "free market" types. The younger conservatives seem to be much more skeptical of corporate power, though. Which is a good hing.

>> No.15887355

sounds like you’re projecting your fears of a world in which the cultural norms have changed to a point where the straight white male is not always catered to any more and are attempting to run to outdated methods of psychology in order to make this seem like it’s a bad thing

>> No.15887370

This, white people are cancelled and they can't accept it. We're about to witness a last hurrah, a big last seethe and cope by wh*teoids before we never get to hear from them again.

>> No.15887371

>Whereas the dominant religion of American society was once Christianity, it is now being dominated by a growing cult of negro worship, primarily spearheaded by sexually promiscuous women and homosexuals who have been liberated from the guilt of sin by outsourcing this guilt onto their whiteness. Whereby they once felt guilt for sexual sin and repented of this sin, they now feel guilt for their whiteness and repent of this whiteness.
>The left is fundamentally a death cult driven by infertility, infanticide, a hatred of life, sexual promiscuity, and an aversion to adulthood.
So America is still driven by Evangelical Christianity, then. Same as it ever was. This is why you need to crack down on heresy.

>> No.15887392

There was never a point in history where the average straight white male had his needs catered to.
You won't get to hear them again because the electricity won't be functioning well enough for you to maintain internet access.

>> No.15887394

>fertility and virginity
Yes, these two concepts dont contradict each other at all.

The truth is that the worship of death (christ on a cross) and the worship of negroes (playing the good samaritan) are purely christian concepts that became seculiarized.

>> No.15887408

The largest political block in Western Europe this century and last, isnt Socialism, but Christiandemocracy, this explains why Eastern Europe is poorer but also more Conservative, because they didnt have Christians taking power through democratic institutions and then promoting massimmigration and the decline of traditional Germanic and Roman values.

Try and arque against what I just wrote.

>> No.15887419

If you’re trying to make a class argument, okay
but if you’re trying to say that society hasn’t been set up in a way for the straight white male to be the predominant cultural force and defacto “person” when thinking about rights and stuff, then I cannot help you and your worldview is already too skewed

>> No.15887439

>The largest political block in Western Europe this century and last, isnt Socialism, but Christiandemocracy, this explains why Eastern Europe is poorer but also more Conservative, because they didnt have Christians taking power through democratic institutions and then promoting massimmigration and the decline of traditional Germanic and Roman values.
I'm not talking about Western Europe mate, are you sure you replied to the right post? Western Europe's problem is that they got taken over by us (America) and forced into the woke egalitarian cult at the same time as their birth rates dropped below 2.1 - the decline of which has been ongoing for centuries.

Also, why the reification of Roman values? Roman elites also sponsored mass immigration and mass enslavement in a manner analogous to the contemporary US.

>> No.15887450

"Christian Democracy". These are hardly people practicing traditional Catholicism. These are "Christians" partaking in the new religion of people of color worship.

>> No.15887465

It's just Americanism. They view "People of Color" as children that need to be uplifted by their salvific institutions. Since we hold it to be self-evident that all men are created equal, why aren't "People of Color" achieving equal outcomes? Since the Elect are incapable of mistakes and "People of Color" are children under white tutelage, who is left to blame except normal whites?

>> No.15887470

Christianity is fundamentally centered around controlling male sexuality. I don''t see how this is serving male interests. On the contrary, Christianity primarily served the interests of women in a world were birth control was near non-existent. Society only dropped Christianity once the risk of female sexual promiscuity no longer existed.

>> No.15887472

Basically this. Western Europe is primarily suffering from American cultural imperialism.

>> No.15887481

It really doesnt matter, Europe and North America both saw an increase of Christian power in political institutions after the vote was expanded to include all men and all woman.

People dont understand this, they blame socialists who where obviously not the main group promoting massimmigration. See behind the iron curtain.

>Also, why the reification of Roman values?
Traditional republican Roman values. But I get your point, the dominant force is Germanic culture, with its concept of classes and racial groups. The moment that disappeared, we see Christians promoting racemixing.

>"Christian Democracy". These are hardly people practicing traditional Catholicism. These are "Christians" partaking in the new religion of people of color worship.
Mainstream Christianity is real Christianity, any claim to the opposite is just your opinion. The main power players in America and Western Europe for the last century have been Christians.

Christians are responsible for massimmigration.

>> No.15887511

Christ on cross is death of death, divine kenosis, etc. dont think i need to comment on the latter, not being racist does not mean partaking of interseccionality

>> No.15887512

In Western society, real Christian belief died sometime in the 19th Century except among a small cohort. I doubt any non-Western Christians would encourage the sort of behavior Western "Christians" do nowadays. It's a Western European and American problem.

>> No.15887525

>Christians are responsible for massimmigration.
Yes, and Christians were also responsible for immigration bans. the point is, what we call "Christianity" is highly contextual. Is it any wonder that the masonic, evangelical version of Christianity was the first to promote mass immigration, while traditional catholic countries were more adverse to it? It's only after Vatican 2 did catholics begin advocating immigration as they do today.
Why? Because Vatican 2 embraced "modernity". It rejected the historical context in which Catholicism grew and, reducing the Catholic Church to a post-Catholic, modern institution.

>> No.15887536

There is no relevant 'left' in America. You seem to be confusing progressive neoliberals and social democrats with leftist ideology.

>> No.15887549

True, real Christian belief died in the elite class around that time. But again, what we believe is highly contextual on the period of time we live in and the practices we deem to be acceptable.
Should western society re-institute our sexual morals, I have no doubt that Christianity, particularly Catholicism, would re-emerge.

>> No.15887555

>Christ on cross is death of death, divine kenosis, etc. dont think i need to comment on the latter, not being racist does not mean partaking of interseccionality
Yeah sure, just stitch words together.

>In Western society, real Christian belief died sometime in the 19th Century except among a small cohort. I doubt any non-Western Christians would encourage the sort of behavior Western "Christians" do nowadays. It's a Western European and American problem.
No, you confuse Christianity with Germanic culture. Real Christianity is modern Christianity.

>s it any wonder that the masonic, evangelical version of Christianity was the first to promote mass immigration, while traditional catholic countries were more adverse to it?
You confuse the survival of the Germanic caste system, with Christianity.

>> No.15887558

>It's only after Vatican 2 did catholics begin advocating immigration as they do today.
One wonders how many US agents are in the Vatican that are involved in this. For example, the USCCB gets something like 70% of its income from the Federal government to be used for refugee resettlement.

>> No.15887566

>No, you confuse Christianity with Germanic culture. Real Christianity is modern Christianity.
So Christianity finally got the noble Germanics in the mid-20th century? kek

>> No.15887606

>So Christianity finally got the noble Germanics in the mid-20th century? kek
Yes, literally this, the 20th century saw the final decline of Germanic social institutions and a lot of classical culture like Roman law and Greek philosophy.

Then Christians used the democratic insitutions to vote their own parties into power. These are the real Christians, devoid of Germanic traditions.

>> No.15887608
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>the race that founded Western Civilization, expects that same civilization to be the dominant cultural force
>"wahhhh these whiteys think they get to run the societies their forefathers created! Woe is me"
im going to let you in on a not-so-secret secret: When Whites are in the absolute minority, expect to be eating mud-cakes and human flesh for sustenance. Think South Africa, but the entire Western World over.
>KILL the white man!
>Kick out the White man!
>Why aren't our grops growing? It MUST be the White man's fault!
>*2 years later* We need FOOD!
>Please come back, White Man! We niggas can't feed ourselves!
enjoy being the future slaves of the chinks

>> No.15887621

>Yes, literally this, the 20th century saw the final decline of Germanic social institutions and a lot of classical culture like Roman law and Greek philosophy.
Right, it has nothing to do with a certain insane superpower on the other side of the ocean. It's just Christianity doing its thing, despite non-Germanic nations somehow being immune to this. Are you American?

>> No.15887637

or Indians:


>> No.15887645

I'd guess quite a few. Remember, the Masons and the Catholic hierarchy have always been at odds with each other.

>> No.15887646

>Right, it has nothing to do with a certain insane superpower on the other side of the ocean. It's just Christianity doing its thing, despite non-Germanic nations somehow being immune to this. Are you American?
America, being both a highly democratic egalitarian nation and highly Christian, is the prime example of what I mean.

America rejects the Germanic class system and slowly Christianity starts undermining American society.

>> No.15887666

this too. These non-whites think life will be honky-dorey if the White man just disappears, not understanding that most inventions that they use were invented and mass produced through the White man's power/intellect in this world. Racist or not, no intelligent person can deny that if the White man were to disappear, this world would become one giant cesspit which reverts back to global slavery of the dumber races (niggers and latinos). The chinks will rule their slaves with a fist of steel. They won't be as forgiving as Whites were, and they'll NEVER release their slaves once they have them. I hope these non-whites are ready to be working in those Apple factories 80 straight hours a week, just so their chink overlords can get the newest Iphone

>> No.15887675

It's hilarious to think about how easily the Guptas took over South Africa considering how little they started out with in the grand scheme of things.

US "Christianity' is like, 3 orders of heresy away from normal Christianity as it is in the rest of the world. Even other Dissenter denominations thought the Evangelicals around the time of the Second Great Awakening were bad. I mean, we're talking about people who just make things up like the Mormons.

>America, being both a highly democratic egalitarian nation and highly Christian, is the prime example of what I mean.
Pretty much all democratic/liberal movements on the Continent proper were anti-Church or anti-Christian. Again, are you American.

>> No.15887676

>despite non-Germanic nations somehow being immune to this. Are you American?
Yeah, i wonder how >>15887606
can come to the conclusion that this is merely Christianity without German social institutions, when Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards lack German institutions and are more adverse to mass migration and modern "Christianity" than Western Europe is.
Clearly, modern mass migration is driven by the forces of mass migration (sexual liberation, atomization, etc.), and by Christianity as we've traditionally understood it.

>> No.15887694

>US "Christianity' is like, 3 orders of heresy away from normal Christianity as it is in the rest of the world.
Again, mainstream christianity is real christianity, everything else is just your opinion.

>Pretty much all democratic/liberal movements on the Continent proper were anti-Church or anti-Christian. Again, are you American.
Really, then why is the largest political block in Western Europe Christian?

I wont awnser where I am from, because I want you to take my opinions on my own merit. You can call me an American if you want, you will never discover the truth.

>> No.15887705

>can come to the conclusion that this is merely Christianity without German social institutions, when Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards lack German institutions and are more adverse to mass migration and modern "Christianity" than Western Europe is.
>Clearly, modern mass migration is driven by the forces of mass migration (sexual liberation, atomization, etc.), and by Christianity as we've traditionally understood it.
Its common knowledge that several Germanic tribes expanded into Southern Europe and formed the aristocratic elite in those countries.

Catholicism, being more traditional, keeps more of those Germanic customs.

>> No.15887717

Your propensity to blame all of the Wests problems on Christianity leads me to believe that you're a secularist.
Just to get this out of the way: there's no such thing as "secularism". All human beings are religious. Ideologies are just fragmented religions.

>> No.15887723

I meant "clearly modern mass migration is driven by the forces of modernity>>15887676

>> No.15887726

>I wont awnser where I am from, because I want you to take my opinions on my own merit. You can call me an American if you want, you will never discover the truth.
Your opinions on Euro politics are meritless because Americans as a rule are ignorant of history. Imagine being so ignorant that you think Christian Democratic parties adhere to Christian belief. It's like the American Democratic party saying they support Democracy by making it a charade.

>> No.15887731
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>Ideologies are just fragmented religions.
books for this feel?

>> No.15887733

Why do middle eastern Christians reject immigration? Why do the Orthodox is Russia?

>> No.15887739

>Your propensity to blame all of the Wests problems
I dont.

>you're a secularist
You think that means nonreligious, when it means tolerant of religions.

I take it you want the state to respect your freedom of religion and I take it you respect other peoples freedom of religion?

Because if those two are true, then you are also seculiar.

>> No.15887755

>I meant "clearly modern mass migration is driven by the forces of modernity
A vague and meaningless concept, like brutalism and Blank Verse are bringing negroes into our cities.

>Your opinions on Euro politics are meritless because Americans as a rule are ignorant of history. Imagine being so ignorant that you think Christian Democratic parties adhere to Christian belief. It's like the American Democratic party saying they support Democracy by making it a charade.
Again, mainstream Christianity is real Christianity, otherwise you are just giving your opinion on what real Christianity should be.

So yes, Christiandemocrats have been destroying Europe.

>> No.15887762

>Imagine being so ignorant that you think Christian Democratic parties adhere to Christian belief.
Christian democratic parties in Europe certainly do not support Christian belief, as they have been understood throughout history. There is no such thing as a Christian institution that does not oppose pornography/infidelity/and fornication because, as I stated in my original post, Christianity if fundamentally driven by sexual repression and the concept of original sin. Any "Christian" institution that does not oppose sexual immorality, as traditionally defined by Christianity, is not a Christian institution, but a modern one.

>> No.15887771

sorry op, but it would appear you’re retarded

“whoaaaa bro contemporary left wing social movements superficially resemble christianity”

why does every mouth-breathing pseud feel compelled to beat this dead horse to a pulp? i’ve been seeing thinkpieces about it for years now, but everyone who articulates it seems to think it’s galaxy brain shit

“whoaaaa dude, we live in a society thats secular... seems like social movements are replacing religion”

>> No.15887781

Really, then why did all those old Hebrews take all those extra wives?

Again, I think you are confusing Germanic culture, where men didnt masturbate or have sex with a woman until an older age and people where mortally afraid of homosexuality or racemixing, with kinda libertine Christian culture where woman married young.

>> No.15887782

this also has nothing to do with Freud as far as I can tell, it’s your own lazy speculation

>> No.15887786

I don't quite get what you mean. Explain?
I don't believe in freedom of religion. I believe a singular religious institution should reign as a hegemonic force throughout a society to hold the irrational impulses of human beings in check.

>> No.15887793

I am going to go even more funny, its not socialists who are influencing Christians to adopt massimmigration and multiculturalism, but Christians influencing socialists to do so.

Thats why it didnt happen in a lot of communists nations and why early European socialists where critical of massimmigration, which they saw as an attempt by the capitalists for cheap labour.

>> No.15887801

>I don't believe in freedom of religion. I believe a singular religious institution should reign as a hegemonic force throughout a society to hold the irrational impulses of human beings in check.
Are you in prison for terrorism?


Then you dont hold those believes, you merely express them to be contrarian.

>> No.15887817

duuuuude the way the left thinks about racism... kind of reminds me of the christian idea of original sin? really makes you think. i haven’t read the bible btw.

>> No.15887822

What a load of incoherent shit.

>> No.15887847

>If I copy someone argument in a dumb and gay manner, people will start believing its gay and dumb.

My whole argument is that is Christians, not the Socialists doing it, not that Socialism is seculiar Christianity.

>> No.15887912

where is your critique then you retard?

>> No.15887929

Yeah, because your argument is dumb.

> Thats why it didnt happen in a lot of communists nations and why early European socialists where critical of massimmigration, which they saw as an attempt by the capitalists for cheap labour.

Maybe there’s bigger variable here? Like communism? Maybe, based on your own analysis, it has more to do with capitalism’s desire for cheap labor rather than Christianity? Or the fact that people have historically fled Communist regimes rather than migrating to them?

Poland, former USSR country, is one of the most deeply Catholic countries on Earth and, coincidentally, happens to be more opposed to immigration than the rest of Europe.

>> No.15887963

Good counterargument. But capitalists dont rule most European nations, Liberalism didnt have much direct political influence after the 19th century, but Christiandemocrats did.

When the liberals and conservatives where replaced by the socialists and christiandemocrats, we see Europe declining.

Now, if you think that politics would not have stopped major corporations from bringing in foreign labour, then you dont understand they where perfectly capable of forcing them to conform to environmental regulations or union regulations....

>> No.15887966

The problem is the West itself, especially America and the rest of it, less so. So much for Germanic Values. Somehow, Christians outside of the Star-Spangled Rainbow curtain in Africa, LatAm, the Middle East etc. manage to not be deracinated like Americans are.

>> No.15887972

>Liberalism didnt have much direct political influence after the 19th century
The absolute state of OP...

>> No.15887988

>The absolute state of OP...
Thats because you are an American..... you use liberalism to describe contemporary left of center politics.

>> No.15887999

Western Europe has been within the Liberal tradition for a long time now. Both the center-left and center-right operate within Liberal categories.

>> No.15888028

>Western Europe has been within the Liberal tradition for a long time now. Both the center-left and center-right operate within Liberal categories.
No, the two main political movements in Europe are the socialists and the christiandemocrats, liberals who belief in free enterprise and are usually some what conservative, usually dont get voted into power. Most Europeans see liberals as the daddies wealth party.

>> No.15888075

You don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about. There’s a difference between big L liberalism as a European political party and small L liberalism as the dominant ideology for the past several hundred years. You’re either willfully ignorant or just unaware of the distinction between the concepts you’re talking about as worldviews and cultural forces vs things that political parties are called.

>> No.15888180

>There’s a difference between big L liberalism as a European political party and small L liberalism as the dominant ideology
Word dont change their meaning because you put the first letter in capital letters.

>> No.15888339

In this case, they do. One is a theory of government dating back to the enlightenment and is other is European political party with a set of policy proposals. The entire West, at this time, is governed by liberal democracies in the tradition of the former.

Your argument is based on conflating the two, and firmly within the territory of “it’s literally called National SOCIALISM bro!”

>> No.15888357

>One is a theory of government dating back to the enlightenment and is other is European political party with a set of policy proposals.
1. You mean to say a set of theories on how to govern,
2. You mean to say a European political movement.

You arent even exact in your language!

>> No.15888366

don't discuss politics until after you've turned 18.

>> No.15888425

i think you missed the point


you seem like a teenager who thinks he has it all figured out. you don’t. read books that address the questions you’re thinking about instead of drawing conclusions based on semantics and misunderstanding.

in all likelihood, you’re not engaged in the political process at all beyond maybe voting or posting on 4chan, so there’s really no reason to have an ideology. there are good reasons to be curious and accumulate knowledge though.

>> No.15888466

left are mostly young, out of real job market, christians are mostly half dead old people and their pet children.

>> No.15888480

>don't discuss politics until after you've turned 18.
Not an argument.

Look people, Socialists are not Liberals and neither are Christiandemocrats. Liberalism points towards a specific set of traditions, it doesnt describe all of politics.

If you want a term to sum up all political through in the West, perhaps just use the term politics, but liberalism as some term that unites a whole bunch of different political concepts isnt real.

>> No.15888485
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>> No.15888491

Freud did not invent the idea of projection, he just supplied the term we now use. Accusing people of what you're guilty of is an ancient concept, and the word hypocrisy used to be used for most instances covered by projection.

>> No.15888495

Free market types aren't the traditional right wingers they've only been around for 80 years or so and only the norm for half that time.

>> No.15888518
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the longer you stay around in this thread, the more you're getting exposed as a teenager who has learned 100% of what he knows about politics from internet forums. the small/large <letter> distinction is familiar to anyone with even a basic level of political literacy.

>> No.15888775

Western Socialist political parties and the Christian Democrats are liberal. They operate within the framework of liberal democracy and have accepted its tenets.

Ultimately, you are saying nothing here beyond observing that these two political parties support immigration, which they do. You aren’t critiquing Christianity or liberalism, though, you are just misusing semantics.

>> No.15888787
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ITT: let's ignore the fact that Freud was a jew connected to other jewish movements that defined leftism

Chapter 4: Jewish Involvement in the Psychoanalytic Movement

p. 106: “A great deal of hostility to psychoanalysis centered around the perceived threat of psychoanalysis to Christian sexual ethics.”

pp. 109-18: In his private writing, Freud was very anti-gentile.

p. 113: Adler and Jung were expelled as heretical.

pp. 117-18: In Civilization and Its Discontents, Freud said that the repression of sex (particularly in Christianity) is the source of civilization, but that the price to be paid is neurosis and unhappiness. He claimed that psychoanalysis could cure that sickness, and he advocated greater sexual freedom. Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience.

>> No.15888808

The Scientific Status of Psychoanalysis

p. 121: Freud’s claims (theories) were always stated in ways that are scientifically untestable.

p. 123: He always equated (or confused) sexual desire with love.

p. 124: Responsibility (the id) is seen as pathological, repressive, something that prevents self-realization.

Psychoanalysis as a Political Movement

p. 127: Freud’s disciples regard all of his words as absolute truth – nothing is ever questioned.

p. 132: Psychoanalysis resembles brainwashing.

Psychoanalysis as a Tool in the Radical Criticism of Western Culture: The Wider Cultural Influence of Freud’s Theory

p. 134: Roman and Christian monogamy meant an egalitarian system, instead of a few men having all the women, and others having none. In polygamy the women are “reduced to chattel and are typically purchased as concubines by wealthy males.”

p. 136: Monogamy in turn led to high-investment parenting, and to pair-bonding (compassionate marriage).

>> No.15888816

Psychoanalysis and the Criticism of Western Culture

p. 141: “. . . Radical individualism among gentiles is an excellent prescription for the continuation of Judaism as a cohesive group.”

p. 145: “Anti-Semitism is viewed as a form of gentile psychopathology.”

p. 150: “Since 1970 the rate of single-parenting has increased from one in ten families to one in three families. . . . All the negative trends related to the family show very large increases that developed in the mid-sixties. . . .”

Chapter 5: The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances

The Political Agenda of the Frankfurt School of Social Research

p. 154: “A consistent theme of Horkheimer and Adorno’s Critical Theory was the transformation of society according to moral principles. . . . From the beginning, there was a rejection of value-free social science research (‘the fetishism of facts’). . . .”

p. 156: Horkheimer and Adorno saw “both fascism and capitalism [as involving] domination and authoritarianism.”

p. 157: For Horkheimer and Adorno, everything was based on an “a priori theory of anti-Semitism.”

p. 163: “. . . The true enemy of the Jews is gentile collectivities of any kind, and especially nationalism. . . . No mention is made of the collectivist nature of Judaism.”

p. 165: “People in individualist cultures . . . show little emotional attachment to ingroups. Personal goals are paramount, and socialization emphasizes the importance of of self-reliance, independence, individual responsibility, and ‘finding yourself’ . . . Individualists have more positive attitudes toward strangers and outgroup members. . . .”

p. 167: “Highly questionable [is] the basic idea that anti-Semitism is the result of disturbed parent-child relationships. . . .”

>> No.15888826

Review of The Authoritarian Personality

p. 170: “Being high on the Anti-Semitism Scale may . . . simply mean that one has more information rather than a sign of a disturbed childhood.”

p. 176: “. . . Authoritative parents are more successful in transmitting cultural values to their children. . . .” High scores in parental discipline are regarded in Adorno et al., The Authoritarian Personality, as “the result of extreme authoritarianism resulting in repressions and denials of parental faults.”

p. 180: “Frenkel-Brunswick [in The Authoritarian Personality] . . . attempts to pathologize gentile concerns with social class and upward mobility.”


p. 194: “Although it is difficult to assess the effect of works like The Authoritarian Personality on gentile culture, there can be little question that the thrust of the radical critique . . . was to pathologize high-investment parenting and upward mobility, as well as pride in family, religion, and country among gentiles.”

The Influence of the Frankfurt School

p. 207: “Each movement promised . . . a classless society in which there would be no conflicts of interest and people would work altruistically for the good of the group. . . .”

>> No.15888962

can you retards go back to /pol/ please

>> No.15889218
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>> No.15889747
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>> No.15889752

>The Left is fundamentally a cult of death
The left is driven by the pleasure principle while the right is governed by the death drive.

>> No.15889754

He's not wrong.

>> No.15889761

>be the predominant cultural force
This hasn't been true since jazz was popularized.

>> No.15889774

Yet only one doesn't abort all their children.

>> No.15889782

And such behavior is motivated by the pleasure principle.

>> No.15889808

>The left is driven by the pleasure principle
No, they are driven by the inferiority complex. Since Europeans appear too "superior", they must be downgraded to be equal with niggers.

>> No.15889849

If people were actually equal, no changes would be necessary.

>> No.15889892

1. Leftists are absolutely miserable. That's why they're all suicidal trannies.
2. Rightwingers raising families doesn't seem like a "death drive" in any sense of the word.

>> No.15890486

lmfao bro I can guarantee that I am physically stronger, more well read, and make more money than you. like you throw shit but i can tell you’re an absolute loser just by virtue of being of being a /pol/tard.

go back to reading books about how le jews :( are the root of all your problems.

>> No.15890632

you're all so fucking stupid god dammit

>> No.15890772

>all your problems
I don't get why liberals do this, considering they do it no matter what the topic is.
>haha, you think all your problems are caused by jews/niggers/muslims/women/democrats/big pharma/illegals/social media/etc/etc/etc

>> No.15890791

because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the Jews

>> No.15890796

>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the Jews
>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the niggers
>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the muslims
>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the women
>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the democrats
>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the pharmaceutical industry
>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the trannies
>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the illegals
>because you guys are loser NEETs with a pathological fixation on the social meda

>> No.15890811

you know i’m right though

people who talk about “muh jews” are unlikely to be represented among those considered successful, attractive, and/or intelligent

go grovel on /pol/ but leave us alone i want to talk about books

>> No.15890847

You're wrong, because pointing out the various problems associated with any group or topic does not mean that one believes every single problem to ever exist is a result of that one singular problem/group, which is what retarded liberals such as yourself always try to frame the discussion as.

>> No.15890879

nice deflection bro, doesn’t change the fact that you’re a loser irl LARPing as a chad übermensch on 4chan

spamming /lit/ with citations from the entirety of culture of critique is generally not behavior associated with well-adjusted members of society

>> No.15890932

Well I've got work in 10 minutes, whereas you're going to spend the rest of your day dilating and screaming at people to read karl the cuck on a lithuanian alpaca breeding forum.

>> No.15890979

I already finished work today :)

>> No.15890997
File: 76 KB, 414x512, 5c16d78e8f043ecc6efe6b4db3e351bddd8a20ct943e55a73f6ce008920a7a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create psychoanalisys talking about the irrational reasoning of humans, human nature
>is proven to be right and help spawn public relations, marketing and social engineering that molded western civilization

>then some communist turd on the internet says human nature doesn`t exist

>> No.15891115

Communists are more like "Akstually, Human Nature is to be nice, they just need to be indoctrinated and supressed as soon show the opossite".

>> No.15891223

last i checked, 50+ million Americans were forced to become neets and couldn't handle it, both material wise and mentally as well. You wagies are going to learn the hard way
>The NEETs shall inherit the earth

>> No.15891823

nice self righteousness you braindead cattle animal

>pathological fixation
doing this in a thread exposing Freud no less

please admit you aren't white
then admit you are a subhuman degenerate begging for scraps at the white man's table like a dog on the floor

>> No.15891832

you are just too retarded to understand it

>> No.15891836

christ on the cross isn't death you utter spastic, it's sacrifice.
you are right about the samaritan part, but thats to imply those that are on the left are christian.
when more often they are degenrate trannies and pedos

>> No.15891877

>if you do nothing to defend yourself and die, you will win because a cult will magically spring up around you it will be totally worth it
>and oh yeah god will fly down from heaven and breath life into your corpse so it totally doesn't even matter
2000 years later:
>let's just sit and do nothing as our civilization is totally wiped out by the same jews that killed jesus and all the retarded niggers they brought here
You, and all christians, are retarded

>> No.15891892

Which book is this from?

>> No.15891894


>> No.15891935

>>if you do nothing to defend yourself and die, you will win because a cult will magically spring up around you it will be totally worth it
>>and oh yeah god will fly down from heaven and breath life into your corpse so it totally doesn't even matter

read soma theologica, it will make you a happier person, more rounded, and more intelegent, you are clearly a misdirected young man that blames his issues on something that is not there.
creating this strawman won't change your life, seek a higher purpose other than worshiping wogs and blaming somone wealthier than you.

the bible non the less refutes all this, but I will not expect you to read it, it's much better to listen to it being read.

>> No.15891958

your religion is fucking retarded and failed it's only purpose
not only that all the churches are actively betraying their congregations
it failed
it's over

just stop
no more
stop dragging around this dead horse while claiming to be leading a cavalry charge

>> No.15891966
File: 200 KB, 1104x1520, 2d97b4452491b0fdc5fe13b8e1ueaa313f8d2c73264y94152326423b6af9bae9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they straight up deny it and people just act the way they do because of the economic system.

Because you know, the promised land of real communism will stop people from malice.

>> No.15891969

That's not even freud

>> No.15892077

leading SJW of this board here
incels and leading members of catholic pedophile support groups of this board need not respond (you're all smalltime compared to me anyway)

In hereby post I vow to once and for all refute Freudian suppositions contained herein, to comprehensively make my point with no misconceptions left and lastly not to be edited or built upon until further notice

>The Left is fundamentally a cult of death and Negro worship.
this is pretty nonsensical in itself, but here we go
first of all, all death we support can be explained as death that needs to occur for the greater good (no, abortion isn't equal with death you shithead, it can be qualified as a murder, still without an ydeath actually taking place, if we assume that the mother wants to do it maliciously and believes that you can die before being born somehow or whatever other bullshit, but we're speaking straight facts here - you can't die before being born. end of story) ergo death that can't really be prevented unless the goal of preventing masses from beign dead in the long run is deemed void etc. etc. you know what I'm talking about, a classic piece of moral dilemma. if you're not an idiot you already know the answer. some deaths just need to happen, sorry bro
as for negro worship, no one really does that besides obsessed cucks on here who project their love/hate relationship with blacks onto the real world, so this point is moot. color of skin doesn't actually matter, only you idiots make it matter
>The right (see Christianity) is fundamentally a cult of fertility and Virginity worship.
creating a false dichotomy, because no piece of banality would be complete without it. none of those are worshipped in christianity btw, even such sins as premarital intercourse are treated liberally and are worth 3 penance prayers at most nowadays (considering catholic economy at the very least.) it's a joke. cult of feritility is clearly pagan
I'm just gonan skip the next paragraph because lol sign limit but it's all bullshit anyway
>The left is fundamentally a death cult driven by infertility, infanticide, a hatred of life, sexual promiscuity, and an aversion to adulthood.
no, having kids is good
nope, killing people at that stage of life is inherently wrong, we aren't fucked in the head as media might have told you
>a hatred of life
life is the best, I think you're confusing us with 4chan's self-worshipping antinatalists (here's your virgin worship btw, get it?)
>sexual promiscuity
I know people like it, but I am personally against sex in general. I mean, I don't oppose people doing it, but I oppose the idea of it in general. (no, that doesn't conflict with my previous statements, because while I don't want to have kids myself I would encourage people to have them preferably of mixed race! XDDDD haha jk chill with that angry comment incel :^)
>an aversion to adulthood
I have an aversion to childishness so prevalent on here, I deplore it in fact

>> No.15892083

my letter limit has ended, fuck you I won't write more, I already wasted enough time on discussion here

>> No.15892500

What you're talking about is just Neo-Protestantism. Also, the issue isn't that, but the fact that the culture is dying. Christians were always decadents here, but decadents are fine when there's a strong ruling class.

>> No.15892775

>strong ruling class
like kikes?

>> No.15892813

Founded upon the developmental upswing precipitated by an inexhaustible reservoir of cheap energy (xeutons), Elysian apartheid holds that class structure and reproductive rights should be be coordinated through collective participation in a vast neural network. A complicated system capable of balancing itself by approximating the magnitude of that metaphysical 'Will' which underlies and directs all human behavior -- a mirror which reflects gestalt.

The First Church of Christ, Neuroscientist and its clergy are the custodians of this system in the West. Minds which are abberantly prodigious, relatively schizoid, and generally more capable of "complex" thinking (not raw 'g' or IQ, but superbly curious and imaginative) are favored as priests ("conduits") of the system because they bolster its degree of complexity -- with the aim of generating a kind of artificial 'gnostic' mega-consciousness so complex that its will approaches true 'freedom' in scope, which is deterministic but to an unimaginable degree of precision.

One's degree of participation in the network, and therefore one's quality of life in a world of lethal atomism, is determined by his or her degree of neurological 'complexity' as measured by the pre-existing network. Those cursed with facile, rotely iterative thought patterns experience only the lowest tier of collective consciousness ("communion"). Complex thinkers occupy higher tiers, with those minds deemed the "Elect" by their merit ultimately attaining gnosis. The assumption of a 6th-order (n^6 sigma avg. C[t] and of sufficient size to generate enough heterogenic combinatorial outcomes in the network) population into the 'gnosis' stage represents, functionally speaking, the Birth of God (historical telos). Life is synthesis. Ruder forms fail to survive.

>> No.15892843

>>fertility and virginity
>Yes, these two concepts dont contradict each other at all.
It doesn’t, just as Artemis being the goddess of childbirth despite being a virgin.

>> No.15892902

>negro worship
I got kicked out of a uni class because i debated a white liberal teacher and got boo'd by everyone for suggesting racial equality is impossible. No one worshiped me because i was a "negro".

Anyway, I don't think the left worships negros as much as you fellas think they do, they're just so anti-white that they have to resort to something negro/non-white worship in order to get an upper hand. They're so persistent on their sick accelerationist ideology that they'll do anything to achieve it

>> No.15892905

Only the mixed European ones are. The rest aren't, that's why we're having problems.

>> No.15893650

This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.15893838

Yes, brother! I'm a Nietzscheist! how could you tell?