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/lit/ - Literature

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16019684 No.16019684 [Reply] [Original]

>read a single page of any book
>get up and start pacing around my room daydreaming about literally anything for 10 minutes
>read another page
>pace around again

How the fuck do you people read several hundred pages a week?

>> No.16019696

literally me. the image not the post. I don't read

>> No.16019699

They don't. They just read Wikipedia articles and pretend they know everything about whatever author is in the thread.

>> No.16019711

Literally me.
I am open about my hobbies so long as I am anonymous though: I read shitty webnovels, often of the smut variety. That's honestly all I do, everything else is just occasional diversity.

>> No.16019728

The truth is, through building habit over time. I used to be exactly like this and still some days I'm just too restless to sit and read or study or work on hobbies. The trick is understanding that you aren't going to get up to hundreds of pages a week just through force of will. You need to ease into it, like working out. A little bit at a time and then slightly add more as you go. It will be a lot of easier to push yourself to read just a chapter this week than it is to expect to achieve insane reading quantities in one sitting immediately.

I also recommend keeping a schedule, like pick a time every day where you promise yourself you will sit down and at least put 30 minutes to an hour aside to read. Keep it consistent and just do as much as you can in whatever period of time that is. After a few weeks of keeping the habit it will be much easier to do.

>> No.16019765

I have the same issue.
For example yesterday I read 5 pages of Le Bon and then spend the next two hours lying in bed daydreaming and not moving at all.
It really is a problem.

>> No.16019766

Why? Do you really enjoy it or is it just habit at this point?

>> No.16019826
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You will call this bait but there's nothing I enjoy doing more than reading self-insert power fantasy webnovels about some chad guy conquering the universe and obtaining a harem in the process. Sometimes I will get lucky and find something of actual quality like pic related, at which point I will binge a 1000 pages in a day but I am fine just reading a dime a dozen chinkshit as well.

>> No.16019854

My only hobby is browsing the internet. That literally is the bulk of what I do. If I'm not doing that, I'm fantasizing about having a better life.

>> No.16019973


I just spent an hour reading Tolkien's The Return of the King. If it helps, walk and read simultaneously. I do that if I'm able to read during the day.

>> No.16020068

what sites do you like to browse?

>> No.16020117

i have a low-effort job where i can get away with reading so i do it all there and veg out at home

>> No.16022239

It's funny how accurate this image is for me and others here. I wonder if it's the lowest form of existence, I hardly think hedonistic pleasure is the highest good, but I wonder if someone who doesn't just smoke weed and play video games all day have a life more worth living than that.

>> No.16022247

but I wonder if someone who just smokes weed and plays video games all day*

>> No.16022265
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Based little guy

>> No.16022268

You are a victim of a social-media induced ADD. Sadly pretty much everyone of every generation who uses the internet has this now. With the whole of human information at your fingertips you will never get bored, but unfortunately it means that you will never have to train your attention span. Most people on here don't really read anything anymore. They don't even pay attention to the audio books they listen to, cus they always have to multitask. That's not to say you can't ever multitask, but unfortunately 4chan, and other sites have ruined your brain. The only way to bypass this is stop using the internet as much as you do (limit yourself to 1 or 2 hours a day.

>> No.16022273

What are some kinos for this feel?

>> No.16022345
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Based anon with good advice. I go down to my local beach around sunset everyday when the weather allows and read on a bench, whether I read 20 pages or 200 pages I feel accomplished and happy for having done so.

>> No.16022533

Just leave 4chinz bro

>> No.16022642

Read somewhere comfy like in bed, and you won't want to get up. Or read in a bath (but keep a tower nearby to dry your hands so you dont damage the book)

>> No.16022676

is this real

>> No.16022703

Wtf israel????

>> No.16022715

lay off the Monster energy

>> No.16022717
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fuck you
I waste my money sometimes, t-that's not me

>> No.16022732

Put the timer in 15 minutes,dont stop reading until it sound,it is for me,easier to read like this since i dont have to worry about anything and the only thing i have in the back of my mind is the alarm of the timer,then when it sounds if you feel like reading more repeat adding one minute in the timer everytime.
When i cant fucking focus in my book time to time i do this.

>> No.16022755

thank's I'll try this

>> No.16022781


Almost impossible for most. If it is debilitating I genuinely think people should consider medicating with stimulants just to build good habits. Be cautious, don't rely on them too heavily or else you will just get caught in a cycle of increasing the dose because you're chasing the high. You do them with breaks just to give you a boost towards your goal of getting your shit together, and then try to be as effective independent of the drugs as you can.

>> No.16022800


>> No.16022807

Finish the first book and then if symptoms continue start and finish the second

>> No.16022815
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I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.16022818

Just read lmao, it's that easy. I've read 140 today so far.

>> No.16022877
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>> No.16023059

The thing that really worked for me was to read as soon as I woke up. No phone, no internet, etc. at all in the morning until you read for at least 10-15 minutes. Don't time yourself, just go until the urge to get online is fairly stronger than the urge to read. Eventually this will be easier and easier and will last for longer.
Also, if you have a tendency to page through chapters before reading to see how long they are - stop doing that. I used to do this and, even if a chapter or story was very interesting to me, would always just want it to reach the end regardless.
Just a month or so ago I could barely read a chapter a day, and after incorporating these two changes, I now read a short story or philosophical text a day (i.e, a Platonic dialogue) along with a longer fiction novel usually, and sometimes a bit of grammar/math. Just today I spent the first 6-8 hours of my day finishing up The Count of Monte Cristo, some Greek mythology, and I plan on starting Kafka's Metamorphosis a little later.

>> No.16023092

This is solid advice lad, I also do the checking pages thing, why the fuck do I do that lad? Is it the ADHD?

>> No.16023178

I'm not really sure, I think it might be a sort of problem with having to commit to reading. For example, if you check the pages in a certain chapter, then you know you're committing to having to read that amount of pages until you 'can stop'. It might be mitigated if you're one of the people who stops whenever and just bookmarks their spot, but I like to finish on the ends of chapters.
Also, don't beat yourself up if you don't read one day or another with the method I described. One day I'll wake up and read 400+ pages, while another day I won't read at all. If you're feeling good when you wake up, then read, but if not, it's alright to take a break like this.

>> No.16023233

literally me. the image not the post. I read a book roughly every week and audiobook is good for the sloggish book.

>> No.16023239

>I read shitty webnovels, often of the smut variety
what are they anon? sometimes i like the same thing.

>> No.16023671

Based advice. Its all about building a habit, you’ll come to enjoy it with time

>> No.16024404

love you

>> No.16024493

It gets better. But it might have to get worse first. You still have time to own yourself out loud

>> No.16024507

I don't really get this. I definitely have internet ADD shit where I waste my time looking at 4chan or whatever for hours instead of being productive, but whenever I actually decide to read anything I have no problem doing so for hours without break just like I've always been able to do.

>> No.16024530







all you retards do is narrate about "reading", you don't even understand what you read, there is no real discussion here
you are literally illiterate retard authoritarian drones with SEVERE mental illness, a trained dog has more free will than you
all you do is posture as an 'intellectual' because you have no character or qualities - especially masculinity

>> No.16024556

This, its super depressing. The most motivated I ever felt was when I was in jail and didn't have this box here enslaving my attention. I studied the Bible, journaled religiously and lost myself in books. That lasted for about a week after I got out.

>> No.16024558

Absolutely destroyed everybody on this board.

>> No.16024559

This is genuinely very good advice, thank you. I catch myself checking how many pages I have left before finishing chapters quite often. I didn't think of this as an issue before, but I now see how it could be, since it takes away from the enjoyment of reading and I guess prioritizes simply getting through the book.

>> No.16024560

I have similar sort of problem OP. Whilst I can sit/lay down and read no problem, oftentimes I find myself re-reading the same sentence twice or even three times before the concept really cements in my head. I feel like such a brainlet but if I force myself to just keep reading I'm afraid what I'm reading won't really register in my head correctly. Anyone else do this?

>> No.16024576

let’s get married

>> No.16024616

OmG thAt is LiterAlY mE

>> No.16024625

4chan and youtube, Reddit and Quora if I need a specific answer to some question I have. mostly. Beyond the first hour, I don't really like doing any of it, it just massages my attention.

>> No.16024634

What's more cancerous:
Social media, vidya or porn?

>> No.16024642

Porn and social media, vidya is ok, you could even use it as a distraction when quitting a bad habit because of how attention dependant they are.

>> No.16024664

>using vidya to quit a bad habit
Next up, anon shows us how to quit heroin by snorting coke.

>> No.16024725

Why do you read/try to read?

>> No.16024730

It's a waste of time but it's influence isn't actively corrosive to the mind compared to the other two.

>> No.16024747

How are any of these bad for you

>> No.16024751

Fill your mind with garbage, make you a slave to your base impulses, prevent you from doing anything worthwhile with your life. If you prefer this it's not bad at all.

>> No.16024842

Dunno, I've poured so much time into games, far more than the other two, on account of how so much more engaging they are. Then I turn the game off, realize 12 hours have gone by and all I have to show for it is a migraine and the vague memory of shooting some poorly animated computer people. Social media is probably worse though.

>> No.16025098

Fuck that image is too accurate. It's a strange existence but 4chan fits me too well.
This is very effective. I would recommend to do short stories that way you get the sense of accomplishment and totality when you finish one. You might even get motivated to do a bunch.

>> No.16025165

I've been consistently reading for a couple years but the last weeks it's been just so hard for me to concentrate. I've been watching streams of league of legends for like 3 or 4 days and it's so much easier than reading a book, and it gives you the illusion of company. I think I shouldn't feel any guilt for not reading but it's just there anyway because sometimes I don't even realize how 4 hours have happened and I've just been watching my screen without even thinking anything. I honestly hate this fucking technology but everything moves through it now so you have to be plugged or you are left behind by your social group.
Worse of all is how fucking natural it seems to everyone, I don't think they see it as a problem, and if I propose it as a problem I just sound (to me) like a pretentious ass because I know the demand for other things (philosophy or art) is just not shared by the rest of the people.

Typing this from my iphone.

>> No.16025244

Try reading faster

>> No.16025260

I don't understand it but I have seen it firsthand. My old roommate would read about 6 hours of manga every day. Just sit there and scroll through random mangasee harem stories and not move a muscle. Is it stimulating? Does you feel more confident? Is indulging in a cookie cutter story where little girls get angry at each other some kind of release? Please help me understand.

>> No.16025349

Totally different things, anon, the appeal of manga and what I read is completely different - I feel exactly the same about manga as you, probably.
And to put it bluntly the enjoyment precedes the reasons for enjoyment; it is instinctive. But the appeal, I suppose, is that it puts people I can somewhat identify with in situations which I find highly appealing:
1) If you consider characters like Ishmael, or Leopold Bloom, or Don Quixote, or whomever /lit/ holds in high esteem nowadays - there's no will to conquer in them, no will to progress, no will to restructure the universe in their image. Nor is there a will for honest introspection: they are deliberately irrational characters and, as such, are revelatory of certain aspects of the human condition. But they are not representative of *me* as a being.
2) The setting is about escapism. Everything is coping and maybe I am just a bit more honest about it.

And I feel like you are creating a false equivalency between manga/chinkshit/western webnovels/etc. As I mentioned early, I do reads pure garbage sometimes, but some of it, the very best of it, actually holds literary insight. WtC (previous pic related) does everything I outlined above while being a valuable artistic object itself: the exploration of biblical archetypes, the deconstruction of narrative forces, the portrayal of the intelligent man in the age of fantasy/scifi consumerism, and so on, and so on...
Life is above literature, the myth of Great Books from which wisdom should be derived is false. The proverbial wisdom is not as tangible as that. It can only be assimilated as cumulative experience from a life entire. Do not discount mindless entertainment as an ultimately worthless part of the life of NPCs.

>> No.16025351

Just sit down and look at the book for an hour. How is this such a widespread issue? How do you people hold onto employment if you can't successfully sit down for a small amount of time?

>> No.16025426

This hahahajaj

>> No.16025439

I just can't read philosophical stuff, my mind can't retain the info. I'm hoping I can eventually work up to it

>> No.16025450

>They don't. They just read Wikipedia articles and pretend they know everything about whatever author is in the thread.

this sentiment reminds me of people on /fit/ who claim that abstaining from masturbation is a scam and anyone claiming to do so is lying

>> No.16025453

Based advice
Also after a while, when you can read more than 5 pages without breaking focus you achieve a higher degree of immersion and visualisation.
At this point , after i warm up,i'm just scanning lines and playing it in my head

>> No.16025482

Holy shit that image... are you fucking psychic?

>> No.16025528

>read a book for 20-30 minutes
>pick up a controller and play vidya for over 7 hours almost nonstop

>> No.16025607

I was going really hard on nonfiction for the last couple years, I even remember saying to myself that novels just weren’t for me. Tied it to my identity a bit further emphasizing the habit. It led to a growing burnout on reading which I have offset by reading more novels and fiction. I had to realize that just because a book isn’t about hard science or philosophy or history doesn’t mean it lacks merit. Guess it’s just like a well balanced diet, gotta get all dem different nutrients

>> No.16025616 [DELETED] 

Fuck off normalfag.

>> No.16025624

The only way I was able to get myself back into reading was to buy an ereader and use that instead of physical books.

>> No.16025772
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I do the pacing and daydreaming thing too, but I still manage to read 50 pages a day on the days I read.

>> No.16025784

>How do you people hold onto employment
Assuming a bit much here friend

>> No.16025823
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Exactly bro

>> No.16025840

It's all a about the book, there's some things I've read that do this to me whereas with other books I can read 120-140 pages per day, but not for a number of days in a row.

>> No.16026184

>I also recommend keeping a schedule
I did this and it helped quite a lot. Been reading 4 hours every morning for the past 16 days thanks to this

>> No.16026193

I have the same daydreaming problem, however I think I’m able to at least beat it back by daydreaming to exhaustion at least for the day, allowing me to at least dedicate some time to a book at the end. I’m able to get at least enough time to read 30-80 pages a day. It’s weird but quite honestly just go over the same daydream plot points over and over, refine it, until you get a headache.

>> No.16026403
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Why are you guys trying so hard to read anyway? What is there to gain from reading stories that aren't real and learning things that aren't useful in comparison to watching stories that aren't real or shooting simulated things that aren't real? What's the difference? Emphasis more on fiction reading. Isn't that just any other media with extra longer steps?

>> No.16026454

Nothing, there is literally no difference.

Anything that isn't making more money is a waste of time.

>> No.16026572
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literally me

>> No.16027372

Literally me bros

>> No.16027710

based bezos

>> No.16027741

>doesn't play vidya
Not true, gonna play some Destroy All Humans
>doesn't waste his money
Not true
>Doesn't watch TV
not true, gonna watch some baseball later
>Doesn't talk about hobbies
Not true
>Doesn't do anything cringy
Faggy buzzword and not true
>Doesn't virtue signal on social media
>Doesn't say what he is thinking
not true
>doesn't shill products
Not true but why is this supposed to be a normie hobby anyway?
>doesn't get out of chair

>> No.16027765

somebody post the pasta

>> No.16027791

literally me (both post and image)

>> No.16027878

Fiction is infinitely more entertaining than shitposting though. Usually I read 2-3 books a week. I do it by sitting down in my bed and reading.

>> No.16027919

I enjoy reading. I read 1-2 books a week, sometimes more. Fiction is entertaining man, being able to consume entertainment isn't very impressive or even worth faking.

>> No.16028958


>> No.16029423

I do not lack the willpower to read but I feel so exhausted most of the time which prevents me from doing virtually anything, so I lie in my bed waiting for that wave of energy to get me going for about an hour or two. I don't know if anyone can relate but this condition is suffering.

>> No.16029823

Totally with you, man. I don't know if it's narcolepsy or chronic fatigue or wtf but I'm in burgerland with no insurance so going to a doctor to have it checked out is out of the question. Thing is I work 40 hours a week and commute another 20 and every day is a struggle to stay awake in the car or not let my co-workers see I'm seconds from passing out. I tell them I have digestive problems so I can nap on the toilet. Then I get a day off and spend the entire time stumbling between naps. It's hell and I often think what a relief it'll be when it's over. I do manage to read a book every couple of weeks on the margins of sleep but a huge portion of the content overlaps with hypnagogic hallucinations so I'm never sure how much of what I remember reading was actually in the book.

>> No.16029855

OP has heard of maladaptive daydream?

>> No.16030543
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I do this but the daydreaming is relevant to whatever I'm reading. Like, I'd do this if I was in his shoes. Or if I'm reading something academic, I pretend I'm teaching it to someone etc lol

>> No.16031620

Based but not redpilled

>> No.16031643

>man, my life would be so much better if I was on the internet right now

>> No.16031725
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I don't even do that, 99.9% of the time I am browsing 4chan or watching a youtube video.

>> No.16031800

GNU/Linux is probably a bigger time waster than all of them.

>> No.16032137

That's the dream.

>> No.16032181

Yeah, I'm the same way. Currently reading Infinite Jest and it takes me an avergae of nine minutes to get through one page because I keep re-reading the same thing over and over again.

>> No.16032194

Your brain is absolutely fucked. I suggest you delete all social media and stop binging youtube (if you do).

>> No.16032487

Turn off your phone and computer, take a deep breathe to clear your mind, set a timer for thirty minutes, and start reading.

>> No.16032827

Sounds like adhd anon

>> No.16032830

Find the right books. Enjoy what you read. If you're not enjoying what you're reading find something you do enjoy.

>> No.16034119

Search ”Luke Smith” on youtube

>> No.16034259

literally me. i wasn't always this much of a miserable fuck

>> No.16034263

>tfw watch anime, play video games and read every day and don't care what's cool or not
I pity you fucks

>> No.16034291
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I'm a refugee from /g/, those guys are grade a bullshit artists. People who have never worked and will never work in tech, but talk a lot about it.

>> No.16035365

I genuinly spend 90% of my time pacing around day dreaming. I recently bought myself weights for legs (like Rock Lee) because they make me get tired faster and therefore waste time less.
I daydream instead of doing anything else, and it feels better than anything else for me too. Like if I sit down and watch a movie I'll get bored and not have that much fun. But replaying the movie in my head just FEELS amazing.

>> No.16035396

I'm gonna do it this time bros.

>> No.16035404

>the page checking to see how much is left of the chapter
I confess to this.

>> No.16036681

for me, it's 4chan and chaturbate. theres just so many cute girls to watch, and new ones every day :/
never spent a dime on it, though

>> No.16037059

why wouldn't they be working in tech? probably coders or sysadmin or whatever

>> No.16037090

Yeah and most of the time I'm bored as hell but I just can't stop.