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16084191 No.16084191 [Reply] [Original]

A salvaged r/consumeproduct book recommendation list

The now banned subreddit was originally inspired by the "don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next products" meme. It poked fun at gross massive consumerism prevalent throughout the modern western world. While not a defining characteristic of the subreddit, it did suffer from some /pol/ influences, especially in the form of antisemitism. This is probably why it got banned.

>> No.16084193

Go back nigger

>> No.16084203
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The inspiring meme, I'm sure most of you guys have seen it already.

>> No.16084227

lmao this list has got stealth fascist literature in it.

>> No.16084240

yeah, they did lean pretty alt-right

>> No.16084252
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>Recommending Decline Of The West

>> No.16084267

What a dumb fucking list.

>> No.16084298 [DELETED] 

why is right-wing discourse so asinine and boring
i love you guys, your heart is in the right place and any understanding of the world that puts niggers and white people as the same species is clearly wrong but jesus you guys need to do better than this, you need some kind of envisioning of the future that isn't some two-dimensional cardboard background of a roastie in some h'wheat fields or some "all our problems will resolve themselves if we just go live in a cabin in the woods somewhere" eco-escapism shit
i feel like fundamentally the right-wing position does not come to terms with the present reality and all this "return to tradition" shit is just a giant cope, a desire to return to something that lived out its natural lifespan without having to actually confront a scary and unfamiliar future and the possibilities it entails. there's nothing interesting in it, and there can never be, as long as it fundamentally revolves around running away from things instead of facing the future on its own terms
you're never going to get anywhere like this, nobody is going to follow you into the woods, nobody is going to die for walden and lord of the fucking rings. if the past was really worth dying for, don't you think the people who actually lived in it would have done so already? how could the future have arisen out of it without their consensus? and here you are, hundreds of years later, thinking you'd give anything to return to what was voluntarily left, to what meant so little to those with direct experience of it that they didn't bother to perpetuate it
of course writing all this is making that cabin in the woods sound awfully nice for no other reason than as a concession of the sheer futility of attempting to envision a happy future. at least there i won't have to look at niggers every day

>> No.16084329

The "future" doesn't exist outside of the cities. Linear time is an illusion.

Plenty of people bemoaned the death of the old ways and died with broken hearts as the machine steamrolled over the graves of their fathers. The future arises out of the consensus of a few, and imposed on everyone else. Don't be so naive.

It sounds like your vision of a "happy future" is just one that adapts capitalism to conservative ideals. You can't let modernity go.

>> No.16084354

I don't think there's anything 'stealth' about it

>> No.16084402

unironically based and kantbot pilled

>> No.16084492
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>'final redpill'
>just abandon all centres of power and industry lmao we'll defeat ZOG by throwing rocks at their armoured vehicles from our anprim homesteads

The synthesis of Fascism, which was originally Techno-Futurist in outlook, with this gay primitivism is so retarded I'm convinced it's some glow shit to make the Right ineffective and impotent

>> No.16084503
File: 298 KB, 700x382, 3cbohp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever thought very hard about the means of that imposition, and what implications that has for the range of possible futures? the world is as it is not because a bunch of people were jerks and imposed their will on everyone, it is this way because the means by which they were able to impose their will were always waiting there in the ether for someone to pick up and use. they not only were the first to do so, but were driven by necessity to do so, exactly because they knew that if they didn't, then others would. accusing them of imposing their will without coming to terms with what it means that they were able to do so and the terms under which that will was exercised is exactly the problem i was describing
you aren't going to get a better future by just figuring out a more enjoyable mode of living and assuming everyone will want to join you in it, in that respect kaczynski is absolutely correct that cavemen were probably on the whole much happier than us. but, like all traditionalists, he never comes to terms with the reason that mode of existence is no longer viable. it existed out of necessity, it cannot be brought back by consensus, because there will always be those few that can reach into the ether for the means to impose their will on others, and because this is known, it turns from possibility into necessity. you always end up right back in the future you left, because you never really left it at all. even if tomorrow a meteor came, and the day after we were clubbing each other with rocks, as long as we knew what guns and atom bombs were, we would still be living in modernity, and we would race towards the future at pic related speed
that's why i can't let it go, because you can't escape it, and that's why i don't want to let it go, because what good does running from it do? it's a question that needs an answer, a fundamental problem that requires a complete and absolute answer instead of half-baked escapisms and wishful thinking

>> No.16084508

based, though you’re making a mistake in assuming that the right has even a possibility for a concrete vision of the future

>> No.16084511

Incredibly based analysis

>> No.16084512

Only a few based books on there, Meditations, the Bible, Das Kapital and uhh...that's it.

>> No.16084577

>why is right-wing discourse so asinine and boring
>i love you guys, your heart is in the right place and any understanding of the world that puts niggers and white people as the same species is clearly wrong but jesus you guys need to do better than this, you need some kind of envisioning of the future that isn't some two-dimensional cardboard background of a roastie in some h'wheat fields or some "all our problems will resolve themselves if we just go live in a cabin in the woods somewhere" eco-escapism shit
Jesus christ this needed to be said, thank you for articulating it so well. The fact that anyone could take OPs "reading list" seriously is absolutely ridiculous

>> No.16084605

>stealth fascist
It's like calling
>On the jews and their lies

>> No.16084615
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"Seethe, reactionaries." - Marx

>> No.16084632

Mega cringe. Return to plebbit.

>> No.16084645

F for our fallen brothers on Reddit.

>> No.16084781 [DELETED] 

I would think that post is ironic, but it's probably not

>> No.16084865

Just he said that sincerely or in a satyrical way?

>> No.16084878

This is the funniest shit i saw today, thanks.

>> No.16084891

What a fucking joke. Imagine calling yourself any sort of ecologist without criticizing the social organizations that give incentives to ecological destruction. Read Bookchin instead, dummy.

>Ghost in the Shell and LOTR alongside Spengler and Guenon
That's one-step above liberals reading Harry Potter as political theory.

>> No.16084910


>> No.16085032

>the reign of quantity
LOL dropped

>> No.16085050

Go back.
>reddit list
>contains genre fiction and jap comics
Go back.

>> No.16085111

I'm going to hit all you lucky motherfuckers up with the real shortlist of books you need to read to become a reactionary chad.
Unlike these cringe charts what I'm about to post should take you absolutely no more than a couple of weeks to get through. I'm not even going to make a thread because I don't want too many redditors on lit to benefit. I'm also intentionally making the tone of this post obnoxiously smug to make people with unwarrantedly high opinions of themselves not take my advice. All right, the only books you need to read are: (in chronological order)

>Revolt against the modern world (Read this instead of reading Nietzsche, its basically an updated version for the post-ww1 (i.e. contemporary) era)
>Industrial society and it's future (Psychology of 60's leftism)
>Foucault's Lectures college de France (Techniques of control in contemporary society)
>The Dark Enlightenment (Summarizes basically everything you need to know about American politics in the last decade)

Guaranteed most efficient path to become extremely redpilled. I might be missing a minor essay or two but read that and you won't need me to tell you

>> No.16085147

> ts basically an updated version for the post-ww1
You are a retard that understands neither Evola or Nietzsche. Nietzsche is completely anti-metaphysical and Evola is an occultist. Evola just took parts of Nietzsche, not his entire though.

>> No.16085156

Yeah but you don't need any of that stuff

>> No.16085179

Tradition as an idea isn't something that runs its course. Tradition is ahistorical in its essence just as the metaphysics upon which it is based.
Tradition isn't about the past vs the present, its about certain core ideas. Belief in a diety, honor of the family, etc.

Either way, plenty of people do think that the past is worth dying for. Look at the middle east.

>> No.16085218

The logic here is pretty flawed.
>how would the future have arisen without their consensus
Many things come to mind, but the simple "explanation" (put in quotes because to most thinking people this doesn't really need any explaining) is that the consequences of moving "into the future" (kek) as you call it, were unforeseen and the disadvantages were not accounted for.
I also think simply throwing the clock back is not the answer, but the fact that you're getting heaps of praise for your ""analysis"" here just shows how low IQ this board has become.
Uh, I mean - wow EPIC dude! Insanely based! Based post based post!

>> No.16086455

>reason that mode of existence is no longer viable. it existed out of necessity, it cannot be brought back by consensus, because there will always be those few that can reach into the ether for the means to impose their will on others, and because this is known, it turns from possibility into necessity. you always end up right back in the future you left, because you never really left it at all. even if tomorrow a meteor came, and the day after we were clubbing each other with rocks, as long as we knew what guns and atom bombs were, we would still be living in modernity, and we would race towards the future at pic related speed
that's why i can't let it go, because you can't escape it, and that's why i don't want to let it go, because what good does running from it do? it's a question that needs an answer, a fundamental problem that requires a complete and absolute answer instead of half-baked escapisms and
Thanks for telling us you never read Ted anon

>> No.16086491

leftoid brainlet he was a monarchist

>> No.16086537

>Stupid Jew fairy tale
>Stupid thoughts from old guy who lived in time before industrial revolution and knew nothing.
>Oh cool it's a book exposing the J- oh wait he's explaining why his interpretation of the Jew fairy tale book is correct nvm.
>Dumbass economic theory with no fucking data or testing that turned out to not describe IRL wow what a huge surprise!
>Autistic obsession with old tradition shit
>Haven't read desu
>No data, all romantic long-winded pontification, outlook happened to be accidentally correct
>Babby's first dystopia #1
>Babby's first dystopia #2
>Haven't read desu
>Cliche automaton-rights sci-fi
>5 books that won't fucking help the situation at all
>"Ecopill" books that include LOTR for some stupid fucking reason
Gay and penispilled

>> No.16086615
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>any understanding of the world that puts niggers and white people as the same species is clearly wrong
Jesus. I really do hate whites. All of you are pure evil, devoid of any humanity. I wish hell was real so you subhumans could rot there for infinity.

>> No.16086763 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you underage r*dditor cunt

>> No.16086792

Pol tier cringe, go back

>> No.16086795

You're the cancer that kills this board, go back to r*ddit along with your fellow underage rejects and never come back.

>> No.16086815
File: 20 KB, 295x243, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, I've had this repeated to me since I was a child, it's tiresome. I'll still try and move forward no matter what.

>> No.16086824

You aren't my brother, go back and never come back at least until you turn 18

>> No.16086836

Imo a ghost in the shell kind of world is inevitable. Returning to tradition is just a scared reponse of how we may fuck it up. You cannot just uninvent computers or social media.

>> No.16086852
File: 124 KB, 1200x1601, uphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way forward is the way of Nick Land, Xi Jinping and a drop of Dominic Cummings.
You may find that cringe but any other way and you'll get crushed.

>> No.16086862
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>the world is as it is not because a bunch of people were jerks and imposed their will on everyone, it is this way because the means by which they were able to impose their will were always waiting there in the ether for someone to pick up and use.

these aren't mutually exclusive, though. that reality left them no choice doesn't absolve them of having made the choice, anyways. if enough people passed the buck onto the next guy, then we, as a species, would have actually short-circuited an iron law of system dynamics. but we didn't. because it is indeed an iron law.

if modernity is always virtually latent, always waiting to be "re-activated", then the only answer IS an escapism, as radical as an escapism as possible, because you are in fact correct about modernity being in some sense a teleological attractor.

you got three options: full cabin in the woods, full gnosticism, or the dream of us all: humans actually rolling up their sleeves and refusing to trigger these cascades anymore.

good luck with that. I'll take the option that doesn't resign itself to the turning of the cosmic gears, thanks

>> No.16086868

>adding Foucault to that list
based, I'm glad someone else interprets him well. History of sexuality is a very good read in this current broken world too to feel some sanity.

>> No.16086904

I'm at the point where I'm finally considering maybe picking up one of his books. Sloterdijk won me over on him.

>> No.16087021

Has anyone read The Plot Against South Africa?
Is it an interesting read? It is difficult to find much mention of it.

>> No.16088345

>be you
>it's the year AD 2400
>Something Happened and now you basically live in the iron age, there is no technology to speak of
>you are also the king of Wisconsin
>your rule is threatened by the Quebecian Caliphate to the north
>they show no mercy to infidels and have been raping and pillaging villages along the border of your domain for decades
>you get word that they're preparing for a large-scale offensive
>you're hopelessly outnumbered, your military is ill-equipped and worn down, you basically don't stand a chance against them
>luckily, someone has found a secret weapon - a treasure trove of books from the world before the, uh, thing happened
>it tells that people in the past used these things called "guns", and even tells you how to make them! what luck! you can surely defeat the Quebecian Caliphate with this, they tell you
>but you, being king, have doubts - you remember the stories your ancestors left you, about how the world of technology that came before totally sucked, and like, you had to get a desk job, and stuff, instead of subsistence farming, and even though you never were at risk of starving to death because there was a spring frost and you forgot to plant some barley in addition to wheat, it was still totally lame because all there was to do was watch netflix and play vidya basically
>anyway, you decide that it must have been pretty lame indeed for them to pass down the knowledge to you of how lame it was, so you send the prospective gun-maker away and tell him not to bother
>your nobles are mystified at this decision but whatever, as long as you can defend the realm they're happy
>it turns out you can't defend the realm and they're not happy at all, the Quebecians are absolutely destroying you and the cries of the people and nobles alike for you to fix this grow to a fevered pitch
>but you, ever the traditionalist, gently remind them of how lame the world of technology was, and even throw in a few tidbits about how they used to push racemixing on tv
>they agree that, yes, it all sounds very lame, and racemixing is really bad, but that getting raped and murdered by Quebecians is also very bad, and much more certain of the two possibilities, so the clear choice is to pick the uncertain lameness over the certain death
>but you are a deeply pious man and you won't be swayed by such petty concerns - lameness must be avoided at all costs
>your nobles, however, are not, and in the face of a calculus involving the lameness of technological society on the one hand and certain death on the other, they more or less immediately decide to kill you, send away for the gun-maker, and produce as much of this stuff called "ammonium nitrate" as they are physically capable of
>thus, technology returns to the world
>less than two hundred years later the first nuclear weapon is produced and wow would you look at that, we're right back where we started, how did that happen

>> No.16088915

Based King of Wisconsin

>> No.16089034

Real rightwing though is just modernity, seen from the right, its not asinine, it is boring though, because its practical.

Unironically, the people you call rightists like traditionalists, or ecofascists, would have been leftists in other times and places.

Real rightwing thought is basically about the family, maintaining society, maintaining industrial production, maintaining the class structure, etc

People who wanna go into the woods or who play wizardry, are not rightwing, they are just confused anarchists.

>> No.16089100

Yep. Exactly why they need to read "The Leopard" by Lampedusa.

>> No.16089144
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I fucking hate trans-humanism thought, since it's solely based on technological advancement which has plateaued and the only way it can even be accelerated is with quantum computing, a theory at best.

>> No.16089343

we should all unironically strive to be Kings of Wisconsin

>> No.16089355


>> No.16089384 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 471x477, 1588467173031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any understanding of the world that puts niggers and white people as the same species is clearly wrong but jesus you guys need to do better than this
Hello, based department?

you want a race war or unabomber style attacks?

>> No.16089396
File: 202 KB, 480x571, 1594365402966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who wanna go into the woods or who play wizardry, are not rightwing, they are just confused anarchists.

They are just humans who are not content living in society. And believe they can be better, alone in nature/God. Which is admirable.

>> No.16089518
File: 57 KB, 433x433, sadboysgear_361598071689937873020884295927680752156672n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did /pol/edditors get this fucking shameless? what the fuck happened to this website

>> No.16089575

You never read Ted

>> No.16089634

if you've read him then why don't you use his totally great argument to refute my fucking point you retard

>> No.16089651

what do you mean?

>> No.16089663

Techno-futurism is tranny hedonist bullshit.

>> No.16089717

>you need some kind of envisioning of the future
Fuck the future. Everyone who has ever had a "vision of the future" has irreparably fucked the world. The only future I care about is my family's, you want to call that "eco-escapism" go ahead, it doesn't change the fact that nothing you do will ever have a meaningful impact on "muh future". The future that everyone clambers for so much is nothing but a nonstop masturbatory feelgood heroin addict hellscape. Fuck me for not wanting to be apart of it.

>> No.16089748

>complains about blacks and whites being classified as different species
>classifies whites and blacks as different species

>> No.16089838

they'll come for your children, and if not them, then theirs, or theirs after that
there is no escapism, because there is no escape. it's always there waiting for you, there is not a square inch of this earth that doesn't belong to them, that isn't within their reach. your child will want to move to the city, or go to college, and if you force your will on them, then you'll just be giving cause for the state to come and force its will on you. any sufficiently large divergence from modernist sensibilities is legally classified as "child abuse". thus, there is no family unit in modernity - all are equal in the eyes of the law. in the end, this accomplishes nothing but living the same life under modernity as everyone else gets, which is the exact thing you want to run away from
whether the future is a dismal place has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you can actually successfully run away from it, or for how long. using moralizations to justify why an end is desirable in place of the actual means by which it can be realized is childish logic

>> No.16089849

I don't care. I understand there is no stopping it as stated in my comment. I'm not going to participate. There is nothing to argue about.

>> No.16089880

Unexpectedly based take.

>you need some kind of envisioning of the future that isn't some two-dimensional cardboard background of a roastie in some h'wheat fields or some "all our problems will resolve themselves if we just go live in a cabin in the woods somewhere" eco-escapism shit

I would argue that most people on the right are too pessimistic about the future to believe there's a chance at a genuine transformation of society, especially since the apparatuses of power are so far removed from their hands as to seem unreachable. Short of that, eco-escapism and fantasizing about loving cute and modest roasties and popping out lots of kids with them is just nice to fantasize about.

>i feel like fundamentally the right-wing position does not come to terms with the present reality and all this "return to tradition" shit is just a giant cope

I agree with you for the most part. I personally am not a fan of insipid veneration of traditions just for the sake of tradition, either, however I get the feeling that the clinging to tradition is representative of the anxiety and fear of seeing the world around you degenerate so fast to such a degree. Like atheists saying "God help us" on a plane about to crash.

The real problem is the hijacking of culture by groups following their own selfish directives, I'd say - putting it in those terms would make the concept undergirding a lot of right-leaning thought much more palatable to leftists, who would agree with the general sentiment that culture has been hijacked by the unfathomably large globohomo corporations.

>you're never going to get anywhere like this, nobody is going to follow you into the woods, nobody is going to die for walden and lord of the fucking rings. if the past was really worth dying for, don't you think the people who actually lived in it would have done so already? how could the future have arisen out of it without their consensus? and here you are, hundreds of years later, thinking you'd give anything to return to what was voluntarily left, to what meant so little to those with direct experience of it that they didn't bother to perpetuate it

People and their milieus change not always due to consensus, but because of comfort and the ceaseless march of time - I think you overestimate how much of the changes that happened throughout history happened due to people wanting them, or finding them better than older ways of living, instead of just coping with history and the spirit of the times dragging them along even if they are unwilling.

>> No.16090295

go back to where you came from

>> No.16090406

Whites hate you just as much, only we are smart and would benefit without you, and you would burn the world to the ground as soon as the last white man dies.

>> No.16090932
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>> No.16090949

black man´s burden i.e: they can´t live with the common man because their nature is of a savage being

>> No.16091065

>any understanding of the world that puts niggers and white people as the same species is clearly wrong


>> No.16091095


>> No.16091103

this is /pol/, just for literature instead of politics

>> No.16091205

white people look down on every other race and literally always will. even the self hating guilty whites who scream about the virtues of every other culture, even they secretly deep believe that white people are better.

>> No.16091347
File: 329 KB, 1400x900, Sobieski_Sending_Message_of_Victory_to_the_Pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go back to your homeland and we'll have no more problems.

>> No.16091455
File: 2.97 MB, 500x368, 1594820359518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that criticism of consumer culture was a false flag lol I lurked for months and most of the content had nothing to do with consumerism. it was a /pol/ sub with the occasional anti-consumerist wojak memes just to fuck with the libs
they probably hated socialism too even though big Capital creates the very thing they claim to despise

>> No.16091473

Socialism is just restructured capitalism.

>> No.16091504

/pol/ opposes socialism more on a cultural basis than they do on economic basis.

>> No.16091605

socialism is an economic system. has nothing to do with sjw culture

>> No.16091744

>why is right-wing discourse so asinine and boring
I could say the same for left wing.
>you need some kind of envisioning of the future that isn't some two-dimensional cardboard
Not saying I disagree but what do you have in mind? Because staying within the current political mindset has not helped anyone at all besides centrists.
>if the past was really worth dying for, don't you think the people who actually lived in it would have done so already?
Ever heard of the war in vendee or WW1?
Italian Futurism isn't

>> No.16091764

All futurism is hedonist by default.

>> No.16091836

Hell is real. Hell is being made to live in a society with niggers.

>> No.16091863

woah, check out the big brain on anon

>> No.16091878

Doesn't take a big brain to figure out that it's all the same shit with different beneficiaries faggot. Money is gay, and if you give a fuck about economics you're gay for money's cock.

>> No.16091886
File: 87 KB, 622x620, 1586727407730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quebecan Caliphate

>> No.16091896


State your race.

>> No.16091987

why did you both post pictures of white people

>> No.16093208

Stop willingly being used as a pawn then.

>> No.16093317
File: 378 KB, 431x573, kalki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The race that didn't discover the wheel hates the race that went to the moon and discovered and invented almost everything because they don't consider themselves to be equal to them.

Kalki will come sooner than later and he will destroy all of you brown beings.

>> No.16093482


>> No.16093496

Why do dorky white bois wear their hair like this lol you look ridiculous

>> No.16093544

>all this "return to tradition" shit is just a giant cope

you don't say

>what meant so little to those with direct experience of it that they didn't bother to perpetuate it

this point is patently wrong though. many things arise that are unforeseen, or have unforeseen consequences, and make a former way of life impossible. if you think the future is simply the result of the will of the people you are mistaken.

>> No.16093560

lmao your race traded in its potential at the funko pop store and you still have the gall to post this cringe, you did this to yourselves. the west is dead and has never been aryan. faggot.

>> No.16093656

You are brown and you are that because you are the less noble of beings. That's why you cannot understand and that's why Kalki will destroy you. Enjoy the age of matriarchy while you can after all this is your golden age.

>> No.16093701

posts like these stopped being cool or edgy after like 2016. stop

>> No.16093718
File: 434 KB, 640x901, pzlxn4gckvn11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is edgy. What I said is simply the truth.

>> No.16095065

Ethno-monarchist here. Your idea that the right doesn't have a vision of the future is based entirely on Trumptards and non-erudite National Socialists, and your own bias.
It is possible to preserve culture and tradition while still moving forward as a nation, it just has to be strict and educated. A good monarch would massively limit things like social media and encourage traditionalism through the corporations he chooses to support, the education he encourages, and cultural marks like festivals.
You only think the right doesn't have a vision for the future because you don't actually interact with those on the right.

>> No.16095073

jesus what a retarded list

>> No.16095783 [DELETED] 

>how could the future have arisen out of it without their consensus?
>and here you are, hundreds of years later, thinking you'd give anything to return to what was voluntarily left
Democratic thinking is a disease

>> No.16095820 [DELETED] 

I don’t usually say this but... cringe.

>> No.16095821

your argument boils down to "progression for the sake of progression is good" and that's some gay retard onions shit if i've ever heard it.
nobody back in 1885 could have forseen the future as it stands now. tell me exactly what is wrong with embracing the natural order and turning your back on some cunt with a fortune given to him by his family's emerald mines who spends money shooting cars into space and making cringe semi-ironic femboy shorts dictating that socialism is bad despite getting millions in corporate bailouts to keep jerking off onto a goblin womans tits.
>how could the future have arisen out of it without their consensus?
you're beyond hope if you think that the future arises only after reaching equitable consensus.
>voluntarily left
people can voluntarily leave behind being prone to disease and a lack of education but still yearn for a life in equilibrium with nature you mongoloid.

all the retards that replied to this post with "good analysis" and "based" are astounding. none of you were able to think about what i just brought up? you all deserve the future that is coming to you.

>> No.16095874

best kek today - thanks anon

>> No.16096666

how can you possibly support monarchy?
monarchy was the natural evolution of germanic warrior-kings who asserted their divine right to rule; likewise, the early nobility was wealthy roaming bandits that could afford mounts, weapons and armour and were brave enough to use violence to assert their will on the weak and helpless masses who were directionless after the collapse of the western roman empire. The most important points to take from this analysis is that monarchy and feudalism were borne through extreme violence and oppression; and that this development was over the span of hundreds of years, supported by all contemporary institutions.
Monarchy is corrupt and comedically inept, since there is no ethical or moral basis that will support it. The monarch has no incentive to do good, institutions would never bow to a monarch, and the people value themselves too highly to bend the knee.

>> No.16096704

this isn’t the inspiring meme, the idea of CONSOOM existed before this video

>> No.16096711

Never mind apparently I’m wrong

>> No.16096722
File: 28 KB, 499x481, tiredpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monarchy is corrupt and comically inept
>So let's have a republic or a democracy instead
Just read the "of Commonwealth" section of Leviathan.

>> No.16097137
File: 29 KB, 712x526, 1400762728259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monarchy is corrupt and comedically inept
But all systems are this way. This is not an argument

>> No.16097366

>functioned for thousands of years

>> No.16097601

If your mother knew what you are posting here she would have never allowed you to use discord!

>> No.16098742

Kys, ape