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File: 53 KB, 564x752, 8AFECBE3-3A4E-40FA-BD0B-361983790D5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16105163 No.16105163 [Reply] [Original]

Do hot people read books? Or is intellectualism just a cope

>> No.16105170


>> No.16105178

He cute

>> No.16105192

Im could be considered hot in the right lighting

>> No.16105214

yes i read

>> No.16105220

Could very well be a 'chapbook' of poetry published by a student friend of his trying to delay their entry into adult life as long as possible by doing an advanced literature degree, and this lad has to read it in order to fit in with his social circle. He probably genuinely enjoys it as much as he genuinely enjoys going to see Racing92 and Les Bleus, watching the latest Korean 'art film' or trying on jackets at APC--which is to say, moderately and unreflectively. I know these people; I am these people.

>> No.16105319

I remember first seeing this picture in the context of a girl tweeting that he looks like he just got done fucking his girlfriend in his dorm and is on his way to class.

Then it hit me that there's zero chance that any girl would ever suppose all that about me even at my best.

>> No.16105326

You fit?

>> No.16105334

Better than the average guy on the street, but by no means am I anything that would make people ogle me just on body alone.

>> No.16105335

the latter

>> No.16105342

Have some confidence then. At the very least some troll dwelling chonker girl wanted to butter your ass like a biscuit anon

>> No.16105351

sounds psychological then
a big thing girls are noticing in OP pic is the nonchalance
his hair is great too ofc

>> No.16105363

I'm handsome and I read.

That being said I was a fat nerd kid all the way through highschool, so that's how I acquired my reading habit.

>> No.16105365

>a big thing girls are noticing in OP pic is the nonchalance

His facial structure, you mean.

>> No.16105373

Tits or gtfo

>> No.16105375

I don't mean that; I find it's mostly an incel fixation. They like to blame their bone structure because they know they can't change it, thus excusing themselves from having to try, and justifying their endless whining.

>> No.16105387


>> No.16105410

if you’re body is healthy and even a little fit then your body should be attractive.

>> No.16105414

t. has good bone structure

>> No.16105435

just ugly

>> No.16105478

spot on my friend

>> No.16105510

hot people read books while having sex

>> No.16105515

the more intellectual you are, the less likely you are to be "hot," since being "hot" requires you to be stupid and exist within a stupid network of imaginary significations perpetuated by stupid people. so, if you're hot but you're intellectual, you wouldn't know if you're hot or not because you're not stupid enough to know these things... what i'm saying is hot = stupid

>> No.16105543

That's the real Butterfly newfag.

>> No.16105551


>t. Hot intellectual

>> No.16105556

Hot men sometimes read books, and hot women read "books"

>> No.16105559

One would be in bad faith in that state of being "hot and intellectual" and supposedly not knowing whether or not one is "hot or not".

>> No.16105561


Yes, I read all the time.

>> No.16105592

i suppose so... or perhaps merely moral? and above such general promiscuity and the pornification of society... not only is being "hot" being stupid, it's also being immoral - not to mention perverted. every adult is "hot," every adult has the capacity for sexual reproduction. beyond all these stupid and fleeting imaginary signifiers. so i don't think it'd be in bad faith, since an intellectual would be unable to see themselves as "hot,' would be beyond that realm of stupidity

>> No.16105599


You're retardet if you think the guy in the pic is attractive becuase he's "nonchalance".

>> No.16105601

People can and will use literally anything to cope, but I would highlight that all the influential people in history and all the ones currently running the world are either sinfully ugly or, at best, simply unattractive. On the spectrum of coping mechanisms, youth and beauty have got to be the biggest ones elected by only the most woeful and pathetic of people. You might be an unsuccessful, uneducated, ignorant - downright idiotic, even - powerless, and poor bastard, but at least someone who is successful, educated, intelligent, powerful, and/or rich might bequeath some of what they have to you because you're pretty.
The worst you can say of a person using intellectualism to cope is that they might not have money, be well-known or respected, or pretty, and are probably full of themselves. But, notice, you've done nothing but describe an otherwise normal human being in that case. A pretty person coping with their beauty is worse than even that, because the only thing they've got going for them is something that will leave them in short order. Unless you have an accident or suffer some sort of neurological failure, it's not like your pseudointellectualism is going to run out on you as you age. Hell, you might actually figure out how to get over yourself and become a more complete intellectual as you age.

Being beautiful and nothing else is about the most pitiable existence a person could have.
inb4 implying I'm a coping ugly person, I'm actually a rather glowed-up pseud

>> No.16105602

This isn’t /b/, dipshit. Get a name.

>> No.16105609

Damn. I feel bad for people who read poetry and don't feel the hand of a divine spirit stroking their head softly.

>> No.16105620

Youre ugly lmao

>> No.16105627

Tits of GTFO isn't about /b/ dumb-dumb, it's about marginalizing women who come onto an anonymous image board and try to steal social capitol by announcing their femininity.

>> No.16105632

It's not true my mom says I'm very handsome

>> No.16105638

Shut up

>> No.16105643

whilst i agree that youth and beauty are fleeting and that people who have invested in their minds will age well, unfortunately in our super shallow society all people care about are looks, money, and social status, and intellectuals are generally never respected, there are no intellectuals, and if there are they're the target of many a joke and seen as socially inept, their intellectualism itself superficialized to their achievements and status - objectified like everything else

>> No.16105649

Oh okay sorry bud

>> No.16105651

Go back

>> No.16105656
File: 121 KB, 700x496, 2011C964-0A07-4475-BC0B-2B3146EE42E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can’t be hot and smart
Imagine getting your worldview from high school movies

>> No.16105664

One of you faggots post the hot guys reading instagram page

>> No.16105669
File: 265 KB, 500x375, 2fc802c6bc97549fef92ea213361f1f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and cope---perhaps not about your looks but surely your intellect. Say something halfway intelligent that isn't just standard 4chan redpill rhetoric or easily traced back to a popular German philosopher. You haven't said anything 'intellectual'--hell, even 'hot' is the least eloquent word a person can use to describe their "beauty."

>> No.16105670

>that gyno
oh no it's fucking over

>> No.16105673

>Do hot people read books?
>Or is intellectualism just a cope

>> No.16105676

>p-p-p-prove you're smart!

>> No.16105684


I do.

>> No.16105695

Tits or GTFO
We can do this all day, by which I mean I literally don't care what you think or have to say and I've already ejaculated my opinion into this thread so I'm about to bail to bask in the refractory period. Enjoy having my mental-cum-soaked thread all to yourself.

>> No.16105700

In the real world there are people who are smarter, more attractive, and more successful than you all at once.

>> No.16105706

how is he hot? are you gay?

>> No.16105715

I never read books. Reading Books cannot compare to reading 4chan's Threads.
yes, reading vooks is just cope

>> No.16105723

>yes, reading vooks is just cope
>I never read books
Yes, I can tell

>> No.16105729

Based Pietro.

>> No.16105746

>tfw ywn be this attractive

>> No.16105832

Just say something that isn't droolingly retarded is all. Intelligent remarks should be innate to a discussion of one's professed intelligence; these, though, are notably absent from everything you say. It is an opportunity.

>> No.16105839

hot people only read history/theology/religion

>> No.16105843


>> No.16105869

>facial hair

>> No.16105881

Same. I only look good in lighting that conceals how pale I am.

>> No.16105887

if you go out in the sun a bit each day you'll be less pale :)

>> No.16106061

Yes. There's way more ugly people in 'nerdy' low IQ hobbies like videogames. Intellectual inclination and the intelligence to carry it out can strike anyone. A cope is unlikely to change into a serious interest later on so the unsuited are filtered.

>> No.16106152

He literally does not have gyno

>> No.16106160

Attractiveness is correlated with intelligence, so yes, *some* hot people definitely read books.

>> No.16106161

>the more intellectual you are, the less likely you are to be "hot," since being "hot" requires you to be stupid and exist within a stupid network of imaginary significations perpetuated by stupid people.
Dios mio...

>> No.16106193
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 21342354234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intelligent remarks should be innate to a discussion of one's professed intelligence

>> No.16106224

Intellectualism is so often forced, while stupidy is honest, and honesty is hot...

>> No.16106282
File: 173 KB, 773x1024, D7165C59-AFB1-464C-B7EE-BB2C3E8FD954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majorly agree. Being genuine is what’s important

>> No.16106296

was that book a meme back when that photo was taken? or was it less known?

>> No.16106333

The photo is from the fifties, and Joyce I’m pretty sure was renowned by then

>> No.16106347


>> No.16106934

>being "hot" requires you to be stupid

uggo retard detected

>> No.16106999

another way of phrasing this is to say that intellectuals are self-reflective, while ignorance lacks self-awareness, and this lack of self-awareness seems to be synonymous with spontaneity or instinct, which people find attractive

but there are lots of hot smart people, and many more ugly dumb people, who prove that this is a false equivalence

>> No.16107082

one of the biggest copes I've ever seen. impressive, really.

>> No.16107090 [DELETED] 

I saw a white dude with bone rim glasses and shoulder length hair reading a book the other day, he looked all intellectual n shit, so I strained to peep his shit, and it was Patrick Rothfuss

>> No.16107106

Marilyn was unironically /lit/ as fuck. Read her writings if you doubt it.

>> No.16107166

It was a meme from day 1 because there was a lot of controversy over it's lewdness; it was banned in the states at first I think and later in England, which always creates a lot of hype.

>> No.16107281

>and it was Patrick Rothfuss
I hate his stuff with a passion
>hurr durr he took 10 years to write therefore it's good
No, you idiot. The fact he took so long to write makes it bad because the writing is all over the place because of such a long span. It's like reading another author every chapter, due to how different it is.

>> No.16107303

im hot. girls and compliments only get you so far. I've always wanted to learn and now I cherish it above women.

>> No.16107314

stop seething retarded virgin

>> No.16107345

Yes. Yes we do. Some of us, a lot.

>> No.16107491

tits or GTFO

>> No.16108623

hot = shallow = stupid
intellectual = deep, too deep for "looks"
cope harder khvs

>> No.16108636

I see. Thanks for answer. Also double checked.

>> No.16108727

Hard to read on the bus I get a little motion sickness

>> No.16108734

This guy is a tranny that usually post in /x/ and /pol/

>> No.16108737

Hey man welcome to /lit/. Feel free to lurk for a while, soak in the vibe

>> No.16108982

I'm 7-7.6/10 (Top 5-15%) with big penis, I read but i'm starting to think it's a midwit interest.

Currently halfway through beckett trilogy, It started good but i'm starting to get bored.

>> No.16109003

But bone structure is 95% of facial attractiveness. You're just coping as much as lookism incels do.

>> No.16109029
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1593070031588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The voices told me to tell /lit/ that if it's hot then maybe it just needs to cool down.

>> No.16109075
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1460671010851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've 140IQ+ and reviewed this thread. Can confirm that there's not a single comment that made by even semi-intellectuals beside >>16106999 and maybe >>16106224.

>> No.16109100

A lot of average people could be hot with a bit of work, care, and money. True intellectuals do some of that, go "eh, that's enough" and then do the things that intellectually interest them

>> No.16109114

Eat less processed foods, and you're "bone structure" will naturally change

>> No.16110176

No it won't retard.

>> No.16110178

it will, bloatard.

>> No.16110624

Not stupid, maybe all intellectuals that exceed far beyond despite being ugly are actually coping just as much as those that are very attractive but try to appear less stupid and more like an interesting person. In this way, general intelligence isn't the cause for intellectualism, but rather the feeling of being outcast drives one to overproduce a certain thing - not necessarily 'bad' however - it would be the same as sacrificing everything to shred weights until you are the most impressive, titanic communion of muscle, except all inside the brain. But maybe only the ugliest intellectuals are promoted on purpose to demonize the intellectual field relegating most attractive people to common knowledge.

>> No.16111082

there's nothing more cope than blaming looks.

>> No.16111193


>> No.16111199

I would use his hair like handlebars

>> No.16111200

"Hot" people are self-possessed, healthy. Intellectualism pursues self-improvement or status-signalling, the intellectual prior to becoming an intellectual is in essence lacking, he is attempting to gain something the hot person already has through self-possession. The "hot" person has beauty, and so he can associate with the beauty found in classics but he doesn't need it, he already possesses beauty in himself, nor does he need to improve because by virtue of being "hot" he already has physique, mental health, sociability. Philosophical thinking and the like is that of an outsider, they stem from suffering in that you cease to act, to live, and begin to question, you stop analyzing the game and begin to look at its functions - this can only come from a place of failure. If they possess true beauty and not just sex appeal - as in, they're not pornographic - then they already have everything the philosopher seeks without ever having to reach that state through thought.

>> No.16111348

I do, but sometimes instead of reading i think i could be out having a good time, using the body and face god gave me.

>> No.16111386

Yes and yes.
Fucking punch yourself in the face.

>> No.16111397

Everything is a cope if you think about it.

>> No.16111435


>> No.16111452

lol what 19th century philosopher is this paraphrasing

>> No.16111468

They suppose that about everyone though. I wouldn't be shocked if that guy had no gf either.

>> No.16111615


>> No.16111653

Attractiveness is a better predictor of intelligence (as measured by IQ) than wealth, or parental intelligence. Sorry. Halo effect is real.

>> No.16111670

Intellectualism is cope

But the cool thing about it is you can say you are a hot person that chose to study diligently - literally a perfect being. You chose to break stereotype of the dumb chad or dumb blonde.

Really the best way to steel your hubris. Its how marxists are born.

>> No.16111817


>> No.16112069

No. Not a tranny and I don’t visit those boards.
Clearly someone spreading bullshit. Anonymous is trolling you again.

Stupid fuck

>> No.16113116

extremely cringy cope

>> No.16113505

This thread shows why people hate 4chan.

>> No.16113635

coping hard or retarded lol