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File: 51 KB, 630x400, bk_877_taleb630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16105201 No.16105201 [Reply] [Original]

>BTFO atheism
>BTFO social "science"
>BTFO economics
>BTFO historians
>BTFO linguistics
>BTFO doctors
>BTFO medicine
>BTFO epidemiology
>BTFO academia
>BTFO nutrition "sciences"
>BTFO COVID deniers
>BTFO anti maskers
>BTFO socialists
>BTFO libertarians
>BTFO globalists
>BTFO nationalists
>BTFO wageslaving
>BTFO neoconservatives
>BTFO modernity
>BTFO evidence based "science"
>BTFO naive empiricism
>BTFO rationality
>BTFO cancel culture
>BTFO racism
>BTFO identity politics
>BTFO Panarabism
>BTFO Nordicism
>BTFO Pinker
>BTFO Harris
>BTFO Sunstein
>BTFO Tetlock
>BTFO Dawkins
>BTFO Molyneux
>BTFO Murray
>BTFO Mary Beard
How did he do it in a mere 4 books?

>> No.16105219

who is he ?

>> No.16105232

Al-Nassim Al-Taleb, an oriental sage.

>> No.16105243

Haha very Lindy f**k you money post my brother

>> No.16105245

Taleb is the biggest pseud in existence. No one takes him seriously anon

>> No.16105288

Traditionalism is for the pseud.

>> No.16105298

>gets btfo by sean last and ryan faulk

>> No.16105320

yeah sure he got btfo hard by the dunning-krueger krew for sure

>> No.16105347
File: 707 KB, 774x782, screen-shot-2018-02-18-at-11.35.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>BTFO Mary Beard
And I will always respect him for that.

>> No.16105350

Truly Taleb is one of the smartest men alive.

>> No.16105438

hard cope

>> No.16105454

>BTFO rationality
Holy fucking based

>> No.16105462

all that empirical data is worthless because the stupid iyi researchers can't contend with the curse of dimensionality.

>> No.16105483


>> No.16105505

How can you BTFO both rationality and empiricism?

>> No.16105542


>> No.16105565

Kant exists you know

>> No.16106108

only naive empiricism

>> No.16106165

>How did he do it in a mere 4 books?
You tell us, you're the one making shit threads pushing bold assertions with no evidence, I hope you've read his books at the very least

>> No.16106180

>Got BTFO'd by Anwar Shaikh
oh no no no no no

>> No.16106187

21000 citations.

>> No.16106196


>> No.16106214

They're mocking him.

>> No.16106217

I don't think Taleb qualifies as a pseud at all, but he doesn't have any notable scholarly works at all. Almost all of those citations are The Black Swan + Fooled by Randomness.

>> No.16106223

Reminder that Taleb's 2007 book The Black Swan has been described by The Sunday Times as one of the twelve most influential books since World War II.[2]

>> No.16106229

Read Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises
This book is a future classic fo sho

>> No.16107025
File: 59 KB, 460x586, 1596899891484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only philosopher who is both rich, cool, somewhat fit, married, and isn't completely autistic. They literally seethe with envy because he embodies true success and isn't living in some bubble, circle jerking in his own intellect. I think only Marcus Aurelius can compare for being both a philosopher and a man who has actually accomplished anything of merit.

>> No.16107079

Thanks for the rec, anon.

>> No.16107120
File: 366 KB, 800x687, 1595803038446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe some more, imbeciles. jealousy is lindy

>> No.16107219

>Orthodox economics operates within a hypothesized world of perfect competition in which perfect consumers and firms act to bring about supposedly optimal outcomes. The discrepancies between this model and the reality it claims to address are then attributed to particular imperfections in reality itself. In Capitalism, Shaikh's approach demonstrates that most of the central propositions of economic analysis can be derived without any reference to standard devices such as hyperrationality, optimization, perfect competition, perfect information, representative agents, or so-called rational expectations. In every case, Shaikh's innovative theory is applied to modern empirical patterns and contrasted with neoclassical, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian approaches to the same issues.

And how on Earth does that BTFO Taleb?
Have you even ever read Taleb? Taleb is a big critic of traditional economics and typical models of ''rationality'' - nay, he's a critic of models in general, although he admits they can be useful now and then (such as in chemistry). You don't seem to have read Taleb.

>> No.16107233

this. nigga is goals

>> No.16107235

Taleb might be the dumbest person ever held in such high intellectual regard.

>> No.16107261

Refute any of his central ideas, then.

>> No.16107262

Clearly you’re unfamiliar with the world of Finance.

>> No.16107308

How about you shove the citations up your ass faggot?

>> No.16107377

Which one, and furthermore what are the proofs of any of his assertions? He just spouts off wrong/unsubstantiated stuff about statistics in general ("fat tailed processes cannot be analyzed at all using normal distribution"/"measurements aren't measurements unless they predict linearly") that are known by every statistician to be dumb and wrong. He says flatly wrong things about high IQ people ("they are conformists" even though they are shown by research to make riskier decisions in finance, are less likely to be socially duped by the Asche conformity test, etc.).

He makes irrelevant objections to methodologies used in social sciences and psychometrics that can be very easily corrected (measuring the deviation from ideal assumptions, using rank-order metrics, etc.) in very well known ways; pretends that the methods don't exist so that he can sound smart.

However, he knows all of this and is hoping that stupid dupes (that's you!) will be taken in by his jargon and cult of personality. To his credit, it works, in the same way it works for Jordan Petersen, ContraPoints, Sargon of Akkad, Slavoj Zizek, Noam Chomsky, or any other e-celeb. He is closer to them than anybody who does good research.

>> No.16107397

>That are known by every statistician to be wrong
>pretends that the methods don't exist so that he can sound smart
They don't work either

>> No.16107418

>isn't completely autistic


>> No.16107608

>Which one

Black Swan.

>what are the proofs of any of his assertions

The real world.

>> No.16107627

>somewhat fit
Nigga what? He's fat as fuck lmao

>> No.16107653

Yet he still defends his country of Lebanon.. The ultimate coper

>> No.16107883

He can deadlift +350lbs at +50yrs old. You couldn't lift your own body weight when you peaked at 17.

>> No.16107888

Forget refuting him, prove to me how he hasn't been successful in implementing his own ideas?

>> No.16108590

This, he was zero social self awareness

>> No.16108778

Le Deadlifting arab man got btfo by a hypnotist cartoonist

>> No.16108836

redpill me on this guy, I see him mentioned from time to time but I still have no idea what his claim to fame is

>> No.16108837

Show me a 40+ year old who doesn't come off as a dumb boomer on the internet. Even "cool guys" like McAffee only feel like they're playing a role.
NNT retweeting a compilation of his own squid ink posts from some lindy shitposting acct shows he's still in the upper cut of functional human beings as far as social media goes

>> No.16108885

Former risk analyst who made a shit ton of money from (more or less) banking on the inevitability of rare but extreme unpredictable events (the 2000s recession). Wrote a series of books for laypeople that explain his personal philosophy, which incorporates common sense, folky wisdom, and his own math/stats prowess, all while brazenly shitting on academia and pretty much every "institution" there is. He's become a bit of a meme because he's an autist on Twitter, but Black Swan and Antifragile are absolutely worth a read even to someone who has no interest in economics.

>> No.16109577 [DELETED] 

>BTFO doctors
>BTFO medicine
source, now

>> No.16109834

Financial mathematics whiz who got independently wealthy off his hedge fund and options trading, and now spends his life writing books on uncertainty, black swan events and having skin in the game. Likes to denounce any mainstream institution and is an advocate of localism. He also is very autistic about Mediterranean languages on his Twitter account and gets into really dumb spates, but it's amusing.

>> No.16109869

He's alpha Lebenese. Their country is full of people like this

>> No.16109897

Levantine** you sack of shit

>> No.16109903

all shitholes with zero class.. you get the point