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16108846 No.16108846 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16108988


>> No.16108992

Everyone, including myself, strives for success. But being contempt with yourself is one of the most empty states of existance I've felt, yet without it one cannot succeed.

>> No.16109019

i am making mushroom soup tonight. anons, you can put anything in a bit of broth or water with spices and make a delicious soup. if you have a lot of groceries that are going to go bad soon, put them in a stock pot right now and spice them as you like, add water or broth and wait for 45 minutes. enjoy your dinners, boys!

>> No.16109034

>implying i write
>implying i have anything in mind
>implying i have a mind
>implying i have an i

>> No.16109039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16109041

deprograming is hard

>> No.16109048

i'm so alone

>> No.16109049
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I hate living here

>> No.16109058

>contempt instead of content
Interesting slip

>> No.16109077

There's more to this shit than whether or not there's a mask mandate. Americans are incapable of considering the common good or restraining themselves in even the smallest way.

>> No.16109128

I hate the fact that i did not spend more time cultivating some skill or talent. Wasting potential leads to a painful realization overtime that every moment of everyday passed could have been used to develop oneself. I spent a lot of time smoking pot as a way to rid myself of boredom, not realizing that the feeling of boredom could have been used as a catalyst to do some type of productive work.
I recently quit smoking and now am coming to terms with how much time i wasted and how many opportunities I foolishly forsook in the vain pursuit of empty pleasures. I was always told i have a knack for writing and have always enjoyed writing. I plan to practice writing more now. I want to write, but am unsure what type of writing I should specialize in. I have a an ambition to work as an actor in film and TV and have screenplay ideas I would like to flesh out. I also would like to write short stories, advertising (copywriting), and possibly even novels.

Feels good to put that out there.

>> No.16109138

"Potential" in people does not exist

>> No.16109143

I'm not striving for anything right now

>> No.16109155

Potential in physics doesn't exist either

>> No.16109174

That means you're content

>> No.16109180

I'm just depressed

>> No.16109195
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4chan the purest of echo chamber the echo chamber of the individual, every post is a projection, the persona echoing back rhymes with their need. 4chan does not exist


>> No.16109197

I'm one book behind my goodreads goal but I think I'll finish my current book either tonight or tomorrow. How are you bros doing?

Pls don't post about roni or you'll get the thread deleted and I like these threads.

>> No.16109209

>Pls don't post about roni or you'll get the thread deleted
Why the fuck is it like this

>> No.16109248

Dunno but it's certainly better off that way

>> No.16109249

It always amazes when absolutely fucking brain dead idiots flock to this "echo chamber" and still see their abhorrent piece of shit posts still there for everyone to see, days later. I wish it was one so the quality significantly goes up

>> No.16109257

Depression isn't an intellectual/humanistic state, it's a medical diagnosis. If that's the case, than you're sick and need professional help, no philosophy books strives to cure a medical illness.

>> No.16109266

"Mental illness" is not separate from the human experience

>> No.16109272

It kinda is tho

>> No.16109284

How could it possibly be?

>> No.16109298
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Whenever I am truly earnest about something transcendent, like a completely revolutionary way of affirming my life, life as a whole... I begin to feel pressure. I grow hot and perhaps it is similar feelings to a physicality of anxiety, every time I breath it feels heavy, I feel immense pressure pushing down on my brain, my skull, I in the past have tried putting up with it but I had to put my mind off of it and forget such extreme focus on these matters for a time. Now that I notice I am returning in this hour, I have remembered it as an experience, and I am feeling it again. The pressure grows so difficult, but my strength will not fail, it just continues pushing. And I almost have the urge to grow ecstatic and laugh, like at those early hours of the morning where the brain is supposed to be dreaming, and you just laugh and have these gushes of emotions quickly for no more than a few seconds, or occasionally a more continuous subtle experience.

I've had an array of "spiritual" experiences and what would be called psychological revelation, though not adept at all in any of them or spirituality itself. It drains one.

Please help.

>> No.16109309

And it can last weeks. Two weeks or more is what I believe it lasted quite a while ago, but not so long ago or in a different area that it feels of a different current of my time.

>> No.16109327

Well it is in the same way that any other illness or disability is. It's just something you need to overcome, or at least try to.

>> No.16109343

It's empty because of your particular current psychological makeup, from birth this would have been something you are inclined to. But many live a simple life, highly intelligent and great people, just as a farmer or hunter for many years. And many choose such simplicity later in life, like many Buddhist monks.

>> No.16109342

Doesn't mean it's not part of the human experience.

>> No.16109354

Could you advise any spices for broccoli, potaties and mushrooms to make soup out of?

>> No.16109365

It's not, because it isn't universal. Stop with your self pitying and listen to me or read an actual fucking book

>> No.16109371

It had nothing to do with self pitying, because I'm not that anon, but sure.

>> No.16109381

I fucking hate you faggots who know how to cook, you always give this sort of advice like you're being all benevolent and it's always phrased so that it starts out seeming simple and then completely unravels by the end of the sentence and I feel humiliated. 'Oh friends you can make anything with just some water and some spices, simply splice the carrots frenchwise using a mongler and sautee them in your olive pot for twice the reciprocal of the time it takes to emblazon the pork rinds in the oven until they're golden fuchsia and then twist everything together in the melding device until it softens into a level 3 soft broth and wait until it reaches a loaming boil and then you add your cumprika and it's ready to serve' I DON'T KNOW WHAT ANY OF THESE FUCKING TERMS MEAN AND EVERY MINOR STEP HAS FIVE OTHER STEPS HIDDEN IN IT AND ALL KINDS OF APPARATUS I DON'T OWN AND CAN'T PURCHASE, STICK YOUR MUSHROOMS UP YOUR ASS

>> No.16109396


>> No.16109411

My point is sure being depressed doesn't bar you from searching/striving for humanistic goals, but depression in of itself isn't humanistic. For example, a writer can be depressed and be great, but not because of depression. He is good because hes able to reference the broad universal aspects of humanity that everyone with intellectual capacity can grasp, not just depressed folks.

>> No.16109413

Brudda you need some sleep

>> No.16109440

yeah, sure! you could make a really good broccoli cheese soup using those ingredients (just add some cream, salt, pepper, and butter, purée, and then add shredded cheese) alternatively, cook broccoli and mushrooms in butter until soft with salt and lemon juice as well as garlic powder or minced garlic, add water, salt, cumin, a bit of cayenne, diced potatoes, a bit more lemon juice, and a chicken bouillon cube or something if you have one, then wait until the potatoes are soft and mushy and either purée or don’t and add some milk or a dash of cream if you like it creamy (reduce lemon juice amnt if so), then dress it as you like

>> No.16109454

Dude all you need to do to make soup is boil whatever bullshit you have on hand for an hour

>> No.16109476

Anybody can "reference the broad universal aspects of humanity." IMO the great writers all have something particular and irreplicable that they convey in their writing.

>> No.16109497

man i really need the job, dubs might help

>> No.16109522
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Time being as finite as it is is a very frightening thing. There is no proper age to do the right thing, it's up to you do it and do it now. I wonder if telling yourself that you're going to get better and then failing one too many times hinders your ability to do so. I've been on a hundred different plans to be better and I'm still the same waste I was to start. I can't help but imagine with all the false starts I've broken my ability to believe myself and I'll remain a fireless drain for all my days. I can't imagine that existence, but at the same time I can't see myself actually becoming better either- I've lied so many times.

>> No.16109529

You're hired

Sorry, you're just not the candidate we were looking for

>> No.16109534

Wow man, that sounds fantastic! Though I have to ask as less than a dilettante on the subject of cooking, what's the lemon do?

>> No.16109541

Look man, get a bunch of cheese, chuck it in a pot with some water - voila. Cheese soup. Easy and delicious, but a little bit unhealthy.

>> No.16109542

It tastes good. You guys are so retarded in the strangest ways. A bit of acid brightens the flavor of any dish.

>> No.16109551

My yearning for intimacy has been a source of pain for my entire life. A part of me wishes I could cut it out of my mind like a tumor, but similarly I know I can't turn away from the challenge of being vulnerable over a few mishaps.

I just wonder what I'm doing wrong, or if this is all so I can learn to stand detached despite all the pain, and learn what my true priorities are. I know what they are, but for some reason I always round back to trying to fill that hole, only to end up struggling with bitterness.

My friends say I'm too pessimistic, and have to give the world a chance, but if every time I step up ends with frustration and humiliation, what am I really fighting for?

Of all the challenges in my life this one feels the most demanding of my attention, and the most limiting ones. I envy those who can just forge ahead in life without feeling the need to sacrifice their own freedom for a sake of meager comfort. Why am I so given to this weakness?

>> No.16109557

thanks! lemon, cumin, garlic, and cayenne create a spicy and bright base for vegetable soups that i really like in the summertime. leafy greens/cruciferous vegetables and lemon go well together. i like how sour and spicy flavors pair off. guves the soup a bit more dimension! also if you get a fond on the bottom from caramelizing the mushrooms and cooking the broccoli the lemon deglazes the pot and the brown bits flavor the soup really nicely

>> No.16109574

In all seriousness, what freedom do you have to sacrafice?

>> No.16109576
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>> No.16109587


Thanks a lot man, will try it tonight or tomorrow as the future development of my cooking. Good cooking is important, especially for basic things, and I will learn it.

>> No.16109588
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>> No.16109630

The inner freedom that comes with living one's life, according to one's principles and purpose without compromise.

Maybe that's my problem: seeing relationships as more of a barrier than an enhancement? If so I'm a walking contradiction, which puts a face to the frustration.

>> No.16109682

I've read one book the whole year

>> No.16109709

Bro read at least twenty pages a day, it's not hard and you'll read more everyday.

>> No.16109721

If you partner up with someone who has the same values as you, or even just find someone you value at a high level, you won't be making compromises anymore (not moreso than you may be making right now just to survive on your own, in any case). If you can't find that there's no reason to be in a relationship desu

>> No.16109736

Who knows if what I tell myself is true. I suppose if I am to be sane at least I should be able to answer that question, namely me. To not believe what you think in feel is a form of mental disturbance. I know better but I want to know what lies beyond this word faith which is the common designation. I know I know beyond faith but I don't know what this higher knowing is. In other words I believe in intuition.
This "higher knowing" appears to us as if out of thin air, the hidden sum and convergence of patterns extracted from years of experience. Human life just seems cheeper than ever and the fundamental affliction of the west is that people don't believe life is worth living.

>> No.16109757

It's not that they believe this, it is the factors that push them to feel this way

>> No.16109763

>If you partner up with someone who has the same values as you, or even just find someone you value at a high level,
And that's the problem, I guess that's something I deeply want but can't seem to find it. And as a person I'm such a "specialized case", thanks to my life choices, that I'm more or less fucked if I don't want to feel like I'm essentially clipping my wings. So then I wonder why am I even torturing myself with these desires.

>> No.16109771

It's probably not as impossible as you think, and you are probably not as unique as I think (I don't mean this as an insult). It would be best to stop fixating on this and find contentment in other aspects of life, but it doesn't mean you have to forsake this or give up.

>> No.16109775

Still waiting for my book recommendation. I want a book about a lgf.
Yes, I want a fapfic. Bite me.

>> No.16109798

I know you don't mean to be insulting, and I also don't mean to say that I'm some special snowflake, it's just that I've built up (and have been born with) quite a few qualifiers that immediately check me off the list of many people. It is what it is.

>It would be best to stop fixating on this and find contentment in other aspects of life, but it doesn't mean you have to forsake this or give up.
I always felt happier when this wasn't a concern, but it always creeps back because it's a blank area of experience I have to resolve in one way or another. There's no real quick and dirty way about it either, so I'm just left wondering what, why, and how in the fuck.

>> No.16109815

I'm only saying that because I have a lot of qualifiers myself, but I wound up in a relationship I'm pretty happy in. Obviously I don't know your specific story but could be hope, there's a lot of people who fall into strange cracks of society.

>> No.16109816

>25% of sweden is non-white
i donno about that one

>> No.16109854

I suppose you're right. I just wish this wouldn't start creeping into other areas of my life at such an inopportune time. Thanks anon.

>> No.16109921

I think Hobbits have the right idea of considering 33 to be mature, or at least no longer a complete fool. I'm 30 in 10 days and barely feel out of my teenage years.

>> No.16109923

Isn't that just because their lifespan is higher?

>> No.16109925

People don't really mature

>> No.16109931

I want to get a 4chan pass since I'm tired of random range bans, but I also don't think the staff deserve any money for running the site as poorly as they do and refusing to take any criticism. If it really comes down to it I might just retire to lurking or quit the site entirely instead.

>> No.16109935


Should have know better than to vent on this shithole.

>> No.16109940

>overreacting to one phoneposting faggot

ngmi without a thicker skin son

>> No.16109950

By maybe ten years or so.

As I get older I've come to realise this. It was a hard pill to swallow. Maturity is pushed on us quite early. I understand why but at the same time I don't. I resent it.

>> No.16110029

In the dead of night
one brave poster composes.
Few appreciate.

>> No.16110031
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I found a couple tiny bumps on the head of my penis so small I needed to shine a flashlight on them to see and now I'm worried that it may be genital herpes. I just spent half an hour looking at pictures of herpes and they don't look like what I have but I'm still extremely paranoid I have at least an STI of some kind.
I can't bare the thought of having to call my ex-girlfriend and having to tell her

>> No.16110046

are you sure they arent just those pearly penile papules

>> No.16110067

Do those grow on the top of the head? Near the urethra?

>> No.16110158

Still cant get over the fact that most "dystopian" YA novels have their roots in some faggot screeching at the guy that brought taylorism to the USSR

>> No.16110175

why do women take advantage of me everyone always says it’s supposed to be the other way around

>> No.16110180

Tell us what happened anon

>> No.16110204
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I always think how careful great authors are with their catalogue, making sure before they publish. Think of Dubliner, Artist, Ulysses, and Fin. His whole career was solidified by being very careful and considerate. Salinger too. Nabokov had to go back and rewrite the ones he published when he was a young Russian. You can tell from the introduction of King, Queen, Knave that despite how much he polishes it up and gives excuses and has to stand by it he regretted not just publishing so young but that very frantic “look at me I’m an author!” mentality. He definitely became a surgeon later in life, but I can’t think of anything more soul crushing then the commitments we have to our own past published works, having to go back, making apologetic introductions for them, even attempting to rewrite them. It makes me think of how in contact the greater artists are with time, considering what came before and what’s to come after and how that corresponds the entire body of work. It almost feels like all art is a immaterial craft, a work made for sentient perception. First mastering it, then providing a means for traversing immediacies boundaries, encapsulated brilliance. A masters sprezzatura is the real reflection of almighty creation. But where he embodies God isnt in what he does, any idiot can write, as we are all reflected in his image, but in his choice, the space, the difference. Nabokov’s “my pencils outlast their erasers” or Flaubert’s “The artist must be in his work as God is in creation, invisible and all-powerful; one must sense him everywhere but never see him” back up what I’m saying. What Flaubert said is particularly interesting. I think of the end, when Charles falls asleep and passes away- it feels so much like Flaubert lifting Charles out of the book, out of the nightmare. The book starts with Charles and ends with him. I always felt like Flaubert was aware that he was reflecting God, his protection, not for the weak, but the innocent, but also his malice, as he spares no mercy for the bastards, estranged from Father God, almost like the weeds to be cut and burned. It wasn’t in Charles’ to do only what only God could do, as Flaubert demonstrates, by his merciless distribution of cursed fates. When Flaubert lifts Charles out of the story, everything goes with him. As of to say, there is nothing no more to be written in his absence of the Father. The book went up in flames when he does away with the child, as if to say, the spirit goes with me, and what is left is just a corpse, just a book.

>> No.16110240

What's on my mind. Why is everyday so long. Consciousness is wasted on me. Everything is so boring. I got suicidal thoughts knocking at my door all day, all night. Look at him. He has a good life. I just suffer. Everyone suffers. I'm no different. I can't find a way to fit in anywhere. I am nothing. I am completely blank. No, I don't have an opinion. I don't know what I think. That's funny. I'm going to laugh now. That's sad. I don't cry. Twisted mind. Wasted opportunities. Life is a test to see if you will kill yourself. That's how I feel. Would that be a sin. Everyone seems to have it easier than me. Trapped in here. With my thoughts. It is endless. I'll have some more caffeine. More nicotine. More alcohol. Just give me something. I'm a fucking waste of space. Why are you so hard on yourself. I create my own suffering. It's all self-inflicted. Ha. I hope it hurts. Just a little bit more. Boredom. Boredom. Boredom. There's no way out. Live in the present. Be mindful. I live in the present and I feel it all. It is painful. Get me fucking out of here. Help me. You gotta do it yourself. No one said it's easy. Fuck you. You don't deserve to be happy. I'm so angry. It just goes on and on. Whine. Whine. Whine. Fuck this moment. And fuck this moment. All you have is the present moment. Fuck all of them. I'm dying here. We all are. I'm a wretched creature. Who would create such a thing. Look in the mirror again. That's not a good idea. Look to the stars again. Pray to your God. That will make you feel better. You are not worthy. Why can't I just enjoy life like everyone else. I don't enjoy the things I'm supposed to enjoy. It's a battle. Fuck everything and fuck you. Peace and love

>> No.16110283

Harry is a cereal killer
He crushes cornflakes with his spoon
Fucking sadist

>> No.16110553

I am gym autist, I have respectable body count but I will never have a girlfriend because I can never understand girls and they will never understand me
I am the rebound guy and have probably unwittingly cucked several people

>> No.16110897
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>> No.16111220

why can't normies be sincere

>> No.16111306

i hope sambo is afflicted with a pox, and his brother both sodomizes him, and steals all his "guitars", then sells them for less than a 1/4 of the total value. then he spends the money on whatever monkey pheromones (methamphetamines) to further instill him in a manic fit of psychosis. as sam lays crying for how much of an ugly shitskin failure he is, (the reason his pussy ass fuck dad died).
in reality sams father hated him, and put on a front of poverty out of spite to prevent any form of happiness to sprout in that favela monkey's fucking shitty life. Shit-genes-mcfaggot-loving-son-having gorrila man, purposely restricted the flow of income to the family, because he couldn't trust anyone to prevent giving sam a cut of the money, so nobody had a share at all. Imagine sam, you directly caused your family's poverty when you slipped out your concubine's dirty tarpit of a womb. This is why his brother stole the loot his father was keeping from them all. Then, in a lapse of self reflection while he's wallowing in his own misery, sam's brother comes back to collect whatever remaining wealth the family has. in his exasperation of finding nil, he will slaughter sam's slut mother with his bare hands, right in front of poor sambo. in the midst of the commotion, an electrical short sparks up a slow burning flame that is only fanned by the house (constructed of dung) and burns them all slowly to a crisp.

>> No.16111310

nobody has ever loved or cared for sam, and he is the laughingstock of gg, and his family. Your mother looked to you to be the seed that would help give a garnish of good reputation to the family name (maccacofagfuckers) but failed miserably. That's why all this vested hatred spews from everyone around you. stupid fucking monkey. die in hell, and drown in feces you degenerate dicksuckingtrannyfuckingcockswallowingpainwallowingniggerlovingsonofabitchslutmotherhavinglittlepieceoffaggotdogshitworthlessdicklesshopelessspinelesslovelessexpandedsphincterhavingtrapcovetingfaveladwellingtroglodytesubhumanmonkeyboi. kill yourself sam. you know you want to. do it. We're all waiting patiently. nobody loves you or will miss you in the afterlife (which you won't experience because you will be in hell burning forever.) fucking macaco shit flinger animal

>> No.16111312

Ich habe eine autism

>> No.16111315

how the fuck can i cope with having a small dick

>> No.16111324

work on your charisma and get good at giving head
alternatively, lower your standards and root low confidence anime sluts

>> No.16111521

Rule 1. Always aim to please the people around you. Laugh at their jokes. Be supportive
Rule 2. Assume that everyone knows everything about you. Plan accordingly.
Rule 3. Never express anger. Just smile and let it fester inside of you.
Rule 4. Don't let anyone know how you truly feel. Create a mask of positivity and always be enthusiastic.
Rule 5. Drugs are a good way to escape reality. They are the cure to boredom and loneliness
Rule 6. Be kind to your parents. They will always be there for you.
Rule 7. Learn to enjoy your suffering. Revel in it.
Rule 8. Keep your mouth shut. Only talk when necessary. It will make you powerful.
Rule 9. Never act out of spite. Take the moral high ground and kill with kindness. Especially with your enemies.
Rule 10. Keep people confused about your true motivations. Misdirect. Put on an act. Even with friends.
Rule 11. Don't take the anti-psychotic medication they try to give you. It keeps you weak.
Rule 12. Holding a gun against your head whilst screaming into a pillow is actually quite a normal thing to do and very therapeutic. Just try not to pull the trigger.
Rule 13. School shootings are categorically bad. Focus your energy or getting a girlfriend instead.
Rule 14. Jealousy is one of the most self-destructive emotions. Keep that shit in check before it eats you alive.
Rule 15. Practice beating people up in front of a mirror. You don't need training. You need to look like a badass.
Rule 16. Therapy is a waste of time. It's cheaper to talk to yourself. Although it is not as fun.
Rule 17. You will always be alone. You have to work hard to connect with others.

>> No.16111526

The comfort of having one’s true self fit easily into the norm seems so blissful to me. Alienated people tend to rage against the public in defense of their individualism but I don’t find that appealing. The serenity of feeling welcome to the public is nothing to mock, it’s a natural human desire, just as natural as wanting to be authentic. There should be balance in how we engage the two worlds, but for those like myself that seems unrealistic because our authenticity feels irreconcilable with the public. Even worse is that people who express these feelings generally just mean “I’m vehemently racist and people are being mean about it :(“ but that’s not true alienation, as the authentic self cannot be a bigot, bigotry still belongs to the public. I don’t resent the public, I would like to be “tranquilized” by its open arms. But a bridge between myself and the “they” sometimes feels hopeless to build.

>> No.16111604

Only the rules 1-4, 6 and 8-9 are based. The rest is druggy psycho shit. I can't even imagine how you grew up to become this monster. What the fuck, anon?

>> No.16111925

Any other bros struggle with a small shlong?
I feel some real pressure when about to have sex because of it.
I think size matters really because it enhances confidence, I imagine with a big dick, I would just be chilled out because I know the girl would be eager to do the work herself.

>> No.16112004
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I'm not a monster.

>> No.16112089

Cocaine up my nose
The party will never die.
Until it does. Sad.

>> No.16112109

Sounds like a good base for a Taxy Driver - like book.

>> No.16112120

I am not a robot. I am so much more. I will identify all the squares with traffic lights. I will find all of the bikes. Click the squares with zebra crossings? Easy. Because I am not a robot. I am a man. And I have the skills. To succeed. To win. To pass the test. Let me prove it to you.

>> No.16112144

based and human-pilled
gonna try that too now

>> No.16112217

based friendly chef poster

>> No.16112264

>simply splice the carrots frenchwise using a mongler and sautee them in your olive pot for twice the reciprocal of the time it takes to emblazon the pork rinds in the oven until they're golden fuchsia and then twist everything together in the melding device until it softens into a level 3 soft broth and wait until it reaches a loaming boil and then you add your cumprika and it's ready to servesimply splice the carrots frenchwise using a mongler and sautee them in your olive pot for twice the reciprocal of the time it takes to emblazon the pork rinds in the oven until they're golden fuchsia and then twist everything together in the melding device until it softens into a level 3 soft broth and wait until it reaches a loaming boil and then you add your cumprika and it's ready to serve
heh funny, but cookbro is still a nice dude

>> No.16112272

Sheit i want a cook book like this.

>> No.16112274


>> No.16112286

if you just read 20 pages a day, you can finish a 600-page book every month.

>> No.16112289

I feel depressed about being female. I should probably stop spending my days reading about how inferior women are.

>> No.16112303

I want to stop coming here so badly

>> No.16112318

You‘ll be good once you realize all the inferiority talk is a lame cope humans had to invent in order to explain the frappant lack of love they were able to feel.

>> No.16112362

I understand that this is the case but when so many people have shared observations there is usually some fragment of truth in it even if it's 99% cope. I can never be male or have a male brain, so there is no way I can directly compare if the mental functioning and experience of life is drastically different between sexes, so it will always linger as a doubt.

>> No.16112365

You are our gate to divinity.
Desu youre already a woman so try finding your stronger qualities instead of obsessing on the men's ones.

>> No.16112377

But it's like the "men's qualities" are real human qualities and the "woman qualities" are being some kind of dumb domestic support animal. It's depressing.

>> No.16112380

>some fragment of truth
Ofc there is. Men and women are very different. The error is to believe one is superior to the other when they actually complement each other.

>> No.16112390

>learn to enjoy your suffering
Lol. Youve set up a maze of totally absurd rules for yourself while you could simply 'b yourself' and be happier. I think you need to go on a month trip completely alone and restart your life.
>jealousy is one of the most self-destructive emotions.
if you aren't jealous of others, then you should be happy with whatever you have. obviously youre not.
>never act out of spite
and yet you never show your true side to any of your friends, even ones that won't hurt you. that's not exactly spite but rather close. Maybe you should act a little bit out of spite, just to see how it feels.
>keep your mouth shut... it will make you powerful.
Why do you want to be powerful?

>> No.16112394

Well put!

>> No.16112410

Humans suck at relationships and love.
Unfortunately, their interpersonal incompetence has no impact on their libido. This led to people craving sex but having nobody that wants to have sex with them. The solution to this is to force people to have sex. In order to do that, you have to be able to see them as an object that exists only to serve you. In order to be able to degrade a human being to merely an object, you have to convince yourself of your superiority. That‘s exactly what abrahamic religions advocate when it comes to men and women. Convincing oneself of one’s superiority in order to exploit others is a very old concept that goes back to the beginnings of agriculture, where owning people suddenly became lucrative. This can only be solved if men and women alike become able to see how much they could achieve if they joined their qualities instead if comparing them.

>> No.16112412

na man the chicks still lay there like a dead fucking fish. Fucking lazy bums.
same, just jerked off man first time in a week and i feel chill now.
real talk, men and women are not that different. For every 'men' quality it's just a tendency to that quality. Note, tendency. That tendency is further strengthened by education/society etc etc. It was always very easy for me to understand women, and its simply because i don't consider them anything special. Not really, they are special and I think in some way their beauty is divine, but they think in the same way i do, just from a slightly different angle. I feel bursts of completely femenine urges and burst all the time, I just dont choke them out and let them go out. Jung talks alot about these feminine/masculine qualities.
Youre right that most description of feminie qualities are quite bad. That's because, in part, most of the canon is manly and so our culture values manly virtues. Are manly virtues really better or it's simply what we think? what do you think? Youve been granted an intellect and qualties which you can explore, why don't you explore them then say what you believe? If you truly find that you prefer manly qualities then you can cultivate them same as I let bursts of compassion out, even though to me those bursts seem completely feminine.

>> No.16112417

>have to convince
but it's true anon.

>> No.16112467

>but it's true anon
It‘s only a testament to the narrowmindedness of some. Ofc some desirable qualities are more often found in men. But desirable qualities men often lack are more often found in women and vice versa. The idea is that men and women join their desirable qualities in order to generate a somewhat functional humanity. The issue today is that women have been told for thousands of years that they are inferior and thus should try to focus on establishing male qualities in order to make up for their inferiority in those areas when they should have been encouraged to focus on their inherent desirable qualities and enhance them. Now we have men who lack being balance out by desirable feminine qualities from their mothers/wifes/daughters and women who lack both in masculine and feminine qualities since they can‘t live up to men who work on their masculine Qualities but have been given the advice to neglect their feminine qualities for the sake of chasing something that isn‘t meant to be theirs.

>> No.16112499

When I was a kid/youngteenager I never worried about this kind of stuff or had any conception of being inferior or that different from men, or that I was unfeminine or masculine, but then I had unlimited internet access and found all kinds of sources saying that women are all whores/shallow/stupid/etc negative qualities, and that women who are the kind of person I thought I was literally didn't exist or were rarer than an endangered species or unnatural to the female being. Unlimited internet access might have been the issue there actually.

>> No.16112526

>the kind of person I thought I was literally didn't exist or were rarer than an endangered species or unnatural to the female being

Take a good look at who says that. One day you‘ll see what they all have in common and you‘ll pity them.

>> No.16112542
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Fuck work, the government should obviously just pay for me and my government-supplied +8/10 wives while I game and play guitar.

>> No.16112554

Bad idea, they would scheme together and probably munchausens by proxy you and take advantage of your government aid without having to deal with you. You need to keep it at a more manageable number.

>> No.16112578

lol so stop listening to them desu. /pol/ is not a legitimate source, neither is /r9k/.

>> No.16112582

I know she was terrible for me, and would never fulfill my needs mentally and emotionally, but it still hurt to see her act like nothing was ever there, give her affection to another, and still expect my attention and care.

With her it's the same tired conversations, her complaining about her life and her cowardice; her not understanding anything I try to share and explain to her. My friend warned me not to even try with her, saying I deserved better. She was right and I should've listened, but I guess I was tired of being alone. I hated feeling trapped in myself and unable to express any kind of feeling; now I'm paying the price.

The thing I hate most is how two people I really care about had to witness my idiocy. I know they don't really think ill of me, but I can't help but feel that I lost credibility, like the whole enterprise was beneath my dignity, but still I succumbed. I would've preferred to go through it all alone than have them see that.

In the end...I just want to stop feeling this pain and move on. It'll happen soon enough.

>> No.16112585

it's not true that men are better than others, it's just true that I am.

>> No.16112586

I think he means +8 out of 10, as in looks-wise.

>> No.16112603

/lit/ is my preferred source of anti-woman posts, because you can find more somewhat more articulate arguments about it.

>> No.16112605

how do i get invested in others? i feel so separate and aloof. if i were just a ghost observing the living i wouldn't find any difference in my experience. in almost every interaction i find nothing compelling, nothing to make me care, and even when i choose to care, actively making a choice to feel concern, i do it only for my own amusement. What is there in man and woman worth caring for?

>> No.16112612

>What is there in man and woman worth caring for?
If you can learn something from them. The issue is that this becomes increasingly rare the more developed you are.

>> No.16112617

I have never heard of a womanly or manly quality that was not a tendency. the only one i saw with my personal eyes is that women tend to get locked into emotional circular thinking while men get caught in intellectual mental thinking.
read I and thou BOYYYYYYY
connection is divinity.

>> No.16112629

dummy. people help you on your own journey, but theyre not just sages or items, they walk with you too. Atleast I hope so because if not im gonna have a hell of a mid life crisis in 20 years

>> No.16112647

You're on the right path by thinking this. It's nice to learn something from people but it's not what connection is.

>> No.16112653

Ofc. People are more developed in different areas. So if someone can teach you in one area, you can teach them in another and so forth. Ideally, both always gave at least one area of higher expertise than the other. But in reality, that‘s not always the case. Or the areas of expertise aren‘t compatible. You‘re drawn to people that you can learn from and people are drawn to you when they can learn from you. We‘re just mostly blind to what those areas are and thus think it‘s random.

>> No.16112672

I agree. Connection is different. But you can only connect to people you‘re drawn to and you‘re drawn to people that can bring something into your life it is currently lacking.

>> No.16112693

my issue is i don't find connection an innate or organic thing in my interactions. For example i try to be good to my friends, i stay fiercely loyal to them, however i don't do it because of them. I do it for my own principles, my own ideal of what friendship is, and how it should be acted out. my being, more or less, is the primary force in my interactions with others, no matter their degree of intimacy, rather than the substance of the relationship itself, and thus i always am making the choice rather than being drawn to an interaction by something greater than my self-imposed attitudes and principles. It feels right and honorable, but also very passionless and hollow.

>> No.16112723

>It feels right and honorable, but also very passionless and hollow.
Because of what i said. But people rather cling to their rose tinted idea of relationships. Oh well.

>> No.16112729

What you need is to seek out people you can connect with. Why are you friends with your friends? It sounds like you from connections with people more out of duty than seeking out what you desire from companionship. This might be kind of foreign and first but try seeking out people based on your personal feelings and desires rather than your sense of duty and principles. If you don't think you have this in you, you should reconsider why you're searching for connections in the first place.

>> No.16112747

rare is the hawk that finds a flock

>> No.16112772

What have you learned from your friends?

>> No.16112783

Dignity and honesty from the good ones. Empathy, patience and self protection from the bad ones.

>> No.16112912

Harris hawks hunt in packs

>> No.16112915

Finding one's goal isn't the ultimate achievement rather it's achieving fu synchronization with your soul, mind and body. Mind is what you want to achieve or strive to accomplish, and the soul can only be felt with the body's instinct and natural needs. You can't achieve full synchronicity without a fourth element which connects them together, that is the voice behind your thought.

>> No.16112919

Hawks don't have flocks because they're not flock animals, they're not emo faggots wishing for connections they can't have because they're too dark and different and edgy

>> No.16112977
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"when i was in the hospital when i was 13 this nurse like sucked me off and it was cool because like she was really hot"
" No that was a guy, you told me-"
"you said it was 60 year old guy. a jewish doctor- he molested you, you told me"
"nah dude it was this hot chick"

>> No.16113073

how do I stop the schizo paranoia conspiracist avalanche, I can hear the snow falling

>> No.16113243

>when you randomly think that things might get better if you fixed your relations with your father but then remember he's dead

>> No.16113754

I wish I could google things like "what leads a man to rape" and get a proper answer rather than new age bullshit like patriarchy and incel hate.

I mean the real one, the brutal one where a guy goes out of his way to attack someone they lust for immensely. What leads up to that? What is his state of mind? Is it frustration, a hunger for power? Both? To what degree is it either if so. I need to know.

>> No.16113785

Even if I become a billionaire or can deadlift 200kg, I will never have Alizee in that j'en ai marre video.

>> No.16113844


>> No.16113855

I think it becomes a connection once you act not only to further your own principles but to better your friends life... I made the switch once I realised there are people that want me to have a good life and i want them to have a good life.
Also a lot of 'love' or connection is simply understanding each other, to a level beyond which you udnerstand most people. I think. It's not something i intellectually understand. I hope youll feel the difference one day, it made my life much more meaningful!
Read psychology book, you can start with freuds psychoanalysis lectures, its a book written for people new to his idea. Remember most of what freud said or thought is not really agreed with today but I still think the start of the psychologic thought can help you.
Rape can come from many different sources, it's not a one reason. I personally think the main reasons are a mix of libido and plain cruelty, possibly with a mixture of dehumanizing the woman. But im just basing that on my gut feeling to people who will randomly rape someone in the dark (I am not a psychologist or anything like that). If its attacking someone specifically it's harder to say.
Yes, a selfish man who seeks to cultivate his 'hawk' ideal, gazing at other people from above and hunting for carcasses/small prey will not find a flock as it requires in some way lowering you down to other people and showing vulnerability. I think it's a rather limited way of living. also I don't understand what you meant by>>16112977. if that's a qoute i dont know the movie.
Seek therapy? i dont know anon i only have personal experience with mania. wish you luck.
I think that's a small way of thinking about connections. People arent walking books.

To everyone whose having problems with forging true connection I think that the best lesson i ever learned was to listen to the urges inside of myself, in a very nietschan way of doing only what you feel like. Turned out i was much more compassionate than i thought. Turned out I also have a rather big sadist flair. I feel better and have better connections after discovering both. good luck.

>> No.16113864
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Rare kind of based indeed

>> No.16114539

go visit your parents or your closest friend. if you have neither then a priest.

>> No.16114657

misery except the writer is a cute girl and a tickling is used instead of the hammer

>> No.16114726

Dumping this here because the Destiny thread got deleted. That's a good thing, but I hate wasting words, so here's what I put.

I've only watched Destiny 3 times.
>vs. Nick Fuentes
Destiny asked for sources. Nick couldn't provide any. It turned into an embarrassing shitshow for Nick, as it looked like he didn't do his homework.
>vs. Gariepy & AltHype
Within 5 minutes, it turned into Gariepy & AltHype explaining basic concepts from high school biology to Destiny, who clearly did not know the bare minimum knowledge to debate on this topic. IIRC, they invited some random roastie retard, and the debate turned into an embarrassing shitshow for all parties involved.
>vs. Mister Metokur
Mister Metokur held his own for hours and had answers to everything Destiny could throw at them. It was congenial until Destiny lost his nerve and ragequit. This was the best debate IMO, as unlike AltHype, Mister Metokur knew to go for the throat when he spotted weakness. Destiny *never* allows a mistake to go unpunished, which is how he enables himself to get the better of his opponents despite being far less educated than he presents himself to be.

Overall, Destiny is a moron, but he's useful as a litmus test for figuring out which "right-wing" pundits are hacks/grifters and which ones have even a shred of intelligence and integrity.

>> No.16114785
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Just got into bronze 1, only 6 more divisions until Gold.

>> No.16114797

I'm sleeping less and reading more. being bipolar, this means I am either doing better or doing worse.

>> No.16114994

have Keratoconus. It's really bad everything is blurry now I can't even read my journal anymore. Can't afford cross linking and I got denied for state insurance because of my family. The way they set up all the finances made it impossible.
So I'm just going to go completely blind I guess. Then I'll be on disability and the government will have to pay for insurance. I think? But by then cross linking won't be good enough. I'll probably have to get a corneal transplant. It's a lot more expensive and riskier. 1 in 10,000 chance I lose an eye during. At least that's what the surgeon told me.
It's all dreadfull. My eyesight has deteriorated so quickly it's crazy. I can't even face. It's just blurs together. No one cares either. Not a single person. The most acknowledgment i get are jokes from my mother.
I genuinely hate life. If I had the merit to kill myself I would. I just can't find it in me. Everything is just no good. Never has been. Never will be

>> No.16115172

I have no idea how I'm going to lose my virginity. I'm 24, /fit/, great job with a future, tons of (male) friends, a few masculine outdoorsy hobbies. At this point though I feel so awkward around women. The few girls I went on a few dates with thought I was very attractive and were intimidated by me until they eventually realized that I had no idea what I was doing and I ended up spilling my spaghetti and messing it up. Now I have no idea how to even meet girls to ask out. Bars are all fucked from COVID for who knows how long, not that I ever had luck there. Bumble and Tinder never got me anything and on Hinge my matches always stop replying after like 2 or 3 messages. I don't really stress out about it but I'm so fucking horny and I feel like I'm missing out on important life milestones

>> No.16115349
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feel like i wasted my whole life sitting around waiting to be able to do something

just poverty, terror, isolation, stress, and waiting for responses from applications that never, ever give a yes. is this life? this is what i suffer to get to experience? it's a giant fucking waiting room, but even worse because being alive is fucking expensive. so you have to work a soul crushing job you god damned fucking despise just to pay to sit around and wait for permission that is never going to come to be able to do one god damned enjoyable thing.

>> No.16115362

my back aches

>> No.16115370

Instead of looking for somebody to fuck, just look for somebody to be friends with. Get comfortable around women before you start doing the whole "dating" playacting.

Tbh though, stop worrying so much. Your life is going great. Your problems will all fix themselves as time goes on. In fact, you're struggling simple just BECAUSE you're trying to fix them. Was the last month, year, decade really so unbearable without sex? Chill the fuck out. You're a normie. There are plenty of men in your situation.

>> No.16115393

Well I think I finally grown off of lolicon.
It doesn't get me hard as before, while milfs do.
I feel sad about it, so much years shitalking hags to end up loving them.

>> No.16115396

same, 1 book behind on my goal (50). not sure how i managed that. i usually read audiobooks at work. but i haven't done that since everything went to shit in march. now at wfh i just post on the chan all day while listening to music. i feel soulless and dead, but at least i can eat real food and get 8 hours of sleep unlike a fucking office commute.

guess i have 4 months left to actually read books.
why are you even here
they're NPCs with no soul
there's nothing to be sincere about
work wouldn't be that bad if it paid a shit. everything is low wage survival jobs now, even shit that used to provide a middle class lifestyle, or even upper middle class. now it's just a muddy wash of barely-not-poverty.

i fuck around half the day and then charge my employer time and a half overtime pay 10+ hours a week just to get the fucking paycheck i should be getting to begin with. but of course this is yet another temp gig job. i can't get hired for ANY permanent job. none. even shit i've been doing for 3 fucking years and have a degree in. no one wants to just fucking hire me. so i jump from temp job to temp job and the unemployed period in the middle eats whatever meager savings i managed to build up

fuck this shit. i don't even enjoy living and it's so damned expensive.

>> No.16115398

It seems to me that being outwardly unhappy, as in making it abundantly clear to those around you that your life is hard, your job is hard, it's hot out, and then trying to spread that misery is morally repugnant. Reality exists, and it exists in a way that you have to deal with it every day. Accept it, overcome it, do not bemoan it and spread your self pity. Do not salt the earth around you. In other words, buck up buttercup. Things aren't so bad.

>> No.16115399
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These threads always manage to make me feel better.
And it's not because I come here to share my own problems - it's because I read yours.

>> No.16115404

tfw. my eyesight is -9 both and i'm at high risk of rapid deterioration like that. i'll just fucking shoot myself at that point.

>> No.16115504

Before we had the QTDDTOT, I used this thread as I would qtddtot on other boards.
Now we have it and I post there, but it turns out I used to get the answers here faster.

Also, what do you think Nietzsche would have to say about todays' easily accessible internet pornography?

>> No.16115511

God damn, I thought this was about to be wholesome.

>> No.16115516

He wouldn't say anything, as he would be too busy jacking off to NTR.

>> No.16115529
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>> No.16115596

You're on the right path homie, keep trying at it. You may fail a few more times but you'll hit that home run eventually.

>> No.16115597
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Jesus Christ, writing is hard! Trying to convey into words the ideal in my head is like seeing the body of your unborne child. I believe that revision will do the trick, but getting to finish the first draf is proving itself as the hardest task I've ever put myself through. I know that if I write as little as 500 words per day, in a year I'll have it done. But something in the back of my head tells me to rush as if my life depended on it. All my awaken time is spent thinking about the story, so maybe it really does.

>> No.16115606

read more and writing will become easier

>> No.16115633

For most men, a woman is like a lame little stepbrother who you let hang out with you because you get to fuck him

Maybe one in a thousand women has a personality and interests on par with an above average man. The rest are just some extremely low tier man you have to let hang around with you so you can fuck his smelly hole.

>> No.16115653

I also thought he would make use of the internet porn.

>> No.16115655

This. Paradoxically, the trick to improving as a writer is not writing more, but reading. Noting down ideas as you do so, things that you like, understanding why you like them. Visualizing in you head the different types of books that you could write, the different types of stories and styles. Also, writing is a discipline where you can draw on every little bit of life that you experience, every medium that you engage in, everything that you think about.

Then, you just try it out, and that 500 words a day isn't a bad number at all. If you keep at it, in a few months you'll be a completely different person with a novel under your belt, and you'll move on to the next one and the next one, and so on.

>> No.16115692

Thanks for the advice guys. I'm going to read the stories that made me love the medium once again.

>> No.16115703

The anti - women rhetoric on the chans (and I'd wager this is especially true on /lit/) is the product of a middle class suburban American experience that combines sexual prudishness with its simultaneous omnipresence. Incels don't believe that modest women exist because their exposure to women (and other people) is limited to the slutty halls of the university, and they're terrified of sexually confident women because their prudish middle class upbringing means they were raised in an environment where sex was treated with this sort of tabboo sanctity that manifests later on in pathology. These same problems do not exist amongst working class immigrant communities where sex is less political and more a dirty but accepted part of life.

>> No.16115712

I always wondered how 4chin folk's experience with women could be so much different to mine, but seeing if fucking burgers have this attitude, how do you even expect the women to be chaste?
Good thing I'm a European slav and AT LEAST a good 60% of the girls I know are nice and don't lead dumb promiscuous lives.
>lame little stepbrother
Never in my life did I think that of a woman. Do we treat women very differently than men with women having a specific place in a family? Sure, but with absolute respect between husband and wife, misogyny is vastly considered beta.

Anyway, you are probably just a larping incel, in which case, have se- a healthy relationship!

>> No.16115722

I'm not uncomfortable around women in general at all. I never had trouble talking to girls platonically, throughout my life I've always been friendly with them at work or school. But as soon as I'm trying to do something romantic my nerves go from 0 to 100. It's not even just this, I get really anxious when I go into stores and have to deal with random people in situations like that too. I'm 24 and go to the liquor store every week and my body still gets as shaky as when I was 20 drinking illegally in a bar. Girls always pick up on me being super fidgety and I'm funny enough to play it off but I always end up scrambling and messing things up at a certain point.

People always say that it'll happen eventually but it never does. When I look back on all of the opportunities I had since I was like 16 where I was either too nervous to make a move or too oblivious to realize I should it definitely pisses me off. I do feel like I missed out on having fun with girls that I genuinely got along with and now I don't have any girls like that in my life, I haven't since college, and I don't know when the next time I will again.

>> No.16115733

>lame little stepbrother who you let hang out with you because you get to fuck him
Anon what the fuck did you do

>> No.16115751

Thanks fren. I'm fine with failing that's all my romantic life has ever been but I'd at least like more chances at it. I have no idea how to meet girls.

>> No.16115804

>I'm 24 and go to the liquor store every week and my body still gets as shaky as when I was 20 drinking illegally in a bar. Girls always pick up on me being super fidgety and I'm funny enough to play it off

Iktfb - I used to be like this and still am to a degree. I can exude confidence on the outside, but my body gives me away. No matter how 'calm' I am, my suppressed nerves still show themselves in shaky hands and fidgeting etc. However, this only happens to me on dates, and not as bad as it used to be. I don't get it at all from regular social interactions, although in high school I used to be very socially anxious. It sounds like you've heard this advice before anon so I wont belabor the point but I'll share my experience anyway. You've got to slowly erode that barrier that gives a fuck about what other people will think of you. You need to strengthen the part of your brain that things "fuck what anybody thinks its impossible for me to feel embarrassed, anybody elses opinions of me are worthless I'm going to act how I want." You fuck up a date? Who cares? It was probably her fault anyway.

You ever met those super loud guys who constantly make fools of themselves but everybody loves them anyway? It's becuase they've got they attitude. I'm not saying you should do a complete 100% personality change, but shifting to that mindset in small doses helped me immensely. What you need is to develop a sort of arrogance in a way. This is what nonchalance really is.

>> No.16115845
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Don't worry about it, I'll personally fix all your problems.
How? Just trust me. I have never failed at it, my success rate is 100%.

>> No.16115854

Normies keep calling me jacked but I assume they’re making fun of me
I will mog all of these crabs one day

>> No.16115877

Woah, I misinterpreted the post. It was wholesome after all.
What do I do with the anxiety that runs in our family, mighty anon?

>> No.16115907

You don't have to do anything. I'll take care of it.

>> No.16116032

Remembering one time I hooked up with this ugly chick and she told me this story about she used to get called ugly by the kids in elementary school obviously trying to goad me into giving her some sort of compliment but I just didn't say anything becuase it was true, she was very ugly

>> No.16116042



>> No.16116047

Not much just decided to check out this 4chan lit thing for the first time as a filthy casual.
What on my mind tho is how much I hate how stressed about writing I get that I just become lazy and do nothing.

>> No.16116120

Kind of sad desu

>> No.16116401
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Everyone here has such deep thoughts and I am just cooming and gaming and no gf.

>> No.16116412

Listen here jack, I didn’t mean to start an oil war in the middle east, my good friend George just asked me to say some stuff about some a-rab named saddam and so I did. Back in the 90’s we didn’t spend so much time worrying if our facts were whack, mack. I’ll punch you in the god damn mouth.

>> No.16116429

The more I observe people the more I'm convinced that I'm more intelligent than almost all of them, but I don't want to be because I'm actually extremely retarded

>> No.16116447

Oh, yes, you probably think that they're so ignorant. They don't even stop to ask questions, or think to answer them. They just live their lives without having to do such things. And you hope that one day, they will all pay for it. That one day, it will be over for them, and they will get what they deserve.

But you're wrong. You're just some lonely kid living in a world you've made for yourself, inventing questions and answering them just to make yourself feel better. In reality, you're not even an onlooker - you're just a loser. You're living your life incorrectly, or rather, you're not living at all.

And at some point, you'll stop pursuing answers. You'll be to tired to even ask questions. Things will remain just as vague and ambiguous and unsound as they are now, and there will be no fixing yourself. Because, in actuality, you aren't broken. You're simply inadequate. And while you can fix what's broken, you can't fix the inadequate.

>> No.16116460

Sounds like projection, I'm sorry you feel this way about yourself. I hope you learn to have a healthier outlook on life.

>> No.16116479

Pretty much all these incels have the following in common: skinny with young features. And about half are ethnic.

With a few exceptions, the are not unattractive - but I do sincerely think that the youthfulness of their faces is what makes them less appealing to the opposite sex. In some ways their youth makes them appear almost sexless. It's not that they're ugly, they just don't seem like they can even fuck. I wonder if these guys bulked up just a tiny bit (not necessarily swole, just a bit of extra weight) and dressed more maturely (less hoodies and $5 jeans) they might have a tiny bit more luck. They all seem like nice young men in any respect, I am not worried about them in the slightest.

>> No.16116493

How many times over the years have you dreamed of being dead to the world? Towards the end of college you thought of joining the Trappists when, that summer night, you went to the beach after reading The Sign of Jonas and felt the night sky closing in on you. After you failed out of graduate school you would dream of sailing off into the ocean with no destination. Joshua Slocum was your inspiration. Then the dream was living alone in a cabin like Turgenev's Living Relic, barely alive. Maybe a rabbit would keep you company too. Each time what has held you back is the realization that there is no escaping yourself.

>> No.16116689

Islam is based. To a point. Might not be a good ideal, but there's a shit ton to learn from it

>> No.16116712

Islam is mostly based about controlling women and treating them as the chaotic dumb animals they are, which should be chained and controlled and used for their only useful purposes (boring domestic chores and sex) for the good of society.

>> No.16116713
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I am

>> No.16116722

Bro tinder and bumble are literal scams. Yes the design of the app means if you aren't in the top 20% you're unlucky, but the literal apps are rigged in order to get you to cough up. When those apps first came out it was very easy to get matches and now it's borderline impossible and it's by design. Don't use those apps as the baseline of your expectations.

>> No.16116749

Why do men often take an example or a few examples of some women they found showing thoughts or behaviors they don't like, and then act like it as an example of how all women think or act? Actually women do it too it's just more socially acceptable, the other day I had to go visit family and my aunt wouldn't shut up about how men are all clumsy mess making retards because the guy who was helping her cook dinner got some powder on the counter. Why are humans like this?

>> No.16116761

Repressed anima/animus. Sounds like you're ready to read Jung.

>> No.16116808
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Yeah but most women see them as normal, they see them as simply "dating"

The real numbers are even worse than pic related, since people lie and are still somewhat embarrassed to say they met on tinder

>> No.16116818

You're asking why people make generalizations about groups of people? Because often they are true.

>> No.16116831

Be optimistic - the dating app model is unsustainable. They need to break their own apps more and more in order to ring a profit out of them. Eventually the apps will be so broken that no one will use them anymore - I've deleted all my apps because I get about a match per week, where I used to easily get many matches a day. It's not worth it just from a literal usability stand-point. My prediction is that the popular dating apps will go bust in a couple of years. Maybe something else will replace them, maybe something worse - but we don't know that far ahead.

>> No.16116842

But no one genuinely buys into generalizations of their own group, at best you'll see people who pretend to in order to suck up to a group they want to accept them (see woke male feminists or girls who aren't like the other girls).

>> No.16116857
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Past the point of seeing the worth of any argument. The battlelines are clearly drawn, and both sides are chomping at the bit

>> No.16116877

Not literally all women use it. Try to meet women without using apps and you'll be more likely to meet women who don't use apps.

>> No.16116886

Meeting online isn't necessarily mean sex apps, though it probably makes up most of the answers there. There are probably people who unironically met their spouse on 4chan.

>> No.16117866

I know someone who met their wife on /tv/ over a discussion of arthouse cinema so anything's possible. That being said, for young people over 90% of meeting online probably happens through Tinder/other dating apps and other methods are even more of a pipe dream. I wouldn't be so cynical as to call dating apps sex apps - I've made relationships through them and there are more people than you think who aren't exclusively looking for hook ups. It just drains so much time, effort, and morale. But if you ask me it's better to embrace whatever options are left, no matter how shitty, in the modern dating era than to die alone.

>> No.16117878

i'm like a pretty good writer. i think i can probably make a career out of fiction. i wanted this for so long and now that it's within reach ... i guess i still want it. but i also look at myself in the mirror and ask why couldn't you just have been normal? played football, taken a trade, had healthy relationships, and a sober take on reality. too late for that now i guess. full speed ahead then. yahoo

>> No.16117881

I've met many women through 4chan, some serious some not so serious. It's much harder to do now than it used to be though.

>> No.16117886

There are literally only 2 things I ever think about
>regrets about my past
>putting cock in vagina

>> No.16117896

Why do you think that is?

>> No.16117904

I don't know how much of a pipe dream it is. A lot of social interaction happens online now so it's not really crazy for people to meet like that even if they weren't specifically using a dating app. Obviously just socializing online isn't an active dating strategy but things happen.

>> No.16117916 [DELETED] 

Dating apps weren't the norm yet and 4chan was less populated and functioned less like a low investment social media platform. People here were more likely to have a reason to be here and it was more likely to be a meaningful one. Some of those were women and you could meet occasionally meet one, usually during their biweekly depressed episode where they post contact info, talk to some schizo orbiters for a while and mostly regret it.

Those women are still here but they are less likely to give out contact info now that it's is bigger and shallower. Also they get their attention supply from apps and from being e-girls on discord. From what I can tell the e-girl phenomenon really migrated to discord where it has mutated into something much worse.

>> No.16117931

I guess the bright side is it took a lot of the usual attentionwhoring off 4chan.

>> No.16117939

Nevermind was being a bit of a dick in hindsight. I do think discord is deeply unhealthy for simps and egirls both though.

>I guess the bright side is it took a lot of the usual attentionwhoring off 4chan.
Yea the site has really absorbed /r9k/ misogyny on just about every board now. I remember when the slightest attention whoring could derail whole threads, now it's mostly mocked with L O N D O N posts.

>> No.16117978

Yeah I remember that too. Honestly I think the rise of trannyism also contributed to killing attentionwhore posting. Not that womanposters were never accused of being men/trannies, but now whenever they crop up the only replies are shit like "dilate".

>> No.16118034

>for young people over 90% of meeting online

mate I don't know where you live but this is ridiculous

>> No.16118042

it seems it's pointless for me to even think of getting any luck whatsoever in this town with women

>> No.16118054

i'm supposed to be meeting up with friends in a couple of days but I plan to stare at the wall
it feels as though every decision I make is the wrong one

>> No.16118210

>it feels as though every decision I make is the wrong one
my feelings with women

>> No.16118265

I think you misunderstood me - my point was that of the people who meet online (especially under 30) the overwhelming chances are it was through a dating app. Unless you think 4chan or discord are better options to pursue women that should be a pretty uncontroversial statement.

>> No.16118280

I don't get it. She was never cute.

>> No.16118288

So I won't be going to Cambridge in September. This has completely shattered my world, as silly as that sounds. It's not just that my greatest ambition in life so far is now a fantasy, but that my failure - despite the enormous amount of effort I've put in - has destroyed my ego, my self-esteem. As they say here, I'm 'ngmi'. I don't know how I'm supposed to recover from this, going to a second rate university. I can't even look at myself in the mirror.

>> No.16118294

Normies can meet on more normal social media though.

>> No.16118297

Any other site is really the fringe, though. The sole purpose of dating apps (which is what all normalfags use) is to meet someone whereas the purpose of, say 4chan, is obviously not. So anything can happen, but trying to meet someone online usually requires massive amounts of effort and initial failure so if you're going to pour that much amount of that time into it, you may as well do so on a platform which was created for that exact reason.

>> No.16118298

College doesn't matter that much, chill out.

>> No.16118305

It does if you've chosen the academic path in life.

>> No.16118306

Like Facebook or instagram? The former is already dying among young people and the latter seems pretty unrealistic

>> No.16118310

When you have an academic career you can move between colleges, where you start isn't that big a deal. If it really is that big a deal try to do well at your second rate college and transfer or something.

>> No.16118321

The human brain is the most insane and incredible thing to ever exist in life and always will be

>> No.16118328

Wait until you see the human soul

>> No.16118353

Today I was thinking about what makes Goethe's maxims all resemble one another in their refreshing, clarifying effect: They are inversions of slave morality platitudes, or hidden assumptions thereof. Even the procedural ones are wonderful anodynes to brain fog, or whatever sick synergy between mood and conduct is involved in melancholy or minor depression or what you will. Not so obvious is their pertinence to a taste for the amusingly grotesque, and the most profound form that irony about it takes: The sublimely silly. One can either do that, or not, and there is nothing to be gained from them if one can't.

>> No.16118401

Isn't Cambridge about as competitive as Harvard here in America? Is almost every other college there second-rate? Even people with perfect grades and test scores don't get into Ivy Leagues, luck is always involved. Don't let your ego rest on something so arbitrary

>> No.16118464

He's a bugman status-striver. All that matters to him is the social "prestige" of going to Cambridge so he can feel superior to others.

>> No.16118539

Cambridge and Oxford (and maybe Imperial) as the Ivy Leave universities of the UK, yes. The reason I failed to get in was that I did not perform well in my final exams, not because I didn't get the opportunity.

Nice projection. I wanted Cambridge because it's the best place to study maths in the world.

>> No.16118577

>Nice projection. I wanted Cambridge because it's the best place to study maths in the world.
>i must have the best, 2nd best is not enough
bugman status-striver

>> No.16118699

When I was in high school, the greatest teacher I ever had told me he wished I would be more confident, since I always sounded unsure of myself when I raised my hand in class, but was usually right. Whenever I start arguing with someone, I think back to this. In an argument, I am always the first person to 'collapse', to agree for the sake of it even if I think I'm right because I hate conflict. But in practice, this allows people to step on you. If someone insults you and your first reaction is to deescalate or try to be sensible, you'll still suffer for letting yourself care about what they say. From now on, I can't let myself do that. If someone is shit talking me or being a fool, I need to fight them on it since to do otherwise shows no respect for myself. I once read that a valuable lesson you learn in your 30's is you learn to stop trying to convince people of things you know are correct. The more I think about it, the more that makes sense.

>> No.16118722

>worrying this much about undergrad
making connections, finding a good place for your area of research and developing self study is much more important
unless you just want good teach spoon feed degree bye bye

>> No.16118763

That's the whole point. Elite universities are where you make the best connections, where you collaborate with the most talented people, where you get opportunities unavailable anywhere else.

>> No.16118833

Ravioli, ravioli
Gimme a cutie loli

>> No.16118836

if you are an average student in a top uni, then no
you would have a much better chance shining at a redbrick, that is if you have the ability

>> No.16118867
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>> No.16118905

Idea: Use neural networks to make an improved form of spellcheck that corrects your writing not only in single words but in groups, and to avoid changing things that are already correct, have it only apply to the last 5-6 words typed and designate a keyboard key to press whenever a mistake is made.

>> No.16119176

I have no libido today, and this happened just after I decided to change my diet to a healthier one by cutting out all sweetened drinks and food, processed food and trying to cut all plastic out of my life because they severely lower testosterone, sperm counts and sperm quality. But then again its probably just the anti-depressants, I need to get off of them as soon as possible they can destroy your brain chemistry if you're on them too long

>> No.16119185

Wait until you see the mind, soul and body at once. Everything we posses is the most incredible and complex thing there is to exist, able to adapt to and overcome almost anything, the fact we can even make decisions is incredible in and of itself. But the maximum capactiy can only be reached if you keep your mind, soul and body healthy

>> No.16119190

I don't have a libido either, due to the medication I'm taking. It's so very, very nice. Don't think I ever want to go back ever

>> No.16119195

Why do you think its usually alchoholics that do that? Alchohol lowers testosteron, and low testosterone causes outbursts like that, because low testosterone creates disorder in our body which is expressed in outwards chaos

>> No.16119204

>no libido after diet change
completely normal. even extreme strong libido would be normal. a diet change in the form of cutting the usual main source of energy will lead to a period of two weeks (more or less) of adjusting. keto week 3 is about the best feeling in the world with superpowers and shit.

>> No.16119206

>no philosophy books strives to cure a medical illness
more likely they do, our current word 'scientist' is a rough translation of the word 'philosopher'

>> No.16119218

I'm conflicted on it, while its good to have less of a libido because its easier to cut away from porn and being a coomer, its giving me feeling like I made a mistake somewhere and its not actually helping me, basically I'm having doubts, though both too low of a libido and too high of a libido signal problems, a normal one is what you should strive for
Thanks anon, guess I was just worrying too much about it, I'll give it a few more weeks

>> No.16119227

I wrote something low IQ but took me a little while. probably going to get 404'd so check it out. its what I thought tonight.


>> No.16119296 [DELETED] 

This. The victorian era and protestant reformation were a mistake, they were the source of these pathologies

>> No.16119309

But moomins ownly moom, they don't coom.

>> No.16119323

I'm not an incel but could I go?

>> No.16119331

I liked it anon.

>> No.16119359

sweden literally refused to do a lockdown unlike everyone else but ofc /pol/tards will only look at the demographic and think "I knew it"

>> No.16119381

I'm getting into liveblog. Starting to like it, but feel comparatively "uncool" when Megan talks about taking drugs I've never taken. It's kinda silly but drugs come with a lot of social capital. Wanna do most cool drugs at least once. Or maybe I just wanna do shrooms and be done with it, it's on my list.

>> No.16119402
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I think most people could relate to that anon, myself included (had a thing for painting and drawing as a kid but completely dropped it). Only very few kids grew up with one particular passion or talent that they fleshed out throughout the years, and most of the time they come from a wealthy background because supporting a child's talent is usually really expensive
don't be too hard on yourself anon. Idk what age you are but honestly it doesn't matter because not only did you realize your problem but it seems to me that you are actively trying to fix it which is not something everyone can say of themselves.
I'm 20 and have similar ambitions now. Let's hope we make it out of this consumerist hellscape

>> No.16119417

thanks. i wrote it for a more low key site but copied and pasted here, so its raw

>> No.16119436

guy on the left looks like deakin from animal collective kek

>> No.16119478
File: 121 KB, 750x750, unnammed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so seemingly hard to meet people that are down to earth and authentic? Like they really display where they come from and don't try to put up a persona to impress anybody.
I'll admit that I'm also guilty of that but at least I recognize it. Is it all because of consumerism?
I've been using bumble for almost a month and it seems like every girl likes the exact same things.

>> No.16119479

Yeah that sort of adds to its character. Lowkey is something very aesthetically appreciable in the right context, and when it is genuine. Not just an empty aesthetic for "le aesthetic".

>> No.16119499

so it has to be real. love it

>> No.16119537

Do women lie by design or by nature? I am too honest to communicate with these creatures in their own language

>> No.16119819
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I want to fuck cougars, anon.

>> No.16119973

>drank too much again to be able to read properly

>> No.16120056


>> No.16120228

I know that feel bro

>> No.16120292

Why? doing drugs just for the social benefit is rather a waste.

>> No.16120300

its considered impolite to actually talk about the things you like.

>> No.16120566

look at "implications"

>> No.16120593

It's hard to admit, but I go on here partially because I have a crush on the posters...

>> No.16120698

I wonder how can a person become true self in the society
Even if I try to cultivate some values by myself
I can't act a same way when I by myself
It feels like you have to obey not just human norms but also something more that make a person act in a different way, wearing a mask, not acting by true self because of it's own unconscious desires towards people
I don't know if it makes any sense but whatever I guess

>> No.16120752

I graduated with a good degree classification from a global top ten university during a pandemic and subsequently can't get a job even washing dishes.

I want to be off my antidepressants I got put on during university but I'm worried that if I start to come off them now I'll do something stupid and off myself.

I can't stay with my girlfriend much longer as she's moving in with new flatmates and so I'd have to move back home to my parents house where I will probably rot for a while until one of my dozens of applications comes through.

>> No.16120864

No longer guided by outside influence, I am finally free to pursue the true inner desire.

>> No.16120935

I really appreciate /lit/ as a space where people can speak anonymously about their true opinions on books, writers, publishing, literary trends, whatever. I'm not bothered by most of the cultural bugaboos society has today which cause discourse to be so constrained under real names and accounts, and some of the contrarian takes on here, including from genuinely racist and misogynist perspectives, are well-reasoned and deserve consideration. But I think it's a real shame how often this license to speak freely is just used for back-and-forth bickering about who is more mad or who had the pseud interpretation of the thrice-translated obscurantist philosopher of the moment. Such potential, continually gone to seed.

>> No.16121161

Thanks dude. Im 26, still young but getting up there. At 20 youre still very young anon, take advantage of all the opportunities you have and try to master whatever it is you enjoy doing. Good luck.

>> No.16121388

>he thinks historic coffee house discussions weren't just fronts for discussing ankles and servant abuse tactics

>> No.16121563

Tires rolling and rolling on the concrete.
Our weight crashing down on the seams.
I couldn’t be closer to happiness.

>> No.16122042
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I still don't know what we are supposed to do with criminals. We can incarcerate them but that doesn't really help the victims because the deed is already done.

>> No.16122792

Without fear of consequences there'd be infinitely many crimes

>> No.16122813

Synchronicities and apophenia have been dizzying as fuck. it was a nice moment I didn’t want to touch it so I stole it as respite and slept, im not sure how to do this. I thought I found a gate but I lost my side to it so I had to make another one

>> No.16122835

>men don't lie

>> No.16123006

Oh Morbidness. I feel as though I understand you better, like you've gone through this too. It's why you don't know the past, why you ignore it. Why would you want to pay attention to it? To them? Why you fear when you're reminded of something... Oh good lord in heaven... I'm so sorry if that is true. I don't know how to hate you. Maybe our souls are linked in hell. Maybe we'll find each other there. But I know I don't deserve it. The God of the next world is not the false prophet of they who call themselves Gods now. No one deserves so horrible a fate as to be condemned on divine authority by unfit judgment. I do hope you won't be angry if I pray for us.

>> No.16123554

Revolt Against the Modern World, and Ride the Tiger, are completely opposite pieces of advice. What did he mean by this? Which is it?

>> No.16123613

Out of these, what would you choose to study at a uni?
>Mathematical modelling (mostly PDE theory)
>CS (with focus on approximation and optimization)
>mech eng.
I'm most inclined towards doing CS and ME together if it's doable, but would like to know your opinions.
Studying philosophy sounds great, but it's weird to study one's hobby that doesn't earn money as it might just ruin the passion and I can as well read philosophy on my own.

>> No.16123619

You dont actually read philosophy in uni philosophy courses, weird as it sounds

>> No.16123641

oh nonono

>> No.16123656

A reason more to avoid it?

>> No.16123662

I used to write erotic passages into google translate and make her read it back to me
It was much more fun than copy pasting other people's work

>> No.16123692

If Jesus really loved me he would let me sleep, that filthy cocksucker.

>> No.16123694

as weird as it sounds the main point of philosophy is not to read poorly written books but something else

>> No.16123697

he made weed for a reason

>> No.16123705

right, it's to give ZOG $120,000 for a fashionable indoctrination

>> No.16123750

Thinking about just quitting college and asking to work at a book shop i really like if they'll give me a job. I did two courses over a year that felt almost completely useless in the long run. Yeah, it was fun having a routine and i was forced a little outside my comfort zone, but the first course was just general creative shit, and the second was musical theatre when my actual passion is acting and writing. I was told i had to do both before i could move on to an acting one but now i'm in a lower level course than before because i failed my interview horribly, even when i was told i had a good audition, because i had no experience in actual acting or theatre since i was forced to do fucking musicals instead.

>> No.16123751
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I'm just so fucking happy right now bros. This girl I met through a former job agreed to go on a date, and she's been sending me lots of thoughtful messages with hearts and winky faces.

I thought she was totally out of me league, but decided to shoot my shot anyways. Don't give up on your dreams, frens

>> No.16123784

Doesn't Revolt Against the Modern World end with a plea to 'Ride the Tiger' though? At least that's how I remember it.

>> No.16123877

Cant wait to live comfy once I become a nurse.

>> No.16124165

When I was younger, I thought my desire to emigrate from the US was a sign of immaturity. As an adult, I feel like it's the sane thing to do and I should earnestly consider it.

>> No.16124201

I’m itching to pursue some course of study on my own, but I don’t know what to do.
Do I learn a language? (German/Greek)
Do I practice piano more seriously?
Do I take up drawing and try to learn to paint?
Do I continue studying math (minored in it at uni)?
I don’t have many friends who I can engage with concerning any of the above, so it’ll be an exercise in commitment and passion, but I remain indecisive on which one I’ll begin now.

I’m young, so I can get around to all of these, but I’m having so much trouble deciding which one I should begin now. Anon, any helpful criticism would be appreciated.

>> No.16124203

The US is pretty much a third world country. I'm planning to leave it via marriage within the next couple years.

>> No.16124236

I'm also planning to leave it and I just got here 2 years ago. It's a caricature of a country in every respect.

>> No.16124265

Good luck. In the past, it felt like those who wanted to leave couldn't appreciate the positives of the country, but in the past 5-10 years it's clear things are just going to get worse, and I think people will be understanding of your desire to leave in a new country purely for how horrible things have become.
What did you come for? Will you head back to your homeland, or somewhere new?

>> No.16124280

I would suggest starting with the one that currently draws you most, then your interest would diverge in ways you couldn't foresee.

>> No.16124343

I agree with
You should ask yourself what you will gain out of improving in each one, too. Ideally you will learn German because there is something you want to do with German (ex. read Faust), or practice piano to play difficult music or become a composer and so on. Even if you choose a hobby mainly because it is fun, goal-setting will help you improve with commitment and passion as you mention. If you have no long-term aim in any of these, you'll stop learning the moment you grow bored, and the benefits you would have gained will be lost.

>> No.16124354

>What did you come for? Will you head back to your homeland, or somewhere new?
I moved here because I believed it would be more conducive to my career goals, and honestly it is, but I can't imagine staying here long term. I'll try somewhere like Germany or Austria next, but if I was still disappointed I'll start thinking about moving back to my home country.

>> No.16124377

Everyone is alone in his own kind of way. Other people are like panes of glass. The closer to a mirror the better you like them. But it's only you that you like in them. Can't you learn to appreciate windows? Tinted, stained, frosted and warped, spiderweb cracked and fragments missing? There's nothing wrong with what they show, but they don't hold you in reflection. And absent that, you don't feel anything.

>> No.16124381

The work experience you've gained so far should help at least, especially if you're in the tech sector. It's unfortunate you've had to see things decline like this, it certainly wasn't always this bad.

>> No.16124500

people are fun to explore, different worlds appear, maybe light shines on and trough their fragments and warps to create something else i dunno, maybe the something else the light creates is all that ever mattered anyway

>> No.16124579

I cried after reading If cats disappeared from earth.
While the story was a bit of a downer, it was the list, reflecting afterwards. I don't think anyone could make a list of 10 things they like about me. A tear soaked page counted up to 4.

>> No.16124650

>at least I recognize it
but do you tell others?

>> No.16124772

congrats man

>> No.16125086

could protect society from future crimes

>> No.16125092

that was shit. it requires love to explore people otherwise theres no light, it hurts but thats valuable

that energy is often connected to something else entirely, maybe you have something to say

>> No.16125308

>that was shit
I dont know if you mean the writing, the sentiment, the metaphor, or what so I can't do much w/ this

>> No.16125372

wrong no.