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/lit/ - Literature

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16138615 No.16138615 [Reply] [Original]

>426,879 years left of Kali Yuga
guys, what do?

>> No.16138648

Who r u quoting?

>> No.16138654

indians indulge in a type of vanity, quantity without quality, "big number much impressive"

>> No.16138695

Man the buddha was ripped.

>> No.16138790

>tfw buddha fasted for 6 years and retained perfect hair
it's not fair guys

>> No.16138797
File: 40 KB, 333x499, 51gp4rovRWL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer is in here desu

>> No.16138798

Post proof it didn't already end.

>> No.16138885
File: 224 KB, 1024x848, surf-the-kali-yuga-1024x848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still 426,879 years left in this bitchin wave me and my bros are catching
imagine all the hot thots on the shore who are getting soaked watching us bust these sickass moves. hell fucking yeah.
we're literallly all going to make it (except the hylics and dyel-s) and the only thing we're going to drown in is prime pussy juice. start lifting, bros

>> No.16138954

No, they just see time differently than you or I. Faustian men see space as arbitrary, because it's infinite. The distance between London and New York is just a number. Indian men, however, see time as arbitrary, as it is infinite. The time between today and the Buddha's day is just a number, and just as arbitrary to him as that distance between New York and London.

Is that silly? Yeah, it is. But then, non-Faustians find this idea of exchanging ideas with people long distances away and communicating as if you were face to face as silly.

>> No.16139136

Come one with Vishnu and be the champion on the white stallion

>> No.16139182

They actually mistakenly multiplied it by 100.000. So it end in 2024-5.

>> No.16139575

that close?

>> No.16139588

God let’s hope so

>> No.16139619


>> No.16140884

>rulers will levy taxes unfairly


>> No.16140899
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what happens after? and what happens during the transition?

>> No.16140913

What answer does he give in ride the tiger? How does he say we should live our lives in auch times?

>> No.16140926


Imagine if you couldn't die and had to literally endure over 400 millennia of Ameriburger punk libshittery. Imagine libshittery in space. What would even be the point of living? I am so glad those ancient yogis were wrong about this

>> No.16140940


tren + chronic starvation will get you there. GL

>> No.16141313

The transition from Kali Yuga to Dwapara Yuga is a New Age lie. There is no scriptural evidence that supports and they say quite the opposite. If there is a transition, it is very discreet where the Kali Yuga reaches it's terminal stage, the world ends, everybody dies, and the world is created again starting from Satya Yuga. This is explained in the Hindu scriptures clear cut terms.

>> No.16141323

Is it possible for non-(practically)divinity's?

But what about muh philosophy and art man, are you really going to fucking tell me Heidegger doesn't get a direct conscious answer in later philosophy of the same tradition?

>> No.16141730

What do you mean? I don't know much about Heidegger except from what I read from The Question Concerning Technology and Introduction to Heidegger by Graham Harman.

>> No.16141757

I hate to break out the fedora, but there's no such thing. ;^)

>> No.16142578
File: 3.77 MB, 348x550, pepespirit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142612

It's not just years, but bullshit like infinite universe, or "to an infinite degree", or thousand heads God with many arms, the retarded size of the Mahabarata and full of fluff length of all vedantic commentaries

>> No.16142850

That doesn't seem correct, chronology is very important in Hindu cosmology, otherwise they wouldn't bother measuring the lengths of the different ages or recording extensive guru lineages or royal genealogies. It's just that time is infinite and is composed of a beginningless and endless series of cycles.

>> No.16142933

Double the /lit/ shitposting about it and debate minor points of translated Hindu scripture interpreted by some dude on twitter.

>> No.16142959

Be patient.

>> No.16143346

taking retarded pajeets seriuosly

>> No.16143535

>we ain't seen nothing yet
Being the most ancient of promises. There's your proof bro

>> No.16143545

>le world ends in *insert set year*

>> No.16143552

>poo scripture vs jew scripture
Personally? Imma go with poo

>> No.16143561

Time being infinite is precisely WHY they need to have such a firm interest in chronology. The fact that there are no arbitrary breaks in time is why they can fill it with (ultimately arbitrary and manmade) temporal structures. It's the same as Faustian man having all sorts of systems of measurement: the fact that space is infinite doesn't mean that there's no point in measuring it. Rather, because the distance doesn't matter, it CAN be made into "just a number". People without such ideas of time (or space) would find chronology and measurement to be preposterous, as the distance is too large to matter, so why bother?

Again, no different than the Faustian idea of infinite worlds, God(s) of infinite power, or angelology, and the weird ideas the pre-Christian Europeans had about what their Gods looked like (remember, Zeus showing his true form to Semele literally burns her eyes out).

Does the many arms (which is really just a visualization of great power, they don't literally have multiple arms unless they choose to) look weird to us? Yeah, it does, but then much of Western culture looks bizarre to Indians.