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16170468 No.16170468 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on anarcho primitivism?

>> No.16170594

Simulacra and Simulation coupled with the Selfish Gene.

>> No.16170614

I want to be an anarcho-primitivist, but i think we as a community should make a single acception and allow there to be a single gender transition surgeon with a fully powered clinic in every society so that people can be their true gender while enacting anarcho-primitivism.

I think its a hard but necessary exception we must deal with.

>> No.16170633

Don't waste your time with this meme bullshit, no actual anarcho primitivists exist. They're all LARPers who would like to think the world would be a better place in the future the sewage system did not exist.

If you're going to waste dozens of hours of dedicated attention to a political ideology, at least do so with a relevant one that has consequences in the REAL WORLD.

>> No.16171373

sorry I forgot that being interested in ideas is illegal

>> No.16171384

Go join the sentinel islanders

>> No.16171433
File: 192 KB, 1400x2113, BADAFC9A-7BAE-409A-B37B-2D8E336ECF1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Ted, Zerzan, Linkola
Get some books on survivalism, living off the woods I guess. I prefer a more halfway there from here lifestyle. Not sure what this Ryan guy advocates, but you might like it

>> No.16171449
File: 222 KB, 942x1418, 71AC8E5C-C9A0-415A-8074-FD63539D3302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And and that one anon who went to go live in the California hills (but was recently displaced by wildfires), recommended this one. Might like it.

>> No.16171621

Walden and greek erotic literature, specially Anacreon

>> No.16171633

jesus christ terry pick a title already

>> No.16171638

kaczynski wasn't an anarcho-primitivist

>> No.16171662

After a fashion, he can be considered one, I think.
You’ve read him? What makes him stand out?

>> No.16171677

i would love to read that, but damn is it expensive. 55 dollars

>> No.16171678

he's got an essay the specifically criticizes anarcho-primitivists, which i think is for the most part legit since he accuses them of projecting liberal pieties into an imagined past. not to say that there isn't some potential for anprim theory but it's too laden with hippy baggage still

>> No.16171783

Socialism is an amorphous thing and I think he just makes a place for a different kind of “an-prim” just by this critique. Some people will take their christianity into it, others their secular pacifism, others a more Ted K approach.

>> No.16171810

shut the fuck up

>> No.16171995

john zerzan amd derrick jensen are the only ones really worth reading

>> No.16172029

Is not. That's why you aren't getting arrested by the police but getting insulted by some fat neckbeard on some shitty imageboard

>> No.16172040

I can cut your cock off for you

>> No.16172076

kek I love how you are so obsessed with attention seeking that you cant even keep your mouth shut when you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.16172112

this is shitty bait or a reddit-tier idea

>> No.16172369

The old anarcho way to transition was to appeal to some entity then kill or suicide the person who wishes to transition and be born again as their desired gender.