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/lit/ - Literature

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16179279 No.16179279 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss Marx's writings and related authors.
Where to start:
marxists dot org
Where to discuss:
/marx/, bunkerchan dot xyz slash leftypol, /pol/

>> No.16179288

How's about we discuss how much of the world his God awful ideology destroyed instead?

Karl "never worked a day in me life" Marx

>> No.16179302

Marx worked as a newspaper writer for smaller papers and the NYT

>> No.16179332

He obviously meant alienated wage labour not bourgeois stipendiary.

How fucking young are you that you fall for that bait anyway? Has the trot group allowed you to hold the megaphone yet?

Read Condition.

>> No.16179359

>He obviously meant alienated wage labour not bourgeois stipendiary.
See: Capital, Chapter 21: Piece Wages

>> No.16179378

not literature

>> No.16179383

>This writer isn't literature because XYZ
No, cope harder.

>> No.16179407

We already had mutliple Marx threads in the past few days.

>> No.16179420

"We already had mutliple Dostoevsky threads in the past few days."
"We already had mutliple Tolkien threads in the past few days."
"We already had mutliple Hegel threads in the past few days."
"We already had mutliple Kant threads in the past few days."

>> No.16179434

Do you think literature is a synonym for books? Are you illiterate or retarded?

>> No.16179446

From the pinned thread here:
>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction)
>specifically books (fiction & NON-FICTION)

>> No.16179457

The dominant relationship dictates. Marx subsisted on stipends and being given money to write opeds was and is stipendiary *not* the purchase of a labour power commodity at subsistence (ie: reproduction). Read the first chapter on the wage.

>> No.16179473

>Marx subsisted on stipends and being given money to write opeds was and is stipendiary *not* the purchase of a labour power commodity at subsistence
Where's your proof that this is even true? Not the theory behind it, but rather that it's applicable to Marx's jobs.

>> No.16179481

>Infighting 3 posts in
Lol this is why communists will never succeed.

>> No.16179517

Your arguments seem to be made up entirely out of segments taken from Marx's works. It's akin to bible quotation. Do you make your own mind up on communist theory?

>> No.16179528

>Your arguments seem to be made up entirely out of segments taken from Marx's works.
Well yes, when it's an argument over Marx it makes sense you'd do that.
>Do you make your own mind up on communist theory?
Of course. I don't see how quoting Marx means you can't have your own opinion.

>> No.16179575

I'm not here to antagonize anyone, but I have some questions to ask.

Why in this discussion do you reference chapters from Marx's works as if they were some infallible maxims? In a sense I am asking for you to elaborate your first response.

Also, on a side note, how does Engels tie in to Marxist theory? Is Engels's work best treated as a separate Communist body? I am reading
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State for context.

>> No.16179577

Letters. Begging Engels. Being a University emigre in 19th century London. There not being a labour market for wage slaves in opeditiocy

Yes. Particularly exertion effort reward, long term wage deflation, social average lengths via overtime, family wage setting as reproduction cost. Marx is a handy summary, but certainly not a method to advance struggle. Only observe existing.

>> No.16179582

I have literally never encountered a Marxist argument that I couldn't destroy

I'm on house arrest starting tomorrow, give me your best you fucking pussies.

>> No.16179592

Engels was the coauthor and literary executor of Capital. Engels is a deficient philosopher, but an exceptional social scientist. Except for antiduhring Engels is more useful in struggle than Marx.

Marxs categories have been praxically verified in terms of Labour power and the proletariat by workers and the proletariat. We were discussing Marxs relationship to capital in general. Therefore using Marxs bourgeois categories as a short hand for the actual historical material or praxic categories makes fucking sense.

>> No.16179599

End third of the German ideology on Stirner.

>> No.16179607

Make some quotes, vague open statements are not arguments.

>> No.16179615

How does the fact that Marx was a Hegelian disciple influence his becoming of a communist?
Is Hegel something collectivists need to brush over?

>> No.16179620

Hegel is a relativist that thinks nothing is real, this is beneficial for the communist mindset because you can just jam a square object into a circular hole and it's all good.

>> No.16179636

We've also had a bunch of fascist stuff here. Let the leftists have their hugbox

>> No.16179642

My nigga Marx knew how to praxis with the maid baddaboom hey Fred go clean up my mess hazzaa

>> No.16179662

damn boi u got em good how they gon recover from dis one

>> No.16179747

I especially love his idea of common ownership. Since it is physically impossible for (even) hundreds of people to exercise control over some single object they must choose some small representative body somehow - now we are back to square one, but worse, because this small group effectively owns said object - without building it or paying for it (and the fact that the ownership is only temporary creates all the more incentives for defraudation).

>> No.16179763

You know Marx wrote a whole volume whose translations are out of copyright and freely available futon

>> No.16179769

It depends on whether you’re reading Marx as a philosopher or as terrain advice on hanging the bureaucrats with the guts of the bosses. Hegel is relevant for young Marx in the former reading.

>> No.16179823

>Hegel is relevant for young Marx in the former reading.
>muh althusserian young vs old marx meme
git gud nigga

>> No.16179839

I think Eduard Bernstein makes a compelling argument for non militant action. Less bloodshed when you battle with votes.

>> No.16179850

What do I do if I like Marx but every Marxist I've ever met was a homosexual retarded pussy?

>> No.16179861

reflect that you are also a homosexual retarded pussy

>> No.16179864

For you

>> No.16179907

meds not taken
voices in the wall heard
basement fortified against capitalist aggression
buzz words memorized
strawmans formulated
yep its time to talk about (((karl marx))) on my favorite internet website.

>> No.16179924

Honest question:
Why read Marx Today?
His philosophy is a dumbed down version of Hegel/Saint-Simon/Feuerbach.
His ecology is insufficient and he rejected moralism so the scientific grounds, which is all that there is to it, has already been falsified.
Why read Marx today when any contemporary economist has a better understanding of world economy/particular economies than he has to offer?
Is Marx the Guenon of the traditional leftists?

>> No.16179931

I don't sense an argument.
Marxism is just as applicable today as it was in 1917.

>> No.16179945

Same. I'm a Marxist, anyone vaguely left leaning online has a 99% chance of being some trans person looking for attention. Better to just organize IRL.

>> No.16179969

Marxs later works treat struggle more seriously and skip intersubjectivity as a bourgeois conception.

>> No.16180009

>Marxism is just as applicable today as it was in 1917
HOW and WHY?
Explain why the most industrialized country at the time, England, didn't had a "proletarian" revolution.

>> No.16180061

Important thread because Marxism is more significant and important than any other bullshit /lit/ can muster up.

>> No.16180087
File: 82 KB, 630x630, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people claiming marxism is not relevant anymore
>people also claiming that marxism is an ideology to be implemented in this thread
you fools don't know how wrong you are.....
also shut the FUCK UP ABOUT HEGEL

>> No.16180097


>> No.16180108

this man has just resolved the internal contradictions of "under standing" and negated it..... incredible.

>> No.16180211

>Explain why the most industrialized country at the time, England, didn't had a "proletarian" revolution.
Tronti (1964) Lenin in England
Hilferding Imperialism

England had both the most advanced repressive techniques known to man (parliament, enclosure, police, new unionism, the labour party), and super profits from imperialism.

There were multiple revolts in England's periphery during the 19th century, most notably in India. India where the majority of English superprofit came from.

>> No.16180228

even while engels writes conditions of the working class he notes that a "labour aristocracy" is forming in England, where workers are receiving benefits from capitalists. That might be in the introduction, but my point remains.

>> No.16180243

Whereas in the most developed 20th century cases of capitalism, in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, spontaneous working class revolts which recapitulated the class as the proletariat in direct governance occured.

Strange that.

>> No.16180266

Bump this thread needs to stay active, the promotion of class consciousness is of paramount importance. Plus the other threads on /lit/ are shit.

>> No.16180303

Based ESL

>> No.16180342

Marx is still relevant to the looming idea of automation.

I want Fully Automated Luxury Communism NOW.

>> No.16180382

Read Marx, please.
Reddit called.

>> No.16180410

Then obviously hang up.

>> No.16180493
File: 3.18 MB, 2822x2117, IMG_20200821_103753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this from the Verso book sale, really satisfied my commodity fetish.

>> No.16180528


>> No.16180541

you gonna do something about the folks using uncle grandpa there to justify basically destroying everything good and just in the world, or do we need another hitler?

>> No.16180547

this guys a big fucking dummy lol

>> No.16180559

Im well aware of his writings, now make specific quotes and specific claims and watch your own world crumble

>> No.16180571
File: 1.29 MB, 1438x1507, riot repeated arrest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16180648

Commie cornered

You animals are all the same

>> No.16180663

Hot take: Marx wanted to devalue labor that he was bad at while protecting the value of labor that he was good at

Marx hate lift rock, Marx want only write word. Marx big sad about nobody care.

>> No.16180669

This. Most of commies i know personally coincidentially do jobs that are not valued by the market.

>> No.16180887

Seeing harvey made me pule a little

>> No.16181247

>Marxs later works treat struggle more seriously and skip intersubjectivity as a bourgeois conception.
My man never left Hegel, he never left his communist man as norm against today's alienation

>> No.16181253

not surprised you don't know what commodity fetishism is dumbass

>> No.16181269

not surprised you are an arrogant fuck dumbass, not OP btw you are just an asshole

>> No.16181284

uh acá sí que no se coge

>> No.16181308

is it not the bourgois ideal to maximise money for labour? surely, if marx was so wrong about bourgoisie parasitism, then we should appload marx for avoiding work so well. Marx never needed the state to feed him, and was blacklisted from his chosen career, and still managed to do allright, while muh markets muh rent muh wealth of nations adam smith was paid by the state his whole life.

>> No.16181422

welcome to 4chan, no feddit mod to ban me nigga

>> No.16181505

you are projecting very hard here my friend

>> No.16181512

When will Marxists start talking about banks?

>> No.16181523

when you're ready to acknowledge they always have. Marx, Engels and Lenin all talk about them, so does Luxemburg. Stop living in your dream world.

>> No.16181557

Marx did in the Communist Manifesto:
>5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

>> No.16181584

How did he debunk fascism?

>> No.16181631

What did he say about jewish central banks?

>> No.16181658

Nothing, you're looking for Bakunin. This "jewish banker" shit is petite-bourgeois to the core. Its the boogeyman of small business owners who get into debt and who just want to pogrom a section of the population while keeping the capitalist structure and not having to give up their own private property.

>> No.16181659

Marxism does not work.

Socialism does not work.

Communism does not work.

>> No.16181707

>implying Marxism can or cannot work

>> No.16181738

>central banks are fine, it's the kulaks that are the real menace
you are a joke

>> No.16181765

Central banks under a dictatorship of the proletariat are fine. The central bank of the USSR (gosbank) wasn't even commercial anyway, you didn't take "loans" from it.

>> No.16181772

>Marxism does not work.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.16182013

Brainlet that you are, you ascribe the often violent tides of revolutionary movements as creations of Marx's "ideology," not inevitable aftershocks of capitalism that Marx accurately predicted.

>> No.16182037

Why do you say this Marx obviously had a hard on for industry

>> No.16182052

>under a dictatorship of the proletariat
yeah you mean 'a guy and his friends' by that

>> No.16182102

Economic class is the single most important structure in modern society.

>> No.16182120

That retard is somehow less larpy than every person on this website.
Good shit.

>> No.16182159

>fully automated luxury communism
How can you fully automate the economy when the economy is driven by human desire?

>> No.16182261

Death to Karl Marx.

>> No.16182372

_I_ am from plebbit? Anyway, have you read Ollman at all?

>> No.16183601

if ive read
>critique of the gotha program
>german ideology
>wage labor and capital
>civil war in france
>socialism utopian and scientific
am i good to read capitol or is there more marx/engels i should read first

>> No.16183646

cool thread guys

>> No.16183651


>> No.16183703

Is the manifesto worth it on its own? I don't want to start with Das Kapital yet.

>> No.16183743

is this the order to read them in? or if anyone has other suggestions about where to start

>> No.16183747

Socialism utopian and scientific is better than manifesto for a pamphlet sized intro.

>> No.16183768

agree with this, engels also briefly covers the old utopian socialists like owen and simon which is good to know as background

>> No.16184245

>people use marx as an excuse to butcher the opposition
>"b-bu-bu- it's not his fault! this happens all the time! he just predicted it haha"

>> No.16184250

>writers don't work

>> No.16184270

Hegel wrote literal gibberish and tried to pass it off as philosophy.

>> No.16184277

State and Rev is soo good

>> No.16185189

What's up with "Companion to" grifters? Capital is easy as fuck to understand.

>> No.16185199

>Marxism does not work.
Do Americans really

>> No.16185229

Personally I’d recommend Engels historical studies and Hammond and Hammonds historical studies.

Marx and Engels are primarily useful as:
- posers of problems
- analysts of the laws of motion of capital

Neither are good autonomous proletarian activists. Engels is *marginally* superior to Marx in this regard. Lenin was another such bourgeois liberal but with less analysis.

You need to start with the IWW or KAPD if you want to understand proletarian autogestation as the revolutionary proletariat. This can be followed up with the history of the Hungarian and Czech revolutions of 56 and 68 respectively. Leninism par Leninism is a dead end of a mass grave: it has a bourgeois coup d’état theory (yes I do know Lenin’s critiques of party composition c 1915 and in S&R, he is still light years behind Nagys concrete tail ending the class).

Marxism is not a praxic science of revolution. It is a bourgeois philosophy, but admittedly a very useful bourgeois philosophy to determine how acts can recompose the class as it’s own historical subject.

To learn class struggle join the hards in your union and wrench the monkey.

>> No.16185375
File: 48 KB, 456x740, 1585782577643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marxism is a bourgeois philosophy,

>> No.16186096

>If it wasnt for Marx's nasty nasty book, there would never have been conflict and unrest in grossly poor and unequal countries going through radical economic change.

I suppose the potato famine was Locke's fault?
Unironically read Marx and consider why history happens.

>> No.16186167

Capitalism caused an unindustrialized agricultural society to follow Stalin?

>> No.16186194
File: 1.34 MB, 3400x6800, reddit soicalism starterpack [small].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/socialism passing through

>> No.16186214

look i use (shitpost) your chan sometimes and it's kinda comfie, but why do you have to autistically shill on other chans, leftypolers?

>> No.16186370

Welcome to Marxism.

Yes the five year plans were enclosure and value maximisation through alienated wage labour under capital.

>> No.16186754

Yes. It was generated by economists and the middle class

>> No.16186761

I like Marx but hate all Marxists where do I fit in?

>> No.16186818

In a sense, yes.

"Capitalism" in the abstract does not exist as some sort of ahistorical mover. The economic processes that manifested in Western Europe, that we describe as 'capitalism,' set the conditions for the unfolding of history over the past few centuries. The process of industrialization necessarily lead to class conflict along lines different from the ones in the feudal Europe that preceded it. In Russia, which had a weaker monarchy and less developed capitalist class than, say, Germany or France, this translated into a violent revolution, and rapid industrialization schemes that could only be carried out by a strong central government.

Marx spent his life describing the changes in the world around him, but he did not exist independently of the conditions he was describing. You could remove him individually from history, and the same processes would still play out (albeit perhaps with different icons or terminology)

Dont fall for great man history myths

>> No.16186988

its not the worst intro to socialism. whats with the richard wolff videos tho can redditors not read

>> No.16187026

>writing a gigantic collected works isn't working
Lmao ok

>> No.16187037

>grifter ngo

>> No.16187061

gotta admit portland riots seem like a hell of a party, i wonder if in the future they will have amusement parks for chinese tourists where they can get the authentic portland riot experience with tear gas and flashbags and shit, like a dude ranch but for riots

>> No.16187811

Lmao what have the wobblies ever achieved?

>> No.16187818


>> No.16187822


>> No.16187834

Proletarian autogestation. Now tell me about your bourgeois party and it’s bourgeois state.

>> No.16187848

Wrong this is a matter of opinion and your parents are at fault for allowing foundationless children to exist aimlessly in space. This doesnt occur in functional households however it appears to be a pre-requisite for the life un-prepared faggot marxist

>> No.16187851

All the wobblies have ever done is LARP, which is why the real workers have never backed them in significant numbers.

>> No.16187861


>> No.16187881
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AI is more important now than rehashing interpretations of Marx.

>> No.16187885

There does not exist a marxist that doensnt lobby or undermine others to maintain his values

>> No.16187922

Have the automation respond to human desire. It's supposed to be during post-scarcity anyway, so that doesn't change the output of the economy itself to a level where it's unacceptable for certain goods.

>> No.16187955

By his own theory he could not understand working proletariat because he wasn't it's member.

>> No.16188368

So you don't have a counter to that claim?

>> No.16188521

You know, the absolute least you could do is to read his Wikipedia page before hammering your keyboard. Relying on opinions, feelings, and assumptions to make a statement is the bane of our world.

>Andy "I've got brain damage" Ngöööööööööööööö

>> No.16188807

How is that related to some retard thinking marxism can work or not?

>> No.16189078

I've responded to the wrong post and I'm surprised that somebody noticed.