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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 347 KB, 732x1598, tybrax-vs-fabulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1620256 No.1620256 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1620264


>> No.1620261

Is Fab a twink? I love effeminate gay men. Non effeminate bisex guy here, checking in. Show me pics, Fabulous.

>> No.1620268

Great job.

>> No.1620270

i swear i didn't post this.

>> No.1620278

also i vote for

>> No.1620280

hm, i think fab is okay. ty needs reeducation

>> No.1620287

i vote for tybrax

Fabulous? pfft more like fagulous.

>> No.1620289

Are these actual pictures?

>> No.1620291
File: 46 KB, 323x432, GIRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1620294


>> No.1620295


you just said you made it, got your friend to post it for you..
i have it screencapped bro

>> No.1620298

how can i change? im following d&e's chart right now :)

>> No.1620302

...poor dear

>> No.1620303

considering jadesally is in this thread im guessing thats who posted his friend is.

>> No.1620304

I urge all Anons to report this until it goes away.

Be diligent, my brothers. The lapping river of manure is at our doorsteps.

>> No.1620308
File: 2.72 MB, 320x240, 22911_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1620309

ITT tripfags with delusions of self-wizardry when they are in fact petty amateur wikipedia philosophers

>> No.1620310

Why do people hate tripps again?

>> No.1620311

i dont member lol

>> No.1620314


>> No.1620315

Stop bumping this you egocentric faggot.

PS Catcher in the Rye is a horrible book and Holden (your idol) was a whiny bitch

>> No.1620316
File: 62 KB, 550x367, sad-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you keep saying things but never helping, why you like fabulous more than me i just got my friend to post this to see what you'd say i dont care about anything else.

>> No.1620317

Catcher wasn't a horrible book, but this guy is sure a horrible hipster tripster faggot

>> No.1620320

try not being pathetic and petty

>> No.1620340
File: 190 KB, 600x850, _Oscar_Wilde__by_Aceldama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all of this

>> No.1620356

oh. u mad?

Good. Let the butthurt flow through you.

>> No.1620360

Also -- not sure why you think I like Holden Caulfield so much.

PS. I'm not Tybrax, or OP.

>> No.1620369

>get shit on by anon and hurtful truths
>ask if mad

thats u

>> No.1620372

no i have a Hercules jaw

>> No.1620376

I vote that everyone who didn't sage and report this thread to be banned from 4chan forever.

>> No.1620380
File: 59 KB, 706x401, 1291650433259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1620381

but ur a dumb nigger and i dick my fag foot sick

>> No.1620385


>> No.1620392

Do you know what your sage amounts to? A fat bag of dicks.

Your sage is speeding up to pass a slow motherfucker on the road only to hit a red light and have that asshole right behind you, laughing at your haste.

Report or nothing else. Sage is fucking dumb. It doesn't keep it from the top of the board. All it accomplishes is some passive-aggressive bullshit.

>> No.1620389

prettay prettayy pretaayy mad

>> No.1620396

it's just a jealous newtripfaggot

it's k

>> No.1620397

>implying samefag
>implying tripfag
>implying not anons
>implying tripsters are not as bad as hipsters
>implying dicks come in bags and not saran wrap

>> No.1620398

i have implied not a thing!

>> No.1620402

u just jelly cause Tybrax is kicking the shit out of you on the polls, and /lit/ likes him and hates you.

>> No.1620407

Tybrax and his bedmate have samefagged this thread to oblivion

/lit/ probably likes him more, but what can I, as the overrefined do?

I'm just too potent

>> No.1620415

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.1620520

i can't show u on this computer

>> No.1620544

-Angsty homosexual male from scotland aged ~18
-posted as an underage b& for at least 3 months
-Emotionally confused, has been on antidepressants. Post history has varied from irritating tightwad, to depressed loner, to outright troll whoring for attention any way he can
-Occasionally pretends to be a woman
-Never leaves 4chan
-Lusts after D&E

-Irritating Homosexual male aged ~18, probably from america
-will continually reply to virtually anything, openly says he trips for the attention
-tends to be a tightwad who wants you to stop liking what he likes
-Posting history tends to be a constant of irritating, but non-troll arguing and irrelevant sidecovos
-Browses for hours on end
-Lusts after D&E

>one is an angsty little bitch who craves human attention like a lab rat and will do virtually anything to get it
>the other is a egocentric tryhard who posts on topic and never shuts the fuck up
>both are homosexual
>both are after D&E

>> No.1620561
File: 6 KB, 264x191, ChhekHoov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tends to be a tightwad who wants you to stop liking what he likes

>> No.1620565
File: 19 KB, 360x251, Mary_Poppins_in_the_Clouds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evaluating people as fixed characters is bad. love your enemies, as well as those who annoy you. understand them as real human beings even in cyberspace.

here's the behavioral report card for this week.

ty gets an a- for being good and showing effort
fab gets a b for posting slightly less triviality

but children please be less annoying.

>> No.1620575

i love merry poppins

even if you dont look like mary poppins i imagine you to be like mary poppins

i want to come take me into a world of middle upper class magic

>> No.1620580

Personality traits are more or less constant, so evaluating trips as objects is completely valid. In the long run, I'd say both evaluations are fairly accurate, even if you don't like them. Deal with it

>> No.1620584

it is not about whether the descriptions are true, it is about using the description to frame your own attitude toward people. this applies in real life too fyi

>> No.1620589

anyway if you read my book (forthcoming) you'll understand

>> No.1620598

ill read it onion!

>> No.1620604

you are probably not going to understand it unless you study lots of philosophy but maybe i should make it easier.

>> No.1620606

or alternatively you could be attempting to frame me as framing my opinions based on irrelevant data when in fact the data is completely relevant. Just because there is Inevitable bias does not automatically mean the entire evaluation should be discredited

>status: Told

>> No.1620611

life is a process not a picture. you live in time and empirical study of people reveal them to be developing and dynamic processes

>> No.1620637

what is my grade onion?

>> No.1620650

hm. incomplete since i didn't see you post/forgot what you posted.

>> No.1620652

Psychology indicates behavioral patterns remain more or less constant throughout individuals lives. While it is true you cannot ever be guaranteed absolute knowledge of data, you can predict what most likely. Most of what you just said has been an over-hyping of potential problems to polarized extremes as a means of refuting, when in fact you cannot reliably prove the data presented suffers these extremes whereas by the same token I cannot remove the possibility that the extremes do not exist.

It is an unwinnable and irrelevant argument - For practical purposes, unless there is evidence to suggest reason to fear this extreme ( this will obviously be ascertained on an individual and arbitrary basis), there is really no effective reason to fear this. Since this question is one grounded in human behavior and measurable psychological factors, we can establish a measurable mean and work from there (for even if reality may be based on ones own perception, the reality perceived has boundaries).

as a result, I can say are pulling a bullshit argument

>> No.1620658


>> No.1620661

you are not understanding the argument. there is no metaphysics involved here at all. just a beguiling proposition to a productive illusion.

>> No.1620682

well bb is generally okay. he gets an a- too for making the op too huge and take up space. otherwise okay.

>> No.1620685

i blush irl whenever you reply to me.

>> No.1620705

your original position was that evaluations based on the sum of experiences for this point in time was a mistake, when questioned why, you suggested that people develop over time. I argued against citing psychology, and shot down the potential rebuff that there is not enough data to make an accurate picture (a likely counterargument when I point out what you said is not particularly true on any level whatsoever.There is a reason childhood is called a formative stage in human development).

Now, you seem to be repeating your argument and contradicting youself at the same time. If evaluation is an error, as you suggested, that would contradict with the fact it is productive- suggesting an evaluation is of value.

So, seems to me like you have no argument and are stalling for me to desist. I have already suggested the potential faults of this manner of evaluation are reasonable as there will always be risk but it must first be justified (hence disseminating your claim that it is also an illusion, which is an attempt to create a circular contradiction), and after that you are merely agreeing with me stated in a way that appears to support your original statement. Try harder

>> No.1620708

this is the kind of thread that NEEDS to be reported by any and all anons browsing lit.

>> No.1620712

well then it seems psychology needs to be updated with some better epistemology. thanks for telling me that. i'll file it on the to do list

>> No.1620720

>can't disprove
>"well the facts must be wrong"
>can't give a credible reason why
Failed that saving throw, sisbro

>> No.1620725

it's okay i'll include this bit in the disney book

>> No.1620734

>can't disprove
>vainly attempts trolling

>> No.1620738

oh no you beat a phantom of your imagination

>> No.1620758

>not even arguing on a rational basis
lol. Not even pretending to have an argument at this point

Troll line (all posts beneath are raging tryhards) :