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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 153 KB, 885x563, Paradise_Lost_13%20%281%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16291234 No.16291234 [Reply] [Original]

I'm Satan, except without any of the redeeming qualities. I'm the biggest piece of trash on the planet and I won't change. I am in the Hell of my design. This is not an Exit.

>> No.16291241

I am God

>> No.16291278

You like to think this because you would rather be a genius in evil than a mediocre, forgettable human being

>> No.16292580

The dude from ‘No longer Human’ was me for a large majority of my life. I am not a Chad.

>> No.16292647

This man is /literally/ both Freud and Satan

>> No.16292667
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A mix between this and Raskolnikov

>> No.16292733
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>> No.16292851

Is there any female characters in literature who is basically fem!Raskolnikov? Because thats me

Have you tried talking to a psychotherapist anon?

>> No.16293012

I did see without the redeeming qualities anon. I am capable of self-reflection. Maybe too much.
>Have you tried talking to a psychotherapist anon?
Why? I know what I am. Maybe not who I am. But it doesn't matter.

>> No.16293055

That's not why. It really helps to share your thoughts with another person, to have someone share the burden in a way, and give you some advice. It helped for me. I'm still unhappy, but I'm not sinking in despair anymore

>> No.16293075

I speak with my parents about 4, 5 times per day. I speak about whatever's on my mind. For what I can't, I have this place. I don't really want to go to a psychiatrist. We have a friend who's one. He's got his own clinic and everything. He literally told me to get my life in order and have sex. So, yeah...

>> No.16293087

I used to think this of Oreste in Andromaque. I used to be basically a discount Oreste, but that's the case for most people here I think.

"J'ai voulu vous donner les moyens de me plaire
Rendre Oreste content, mais enfin je vois bien
Qu'il veut toujours se plaindre et ne mériter rien."

"I have tried to give you the means to please me
To make Oreste happy but at last I truly see
That he wants to complain, always, and to never deserve."

>> No.16293137

still, it's different talking to a licensed professional. If things get really tough sometime, think about it at least. I wish you all the best anon

>> No.16293142

I am trash man

>> No.16293146

But things aren't tough. I've reached the bottom. Many times. Now there's just... up. And, honestly, I've found that "feeling down" is better for me. It keeps me grounded. Sharp, on the edge. Where I need to be.

>> No.16293167

Braz Cubas, except for the fact that I'm not well off, have no luck at all with the ladies, and maybe I'm just a tad bit more directionless with my life.

>> No.16294178

i'm prince myshkin

>> No.16294915

The bug in Metamorphosis

>> No.16295063

>I am in the Hell of my design.

This is a very striking remark.

That's actually what Hell will be like, in the Catholic understanding.

>> No.16295135
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Larry Darrell from The Razor's Edge

>> No.16295212
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Holy fuck talk about cringe. The references are the icing on the cake

>> No.16295901


>> No.16295909
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the devil does not have redeeming qualities fren. And the only redeeming quality you have is that you may still serve God.

>> No.16295982
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Gollum (except without a shiny ring)

>> No.16296036
File: 195 KB, 1351x1295, Marlon-Brando-Rolex-GMT-Master-Apocolypse-Now-e1562937913757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurtz from the Heart of Darkness. People who have met me think highly of me.

>> No.16296050

I'm just like Borges (the character, not the writer)

>> No.16296099

Shunsuke from Forbidden Colors, except I'm not a good writer.

>> No.16296971
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Bernardo Soares
Don Juan Tenorio

Chiefly their vices

>> No.16296973

Is it possible to be Othello and iago simultaneously?

>> No.16297975

Easy; just be a nigger.

>> No.16297993

you jack off to cuck porn but have power fantasies

>> No.16298102
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Every lisping pencil neck on here likes to think he’s satan tho, idk why

Most lit posters are losers in denial who spend the day reading novels and trying to be witty online

>> No.16298259
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>> No.16298295
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>I'm Satan, except without any of the redeeming qualities. I'm the biggest piece of trash on the planet and I won't change. I am in the Hell of my design. This is not an Exit.
Satan was the most prominent and beautiful of all of Gods works as mentioned by St. Bellermine, and only became the most abject and hated after his revolt. Indeed, Lucifer and early demons are even said to have retained their hatred of sins of impurity. You are nothing like him. You're a worthless worm and in any case, a gravely mistaken one at that. Satan doesn't hate himself. In point of fact, he loves himself. Theologically his pride is his flaw. And why would the most prominent and glorious of gods creatures, the one before whom all the other Angels once bowed, change? So in other words, you're wrong. Your some self loathing retard without even a former splendor. Nor was hell satan's design. It is clear in scripture that it was God's and it is he that holds the keys. The only thing you share with Satan is that you deserve infinite punishment. The only thing you did was say "dude this is literally me" without reading a thing, something that belongs on reddit.
He is mediocre.

>> No.16298369
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Milton's Lucifer is just pathetic enough to be able to identify.
>all this projection
He's a hypocrite, he's greedy, he's power hungry, he gets wrecked the moment he goes against God and he's a sore loser. Who can't relate to this? I literally said
>without any of the redeeming qualities
Satan being Prideful is a flaw. He's also got other flaws. I, and many others, relate with the flaws. It's just memespeak you sperg, don't look too much into it.

>> No.16298393

I don't know.
I'm extremely friendly and good-natured, but I have control issues and I'm a coward unless I'm doing something for my friends. I'm paranoid and I focus too much on making others happy, to the point that I have been physically been able to say something I though would hurt someone's feeling, even after that person told me they knew what I wanted to say and that it was alright. I'm smart and kind of a know it all, but I take pride in accepting when I'm wrong. I'm afraid of being sad. I wish I was chaotic neutral, but I'm more true neutral. I'm lazy, but only because I'm afraid of failing.

>> No.16298446

I'm merryweather lewis
I want to kill myself but Im to much of a fucking pussy

>> No.16298493

the dude from "Notes from underground"

>> No.16298505

You're rich and have lots of friends?

>> No.16299778

Ignatius J Reilly

>> No.16299866
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I'm Tyr. I have wrestling and swordfighting (kendo) background and had a shoulder dislocation thrice.