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16320433 No.16320433 [Reply] [Original]

>collectivism? nah bro, i’m gonna do my own thing

>> No.16320567

Stirner was just a Neurotic solipsist. I don't see his appeal. Nietzsche does a way better job at conveying egoism

>> No.16320578

Feeling manlier because you don't "indulge in collectivism" is a spook too, the real superman egoist would be extremely collectivist as a means to his goals

>> No.16320580

Nietzsche is an hedonist desperate to built a narrative where he is a good guy. 100% vaginal idea.

>> No.16320588
File: 49 KB, 490x490, frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy basically

>> No.16320591

>superman egoist would be extremely collectivist

>> No.16320669

depends on his goals

>> No.16320676

Yeah if his goals are "losing every single time due to sheer numbers" then he might be inclined to be an individualist

>> No.16320718

losing in what context and to who?

>> No.16320828

He was a collectivist. Ever hear of his union of egotists?

>> No.16320834


>> No.16320862

I'm aware Stirner has a meme status here but his book honestly resonated with me immensely.

>> No.16320884

It's not the same thing, Stirner's idea is more loose and the funding idea is individualism.

>> No.16320913

I always wonder why left cucks like stirner so fucking much. He is literally their antithesis, why they like him so much? Are they idiots?

>> No.16320941

i think he makes them seethe. only chad anarchists like him. and not ancom faggots or egalitarians antifa types, literal anarchists

>> No.16320953

What Stirner proposed has been built on and taken to its extreme consequence by both the left and right. You can take it as the fundament of both anarco-capitalism and anarco-communism.
The reason for this is that Stirner never concerned himself with such elaborations and I argue he would've refused them, his idea is much more simple and radical.

>> No.16321015
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>> No.16321051

Individuals with the same interests helping each other out in a union is still collectivism

>> No.16321059
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He was one step away from Marx

>> No.16321093

far from it, retard

>> No.16321112

this is a fairly simple observation

>> No.16321127

now post the quote where he blames labour for the shit working conditions because of their inability to organize

>> No.16321135
File: 70 KB, 750x589, Marx on Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx spent as many pages shitting on Stirner's ideas sentence by sentence as Stirner spent to write his book. Marx considered him a terrible enemy. Hell, people today mostly remember Stirner as "that guy who made Marx seethe".

>> No.16321260

Still sounds like Marxism to me

>> No.16321269

Any for of collectivism, by definition, entails prioritization of the group over the self. Stirner rejects such things.

>> No.16321294

shhh we're deprogramming the right. it doesn't work if you give away the game.

>> No.16321331

Stirner wants the individual to break free from everything, including being a wagie. Simple as that. Insurrection.
Marx wants the working class to take over. Revolution.
Let me quote the words of Marx from a letter he wrote to Engels.
>This egoism [Stirner's] is taken to such a pitch, it is so absurd and at the same time so self-aware, that it cannot maintain itself even for an instant in its one-sidedness, but must immediately change into communism. In the first place it's a simple matter to prove to Stirner that his egoistic man is bound to become communist out of sheer egoism. That's the way to answer the fellow. In the second place he must be told that in its egoism the human heart is of itself, from the very outset, unselfish and self-sacrificing, so that he finally ends up with what he is combating. These few platitudes will suffice to refute the one-sidedness. But we must also adopt such truth as there is in the principle. And it is certainly true that we must first make a cause our own, egoistic cause, before we can do anything to further it – and hence that in this sense, irrespective of any eventual material aspirations, we are communists out of egoism also, and it is out of egoism that we wish to be human beings, not mere individuals.
I suggest reading the whole letter.

>> No.16321685

>In the second place he must be told that in its egoism the human heart is of itself, from the very outset, unselfish and self-sacrificing, so that he finally ends up with what he is combating
marx is such a fucking hack

>> No.16321787
File: 146 KB, 577x767, stirn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at Stirner, look at him,
>the peaceful enemy of all constraint.
>For the moment, he is still drinking beer,
>soon he will be drinking blood
>as though it were water.
>When others cry savagely
>«down with the kings»
>Stirner immediately supplements
>«down with the laws also».
>Stirner full of dignity proclaims;
>you bend your will power,
>and you dare to call yourselves free,
>You become accustomed to slavery;
>Down with dogmatism, down with law.

>> No.16321838

Without backing from a collective, you get your shit pushed in. Play any sandbox pvp game and you'll find this to be the case.

>> No.16321855
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>«down with the laws also»

>> No.16321859

Nietzsche didn't write in the same environment as Marx, he and Stirner are quite different.
Stirner is also funny, while Nietzsche is, one may judge, cringe

>> No.16321922

The point he makes is keeping the individual the most important thing when you associate with others. When I was younger I used to lead a guild in a mmorpg and I ran it as an union of egoists.

>> No.16321939

>Stirner is also funny
Regardless of how you judge him this is very much true. It's a pleasure to read how he shots down everyone and everything, among other things he had the guts to call Socrates a fool.

>> No.16321956

1 v 6 30 kill streak nuke GG