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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 300x300, Radiohead.amnesiac.albumart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1632731 No.1632731 [Reply] [Original]

/mu//lit/ crossover thread:
-Songwriters who were influenced by books.
-Authors who were influenced by music.
-Anything else related to both music and literature.

I'll start:
Hermann Hesse's thoughts on Jazz are the same as Harry Haller's in Steppenwolf, he thought jazz mirrored the cultural degradation of the west because of hwo it turned away from classical music.

Pic related as Hesse's Siddhartha was a big influence on the radioheads' best song the pyramid.

Iggy Pop's album 'The Idiot' was named after Dostoyevsky's novel, to which Ian Curtis of Joy Division committed suicide while or after listening to.

Ian Curtis himself was pretty fond of JG Ballard, Kafka and William S Burroughs.

Mark E Smith of The Fall is also a pretty literate guy, he's mentioned Raymond Chandler, HP Lovecraft and Malcolm Lowry as being among his favourite authors, and a big list of his literary influences can be found at:


>> No.1632748

Nietzsche got sodomised by Wagner's Bernhardiner, with Lou Salomé watching and Rilke reading his newest rap.

>> No.1632749

The Arcade Fires' "Neighborhood #2 (Laika)" is a musical adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's acclaimed Twilight series

>> No.1632751

Lol no way

>> No.1632756
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La Dispute's Here, Hear albums are a series of spoken/sung pieces inspired by/taken directly from popular works like Cummings, Camus, Poe and Tennyson.

>> No.1632761

Radiohead are influenced by Pynchon and Delillo, I think...probably a lot more too.

>> No.1632770

There's an alternate thread on /mu/ with different responses

>> No.1632782

Steely Dan is named after the dildo in The Naked Lunch by Burroughs

>> No.1632789
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Muse's latest abomination was related to 1984.

>> No.1632790

Velvet Underground - "Venus in furs" and the Lou Reed song "Walk on the wild side" is a title from a book. Oh, and Hubert Selby was also an influence on VU.

>> No.1632812

Sympathy for the Devil was influenced by Master and Margarita

They even did a music video that features chapter titles if I remember correctly

>> No.1632838

Ian Willyiams from Don Cab/S&S/Battles is a Bret Easton Eliis fan and Storm and Stress is like a german literature period.

his friend or maybe even he(based on new single effort and time to come out) browses this board.

>> No.1632849

Jeff Magnum was inspired by Ellie Wisel or one of those Holocaust chicks

>> No.1632852

Music Stephenie Meyer listened to while writing Twilight:

>"I can't write without music. This, combined with the fact that writing Twilight was a very visual, movie-like experience, prompted me to collect my favorite Twilight songs into a sort of soundtrack for the book."

>1. "Why Does it Always Rain on Me?" - Travis
>2. "Creep" [radio edit] - Radiohead
>3. "In My Place" - Coldplay
>4. "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" [video edit] - My Chemical Romance
>5. "With You" [reanimation remix] - Linkin Park
>6. "By Myself" - Linkin Park
>7. "Dreaming" - OMD
>8. "Please Forgive Me" - David Gray
>9. "Here With Me" - Dido
>10. "Time is Running Out" - Muse
>11. "Tremble for My Beloved" - Collective Soul
>12. "Dreams" - The Cranberries
>13. "Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel)" - Billy Joel

>> No.1632857


>> No.1632865
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she's got soundtracks for her other books too

>> No.1632867
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>> No.1632869



i really liked the song 'Bear' off that album and would give it a solid 8/10 overall

>> No.1632878

That seems pretty appropriate, shitty, "moody" music for shitty, "moody" literature.

>> No.1632883


>> No.1632898
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Nick Cave's And The Ass Saw the Angel was one of my favourite books when I was a kid.

I kind of liked The Death of Bunny Monroe, but it lacked the pyrotechnics of the first novel. Still, one of the best writer/singers out there, I think.

>> No.1632910

stepheniemeyer dot com, the author's official website


>> No.1632920
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prepare yourself for the clash of universes of the two greatest contemporary artists in their respective fields

>> No.1632925

Isn't Bohemian Rhapsody supposedly related to The Stranger?

>> No.1632934
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Wilco. From Wikipedia:

>Among the books that the band has cited as being stylistically influential include William H. Gass's In the Heart of the Heart of the Country, Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer, and Harold Bloom's The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry.[114][115]

>> No.1632938

The band in Crying of Lot 49 are Beatles rip-offs and sing about nymphets. There's also a Police song about Lolita, I think.

Murakami loves his music, of course. Used to own (maybe still does?) a jazz bar.

Stephin Merritt wrote a song called "The Death of Ferdinand de Saussure", on 69 Love Songs, in which he shoots de Saussure.

"My Life in the Bush of Ghosts" is named after "My Life in the Bush of Ghosts".

Delmore Schwartz taught Lou Reed at university.

>> No.1632939

Titus Andronicus (the band) has all sorts of references to literature from Walt Whitman to Shakespeare. They also make really good music.

I think I read somewhere that Stephen King listens to Metallica when he writes.

>> No.1632956

You seriously like TA? I don't get what anyone sees in them, could you please tell what it is that you like about their music? I'm not looking for a fight, I just really don't get it.

>> No.1632963
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Das Racist.

>> No.1632969


>There's also a Police song about Lolita, I think.

Don't Stand so Close to me is about a pervert who fancies little girls (and Sting used to be a teacher, but it's not autobiographical, oh no). And it's got the line in it "just like that book by Nabokov", so I dunno if it's actually inspired by it, or if Sting just drops the name in there to make himeself look more intellectual, and less of a kiddyfucker.

>> No.1632990
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Dead City Radio: John Cale and Sonic Youth (among others) + William S. Burroughs talking about cunts and asses and so forth.

It's not as good as it sounds.

>> No.1633346

Iron Maiden has a song about Dune.
"To Tame A Land"

>> No.1633358

nothing warms my heart like a mispronounced intellectual namedrop

>> No.1633376

Oh god why is /lit/ full of such musical casuals

>> No.1633396

This is why I love /lit/, even after the incurable tripfag cancer.

>> No.1633406

Human by the Killers is based off writing by Hunter S Thompson

>> No.1633409

Oh yeah an additional fun fact regarding the killers

They are boring and forgettable.

>> No.1633416
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>> No.1633421

Sorry to have had to be the one to tell you.

>> No.1633422

Dude you should be a writer for the Late Show, that is gold material right there when you see it. No, seriously, why are you not writing some sitcoms, or comedy films? You are in /lit/ so I guess you know how to, and since your sense of humor is oh so funny it would be a waste not to take advantage of it. I bet your parents and girlfriend (she must be so hot) all suffer from stomach aches, because they are laughing all the time off the hilarious shit you must say every second. You are the quickest wit on the west son, your dad must proudly say everytime you shoot a quick pun, right on the spot. You must consider yourself a lucky man, blessed by the gods, you tickle the funny bone like no other. Drop school boy, fame is waiting for you, maybe as a stand-up act, why not? You must be super attractive too, an alpha male, the soul of the party.

>> No.1633427
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>> No.1633428

>oh no someone dislikes my generic power pop time shift into defense mode!

>> No.1633431

Dun worry about it bro, You can do a lot worse than The Killers.

Weezer, for example.

>> No.1633432
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>> No.1633437
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>> No.1633438
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>> No.1633439

Superior music coming through

>> No.1633442
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>> No.1633444

You keep surpassing yourself. I am astouned by your timing, the words you use, the comedy rythm is just so... perfect, in every way. You don't happen to be related to Lenny Bruce? Bob Hope? Charlie Chaplin? Chespirito? you are truly a master of the comedy art, you make it beautiful. I mean, honestly, normally a reference to Yugioh would fall in the "im 12 and wat is dis" category, but the way you typed it, the greentext, the carefully elaborated number of o's, it's... glorious. I cannot find the words to describe in an adequate way how I'm laughing right now, my neighbors might think I'm going crazy but I will tell them to look at your post, give them the context to understand the situation and I'm pretty sure they will be impressed too by your delicious jokes.

>> No.1633446
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>> No.1633447

Groucho Marx, actually.
he wrote a cool book, the communist manifesto. You should read it.

>> No.1633448
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>> No.1633451
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>> No.1633453
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>> No.1633456
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>> No.1633461
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>> No.1633459
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>> No.1633464
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>> No.1633469
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>> No.1633480

Ke$ha's oeuvre is largely informed by Hegel and Kierkegaard

>> No.1633486
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Kelis and Janelle Monae are Octavia Butler fans

>> No.1633494
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Wtf! Lol

>> No.1633499
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>Hegel and Kierkegaard

>> No.1633497

Sepultura's last 2 albums are based on Dante's "Divine Comedy" (Dante XXI) and Anthony Burgess "A clockwork orange" (A-lex)

>> No.1633532

Brave New World, Out of the Silent Planet, Childhood's End, From Here to Eternity, (and, arugably, Stranger in a Strange Land and Murders in the Rue Morgue) are also literature related.

That said, my favourite musician, David Sylvian, has a hard on for Emily Dickinson and has recorded spoken word song versions in the past.

Catacombs is a funeral doom project with a single album, 'In the Depths of R'lyeh', dedicated to sound Lovecraftian as fuck. Doom metal in general has copious amounts of HPfags, Electric Wizard's 'The Outsider' being the second most outright tribute and best song, with 'Dunwich' being another blatancy. Wizard also loves horror movies, and Conan 'Barbarian'.

Post-rock band Gregor Samsa clearly is made up of Kafka fans.

Nothing else comes to mind at the moment.

So have one for the GRMM fags; 'A Storm of Swords' by Lich King. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjbgRTsskw

>> No.1633600


Just gonna' leave this here.

>> No.1633620

Biffy Clyro's Vertigo of Bliss = I, Lucifer
Also, a bunch of Clockwork Orange bands

>> No.1633660

Dennis Cooper, a very obscure author who only I know about, also listens to a very obscure band called Guided By Voices. I already knew about them before Cooper referenced the band in a later book, but still it was amazing to find out that one of my favorite authors listens to one of my favorite bands.

Check out the book My Loose Thread if you haven't heard of the guy. It's like Catcher in the Rye, except the main character is psychotic and gets paid to kill a kid. His first attempt at killing the kid is buying a hooker for him and trying to make the hooker suffocate him with her vagina.

>> No.1633667
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Thursday sort of named an album after a line from an Octavio Paz poem

also geoff hearts David Foster Wallace and postmodern literature :3

>> No.1633702
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Syd Barrett's lyricism was typically inspired by children's stories, most of all, The Wind in the Willows.

>> No.1633723

dennis cooper is obscure by /lit/ standards, but guided by voices? bro...

>> No.1633726

(i should probably acknowledge the possibility that too much time spent on 4chan has made me too dumb to get jokez)