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/lit/ - Literature

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16421200 No.16421200 [Reply] [Original]

I'm feeling very sad, /lit/.
Give me a short story that will cheer me up. Please.

>> No.16421259
File: 109 KB, 540x960, 1108ABA1-8F8F-4E02-944D-0824B99728B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wash your penis

>> No.16421266

strong white MEN don't feel sad.
translate your little gayboi feelings to anger.
then buy a punching bag and let your rage flood out.

this post was brought to you bt nietzsche.

>> No.16421269

Don Quixote will cheer you up and it's really short, only ~1000 pages long

>> No.16421278
File: 78 KB, 400x603, 51A2D876-5AD3-4E10-9026-8F89581EB46E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time a guy was sad but then started smoking cigs and then he looked cool so he banged a bunch of bitches but then got cancer but died happy?

>> No.16421280

i mean... i know i asked for something short but i was looking for something that would take an hour or so to read.
1000 pages i could read in like 5 minutes (yeah i know i'm a slow reader lol)

>> No.16421304

There once was a boy, who liked to spend his free time on an anonymous literature forum. What exactly he found so attractive about this particular place none could say with certainty, perhaps not even he himself, but he liked this place and it liked him, and it was his place and he was of it.

One day, the boy grew particularly sad. It was not an average run-of-the-mill sad as is so commonplace nowadays. No, this boy felt a special kind of sad. He knew however there was one place where he could share his sadness with like-minded people and where he could receive recommendations for things that might make him a little less sad, if not outright happy. And so he put his plan into action. He opened the window that read 'create a new thread', wrote his subject and OP as per his intent, and then uploaded a gif that accurately described his situation. He solved the captcha, those damned traffic lights, and then sent his post into the ether. Awaiting replies, the boy snuggled himself deeper into his comfy blanket, browsing here, replying there, waiting on one or more of those kind souls he interacted with so often. He looked into the dark reflection that his saddened face projected onto the screen. Was he thinking to himself that it would be alright? Who knows. But then! As he had hoped, along came the other users of this place he liked so much. One of them who wanted to help that boy, but unfortunately he knew of no short story that would alleviate the comfybro's sadness. So then, he thought to himself, whispering somewhat because such was his plight due to mental mental conditions, so then I must write it myself!

And so he did. He knew it would not be the thing to cure that sad boy's condition, but he did know that, if he wanted that boy to smile and feel better, that he at the very least had to try. Try he did, and after all was said and done it turned out that both parties of this story were (you), for we all share a soul.

>> No.16421315

For sale, your penis, never used.

>> No.16421335

stop pretending to be me

>> No.16421338

this worked, thanks.

>> No.16421340
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>> No.16421352

very wholesome, good job.

>> No.16421354

I'm glad :)

>> No.16421362
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I liked this.
Tomorrow you tell the part of the story where he gets the girl. Promise, anon?

>> No.16421373

Fine! But only because it's for you and the others. Sleep tight

>> No.16421379

Yo what’s that short story about the magic shop? Is it called magic shop?

>> No.16421385
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blessed post

>> No.16421394

Something Happened Joesph Heller.

>> No.16421397

This made me smile :)

>> No.16421430

lol you look ugly when you smile.

>> No.16421465

No he doesn't. Stop being mean

>> No.16421518
File: 108 KB, 499x235, 1495580934439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

together we are stronger than the bullis.

>> No.16421520

It's bittersweet when I think about how I've been coming to /lit for 9 years and loved it but, despite all that time and all those memories, I know no one here and they don't know me.

>> No.16421713

You're part of someone's memory's as they are part of yours. You're part of mine now. I will keep you specifically in mind as identity is something very interesting to me

>> No.16422341
File: 362 KB, 1034x600, SmartSelect_20200313-042606_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You feeling sad boy?", said Mason. On his face the same old grin he always wore. Almost as if the whole wide world was one whimsical joke to him.
"No, I'm just tired. I had a bit of a bad night", I responded. It was both true and a lie. Everyday was a bad day for me and every night a restless one. Not that my
truthiness would make any difference to him. Mason was not the kinda guy you could lie to or confuse easily. He had this special gift you see, or thats at least how he himself called it. A couple of silent seconds followed. I tried to avoid his sarcastic smuggy eyes. Always judging me from the other side of the workplace.
"Its OK son. Not you I mean, you're a mess, but the sadness", he continued. I said nothing and hit the hammer on the nail in front of me again. Not that the nail needed any more hammering, but still. I really didn't needed more life advice from anyone. I had seen enough doctors to know I was a hopeless case alright. I came to this site for some lo paying hammering, not for some old fag wizzary words.
"I was one a sad little fuck you know, believe it or not. But you know what I learned along the way?"
Angry I now threw the hammer away. Almost hitting his foot, although Mason didn't seem to care.
"No Mason, please enlighten me." I tried to sound mockingly, but it came out just as pathetic as the rest of my life.
"You need to own it. Now I know you think owning it means taking responsibility for your life and make everything better, but thats not what I'm trying to say at all. You're a mess, you're not in a position right now to do anything uplifting, its OK. BUT, you need to own the pain. Literary make it yours. Very few people really try to consciously feel what their gut is telling their brain. Almost every single soul on this planet runs away the moment hardship fells upon them. Feel every single detail that is wrong with your life. Not in words or in angry rants about the world, but the pain itself. Does it have a colour? Does it live in your stomach or at the front of your head? Does it make a bumbum sound like your heart? Or is it more a nagging screeching monster in the back of your mind? Sit every day for one hour on your bed focusing on your pain and your pain alone. Dont use words, even though the words will constantly try. Dont drift away in the past or the future, even though this will happen all the time in the present. But try. Sit, focus and absolutely no words in the now. The rest you will learn by yourself."
I picked up my hammer and looked at the Mason who was heading to the exit.
"Where you going?", I asked.
"Sorry kid, its 3:36 am over here. I need to get back at my post, my people need me."

>> No.16422380

Not bad at all.

>> No.16422420
File: 34 KB, 640x513, 1576384018030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having a bad day like OP, but this made me a little happier. Thank you anon, you are blessed with talent.

>> No.16422423


>> No.16422424


hope u feel better anon!

>> No.16422437

i cant wait!

>> No.16422548

the cyberiad. fun sci fi fairy tales

>> No.16422650


>> No.16423354

Curious, what do you do?

>> No.16423388

This was so good! I'm gonna cry!

>> No.16423410
File: 125 KB, 1080x1052, APU_RARE_Cyber Blade Runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apu read the following:
>FOR SALE: Baby shoes, never worn
>Apu thought:
>It didn't even get to take its first step . . .
>Apu teared

>> No.16423426

Glad I decided to come to /lit/ today, cheers anon

>> No.16423443
File: 1.23 MB, 1400x847, donkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flung into a field a long time ago, a Flute lay soundless, until one day a passing Donkey blew into it, bringing forth the sweetest sound of its life--that is to say, of the Donkey's life and the Flute's life too.
Incapable of understanding what had happened, since rationality was not their forte and both believed in rationality, they hurriedly separated, abashed by this finest thing that either had ever done during its doleful existence.

>> No.16424607

Nothing lol, am neet

>> No.16424633
File: 183 KB, 1306x619, dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shingles For The Lord
Uncle Willy
Mule In The Yard
Golden Land
all by William Faulkner

>> No.16424941

I felt better after reading "The Death of Ivan Ilych" by Tolstoy the other day.

>> No.16424947

The hero beat the nigger to death with a cinder block. The nigger is dead. The End

>> No.16425461


>> No.16425553

Love this story