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16629069 No.16629069 [Reply] [Original]

Who would win in a fight between Achilles and Beowulf?

>> No.16629072

Achilles on account of being literally indestructible?

>> No.16629077

Achilles is more skilled. Beowulf is a brawler relying on brute strength. There's the invulnerability thing too.

>> No.16629096

beowulf's brute strength is not to be underestimated. he fought sea monsters bare handed as a child. he could probably keep knocking achilles on his ass until he chanced upon his weakspot.

>> No.16629292

me desu

>> No.16629329


>> No.16629354
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>tfw seeing for the first time the scene where achilles walks alone to the gates of troy and keeps screaming HECTOR until they open the gates to let him out so achilles can kill him

>> No.16629813

1v1 on rust senpai

>> No.16629849


Anglos are idiots at war. The only reason they exist is thanks to the slavs.

>> No.16629953

>t. american

>> No.16630348

Achilles gets God buffs so...

>> No.16630357

This is a good take.

Also Beowulf has better armour and stronger weapons.

>> No.16630360

based complete and utter retard

>> No.16630370

ok but Beowulf wasn't Anglo.

>> No.16630376

This whole post doesn't make any sense.

>> No.16630410

Beowulf has God on his side so he wins

>> No.16630416

Beowulf has weapons of the finest steel while Achilles is a bronze metallet.

>> No.16630424

butthurt anglos

brush yer fuckin teef lads

>> No.16630472

Since Achilles was said to be invulnerable due to immersion in the River Styx, advantage Achilles. However, this might be to blows of weapons, not grappling, so perhaps Beowulf, who is said to have the strength of 30 men, would have the advantage, given fleet-footed Achilles would allow himself to be caught. Given the Scandinavian tradition of "flyting" or ritual exchange of insults (see the Unferth exchange in Heorot) and Achilles' temper, Beowulf might well be able to taunt Achilles into a wrestling competition, whuch Beowulf would win IF Achilles is only invulnerable to weapons, not generally invulnerable.

>> No.16630480

That's from a film. Have you read Homer?

>> No.16631007

Beowulf is a Nord

>> No.16631057


>> No.16631075


>> No.16631179

They're both fictional so my money is on whoever writes the book first and manages to sell it.

>> No.16631201

Iliad Achilles wasn’t invulnerable. He was injured twice during the war in places not his heel. The invulnerability thing was a later invention.

>> No.16631342
File: 119 KB, 612x424, siegfried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of Beowulf, how about another "invincible" mythological hero with a weak point?

>> No.16631382

/end thread

Kakaroto every single time.

>> No.16631835

Weeaboos please, we’re discussing literature here

>> No.16632441

He got fucked by a river

>> No.16633913

Paris was a pussy

>> No.16633951

The movie sucked

>> No.16633961
File: 66 KB, 393x699, A-statue-of-Gilgamesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could either of them beat Gilgamesh?

>> No.16634039

Please, Conan could wreck this guy

>> No.16634045


>> No.16634087

Stating the obvious how very Yamaha of you.

>> No.16634091

achilles would have a hard time fighting beowulf while patroclus sucks his cock

>> No.16634348

Sigurðr is stronger than both of them combined

>> No.16634369

Why was Brunhild such a bitch?

>> No.16634377

Lol no.

How? I find nothing in the Volsung's Saga or Nibelungenlied that would make me say that.

>> No.16634392

Homer? More like homo

>> No.16634565

Anyone know what's the best translation of Beowulf?

>> No.16634602

This is an amazing thread. Reminds me of the old days "who would win Robocop or Boba Fett" "no muh indiana jones would KILL han solo (t. retard)" these are basically the same thing as what this thread is.

>> No.16634640

A literal manlet twink or a tall, hairy, muscular northern bear?

>> No.16634652

Seamus Heaney

>> No.16634655

Achilles would obviously fuck Beowulf up, what kind of question is this? Beowulf just gonna accidentally stab Achilles' heel? Yeah right.

>> No.16635435

Yeah its very interesting

>> No.16635442

What if a fight between Odin and Zeus ?

>> No.16635738

Odin got eaten by a wolf, Zeus mogs him.

>> No.16635752

Achilles is superior, Beowulf is gay.
I am Scandinavian and part British but still I can't even pretend to prefer Beowulf to even the lowest of the Greeks. If Achilles, awesome as he is, is clearly superior.

>> No.16635765

Achilles loses by heel hook

>> No.16635783

>Hello Patroclus, my COUSIN
what did they mean by this?

>> No.16635895

>Odin got eaten by a wolf
That’s what happens in Ragnarok?

>> No.16635902

No one in America likes Slavs and we're all descended from Anglos to boot. What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.16635916

My oc desu

>> No.16635919

stop having fun guys

waaah waaah

me so smart
me dick so haaardddddd...noooooooo

cry moar bitch

>> No.16636371

I think he was being sincere

>> No.16637684

Beowulf is a Geat, not an *nglo

>> No.16637688


>> No.16637697


>> No.16637747

Odin chooses to get eaten by a wolf that eats the fucking sun.

Achilles' indestructibility is a later Roman invention, in Homer Zeus just wills it so that Achilles is never struck. Even then, he doesn't die from getting shot in the heal, he dies from the poison on Paris's arrow. Yahweh never directly helps Beowulf unless we count him putting the Giant's Sword in Grendel's Mother's den (which she might have just had lying around anyways). So, Beowulf's feats are all his own. Achilles throws boulders around, but Achilles rips Grendel's fucking arm off and swam the ocean in a storm in his armor while fighting sea monsters. Achilles, however, fights a river and while, not winning by his own ability (Hephaestus has to help him), does hold his own. He also runs around the entirety of Troy like, eight times chasing Hermes. Achilles wracks up the highest named-foe kill count, and Beowulf never uses a weapon successfully against a human or human-like foe (technically, he and Wiglaf kill the Dragon with swords, but that's not a 1v1 fight).

So, I'd have to say that if it comes down to a wrestling match with no divine intervention, Beowulf would win. If they only fight with weapons, I think Achilles could win, but it's still a tossup.

At the time this took place German, Anglo-Saxon, and Old Norse were all mutually intelligible dialects of the same language.

>> No.16637759

>Achilles rips Grendel's fucking arm off
BEOWULF, excuse me.

>> No.16637829

translating it yourself from your extensive knowledge of your ancestors tongue of course, you are English right anon?

>> No.16637992
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Rostam would btfo both. Dude defeated a giant, a dragon, a witch, and demons. He stopped an elephant raging through the palace when he was five.

>> No.16638013

>Odin chooses to get eaten by a wolf that eats the fucking sun.
cringe, why is even the sun so limp dicked in Norse mythology that even a wolf can eat it?

>> No.16638020

>Odin chooses to get eaten by a wolf that eats the fucking sun.
based, how even a wolf is so brass balled in Norse mythology that it can even eat the sun!

>> No.16638029
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Rama would fuck them up too.

>> No.16638143

Heaney is the one that most classes use now I think

>> No.16639016

>Indian fanfiction

>> No.16639031

Good post, Achilles is probably too much with a weapon