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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 600x400, ivy-league.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1665723 No.1665723 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/, if you're so smart, how come you were never accepted into an Ivy League college?

>> No.1665733

ah ain't smert!

>> No.1665750

I was accepted to Penn and Cornell, but didn't have the money. I went to UVa instead. Fag.

>> No.1665789

Im going to Princeton actually

>> No.1665791

far too busy postin on 4chan. who the fuck has time to go to lectures?

>> No.1665794
File: 14 KB, 225x225, Charlie Sheen..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I run the Ivy leagues motherfucker

fuck yeah bitches

>> No.1665809


That's because you're a Warlock Assassin that works for the Vatican.

>> No.1665827
File: 15 KB, 190x265, charlie-sheen-fuck-yeah-Im-a-warlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You motherfucking know it niggers

>> No.1665842

>>implying that you can get into ivy league with massive endowments and not intelligence.

>> No.1666034

Uhm, I live on the other side of the planet.

>> No.1666038

I didn't apply to any because I didn't want to go to them. Probably would have gotten in if I had. Go to a non-Ivy top 10 university instead.

>> No.1666042
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Excellent point. If only someone could think of a counter example...

>> No.1666059
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ivy league is pop prestige

>> No.1666061
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Fuck yeah

>> No.1666065

Because, my dear OP, if I wanted to get fucked in the ass and mouth by effeminate young white males while being force-fed shitty alcohol and clove cigarettes, I'd just post on /lit/.

>> No.1666066


If you don't have money you need smarts. Smarts get you a scholarship enough to go to a decent school even if you're poor.

>> No.1666067

luna fanfic where

>> No.1666070


Yale is a politician factory.

Harvard is where you go if you want to achieve things.

UPenn is where you go if you wish you lived hundreds of years ago so you could have sucked off Ben Franklin.

>> No.1666074

Im currently attending Georgia Tech. Didn't get accepted to MIT but I did get accepted to CalTech. Didn't go however because it is too expensive.

>> No.1666084


Brown is where you go if you want to make potty jokes about your school.

>> No.1666088

In Spain, education is good and free.

But we don't have the marketing that American universities have.

All is a lie

>> No.1666093


If your education is "free," it's worth nothing.

You have to work hard to get into a college people are going to respect. I doubt any of Spain's ancient and respected universities just take shits and bums who didn't work their asses off to get in.

>> No.1666117


This is the common bachelor in engineering:


5 years. 375 credits (3750 hours of lectures)

>> No.1666121


What? Have you ever left your house? Plenty of European countries offer a free college education.

>> No.1666123

lol american

>> No.1666128

theyre all fags, they didnt want to accept a straight guy, this was basically spelled out indirectly in all my rejection letters

>> No.1666129
File: 41 KB, 250x196, AwwYeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Getting my masters degree from a well renounend 500+ year old university.
Paying nothing.

>> No.1666135

Listen, you stupid American fucker.

The European (free) collegiate system is based entirely off merit. People who clearly don't have the aptitude for college aren't allowed to go. It's not just a free-for-all.

The system is vastly superior than pampered Tommy's getting straight Cs off his parents' dollar so they can be proud of their graduate.

>> No.1666136



>> No.1666205


That's rather disturbing.

>> No.1666221


The American system simply adds a few extra safeguards to ensure that the educational system is benefiting from the pay of its patrons (students and their families), and also ensuring that undesirable elements who may damage the institution are barred from entering its walls as students.

>> No.1666231

Because being smart does not imply that you have good grades, want to have good grades or even want to go to college. Lots of geniuses, philosophers and whatever else never attended/dropped out of college.

>> No.1666256


That's unfortunate.

Well, it seems like you get what you pay for.

>> No.1666260

>how to troll on lit
>say something bad about universities

>> No.1666266

Because your mom goes to college!


>> No.1666268


She did, she went to Brown.

My father went to Dartmouth.

>> No.1666305

get a load of this guy

>> No.1666311

I'm not smart or motivated enough to have gotten into an ivy league school.

>> No.1666324

Because I live in Asia. Nigger.

>> No.1666374

got into brown, and MIT. brown is full of douches and i didnt want to do anything with science or tech.

(both would have been practically free)

i go to missouri state. its a blast im doing what i want and have met some awesome people, that im sure are going no where in life. and i wouldnt want it any other way.

>> No.1666444


Th only truly decent Asian universities are in Hong Kong.

>> No.1666450
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>> No.1666456

All education should be free, or at most charge a nominal fee (on the order of $500/year), to all students with family incomes below $100,000/year.

>> No.1666461


That's why Financial Aid options like the Federal Pell grant and Federal Work Study exist.

>> No.1666463


Yeah, too bad an Asian degree doesn't mean jack shit in the real world where people that speak English live.

>> No.1666467

They are insufficient. The government should straight-up subsidize all universities to cover the tuition of any student from a family with income below 100k. You shouldn't have to apply for a scholarship.

>> No.1666468

I'm at Penn. Postgrad at Cambridge.

>> No.1666470


Your life is my dream.

>> No.1666477

Why do you dream about Penn and Cambridge? Why do you think going to those places will make you happy? Is the physical location or the prestige thereof the primary constitutive element of happiness?

>> No.1666481


Have family near Penn, love Pennsylvania, and Cambridge? Always wanted to go to one of the big British colleges. Both of those places have an amazing lot of history behind them that I respect. One is a cultural staple of my own country, and the other is a cultural staple of another country. Both were founded during times when there was a major shift in their respective countries' social structure.

>> No.1666498

I can't believe americans really believe is paying for education. That's so stupid. Education should be everyone's RIGHT. You should get it for free. I go to a federal university, top 3 of my country (the best in my area) and I'm happy I don't have to pay anything. Actually, the university pays me to help out my professor with his research.

Yes, I'm getting paid to study. Suck on that, USA.

>> No.1666514


Education up to a certain point should be, and is, everybody's right, but I don't understand why you extend this principle to university level.

It's not clear why this right, which I can agree applies to some basic level in terms of literacy and numeracy, has to be extended to mean that the taxpayer --who is already somewhat overburdened -- should have to pay for 21 year old adults to study, say, the mythology of the ancient Sumerians. I would certainly resent that.

>> No.1666528

I don't know shit about the mythology of the ancient Sumerians so I can't say anything about the relevance of its study, but I can garantee you that if the subject of study isn't somewhat important by society, it won't find a place in a public university (well, at least not here anyway). The university is not there so you can study whatever you want, it is there so you can become a professional that is gonna do something for your country.

>> No.1666530


Oh... so when you say that education is everybody's RIGHT, you actually mean that they have a right to an education in a very specific area of study which will benefit society? That seems like a profoundly different argument from just suggesting that everyone has a right to a university-level education.

>> No.1666531

god dammit no. that's not the way to respond to that. pure academia is a good thing and its good that it exists. the response is that its bullshit to construct a narrative where people are only going to college to learn about sumerian archeology - the vast majority of people, especially coming from middle class and lower, are going to study things that get them jobs. the answer is that opening up access to a real college education for these people gets us an educated, skilled workforce who have options in their lives. it opens up opportunities and it makes our futures a lot better. the answer is that a college education SHOULDN'T be a privilege. And the answer is that we're not wasting taxpayers' money, any more than the GI bill did - we're spending it on something useful instead of ruinously expensive defense spending or corporate handouts.

>> No.1666570

uhhh.. no...

>> No.1666577

I knew a kid who turned down a full ride to Yale so he could go to Princeton.

then he dropped out and now wanders our city's equivalent of Williamsburg as a driftless beatnik

>> No.1666585

No that's not what I'm saying. Fuck shouldn't have entered a discussion when I'm very tired.

The thing is, I'm nobody to say if a research if important or not. It may seem absurd to me that somebody is using goverment money to study somerian archeology but, like I said before, I know shit about it. Who knows, people may discover something useful. Or maybe not, but they have to do research to know.

Ok maybe I should go to sleep, I have to wake up in about 3 hours.

>> No.1666607

that argument i like.
too bad its a pipe dream here in the states

>> No.1667148


U.S.A. does pay you a small fee to study if you actually apply and compete for it. Like everything else, first-come first-serve basis. America doesn't nanny. That's why our army is the best in the world - because you have to compete and think for yourself in order to succeed. Europe's socialist system doesn't let people do that. European governments tell people everything should be given to them and they shouldn't give anything in return. Bullshit.

>> No.1667151

That is stupid and you should feel stupid. America doesn't nanny - to the extent that we offer hardly any opportunity to better their condition, or even to attain security. If you're part of the poor class, you have almost no chance to come up in the world and get an education. Most likely, these days, you're fighting frantically to keep from backsliding. And that, shit, that just is not acceptable. Nobody's saying we're going to get rid of competition, or that we don't need anything in return. But does competition require us to be cannibals? Because that's what we are right now. Yes, we're in competition, but for God's sake we're not enemies.

And our army is the best in the world because we're the richest nation in the world, with the best military technology, and because we're the only nation that commits to real defense spending (too much defense spending). It has nothing to do with some notion of a natural character, of Americans as strivers. The Red Army and the Wehrmacht were terrifying war machines, brutal engines of death released by totalitarian regimes. Shit, if it had ever come down to a conventional war, the Ruskies would have kicked our asses across the Fulda Gap. You're forgetting the Prime Lesson: Never buy your own hype.

>> No.1667154
File: 17 KB, 264x282, 1278444079759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I didn't apply. I did however apply and was accepted to Oxford, Corpus Christi. Problem?

>> No.1667159

Because my high school sucked. They loved to pimp out the fucking community college instead of assisting students to attend real universities. I actually think my high school had a marketing deal with the local CC so they had to get a certain amount of students to sign up for it.

>> No.1667162


Yeah, you get what can be bought, he gets what can only come around through actual achievement.

>> No.1667167 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 159x124, ralph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think academic achievement is not necessarily indicative of intellect, especially not creative intellect and especially not when you consider the nepotistic and exclusive nature of elite universities in America.

>> No.1667168
File: 389 KB, 159x124, ralph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Academic achievement is not necessarily indicative of intellect, especially not creative intellect and especially not when you consider the nepotistic and exclusive nature of elite universities in America.

>> No.1667176

I'm not that smart. I still was able to get into Cal and UCLA though. Maybe by the time I graduate I can get smart enough to attend an Ivy for grad school.

>> No.1667204

>dumbass can't get into an american university

>> No.1667205

Because I did loads of coke in high-school and used to habitually pass out in class, so my grades are pure shit.

>> No.1667206


True. I was enrolled in the community college by default because I chose to take dual enrollment classes that the cc offered at my high school. I tried after I graduated from high school to enroll in a nearby university but they wouldn't accept me because I was "already enrolled in another academic institution," i.e. the community college. Sucks, man. At least I get two degrees out of it instead of one.

>> No.1667209
File: 218 KB, 305x357, 1301209554301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>massive endowment

>> No.1667212
File: 7 KB, 170x213, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i've been offered an unconditional to one of the most prestigious british universities
>mfw you're hypersensitive towards your university being called nepotistic because nepotism is precisely the means by which you acquired said placement and because you're a girl.

>> No.1667219

>mfw I was rejected by almost every school to which I applied despite having a 3.8 GPA, AP courses (and credits), one hundred hours of volunteer work, four years of high school sports and 1390 (out of 1600) on my SAT

Yet the person who finished RIGHT ABOVE ME in our class rankings got accepted to Yale and Princeton. To be fair, he did better than me on the SAT but still. Feels bad man.

>> No.1667223

Which university?

>> No.1667230

Then I would have to live in the states for 3/4 of the year. I wouldn't fit in in the states. For international students the tuition and residence fees are through the roof.

>> No.1667235

Even for American students the fees are through the roofs.

>> No.1667273

I don't think you understand the difference between being 'free' financially, and not having entrance standards.

>> No.1667275


St Andrews and Edinburgh, haven't decided which to take yet.

>> No.1667278

>That's why Financial Aid options like the Federal Pell grant and Federal Work Study exist.

Financial aid options are bullshit.

There's a big difference between never having to worry about paying a dime for anything vs. worrying about whether you qualify for aid and trying to grab a dozen different grants and scholarships.

The american university system(pay wise) is completely dysfunctional.

>> No.1667297
File: 21 KB, 480x316, itsallformomentslikethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent too much time on parties, girlfriends and spray painting half the town in my final year

>> No.1668406


>Good options for struggling people that don't come out of too much of taxpayers' money are bullshit

Hahahaha oh wow


Wow, you sound like a complete loser

>> No.1668407

>implying anyone on /lit/ is smart enough to get into an ivy league college

>> No.1668408

excuses excuses excuses

>> No.1668422

i did alot worse than i could have done in exams but still winded up in an ok place.i think i have too much general life experience i need to catch up on before i will be genuinely motivated in education though. but i may as well get a degree in the meantime.

>> No.1668426

Do you actually do graffiti D&E?

>> No.1668429

he was a lil lost rebel in high school.

>> No.1668430

Time for some honesty:

Most people here didn't get into an Ivy League. They try to rationalize it, saying that grades don't equal intelligence, or that the schools are overrated and full of douches. Real reason you didn't get it any, you're not smart enough. Or not motivated enough, which correlates to not using your abilities which means you're not smart anyway. Pretty clear most of you are jealous of the prestige of Ive League students. You are not very intelligent, you are not an intellectual, you are an average joe who thinks he's smarter than he really is. you look pathetic when criticizing the Ive League.

>> No.1668432


>university system in US is dysfunctional

No it isn't, unlike Europe.

>> No.1668436
File: 193 KB, 500x301, graff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and by graffiti I mean legitimate art(see pic), not "fuck cops" and a penis spraypainted on a wall

>> No.1668442


>> No.1668443
File: 27 KB, 400x320, Incompetence..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read constantly, occasionally material considered 'high-brow' from a young age.
>Have a somewhat impressive vocabulary and wit by the time I am a young adult.
>Do exceedingly well in Arts and Humanities courses.
>Everyone assumes I'm gifted.
>Fail math.
>Mediocre performance in the sciences.
>Now stuck at a local university, doing a transfer program.

That's it in a nutshell.
>mfw no one realized that I was an idiot

>> No.1668446
File: 15 KB, 348x232, awyea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trying to steal other peoples work huh fuck you
good thing we have tineye criminal scum

>> No.1668450
File: 11 KB, 314x363, sad canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no Ivy League schools in Canada

>> No.1668451

>mfw have the people in this thread go to a *community college*

>mfw they think they can criticize people that went to real schools that are actually respected outside of their little bumfuck towns

>mfw none of these people could ever hope to get into god mode schools, ivy league or not

>> No.1668458


Your life is mine.

>> No.1668459

that's my work and site. i'll change the banner image to sunflowers to prove it.

>> No.1668465

>mfw have the people in this thread go to community college
>have the people in this thread
>have the people

I'm guessing you're not an Ivy Leaguer.

>> No.1668481

I go to McGill. According to the Simpsons, it's "the Harvard of Canada". So that's something?

>> No.1668490

also i hate this being proud of university stuff. experiencing the university atmosphere makes me sick. i really cant stand it i get so depressed.

>> No.1668497

Not smart enough. All the ivy league kids in my high school were brown nosing twats who wanted to change the world, fucking assholes.

>> No.1668519

I probably sound like a faggot but i do feel sort of inadequate for not going to an ivy league and only going to rutgers. i mean rutgers is fine but the ivy league...those kids are better than my in every way.

>> No.1668551


>I feel like a faggot.

You should.

>> No.1668579

all yall niggas need to realize colleges, GPA, IQ, SAT score is inversely proportional to happiness

>> No.1668588

idk behemoth sounds like he's been there and he makes a very convincing case for the opposite.

>> No.1668589

That's because smart people are more often depressed

Which is why retards are always so fucking happy about nothing, because they're fucking stupid.

>> No.1668595

>He's happy with his life and not living in debt for an education, what a fucking idiot!

>> No.1668600

No money and I goofed off most of the time.

Going to a meh-tier school and loving it.

>> No.1668606

you only get into debt for education in third world countries.

>> No.1668614
File: 58 KB, 205x205, fface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going to be able to afford Ivy League college
>applications cost time and money so I don't even bother
>get into every UC I apply to
>same education
>not studying law or going to grad school so I don't even give a fuck

>> No.1668616

how can you love uni? :[

>> No.1668625


What do you mean "meh-tier"?

Do you mean like Bennington meh-tier? OSU meh-tier? Or, worst case scenario, FA&MU meh-tier?

>> No.1668630



>> No.1668671
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anyone have an opinion on my school?

>> No.1668678

Fordham in NYC.

>> No.1668687


The mascot is adorable

>> No.1668689


>> No.1668705

You guys drink too much. CCSU student here.

>> No.1668729
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1668739


>> No.1668743

Worth it. Great campus, location, and I like the size.

Haters gon' hayate.

>> No.1668754

I went to a public ivy.

>> No.1668887

Higher education is a scam and I hate academia.

>> No.1668927


WSU and UF students always think their shit tier state schools are "public ivys," don't they?

Talk about a conceited sense of self-importance.

>> No.1668953

I live in Brazil and the all of the bests universities here are public. People who go to private universities are normally rich or have don't have to pay for whatever reason.

>> No.1668958


>> No.1668970

Wazzu is for fucking faggots. UDub for life.

>> No.1668971


>Going to Princeton for my doctorate.

>> No.1668978

lol there are no colleges in japan

just like there are no colleges in the mojave wasteland.

>> No.1669001


*cough cough* University of Tokyo

>> No.1669010


no colleges in mojave? huh so university of nevada must not exist.

between high school and college first thing i did was live off the land hunting lizards and drinking cactus water for my food. just wandered away from vegas, lived on the outskirts surviving through my wits. then i went back to my parents' house after a few months and applied for college.

>> No.1669029

I was accepted at Cornell long ago (99,) but then my mom got cancer, so there went all the family money. But it was worth it, she lived, I went to a closer school, and I do quite well.

>> No.1669052

>Do something for your country

Fuck the country, I learn shit so I can get a job so I can make money for myself. It's all about me fuckers.

>> No.1669057

If you're stupid, why should colleges waste their time letting you in.
If you can't pay for their service of education, why should they fucking provide that service.
I would teach if I got fucking paid enough.
But I wouldn't so I don't.

>> No.1669062

Haven't you heard? Teachers make way too much in this country. Fuck'em. Apparently.

>> No.1669098
File: 44 KB, 604x564, cool-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah fuck, stag is a princetonia?. as a proud columbian you and aaron burr and your entire shitty state can suck my big city dick.

also, i just read that your class of 2015 acceptance rate was over 8%. ours? 7%.


>> No.1669116

haha tolja staggot was witepriv!!

i know my shit ha ha iiiii? phone!

>> No.1669124


>> No.1669213

I couldn't afford Ivy League. I'm attending a top 20 college for next to nothing, though, which IMO is a much better deal.

>> No.1669223

European Colleges are quite frankly in many ways inferior to American Colleges