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/lit/ - Literature

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16836649 No.16836649 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.16836658

haha I remember that funny cover now, makes me laugh again

>> No.16836659

Significantly more punishment than crime

>> No.16836763

>Wow, he is literally me

>> No.16836766
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>Relating to the character is CRINGE

>> No.16837860

A great work of psychological and existentialist literature that influenced Nietzsche

>> No.16837874
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This but it's Dostoyevsky's lesser of his three big novels

>> No.16837880

objectively wrong opinion

>> No.16837884
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Realizing that most Russians are alcoholic degenerates.

>> No.16837886


>> No.16837887

I read it as a mystery/crime novel because I am retarded and missed whatever the point of the book was supposed to be

>> No.16837978

a great ending

>> No.16838026

Yeah, I couldn’t believe Raskolkinov murdered her, I was not expecting that twist at the end

>> No.16838034

woah. didn't know that already!

>> No.16838177

The equivalent of channel surfing between a really good Columbo episode, an Orthodox televangelist sermon, and soap opera reruns. One of my favorite books.

>> No.16838187

you mean four big novels? idiot, demons, karamazov and c&p. pagewise, the adolescent is a big novel too, but literally no one reads it.

>> No.16838487

big if true

>> No.16838499

Yeah I forgot Demons, it's also the only one I haven't read

>> No.16838816

Kek pretty accurate

>> No.16839389

Do you think so? Felt a bit unfinished to me. The narrator even hints at a sequel which never got written.

>> No.16839415

>The narrator even hints at a sequel which never got written.
And what would that sequel be? We already have a pretty solid idea of all the characters' futures: Raskolnikov will serve 10 years in prison and will leave with Sonia, and Razumikhin marries his sister.

>> No.16840580


>> No.16840586

Get an overview on the great man theory of history before you read it. You don't have to be an expert just skim the wiki page, it'll help.

>> No.16840595

some crime and some punishment

>> No.16840763

not enough of the latter

>> No.16840817

There was plenty of punishment of his soul throughout the book

>> No.16840894

>muh Napoleon ;_;

>> No.16840998

But that's not enough, he killed an innocent woman.

>> No.16841003

this book made me really anxious while reading through it.

>> No.16841031

He killed two innocent women

But I think the torment of his soul from committing sin is a big part of the punishment part in Crime and Punishment

At least, that's how i read it

>> No.16841598
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If you've ever seen Columbo you know what to expect. This novel actually inspired the makes of Columbo. C&P is probably the first popular Columbo type story where at the very beginning you know who was killed, you know who did it, you know everything except... how will they be caught? How will they break?

My favourites were the "and just one more thing" exchanges with the police inspector

>> No.16842278

very well written character, it really captures what its like to be stuck in your head all the time

>> No.16842386

a pretty fun psychological thriller with some dull parts but somee great dialogue

>> No.16842406

As a criminal I can believe it. The time between my arrest and my sentencing, I was losing my fucking mind. The uncertainty is what gets to you.

>> No.16842482

>no sonechka gf
why even live.

>> No.16842498

What crime?