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File: 204 KB, 500x805, wordsworth-classics-crime-and-punishment-fyodor-dostoevsky-3379541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16838907 No.16838907 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, apart from the ridiculous covers is there anything else wrong with WORDSWORTH classics? Like shit translation or something? I've found a very good deal

>> No.16838911

The print is too small

>> No.16838961
File: 3.73 MB, 4128x3096, 16059787953975838012202867191772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some covers aren't even that bad. Pic related is a great edition of philosophical writings by Hume. I love Wordsworth because it's the cheapest way to get an English language paperback in Poland. The Chad Gang of Four is
>Wordsworth or Vintage for English
>Reclam for German
>Folio for French
>ACT for Russian

>> No.16838967

maan why bother with Hume

>> No.16839006

in my opinon they're typically quite good with in depth, informative notes. would recommend

>> No.16840132

dey alrite

>> No.16840156

This; If you have good eyes ayes and don't mind small text they should be fine

>> No.16840177

>>Wordsworth or Vintage for English
>>Reclam for German
>>Folio for French
>>ACT for Russian

>> No.16840970
File: 20 KB, 326x499, 41DTnvzef5L._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wordsworth crime and punishment had pic related as the cover.
I thought it was fine, really.

>> No.16842012
File: 2.25 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20201120_141142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own quite a few of these op, they're really good value and include introductions with commentary on the book as well as noted in the back. The only negative things is that due to their low price they have to use translations which are in the public domain so they're not always the best also after being read they show obvious wear for example the spines crease a lot but they're still usable.

>> No.16842327

look at the top of his head

>> No.16842331
File: 28 KB, 328x640, ETemzk7WsAEmlQm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no no

>> No.16842405

Does Wordsworth use that really low quality grainy and rough paper you find with a lot of cheap publishers?

>> No.16842491

this cannot be real lmao.

>> No.16842898

>Raskolnikov face after the other woman comes in

>> No.16842944

The translations are cheap which is occasionally bad. It can also be a good thing because they aren't one of the publishers that feel the need to put out unnecessary new translations in order to resell a book most people already own. Their small text is definitely a preference thing, I like it because it means the books aren't oversized but if your eyes aren't great you should probably avoid it.

Their longer paperbacks hold up surprisingly well too. I've read my Moby Dick copy three times and it is in better shape than most Penguins or Vintage books I own. Also some of their covers are perfectly fine

>> No.16844596

I don't think so.
I have Brothers Karamazov which I really like. I got it for like 3-4$ at a book fair in Croatia. The translation is solid and it smells nice, nostalgic even (not sure for what).
I don't mind the 'small print'; it's tiny standing next to my copy of Magic Mountain, but I prefer smaller books.

>> No.16844614

I'd buy their entire stock if the rest of the covers were normal, even blank ones are better. 3-4$ for a 900 page book was a steal for me, I don't often buy books because they're expensive for me.

I hate God because he blessed us with a plague, but I can't go to Croatia for a book fair this year.

>> No.16844657


I actually had this copy. It's very real.

>> No.16844749

I have their complete Dostoevsky solely because they use Constance Garnett. The covers I hide by taping a piece of paper.

>> No.16844838

>The covers I hide by taping a piece of paper.

>> No.16844886


>> No.16845950

no, just opened my wordsworth moby dick although more expensive books have higher quality paper the paper wordsworth uses isnt of the lowest quality its a bit grainy but not much

>> No.16845968

Because even if you don't agree with him, he was still an influential philosopher.

>> No.16847064

I'm not sure if we're thinking about the same thing, but I love that kind of paper in books.

>> No.16847186

Same. Pretty informative endnotes too.

>> No.16847231

I'm talking about the absolute cheapest editions of copyright-free works, where the pages are a faded yellowish-brown and the surface is rough and scratchy like sandpaper. They can be so grainy that the surface resembles a very thin sheet of wood rather than paper.

>> No.16847244

I love how my wordsworth Ulysses smells
Didn't finish reading
I just like it for the arousing fragance

>> No.16847268

What's wrong with the cover? I have a bunch of them, I never noticed anything wrong?

>> No.16847550

They're higher quality that than, but I enjoy that kind of paper in older books. It can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but they're nice.