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16860668 No.16860668 [Reply] [Original]

>Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.
Was Luther a brainlet?

>> No.16860689

He probably got filtered by Aquinas

>> No.16860690
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retard actually used reason to justify reason

>> No.16860695

....that reason is bullshit

>> No.16860702

Except he was right. He correctly predicted that Aquinas' (piss be upon him) autistic "theology" will devolve into deism and pantheism

>> No.16860716

The most heavily secularized countries are all Protestant though?

>> No.16860729

That's not Luther's (pbuh) fault. Prove the connection causal link between prevalence of Protestantism and secularism or your argument is invalid

>> No.16860779

>For centuries, Lutheran Protestant Christianity in Northern Europe and the US taught our ancestors that there was nothing they could do to make God think better of them. Neither good deeds nor giving money to the church was seen as having importance in the eyes of God.
>Protestants are free from obligations to God. They don’t have to live according to strict rules. Instead they have been charged with a rather nebulous task.
>Throughout history, Protestant Christians have tried to manage their freedom in the best possible way. Over time, this has permeated the culture in countries that subscribe to the Protestant tradition, even though Christianity has gradually slipped into the background.
>In Denmark, Sweden, the UK and Germany, this freedom meant that around 500 years ago, citizens started to become what is termed ‘modern’. It occurred after the Reformation in Northern Europe in the first half of the 16th century.
>In this context, ‘modern’ has nothing to do with fashion, but means that people feel more free to make their own decisions without causing others to react negatively to those decisions.
>“One could go as far as to say that the Protestant tradition squeezes out religion, because it rejects the idea that something holy exists here on Earth,” says the researcher.
One can also argue it was the gateway to questioning all sorts of church authority and doctrine. Lutherans are even ordaining women now and marrying homosexuals inside the church.

>> No.16860786

he was an ockhamite nominalist, an antisemite and a g*rman, what the fuck do you expect, obviously he was a brainlet

>> No.16860791

That's actually Aquinas' redeeming character, along with the scholastics in general. The endgoal of Protestantism is some nazi heideggerean bullshit anyway.

>> No.16860794

He was right, just look at the enlightenment and its consequences. Reason is a whore because people can't use it and instead worship it as an alternative to God.
See what happened during the french revolution with all the cult of supreme being retardation or in contemporary times with the worship of government-backed scientists as supreme holders of truth, for example
>people have legit doubts and grievances about vaccination practices
>no we won't audit the corporations making it
>no we won't reconsider
>in fact we'll start skipping proper testing and using the general population as guinea pigs for experimental technologies with the latest covid vaccine and if you question any of this you're a "conspiracy theorist", get fucked
In theory, reason is a good thing and an instrument that betters humanity. In practice, it doesn't work because people default to following authority unless their bellies are empty.