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1688504 No.1688504 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there.

I've been looking at a few nietzsche threads in different philosophy forums and couldn't help but notice the overwhelming amount of Nietzsche-haters that always made sure to be present to throw in some insults.

The usual arguments consist only of basic ad hominem, reference to the nazis and attacking his personal life.

What explains that amount of hatred? Do people feel insulted by Nietzsche's philosophy? Maybe they see themselves in the last man, or maybe they just feel better about themselves when putting him down.

Anyhoo, what's your theory?

>> No.1688520

I don't know the meaning of the mans full work, but I believe that blaming him for the Nazis, is a load of crap heaped onto him. Probably by butthurt Christians

>> No.1688530

Nietzche is an intellectual emo, and everyone seems to hate emos.

That is explained because he had a hard life, and he lost faith in god in his early ages, so, in that way, he was not different from our angry teenagers.

Personally, I think that the criticism is valid, and I understand him.

In a joke way, I like to think that he would have liked Linkin Park.

Also, can't say anything about the nazis.

>> No.1688541


Actually, this usually is just a bad comeback that butthurt people use to try to get back at Nietzsche. His philosophy is actually about overcoming nihilism and giving value to the terrestrial life, it is very optimistic.

>> No.1688542
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dey jus' jelly over DAT 'STACHE.

>> No.1688540

For whatever reason, Nietzsche is the first philosopher that many people read. As a result there are a lot of people who don't really know much about philosophy but who have read Nietzsche and thus come to think they know a great deal about philosophy. Because of this, people who claim an interest in Nietzsche are often met with suspicion and hostility in the philosophy world. Inevitably this also produces some suspicion and hostility toward Nietzsche himself. It's a bit unfortunate that people have such a knee-jerk reaction but it's understandable since it gets pretty irritating after you've encountered a few dozen Nietzsche drones.

>> No.1688565

The man had several physical sicknesses but still welcomed hardship as an inherent factor feeding our ability to surpass challenges and difficulties, therefore making us stronger. He found God dead, and wanted humanity to build something worthy on his grave instead of just deriving to depravity and miserabilism (sup 2011). For nazis, a fucking dishonor, that's what it is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUH1H-b-N5o

>> No.1688582
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I will read him someday.

>> No.1688584

I think Nietzsche is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills Christians and doesn't afraid of anything.

I bought "The Gay Science" a year ago and I still haven't finished reading it.

>> No.1688632

Have read Zarathustra and beyond good and evil. Both amazing work.

One common insult is that Nietzsche is childish. They will say that teenagers will get to love Nietzsche (what kind of teen reads philosophy anyway) and leave him as they grow up.

In fact, it may not be this as much as the fact that they are backward rationalizing the fact that they have dropped their own ambitions and joined they herd by turning their back against Nietzsche. It is more of a sentimental thing than a logical one.

>> No.1688679


damn right, that was hell of a stache

>> No.1688688

Nietzsche-haters has a ring to it.

Kind of like a Terminator.

>> No.1688695


That I did not understand.

>> No.1688703

This is a good answer. It's sad though, because his philosophy is interesting and richer than a 15 year old would think.

>> No.1688735

I think people often dislike him since a great deal of his work is concerned with suffering, and anyone who writes about suffering has to be angsty and emo. I think the general misunderstanding is there's actually a positive outlook on life coming from nietzsche and not just whiny bullshit.

>> No.1688812

I just quoted nietzsche in another thread...

"rather than burning for your teaching, let your teaching come from your own burning."

'nuff said

>> No.1688818

that... i laughed too...
and in some class, sociology of knowledge, i think it was, we read gay science, and some dude said it was the most useless book he ever read... and I pointed out to him, that one only sees what one has eyes for, and he truly and unfortunately never returned to class after that lecture... anyway, Nietzsche, lao tzu and bob marley saved my life, after which came merleau ponty and martin buber

>> No.1688824


Nietzsche is pretty much the exact opposite of an emo. You should try reading him some time. Pretty much his entire project is concerned with exalting how awesome life is and putting down retards who hate it (like christians).

>> No.1688837

If you don't have a good knowledge of the history of philosophy before Nietzsche, it is imperative that you learn about it before reading him. (If you plan on reading The Birth of

Tragedy, read all ancient Greek tragedies and Aristotle's Poetics.) Familiarize yourself with the pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, and

Hegel. Then read Kaufmann's Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist. Only then can you start reading Nietzsche, starting either with The Birth of Tragedy or the Untimely

Meditations and moving chronologically (except for Zarathustra, which you should leave for the end).

>> No.1688866

so others suggest hollingdales translations are more accurate to his true spirit and that kauffman dilutes his less magnanimous and palatable elements

>> No.1688884

Nietzsche is the anti-Emo. You've got him backwards.

>> No.1688900

okay then, favourite Nietzsche quote

Give me ten, and I will return five to you, which is pretty good, since "their is no reward or paymaster."

>> No.1688916

Nietzsche was a heretic,plain and simple.So history doesn't look on him too kindly.Fortunately,we here at /lit/ are beyond petty discussions of religion.

>> No.1688917


"A curiosity like mine is the most agreeable of vices--pardon me! I mean to say that the love of truth has its reward in heaven, and already upon earth."

>> No.1688920

"sometimes the shit sits upon the throne, and the throne upon shit."

>> No.1688921

That's silly. Nobody cares about that. I guess you're American because apparently, in America, it's a big deal if you're an atheist.

>> No.1688923

'God is dead, we have killed him. Must we not become Gods ourselves to be worthy of the deed."

>> No.1688924

So much college in this post.

>> No.1688932

your implication notwithstanding, I was saying, you see in things what you are capable of finding... and besides whatever you see, is your own perspective and apprehension of an otherwise present and objective text, so disparage anything you wish, and lose its 'gift' to you

>> No.1688934

Its only relevant when it reaches America.Comes to U.S to us all.

>> No.1688940

because if Nietzsche's right, and the only constant is will to power, this'll always go on. we're stuck in here.

>> No.1688941


i'll just post another quote, still from loving memory of his texts
'those who write in blood and aphorisms do not want to be read, they want to be learned by heart.'

which somehow reminds me of Geoff Waite's criticism of Nietzsche, 'That he betrayed his readers, by espousing the eternal revaluation of all values, by not offering that some values were worthwhile and eternal.'

>> No.1688944

"God gave his son as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. At once there was end of the gospels! Sacrifice for sin, and in it's most obnoxious and barbarous form: sacrifice of the innocent for the sins of the guilty. What appalling paganism!"

>> No.1688951

from the gay science / the joyous science

"what does your conscience say?" - "You shall become the person you are."

>> No.1689597
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>> No.1689607
File: 25 KB, 300x400, jamie-hyneman-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture of Nietzsche always reminds me of Jamie Hyneman.

>> No.1689614

Ahh,fuck you

>> No.1690237

Nietzsche had a slimmer face

>> No.1690270

Truth hurts. Nazis only interpreted the ubermensch as an excuse for Germans to go on an ego trip, forgetting this apolitical sentiments.