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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 914x650, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16891303 No.16891303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I owe my recent maturation to you guys, so why not. I won't verify my identity because I cannot be associated with this website.

>> No.16891310 [DELETED] 

Give him 1 star on Goodreads and the spam will stop.

>> No.16891320

Look I realize my first book was sloppy, but you don't need to be too harsh. I thought there were a good few captivating moments to be found, ignoring my spelling mistakes (thanks to my editor).

>> No.16891324

I love you, please be my boyfriend.

>> No.16891332

Are you gay? I want your boipussy.

>> No.16891352

I'm not homosexual. I experimented a bit a while ago but did not find any pleasure with the same sex. However, I did enjoy stimulating my prostate. Many great figures have felt similar (Oscar Wilde, Rimbaud, Foucault, Socrates, Wittgenstein, Burroughs, and more).

>> No.16891360

fuck you chinaman

>> No.16891369

Oh and Mishima

>> No.16891390

What's the story behind the romantic failure that drove you to write your book?

>> No.16891410

I exaggerated the story in the book. In real life, I barely ever talked to her. I tried dropping several hints, but now I've learned through experience that you have to be direct. Oh, what a fool I was!

>> No.16891419

Will "L'Academie" see the light of day?

>> No.16891428

I'm thinking of eventually rewriting the entire book. I'd rather publish something complete, so in the meantime I will work on short stories to improve my writing to perfection. Only when I'm confident enough will I return to it.

>> No.16891432

why can't you be associated with this site?

>> No.16891437

This person is a perfect example of dunning-Kruger syndrome, however he knows law 6 and how to use it. He gets props for that no matter how much I despise him.

>> No.16891442

4chan is famous for white supremacy, sexism, anti-semitism, homophobia, ableism, and more. I won't tarnish my reputation.
Perhaps you should read more of my work.

>> No.16891452

what are the odds of me fucking you in the ass tenderly like a real lover, not some dirty fuck in the alley. i would treat you right, i would respect your hole.

>> No.16891465

post something to prove that you're Waldun, otherwise gtfo

>> No.16891467

>I owe my recent maturation to you guys
I read this as masturbation

>> No.16891468

I wouldn't want to meet someone from here. When I do my meetup, I plan on finding someone to ask out. At least they'll be sincere and interested (not to mention that I'd be able to tell whether or not they're hot). Like I said earlier, I have experimented and found no romantic interest among men. Maybe it'll take another one, I'm not too sure. I'll stick with the ladies for now.
I won't tarnish my reputation. If you don't have any questions, feel free to leave.
not funny

>> No.16891472

>owe my recent maturation to you guys
Fuck that's sad.

>> No.16891471

Rice Cuck is it true you are going to become a beatnik now?

>> No.16891476

Post tits of gtfo

>> No.16891481

What's that?
I'm personally greatful. You've sped up my development and I'll become a great writer in no time.

>> No.16891484

>What's that?
You have an offhand list of authors who fingered their assholes but you don't know the beats?

>> No.16891488

Is that a personality type? As an INTJ I'm very exclusive with who I hang out with.

>> No.16891489

Read "open letter to open mided progresives" by moldbug and break free from the fucking chains; if you want to write about mind oppression start by reading that and psychopolitics by byung chul han

>> No.16891496

The jig is up, you're not him. Pathetic LARP.

>> No.16891497

Post tits faggot

>> No.16891504

Moldbug belongs to nrx. Nrx is associated with fascism and eugenics. I don't think so.
Like I said, either ask questions or feel free to leave.
I'll have you know that I'm a man.

>> No.16891509

Absolutely no one, and I mean no one is going to take you seriously unless you are prove you are him, or offer insights that only he could possibly know. So far, neither. Fuck off LARPer.

>> No.16891522

>Moldbug be nazi
fucking effeminate Rice Cock; go fuck your own butt with a spoon

>> No.16891523

Try for a moment to step in my shoes. I'm making a name for myself. If word got out that I posted on here, with evidence, I doubt I could continue academia. I really REALLY don't want trades or sciences again.

>> No.16891548

Dark academia?

>> No.16891550

What's your next book going to be about?

>> No.16891555

>I'm personally greatful. You've sped up my development and I'll become a great writer in no time.
Exactly how has this place helped you mature as an author

>> No.16891561

We don't need to see your driver's license, but you need to say something a little more authentic than some generic shit about a girl you had a crush on and authors who stimulated their prostate.

>> No.16891569

I've literally watched all of Waldun videos, read all his essays dans short stories. I can tell that you're not him.

>> No.16891573

Yes I really like the look of it.
I have the basic idea of a young man running away from his parents to take a job on a train. Each city he stops at, he talks with the locals and develops his own philosophy of life. Basically, the main idea is he's running away from his problems, even while he educates himself.
You've exposed my vulnerabilities, and they've been patched so to speak.
Refer above to the story idea. I'll probably talk about it in a month.
Poor judgement

>> No.16891575

Lol? No one is going to get angry that you made a thread on 4chan.

>> No.16891581

You haven't met my mother

>> No.16891587

Based, my mother has banned me from 4chan like thirty times

>> No.16891588

Interesting idea. Does that story have anything to do with your current situation?

>> No.16891590

is she a chink like you or is she white?

>> No.16891596

>I have the basic idea of a young man running away from his parents to take a job on a train. Each city he stops at, he talks with the locals and develops his own philosophy of life. Basically, the main idea is he's running away from his problems, even while he educates himself.
we get it, you just read On the Road

>> No.16891597

Have you considered reading Evola?

>> No.16891601

Of course, he sees literature as a tourist attraction.

>> No.16891606

Slightly, I admit. I have so much potential. There are many different branches of life available for me to undertake. Its a burden but I still feel as though I'm deluding myself.
Don't use derogatory terms
Most authors draw their inspiration from others
He's a racist
haha very funny

>> No.16891608

Are you a virgin?

>> No.16891618
File: 480 KB, 1000x1850, 1576953749636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which of these have you read

>> No.16891619

Thoughts on Hegel?

>> No.16891627

>Most authors draw their inspiration from others
Most authors don't read a book and immediately write a lesser version of it. The problem with you is still the same. You've lived a boring life. You know else authors do? They write what they know. Don't bother writing some cross-country journey if you've never actually done it.

You know what I found interesting? This post
>You haven't met my mother
That is straight up the most interesting thing out of your mouth (assuming you are in fact you). THAT'S what you should be writing about. What you KNOW.

All you've done is traded one ambition for another, but you're still choosing to write about stuff you don't know. I'm not sure you've actually learned your lesson.

>> No.16891629

If you're really Waldun, what is the name of his short story's library? What have you been taught to do in Minecraft? What is the purpose of education? What was said about how you write about women in your book's critique? If you can't answer these questions with credibility and speed, I see how fast you post, you are not Waldun.

>> No.16891633

Tips on growing a youtube channel?

>> No.16891643

He seems complicated. I watched a few lectures and I think the idea is that God is in the process of self-realization or something and that we're the universe looking back at itself. It seems Buddhist.
If I wrote about my mother she'd kill me.
Use lots of tags and spam it everywhere. Also, pay attention to fads.

>> No.16891648

You're just a Teen who hasn't lived a tough life. You don't chug Heineys, you don't chain smoke, you don't fuck busted up hookers, you don't take oily, foulfully-stenching shits. Your writing puts me to sleep. When you write, it must go like this: bim bim bim. Bim bim bim. Bim bim bim. Bim bim bim. Each line must be an entity unto itself. Each line must be full of a delicious little juice. Each line must have a voltage juice.

>> No.16891649

thoughts on the psyop mindwar between steve bannon gang and all these champagne socialist students online?

>> No.16891653

>write about your mother
unironically the best writing advice

>> No.16891655

>haha very funny
What's so funny about it? You're Chinese. You will never see literature like a Western man. All you're doing is going from tourist attraction to tourist attraction. Your native language isn't even a Western one.

>> No.16891656

Answer fucking larper

>> No.16891659

>If I wrote about my mother she'd kill me.
You never heard the maxim, write something you'd never show your parents?

Listen, you're young, you got a lot to figure out. But I'm telling you you should write what you know. People like authentic books. You don't have that right now and trading Joyce for Kerouac isn't the solution.

I would ACTUALLY be interested to read about your family dynamic. I don't give one shit about another one of your fantasy stories. Just being honest.

>> No.16891660

Tick Tock, OP.

>> No.16891663

Yes, sex is digusting. I will never have sex.

>> No.16891666

See, If I answered your question then there'd be no doubt that I made this thread. I will absolutely not tarnish my reputation. There must be room for doubt.
I'm trying to think about what this means, as it is very cryptic (like Burroughs writing). Thanks I guess.
Okay racist
I'll think about it, but I've lost the approval of my father so I don't want to disappoint mother.

>> No.16891673

>I'll think about it, but I've lost the approval of my father so I don't want to disappoint mother.
I understand it's a hard decision, but if you want to actually create something of worth, that's the path you need to trod.

>> No.16891676

Right here


Chukka Chukka

>> No.16891682

>There will be no doubt... tarnish my reputation
Any fucking midwit could have answered thèse questions with just a few quick searches on YouTube. You're a fag and a larper and don't know shit about Waldun.

>> No.16891685

>Okay racist
It's just the truth, RC. Leave literature for people with a soul. Your ilk is soulless and more apt for numbers and science. If you continue this path that isn't for your, you will continue to be the living image of mediocrity that you currently are. Just quit. No shame in it.

>> No.16891689

Very funny, ahaha
Stop making fun of my race. I'm actually a bit insecure about it.

>> No.16891695

I also doubt it's him. All the answers could be provided by people that know about him. Also, Walden clearly has a big ego, which is why he has a youtube channel where it's just him talking. He clearly loves talking and the idea that people are listening, so the fact that he couldn't going fucking OFF right now with walls of text is out of character to me.

>> No.16891696

1) Where are you from?
2) Tell me WHAT are you contributing to literature with your novel. What are the novelties that none except you could have innovated.
3)Are you an atheist?
4) Don't you know precocious writers die young? You're playing with the devil man.

>> No.16891699

isn't going*

>> No.16891703

Also, the "selfie" is to good to not be one of his videos thumbnails or from his old website.

>> No.16891711

I've had a bit to drink
1) Won't reveal more than my country, Australia.
2) I want to revive literature in my generation.
3) Spiritual Agnostic.
4) I'm staying away from drugs so I'll be fine.

>> No.16891720
File: 147 KB, 800x1224, 1606259879272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you post the Learned Disguise here? I haven't had the chance to buy it.

>> No.16891721

*Other than coffee, lol!

>> No.16891723

>4) I'm staying away from drugs so I'll be fine.
This is why you will never be a good writer.

>> No.16891725

It's not a high res image, it could easily be a screenshot of a video.

See, that was my other idea, that you were drunk (which is the only reason you'd think it was a good idea to come here at all). But drunk people are often even MORE talkative than sober people. Unless your little rice-picker genes have you near to passing out after two beers.

>> No.16891726

Haha! Waldun doesn't drink! You have been caught!

>> No.16891728

I'm sorry but if you're too young to know, even being posted on here associates you w it but answering questions in his guise is enough. Nobody is a child. For that I assume you're fake

>> No.16891731
File: 274 KB, 347x385, 354354353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16891732

It's far too much of an embarrassment. I said earlier that I plan on rewriting the book.
Well I am a hardcore caffeine addict.
I'm celebrating with some sweet Schnopps.

>> No.16891734

What are you drinking? Also, as an alcoholic, I think it's important to not fool yourself into thinking booze isn't a drug

>> No.16891737

Celebrating what?

>> No.16891741

I will never drink more than once a month. There's far too much to lose.
I passed an exam that I thought I bombed. I haven't been putting too much time into my studies as of late.

>> No.16891747

OP hasn't even read The Learned Disguise: Selected Fragments. He doesn't even know Waldun gets fucked up on whiskey. Cringe!!

>> No.16891748

Best reply lmao

>> No.16891751

It's plausible that /lit/ has traumatized him into drinking. If he is really here, I doubt he'd decide to do it sober.

>> No.16891753

He drank in his celebration episode i think

>> No.16891755

You know that it's too late now? Even if it is a larp, some people will believe that it is you, keep a link of the warosu page and anyone could know at any time that Waldun browsed /lit/. At least give us one proof if it's really you.

>> No.16891756

What drugs do I need to start with to become good at writing? I'm already hooked on caffeine.

>> No.16891760

He said it was non-alcoholic tbdesu.

>> No.16891764

I won't lie. This is the first time in my life I have ever felt depressed. It's not debilitating and I can still function normally, but I feel like a fraud.
As long as there's room for doubt I'm safe.

>> No.16891766

This and nobody cares. If you get caught posting racist shit that'll bite you in the ass but going on a website is what tyt did.

>> No.16891770

Psychedelics, kratom, and ketamine.

>> No.16891775

I forgot, tried to cheers through the video and he cut it off before then like a hoe

Whoever this is, that's called your quarter-life crisis. Dw about it it goes away about 25-26

>> No.16891776

heroin (in minecraft)

>> No.16891781

I'm at the point where any more drama would make me a recluse. Maybe I need to go all Thoreau on everyone.

>> No.16891784

>selfie is a screenshot of his own video

>> No.16891786
File: 435 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 21.46.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is him

>> No.16891788

Even my mom said that I look handsome in that picture!

>> No.16891789

Whoever tf you are, just do whatever makes you happy. It wasn't until semi-recently that our species started living past 21 on the average

>> No.16891790

Life is hard kiddo, and it doesn't get easier.
Channel this pain and experience into future writing.

>> No.16891793

Another great suggestion in this thread. Thank you, anonymous poster!

>> No.16891796

It's in his video and he's not popular

It's a screenshot you moron and nobody brings up their mom like that unless they're being personal

>> No.16891797

What should I do as an aspiring writer?

>> No.16891801
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He unironically looked swanky in his Gravity's Rainbow video.

>> No.16891803

You're asking the wrong guy.

>> No.16891804

It has the camera lights on it, what faggot takes selfies like a retard on their equipment unless they're testing it and he's talking there

>> No.16891810

Like I said, there can't be any room for doubt. It's a save screen capture from one of my videos. If I had posted a unique photo, I would be screwed.
Write 500-1000 words everyday. All that matters is that you're writing. It's also helpful to get into a flow state. That's how the pros do it (protip).

>> No.16891813

gee, what an ugly bastard.

>> No.16891817

blind leading the blind right here, lol

>> No.16891820

You might call me ugly, but I have all the women to choose from in my fanbase! Who's laughing now??? Ha ha ha haha. :(

>> No.16891827

Confirmed not the chink.

>> No.16891830

I'll have you know there's one /lit/ poster who calls him a "very pretty sissy" and desperately wants to sodomize him.

>> No.16891833

You can't tell a joke, can you...

>> No.16891834

Are you a virgin bro, be straight up

>> No.16891838

Okay, I'm the anon that doesn't believe it's you and just in case it is really you; I really did watch all your videos and read all your stories and essays. And I want to say that despite the shit writing, the arrogance and your horrible accent when speaking french (though I'm sure you're putting some efforts in it) I always liked you. You seem like a charming guy, full of potential and dreams. It may seem like it is the end and that you've ridiculed yourself for life, but you still have a long road before you, you'll experience what life has to offer and you will only become better because of it, may it be through humbling experience such as this one or through success. I'll tell you what I've always said on every Waldun thread: I really wish to see you succeed at whatever it is that you will want to do. If it's really you, godspeed RC. But if you're a larper, kys retard.

>> No.16891841

I'm not surprised, this place is full of all sorts of fucked up people.

>> No.16891847

I've engaged in oral but have never done penetration.
I'm printing this post out. It's the support from people like you that keeps me going.

>> No.16891852

>I've engaged in oral but have never done penetration.
I fucking knew it. The way you wrote that romance stuff gave me major virgin vibes.

Ok that's first order of life experience. You want to be like Kerouac? That guy fucked like a rabbit. Get that lil rice-stalk pee-shooter out in the Melbourne streets and write your legend in seed.

>> No.16891854

Jesus Christ. Am I on R*ddit? ffs

>> No.16891861

Are you instructing R. C. to voyeurize?

>> No.16891862

Kys newfag

>> No.16891869

No, I don't want to be like Kerouac. Also, I've heard he was a bit homosexual himself. My mom wouldn't like it.

>> No.16891871

I think I will reserve sex for someone really special. I want my first time to be extraordinary! Also I might be an anti-natalist but I don't know yet.
not me

>> No.16891872

Damn straight. He needs a crash course in pink flesh, red lips, and dreamless sleep.

>> No.16891876

There's nothing more newfag than sucking that chink's cock right way, like you did.

>> No.16891885

Am I gay for enjoying it? hjahaha!

>> No.16891887

I wouldn't mind doing it for research. But I wouldn't do it for pleasure.
Do you have any recommendation?

>> No.16891890

Imitation is the most sincere form of flatter

>> No.16891897

I can tell that you weren't even there yet for the other Waldun threads. You reek of an insecure boy that wants to fit in.

>> No.16891899

Also that's not my type of proses

>> No.16891903

>Do you have any recommendation?
I told gave you my recommendation Mr Rice. And you already know it, you crooned it in your latest video. You want to live don't you? You want to feel the hairs on your neck stand on end and your heart beating out of your chest?

Get any idea of writing something worthwhile in the next five years right out of your head because it's not going to happen. Improve your craft. And fucking live a little.
I really do think you should write about your family. Ponder that for a few years.

>> No.16891909

I want to live life at the fullest but I'm not sure if sex would be interesting enough. I don't know where to start.

>> No.16891915

You start with her hand, work your way up the arm to the shoulder, then the back, neck, hair, cheek, and finally we arrive to the lips. After that, biology takes over.

>> No.16891916

I am Waldun. Stop trying to be me

>> No.16891917

I was there. You're the faggot always writing him lengthy faggy messages like that.

>> No.16891919

Can I please please date you? I'm really lonely and really want a lit bf

>> No.16891921

What's the name of the tripfag that did the vocaroos newfag?

>> No.16891923


>> No.16891925

That's interesting. I would be exploring that for one of my next books. Sexuality has always been a weird part of existence for me.

>> No.16891931

Ok I'm vanquished.

>> No.16891934

Cigarettes are enough, anything past that depends on goals

>> No.16891935

I'm always here babe. You -are- a female right?

>> No.16891938


>> No.16891939

Rice you really should use a tripcode to avoid confusion

>> No.16891947

Umm... n.. no

>> No.16891948


>> No.16891952

okay guys its me walden and im op and this is all a ruse. gtfo of here

>> No.16891954

Good idea. Any more questions?

>> No.16891955

This. If you don't know how, write in the name section


>> No.16891958

You, sir, are a liar!

>> No.16891959


Just name isn't enough, people can copy it. Use a tripcode

>> No.16891968


>> No.16891969

Alright. I will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.16891975

You are not me. Stop trying to deceive people, you villain!

>> No.16891976

same to you!

>> No.16891979

>many great fingers have felt similar
honestly, you missed a chance to cement yourself there bud

>> No.16891981

Hey Waldun, have you started reading The Road yet? How are you liking it so far? Are you still going to read Blood Meridian?

>> No.16891990


For people who say Brother Dun doesn’t drink. Could be a LARP, though, who knows.

>> No.16891999

He doesn't drink. It's only for the photo and muh dark academia style.

>> No.16892004

Bannon? Haven't heard that name in years....

>> No.16892037

embarrassing teenage-like fetishization of alcohol

>> No.16892042

>I'm a hardcore caffeine addict
Nigger, until you have stayed up for 3 consecutive days fuelled by nothing but shitty grocery store coffee and experienced mania induced by chronic forced sleep deprivation, you know nothing of being a caffeine addict.

>> No.16892048

I was kidding, lol. I only drink 2 cups of black coffee a day. Sometimes I'lll add cream and sugar but it's not healthy.

>> No.16892072

can you fuck off back youtube and larping as a writer?

>> No.16892076

Read some of my newer work

>> No.16892085

Everything about this fucking guy is a larp. His last video was basically a confession that his whole image was bogus and he didn't even like those books. Now he reads On the Road and wants to write a road trip story. Idk man. I know he's a kid and he's yet to "find himself" but in the words of Holden Caulfield, he's a phony.

>> No.16892089

This sounds absolutely dreadful, especially if you had to work. I'd probably give up and go to sleep after 1.5 days.

>> No.16892095


>> No.16892122

>in the words of Holden Caulfield, he's a phony.
>unironically quoting the book
You're the phony lmao

>> No.16892129


>> No.16892134

Rice Cope Waldun

>> No.16892139

Guys can anyone explain Deluze to me? What the fuck is a body without organs?

>> No.16892140

Waldun buddy. Do this: unpublish your YouTube channel and stop posting on 4chan, and read some really prole books and some YA since you're only 20. Stop trying to act as some tenured 40-something Jordan Peterson-type schmuck and get some friends to get absolutely wasted with. You're only 20 years old and you should be acting like it, sincerely I mean this. You'll be 45 and a professor maybe someday and you'll wish you hadn't been so at 20 years old. Grow up gracefully and that means acting your (young) age.

>> No.16892147

This reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend at McDonalds. He said something similar. I desperately need women in my life so I'll keep the channel up for that purpose. Anyways I will reflect on this when I do yoga tomorrow.

>> No.16892164

>I desperately need women in my life so I'll keep the channel up for that purpose.
This guy's a #MeToo waiting to happen LOL

>> No.16892195


>> No.16892196

I seriously doubt it's you, but hopefully in spite of the nastiness you can learn something from us. Your proses are dogshit

>> No.16892215

When will The Learned Disguise 2.5 Dream Drop Distance be coming out?

>> No.16892227

Homophobia despite half the board wanting to fuck him in the ass, lol

>> No.16892235
File: 84 KB, 1128x969, 1584449459763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waldo-sama, do you, think there is any more required reading, before tackling, or should I says undertaking, you're debut novel, the learned disguise

>> No.16892256

Stop posting, Curtis.

>> No.16892279

I have, and it’s pretentious and faux soulful. I’ve also seen your videos. You want to pretend you occupy a higher self than you really do, which exposes your insecurity.

>> No.16892292

wow I did not know that
>start with the greeks
meant: read the greeks and then skip to the contemporary (or what else you are interested in)

>> No.16892304
File: 89 KB, 496x370, waldun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16892334
File: 10 KB, 150x200, humbert_humbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Lolita. I am interested in your thoughts on it, and besides, if you are interested in beautiful proses then you have to start reading Nabokov.

>> No.16892476

rice cuck has left the building

>> No.16892540

>postmodern chuclekfucks
>genre shit
>Harry Potter and Mein Kampf (guessing these are jokes)
>A meme philosopher like Whitehead
>Fucking Taleb
Terrible list. This place has become a joke

>> No.16892547

Let people read what they want and suck on your thumb and shut it

>> No.16892549


>> No.16892822

the 2014 list had postmodern lit on it and more genre lit on it too

>> No.16892882


>> No.16893426

>191 replies of a fake premise by a literal who
>40 posters
I know this is zoomer's central, so just make a Discord and stop shitting up the board.

>> No.16893508

I wish there would be a Waldun-imposter tripfag instead of Butterfly. This guy's impression is funny

>> No.16893554

Your wish shall be granted

>> No.16893823

>Why r u drinking in the midle of the day

>> No.16893849

unironically who are you and what you wrote?
I've seen a few threads with your face but always ignored them for whatever reason

>> No.16893920

Only good post ITT

>> No.16893933

Why do you look like a woman?

>> No.16893941

Post bussy

>> No.16893948


>> No.16893960

What part of ANONYMOUS board do you REDDITORS not UNDERSTAND? You are not real. You have no ego. You are a program. You are software, NOT hardware.

>> No.16893976

You're a good man; I admire your positivity. Keep on keeping on, bro, and don't let the bedbugs bight

>> No.16893987

This statement reeks of insecurity. That's a yikes from me.

>> No.16894122
File: 62 KB, 719x719, Weeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claim to be Waldun
>Don't want to post information that might prove I'm on 4chan
>Happy to post about sex life
Terrible larp. At least the time zone's plausible.

>> No.16894145
File: 268 KB, 1212x1000, waldun_friendzoned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe someone who wrote this could've also sucked someone's cock or had someone suck his

>> No.16894152
File: 291 KB, 1236x1164, waldun_wingman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read this shit, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a khv

>> No.16894155
File: 464 KB, 1852x1036, walden_white_family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16894173
File: 82 KB, 1300x909, 6975118-young-man-holding-up-a-gun-with-the-focus-on-his-face-he-is-wearing-sunglasses-and-is-isolated-on-wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is even the purpose of this thread when you're unwilling to verify? post your feet with time stamp or gtfo

>> No.16894190

No! *I* am R. C. Waldun.

>> No.16894280

Serious question, why do you have the pen name R. C. Waldun instead of Robin Wu, and why aren't you promoting more East Asian literature on your channel? Fuck all the band kid newfags, ignore them. I don't trust you to be him but whatever

>> No.16894301

so that terrible book is his only work?

>> No.16894426


It's the asian nose and the height

>> No.16894441


>> No.16894466

Who the hell are you and why do u think ur so important? U ugly chink